(2008/08) Aug 2008

Colette at Tanglin Mall? Any other locations? I hv been to Isetan Scotts, OG Orchard, Mothercare/ Robinson Centrepoint, Kiddy Palace (HDB Hub)...
mae looks really good in the pic! are you going to frame this up? you should if you are not thinking to do so!

robinson sale!
i didnt receive any mailer too. hmmpf! i was still thinking yesterday about robinson sale coz i might need to get some linen and sheets! any additional discount for members?

Dun worry, they will eventually send you the assessment. Sometimes, it can be as late as November.


Hope Nandini will recover soon... it must have been difficult since your mum went home.. Is your FIL helping you?
hmm...so u consider those shoes there not very nice har? =P
cos diff people diff standard, so i'm not very sure about the type of shoes u need le.
i've got a pair of size 2 dress shoes from a shop in tanjong pagar mrt station before, but dunno will it be a wasted trip to u anot cos its a small shop.
Hi Mummies,
I came across this enrichment centre, BiBiNogs (http://www.bibinogs.com/). They have a new outlet in UE Square and I was wondering if anyone would like to join the trial class.

Location: UE Square
Day: Saturday
Time: 1.15pm
Duration: 1hr 15mins
Group size: 5-8 babies
Cost: $48 (may be able to negotiate for a group discount, unconfirmed)

1) Yuuri
Hi Mummies,
I came across this enrichment centre, BiBiNogs (http://www.bibinogs.com/). They have a new outlet in UE Square and I was wondering if anyone would like to join the trial class.

Location: UE Square
Day: Saturday
Time: 1.15pm
Duration: 1hr 15mins
Group size: 5-8 babies
Cost: $48 (may be able to negotiate for a group discount, unconfirmed)

1) Yuuri
2) ruixuan
Hi Mummies,
I came across this enrichment centre, BiBiNogs (http://www.bibinogs.com/). They have a new outlet in UE Square and I was wondering if anyone would like to join the trial class.

Location: UE Square
Day: Saturday
Time: 1.15pm
Duration: 1hr 15mins
Group size: 5-8 babies
Cost: $48 (may be able to negotiate for a group discount, unconfirmed)

1) Yuuri
2) ruixuan
3) mrsgan
I help you ask them if can open morning slots. Will update you again.

Update on group pricing:
The original $48 trial fees is excluding 7% gst.
There is a 5% discount for group signup. After adding gst, it's $48.80 nett.

Hi Mummies,
I came across this enrichment centre, BiBiNogs (http://www.bibinogs.com/). They have a new outlet in UE Square and I was wondering if anyone would like to join the trial class.

Location: UE Square
Day: Saturday
Time: 1.15pm
Duration: 1hr 15mins
Group size: 5-8 babies
Cost: $48.80 (group discount)

1) Yuuri
2) ruixuan
3) mrsgan

Tats me! But I hv no access to FB in office. Asked my IT guy to gie me access he said cannot. GNS, he was playing mahjong on FB ytd.

I hvn't been to Colette. Only saw the collection in OG Orchard. Maybe will go look see look see this weekend.
Hi Mummies,
I came across this enrichment centre, BiBiNogs (http://www.bibinogs.com/). They have a new outlet in UE Square and I was wondering if anyone would like to join the trial class.

Location: UE Square
Day: Saturday
Time: 1.15pm
Duration: 1hr 15mins
Group size: 5-8 babies
Cost: $48.80 (group discount)

1) Yuuri
2) ruixuan
3) mrsgan
4) aurora

Yuuri, Catherine,
hehee.. if u manage to negotiate something with stage and such, pls PM me k? Cos i dun check forum so frequently liao.. more on FB. LOL..

hahahaaaa.... dog goes quack quack??!!!! ROFL :p
my hubby receive the mailers from robinson. we went today but only got a pair of shoe for myself.

hahah..... he don't need to know how to unbuckle. he just need to know how to remove the shoulder straps can liao. cos once that is off, it will become easier for him to wiggle out liao.

i think the rubber soles shooshoo should be ok for our baby to walk but not the soft leather sole. the soft leather sole will be too slippery.

i'm using the peg pegro stroller. maybe cos he is small size loh. my stroller is like still very big for him kind. hahaha.....

mrs teng,
happy birthday.
Hi Mummies,
I came across this enrichment centre, BiBiNogs (http://www.bibinogs.com/). They have a new outlet in UE Square and I was wondering if anyone would like to join the trial class.

Location: UE Square
Day: Saturday
Time: 1.15pm
Duration: 1hr 15mins
Group size: 5-8 babies
Cost: $48.80 (group discount)

1) Yuuri
2) ruixuan
3) mrsgan
4) aurora
5) mel_Ocean
I came across this enrichment centre, BiBiNogs (http://www.bibinogs.com/). They have a new outlet in UE Square and I was wondering if anyone would like to join the trial class.

Location: UE Square
Day: Saturday
Time: 1.15pm
Duration: 1hr 15mins
Group size: 5-8 babies
Cost: $48.80 (group discount)

1) Yuuri
2) ruixuan
3) mrsgan
4) aurora
5) apriltan
I came across this enrichment centre, BiBiNogs (http://www.bibinogs.com/). They have a new outlet in UE Square and I was wondering if anyone would like to join the trial class.

Location: UE Square
Day: Saturday
Time: 1.15pm
Duration: 1hr 15mins
Group size: 5-8 babies
Cost: $48.80 (group discount)

1) Yuuri
2) ruixuan
3) mrsgan
4) aurora
5) mel_Ocean
6) apriltan

There will be a 5-10% discount off course fees if we intend to sign up, depending on the number of sign-ups.

Only managed to find out the group price for Stage&Such is $25....but same thing, told me we have to book online separately.
Yes i am gonna send Kai in when he turns 18 mths cos if not i have to wait for the next intake which is 1 yr later! it's an ok age since he'll join the toddler class and not into the infant class.
teachers, kids-teacher ratio, food - hygiene level overall too, compound - do you like it to be aircon or big outdoor playground, mix of kids and teachers, how they shower, toilet facilities and safety. also the distance - quite high priroity to me cos i don't want my kids to travel too far to go school.
thanks!! today, i saw 2 ccs..see until i BLURRRRR. haha...
aiyo...i forgot to check on the toilets!!
ermm...ask u ah...if the price is cheap, does it mean that it's not good???

I go n add u in facebook ltr

nice shoe shop.... u can go PS, there r a few there. Then at Tanglin Mall too. Kiddy Palace with big area sometimes hv nice ones though.

reading book in the car is the same as watching tv in the car too. Sometimes reading book is worse for the eyes coz of the sunlight n motion.

hope N recovers soon!!

BB M just had a painful days due to her molar. she really cried til her voice was rough n sore...... n vomit n fever....

now ok n playful again.
its me that say shooshoos not suitable. I showed my pd and he said the soft sole not suitable for walking plus its slippery.
anyone here using the lightweight stroller called umbrella stroller?

I thought of buying one but heard that it break easily.

I also intend to send SL to CC at 18th months.
<font color="#CD3278">M2B</font>
That's a beautiful shot of Mae!! She looks like she's laughing heartily!

Btw, Mae doesn't wriggle out of the car seat ah? Ashley sometime does so even when the straps are kind of at their shortest, she still can *grrr*

I sit behind with her, so even when she cries, I refuse to pick her up.. Sometime she stops after awhile, otherwise she might go on &amp; on.. haiz

<font color="#CD3278">timmin</font>
Eh, I thought you already kind of shortlisted the CC near your place?
cayla also kena super high fever, 39 degrees over the weekend &amp; now started to get some rashes on her body... but the rashes doesnt look like the "fake measles" she got the other time... it's fewer spots &amp; bigger &amp; well spaced apart... duno what's that...so sianzz...

today is 09.09.09, HB sent me a bouquet of 199 roses, very BIG &amp; beautiful, even the big sized delivery man told me it's very heavy... so many colleagues came to my cubicle to admire my roses... another surprise is that he bought another bouquet with 9 + 9 roses with a winnie the pooh hugging the 18 roses &amp; put cayla's name as sender... i was over the moon then... took half day &amp; went for high tea at ritz carlton... nothing much as it's english high tea only...
nope, i don't think cheap means bad. like the kindy (PCF ones) I know in Jurong West, they are cheap and excellent!
morning mommies. =)

thx, but also must see got any1 interested to go in the morning anot lor. =P

oic....look like really nothing much to buy in this sale ya?

think this colette has another branch in forum rite?
else, forum got lotsa kiddos shops also. =)

can put bonjela on meredith teeth?
think it works for zynn lor.

ai yo, u so lucky.
ya lor, also dunno who kept away my robison mailer...post women? =P

agreed, cheap not = bad.
my gal's PCF is not bad, can see much improvement in her.
some PCF do teach computer &amp; phonics also.
