(2008/08) Aug 2008

Not sure if its got to do with foremilk or hindmilk but I read somewhere it has got to do with the food you eat.
Dunno how true but my milk got a slight bluish tint to it.. but cannot be I eat food with blue coloring lor.. maybe lots of Blue M&Ms...

Yes in office but becos my boss sometimes log in FB so I cannot let her see me online, haha!

haha blue M&Ms... i didnt eat alot of yellowish food leh. mine look abit thick and yellow lor, it have been like this for more than half a year liao.

your tofu recipe sounds interesting. do i need to test jonah for allergy to ginger/ spring onion/ sesame oil? so u steam the entire pc of tofu then put some fish slices on top? never eat like that before leh. i'm trying to combine one veg and one meat in my tofu dish but it always ends up looking very gross. thank god jonah is not a fussy eater and will eat whatever we put in his mouth :p any other foods that are high in calcium? i need to beef up his iron/ calcium intake liao.


hmmm...i dun really know. i'm tempted to give cheese sticks and i'm pretty sure jonah can finish the entire stick, coz' he always cries for more after that one wedge of president cheese spread. but i'm really scared about the sodium content. kraft has one of the highest sodium content and i can't find any other suitable brand. the only other one i saw that day was some organic brand that costs a bomb!
ya, think quite a few mommies here play those games also leh...hee hee...every time log in fb, sure got some1 publish their "result" 1 ya?
i also lazy to play those game leh. =P

my BF days died a natural death but i'm thankful i lasted till jonah was 1 (my personal aim anyway). now my breasts also shrink...so sad. but sometimes when i squeeze still got a bit of milk flow out...to remind me of my BF days, haha.
hi mummies!
i'm really happy! finally managed to get E used to cow's milk. he no longer struggles with having milk in his magmag cup. yay! and since he has been consistently drinking uht from his magmag cup willingly, i decided to try him again on fresh milk. bought pura today and he drank it without any struggle! yay!
What's the price of the CB Calendula cream per tub? I need to go check if I still have supply stocked up.

Re: FB games
My hubby and frenz are like crazy over the FB games. When I asked my hb to bathe my gal, he told me to wait for a while coz he needs to harvest in Farmville 1st. GNS. So I juz wait lor. Luckily not asking him to make milk. If not, my Velle cry until her lungs come out, her dad's still doing his farming...Hahahhaa....
ur hb win liao lor....
think that happen to my col, both her hb and her go home 1st thing fight for computer....to farm.
hahha.... your hubby sound like me leh. i always tell hubby wait, i need to get someone to harvest my farm first.

we don't have to fight cos i have 4 laptops sitting at home now. hahahah....
two laptops for you, one for hb and one for yu ze is it?

great! I like pura best, cos of the taste. Then magnolia... now you can bring E travelling without packing milk bottle and FM powder! shiok!

I think you very very good already. met your target, remember you were telling me that its very difficult and you need to buy a new pump and to wake up early to pump? you were very diligent and delicated! Give yourself two pats on your back for job well done!
how about drugstore? is the CB Cal cream cheaper? I don't mind getting one or two tubs.

let me know... k?
snow74 & rona,
hahaha.... we originally have a laptop each mah that makes 2 at home liao. then cos i mc at home now, i have office laptop at home too + the new netbook that i just bought so now we have 4 sitting at home. if hubby bring his school one back then we got 5. hahah.....
Hi tree,

I bought the CB cream fm another mommy who organised CB spree. It's so much cheaper than in singapore. Outside I saw it costs abt S$29.90 and Overseas spree per tub cost abt $17 for 2oz. It's so much cheaper
How do you rate Zynn's cake from Pine Garden? I juz called dem for a quotation. Thinking of getting the top tier (1kg) in Triple Layer Chocolate and the bottom tier (2kg) in Lychee Martini. Sounds pretty reasonable and near my place too.
my concern is....u need space to store so many laptop wor... -_-"

that time when forex is high, we bought cb cream @ sg$17.20 lor.
should be around that price lah.

that is exactly what i've ordered....hee hee...
for my case, its taste quite nice lor.
but some of them commented their triple layer chox very sweet, so think gotta depend on luck ya?
i got 1 friend ate a few pcs leh, should be consider nice bah. =)
drugstore cb cream is us$10.88, + free domestice shipping if total above us$49. =)
now forex rate should be around 1.47+, u can aga aga calculate lor. =P

great job! i haven't experimented much with jonah yet. will be thankful if he can finish his milk. and nope, the boy can't even drink from straw cup. recently he has been rejecting juice from sippy cup with soft teat. *faintz* dunno what he wants man! we've gone back to feeding him juice by spoon.


yeah, glad those days are over. just brought my pump to infantree for servicing on sat. the pump was almost falling apart by the time i was ready to give up BF.


gd idea. i think i'll let jonah try spinach again next week. tried 2x before he was 1 year and everytime he ate, he'd poo a lot. hope his system can digest better this time, heehee.
At last, the work day is over... I am going home liao. having a bad sore throat. Take care, pals. Keep posting. I look forward to catching up wif you tmr morning!
i bought pura cos it's the only prodt of australia. cos he was drinking organic uht milk frm aust, so i thot better buy aust milk...hoping that taste wld be similar. thank God he drank it willingly! *phew*

E's only drinking 100-140ml tho for that feed. but that has always been his smallest feed. haven't dropped another feed yet.

have you tried feeding from cup directly? E has been experimenting drinking from cup during bath time. heehee...

re: body wash
recently, i realised that the mustela body wash & moisturiser that E has been using contains the preservative paraben. i read up on paraben and it seems that if digested, it's ok. cos our digestive system will neutralise the paraben. but if applied to the body, it'll be absorbed directly by skin into bloodstream. controversy of using paraben surfaced when a sample of 20 women with breast cancer were tested and traces of paraben was found in tissues of 18 of them. it suggested that paraben remains in the breast tissues. just a note of caution to read labels of products before purchasing them. obviously i freaked out after reading all the articles and i changed his body wash & moisturiser to gaia. my fren told me that avent contains paraben too.
That's great!

So are you going to replace one more BF feed with cow's milk? I spoon fed D some more cow's milk during afternoon tea with rice krispies. Not together tho. Like one spoon of RK, then another spoon of milk. He took more than the 1st time I introed.. which I guess is a good sign.

But I tell you.. D absolutely LOOOOOOOOVES suckling - every 2-3 hours must suckle one time. Can faint. Really dunno what to do. Maybe really have to let him go cold turkey already.
wah seh! no wonder ur D so bah bah. heehee...
2-3hrly quite shiong on u right?

yeah...next feed to go will be the 11am feed. not sure when i wanna do that tho. heehee... i tink he took a few days to get used to the new milk and that he was not gonna get anything else. keep persevering!!
Well.. I'm used to it already but it can be quite frustrating when I know that all he wants is a suckle.. and is actually not really hungry to begin with.

Ya.. will keep on trying. With lots of perseverance and prayer.. I'm sure it's doable. It's only a matter of time!! Haha..
hahah.... no problem lah. not that we on all at the same time. just put all of them in study room table side by side loh.

i remember you have try different brands of breast pump right. how would you rate them? though i stop pumping for about 2 months liao, my avent pump still sit beside my bed. hahah.... don't know when i will keep it but will definitely send it for servicing before warranty expire. hopefully can get a brand new motor and keep for #2 in future. think very far hoh. hahaha.....
<font color="#CD3278">Medusa</font>
Intended to start her on FM over the weekend, but coz she broke out in high fever then, we decided to hang in there.. Must intro her sometime this week though! Coz next Mon night, I've got to work late, cannot latch her on liao...

U've got any FBM? Can use tt to tahan till Ramadan's over? Btw, if you're still BF, wld this be grounds to not fast?

<font color="#CD3278">ms apple</font>
heheh, quite scary indeed when u say it goes out of shape.. Like medusa, me already small to begin with.. Can't imagine how things wld be?!

After u stop BF Aisleyne, make sure u really bu urself.. U're so thin! And when Aisleyne gets really active, u need alot more energy

<font color="#CD3278">dongle</font>
*jia you* Will pray tt the next one tt comes along wld be of real help!!

Wah lau,30 min to make the bed.. If she does it like hotel standards, i've got nothing to say..

Cayla's so cute! And she can really say lots of things.. Clever ger! Ashley can't even call us nor call for food.

But she can 'dance' though.. hahah! Not too jialat afterall...

<font color="#CD3278">krex</font>
Just wondering here.. Maybe Jonah likes solids more than milk, maybe tt's why he doesn't really want them..

Oh yes, dark green veg also has calcium.. hahah! You want to try soya milk??

<font color="#CD3278">timmin</font>
Since u've been experimenting on milk, ask u sthg.. Which of the 2 is better in terms of nutrients? FM or UHT (or Freshmilk)

Oh goodie, u're one step closer to weaning E off

<font color="#CD3278">Wendy</font>
Hmm, sounds like cold turkey might be one way to get him to suckle less.. He suckles like he's still at the newborn stage leh

Press on dear!!
<font color="aa00aa">mummynana</font>
its US$21.05 for 2, can split if you only need one.

<font color="aa00aa">rona</font>
Drugstore selling US$12.09 for 1 so Amazon is slightly cheaper as it works out to $10.525 per bottle.

<font color="aa00aa">Amazon Spree for Calendula Cream &amp; Desitin Creamy</font>
Am also getting Desitin from Amazon, its US$16.58 for 2 as well..

<u>Calendula Cream</u>
1. Vern x 2
2. M2B x ?
3. Shint x 2

<u>Desitin Creamy</u>
1. Vern x 2
2. Shint x 2
<font color="aa00aa">Mrs Teng</font>
Once again, another beautiful creation!
really can open a shop liao!

<font color="aa00aa">M2B</font>
ok noted, will let you know

goat one? hmmm very unqiue wor.. how's the smell :p
Hi mummies,
I was so busy planning and preparing for Kaitlyn's first birthday party until I'd no time to follow the thread. Her birthday party was held at my place on Sunday. The theme was pink and purple, hubby and I did all the balloons and decor ourselves. Here are some photos.


Personalized banner


Floating pink and purple balloons filled with helium. We rented a medium helium tank from Party Joy at Parkway Parade.


Attached this bunch of mylar balloons to the left of her high chair.


The 3 balloon bouquets that hubby and I did, using the balloons that I'd bought from Bargain Balloons and Birthday Express.

Her two-tier birthday cake from Pine Garden. Top tier was Hazelnut Chocolate Crunch, bottom tier was Lychee Martini. The cake was very scrumptious! My guests kept raving about it. Many of them had second helpings, some even third! But we'd made a mistake, we should have gotten Hazelnut Chocolate Crunch as the bottom tier instead of the top. It was more popular than the Lychee Martini.

Just a word of caution, please do not order from Stamford Catering. We had them as our caterer for the party. The food was ATROCIOUS! All of my guests gave negative comments about the food. My parents, hubby and I swore it was the worst tasting buffet we'd ever eaten in our entire lives! I ordered these items.

1. Signature Curry Chicken with Potatoes - Tough texture
2. Chicken Chop with Thai Style Plum Dip - Soggy and tasteless
3. Cantonese Style Dory Fillet with Soya Sauce - Fish has a smell to it
4. Fragrant Garlic Pepper and Salt Prawns - Soggy and tasteless
5. Foo Yong Egg - No comments
6. Nonya Chap Chye - Small portions, cabbages looked so yellowish
7. Crispy Seafood Salad Roll with Tartar Dip - Sourish smell and taste
8. Wok-Fried Rice with Crabstick &amp; Golden Crispy Garlic - Rice was too salty, crabstick tasted weird
9. Cheng Tng with Snow Fungus and Dry Longan (Cold) - No comments
10. Homemade Barley Drink (Cold) - Tasteless right from the start

I had lots of leftover food. My guests were asking me who was the caterer. When I told them it was Stamford, they couldn't believe it. They commented that the food from the caterer for Kaitlyn's full month party was way nicer than this. I'd ordered from YLS for her full month party. Hubby and I were so embarassed and upset about this. I mean, who has never heard of Stamford before? For a caterer like Stamford who is well known in the catering industry, you would expect nicer tasting food than this.
Happy 1st birthday to Jerold! May he be happy and healthy always!

Which indoor playground is fun? I am thinking of bringing Kaitlyn there on her birthday this Friday. Can you please recommend?

Mummies who bought the Doidy cup,
Is the cup good? I'm thinking of getting one for her. I intend to fill the cup with plain water first and train her to drink from it. If successful, then I can train her to drink her milk from it as well. IF she is willing to. Because it is so tedious to keep spoonfeeding her.
yah but hoh very tired leh. have not been sleeping well for the past 2 nights. yesterday is worst, don't know if i happen to pull my hand too hard that i feel pain throughout. can't really sleep. will monitor how later, if still very bad i think i will go GP.
then u really gotta wake up very early.
cos i start work @ 8, also need to wake up at 6.15 le. =(

ai yo, then u better go see dr leh.
else next time raining days pain pain then jiak lark liao.


which website? i tot leafy veg mainly high in iron but calcium i'm not sure leh. i'm giving jonah a lot of broccoli these days. superfood!


i think jonah takes better to cup but most of it spills out anw. recently he's begun to stick out his tongue to contain the water better, so even if he just tastes the water, it excites him just as well. hopefull one day he can swallow the water straight from the cup, haha.

oh, i use GAIA also, since jonah was born. i like their pdts, but it seems that the diaper cream wasn't gd enough when jonah was pooing many times a day last time while on BM. we had to use desitin or drapolene instead. other than that, i think their shampoo and body wash is great! i bought mustela also but it was the kind that had to be applied on the body and didn't really dissolve well in the bath. thought of using it later when he's older and can use shower gel to bathe.


i only use avent and ameda lah. just sent my ameda for servicing coz' the tube became loose. as for avent, i plan to bring to service centre to repair pump since it's still under warranty. i use until noisy again even though i serviced once liao. hopefully can get a new motor again, heehee. yah, like u, i'm planning to service all my pumps while under warranty so when #2 comes, will have brand new sets to use.


we gave him milk cubes yest when he didn't want his milk. changed to abbott's gain IQ but i dun think it was the switch in brand...prob doesn't like milk to begin with. he didn't like the milk cubes either, sigh. dun think he'll like soy milk any better but was wondering if i can cook anything with soy beans instead. how abt eggs? any interesting way to cook them? i'm thinking chawamushi, heehee.
