(2008/08) Aug 2008

i got such a shock myself too! & mustela is not cheap lor! i used mustela's body wash & moisturiser since he was born leh. 1 whole yr of paraben. boohoo...
my fren went to check and mustela has a more expensive range that is paraben-free. so terrible right?

i bought gaia from guardian. gaia is much cheaper in aust leh.

oh! u started D on scotts emulsion too? and he took to it well huh? cool! hmmm...maybe i can try on E too. hee

check with you. the helium cylinder that you rent from parkway, how many balloons can you pump? I didn't rent on sunday leh, i ordered from their website and then collect from their store at parkeay. the helium balloons are cheap, just $1 each. very well pumped and actually lasted more than 12 hours.
<font color="#CD3278">timmin</font>
Aiyoh, must read labels ah.. Nvm lah, educated &amp; informed consumer..

<font color="#CD3278">vanilla</font>
Ah.. Okieokie, we shall start this Fri &amp; see how things go.. Hopefully no throwing up at all!
We are likely to start with Friso.. Recommended by sis, she says it's one of the closest to BM

<font color="#CD3278">Brie</font>
Ashley sleeps in LS romper &amp; footed pants.. Think more wu hua than sleepsuits.. But i like sleepsuits! Very cute!!

<font color="#CD3278">Wendy</font>
If u do intend to give the cold turkey treatment, how are u intending to do so? Leave the house ah? Or just let him CIO?
have you tried the goat's milk powder? its easier to digest then cow's milk and cos lesser allergies. you can call up or go to the website to get the samples to try.
Ya.. just now I googled and read about their range of paraben-free pdts.

Hmm.. I think I'll get from Guardian first. Friends of mine are going to Aust in Oct (I think). Maybe I ask them to buy for me!! Haha..

As for the cod liver oil. Today I gave a bit and he was ok. Tmw I see his reaction how!!

You just asked a million dollar question. I also dunno how. Maybe wait for my hb to take leave in Sept then I just disappear (as what my PD suggested). Leave my hb to deal with the drama. Haha..
same leh, bbJ also sleeps in the same kind of LS romper with footed pants. but quite difficult to change out when he perspire and wet the romper at the back at nite leh. more ma fan...
wow, your maid super ta dan leh. think you need to be firm with her. tell her what is acceptable and what is not acceptable and tell her your expectations, again.
my fren also recommended friso to me. she says it's not as sweet compared to other brands. cos it's frm the netherlands and formula in europe is not as sweet as formula here. not sure how true tho.
<font color="#CD3278">Wendy</font>
Maybe u shd hor.. Otherwise D's going to be a big baby!

Can your hb deal with the drama? hahahah

<font color="#CD3278">rona</font>
Jerold doesn't sleep in aircon rm ah?

<font color="#CD3278">timmin</font>
Yesyes, tt's what my sis said too.. Not too sweet. And she said another fren who feeds her baby another brand ended up with babies who are puipui!
Timmin / Hisstory
I've let D try Friso and he gagged as well. Honestly to me.. all the FM taste the same! All like have a yucky metallic after taste. So far tried Nestle Nan, Isomil (Soy), Similac and Friso. All made D gag. Sigh..

My hb and I did talk about this before and I guess no choice lor. Otherwise how?!! I do not intend to be a boob slave to my boy.
he only sleeps in aircon room when he sleeps with me, else he sleeps with the fan on only when he sleeps with my domestic helper. the room they are using is quite cool early morning (like 2am onwards). sometimes, i find that even with aircon on, he can prespire quite a bit too.
yeah...my fren's baby was breastfed too until friso was introduced. i didn't try on E tho. all the best ya!!!! when r u introducing it to ashley?
yah, i think fresh milk taste the best! hehehee! i'm a super milk drinker! does your D drink fresh milk?
<font color="#CD3278">Wendy</font>
hahah.. I dunno, i think i wld gag like D if I were to take FM. Any milk other than choc &amp; soya bean is not nice.. hahah

Oh yes, pls dun be a boob slave to ur boy.. My fren says she knew of someone whose bb almost ripped off mommy's clothes to get to the boobs! Scary! I intend to get her fully on to FM before she gets fully aware of milkmilk coming fr mommy's boobies

<font color="#CD3278">rona</font>
Ashley slept in aircon at night since birth.. We tried fan before, and she cld tell the diff &amp; cldn't sleep. I dunno how true it is, but it seems bb wld perspire during their sleep.. But when they get older, they can live w/o it

<font color="#CD3278">timmin</font>
Hopefully this Fri.. The plan was actually last weekend, but coz she had her bout of high fever, we decided to postpone, less we want to deal with a needy &amp; even more sickly bb
oh yesyes...better to deal with 1 thing @ a time. praying that all goes well this fri!

wah! u like milk ah?? i absolutely HATE fresh milk!!! i dunno if it's true...but it seems that bbs on FM till much older don't take well to fresh milk. i've always been on FM when i was young and just hate drinking fresh milk. only take chocolate milk and soy milk. haha.
its true leh, as they get older, they will not perspire as much when sleeping. but hor, it will become a habit leh. like my eldest one, he is addicted to aircon else cannot sleep leh...
i was on FM till very old leh, cos underweight and ministry monitor my weight and give me FM leh. but i LOVE fresh milk... fresh cow's milk and fresh goat's milk, i all like... heheheee... cheese too... i can take blue cheese very well one leh.
Tim, Wendy &amp; Celyn,
Yup, I started Mae with the Scotts Emulsion Cod Liver Oil last week and 1st feed, she turns her head away but subsequently, she is ok liao...#1 takes it too...

Gave her close to 1 tablespoon (15ml) now...but their mouths smell yucky after that...i didnt say infront of them lah...I myself dun dare to take heehee

I also bought an organic fish oil from Vitakids but since Mae is ok with Scotts Emulsion so I let her stick with that 1st...
Aiyah didn't know can use Scotts cod liver liao...I went to buy Childlife Cod liver oil...so ex and K hates it!
morning mummies

hahaha.... ok ok. when i really want to buy then i ask you the medela expert.

i only like fresh milk and drink almost 1 litre a day when i have pregnant with yu ze.

ok. i shall try out on yu ze.

hisstory &amp; timminbuzz,
drinking friso doesn't mean you won't get puipui baby leh. my nephew drinks friso and he is super pui loh. double the size of my yu ze.

i heard from my colleague, her friend's son loves mummy milk so much that he will auto go to her mummy and pull up her shirt for milk. when his mummy wean him off, he actually went to his aunt who just delivered a baby to ask to let him have her milk. her aunt was so shocked to hear that from him and of course siam far far away lah.

I agree with you. Fresh milk tastes the best. I love drinking fresh milk!

I did let D have a go at UHT milk recently and he seems to be responding better to it than to FM. Give him FM and he gags. With cow's milk, he 'shivered' at the first taste then was pretty ok.

My friend said that I've to persist at giving FM.. get him used to the taste and it must go on for at least a week or two. So I also dunno how. Whether to just stick to cow's milk (which seems to be the easier option now) or persist with FM. Decisions.. decisions.

Haha.. I gagged too when I taste all the FM. Haha.. so you will not be alone!

Sigh.. this bf thing now is really giving me a headache. When I first started.. found it difficult, painful and tiring. Now want to wean off.. also finding it difficult, painful and tiring.

Scotts Emulsion Cod Liver Oil - Gave D some just now and he turned his head away! I thought 'jialat liow.. must force feed and expect a gag'. And funnily, after he got the first taste, he willingly opened his mouth for the rest that had spilled onto the bowl! In fact, after he finished it.. kept looking at the bowl! Hee..
re: Friso

I drank Friso, Similac, Enfalac &amp; Mamil and I prefer mamil. Friso too sweet leh, no matter if its the frisomom or friso for bb...
hi hisstory - i heard Nan is good too..i will try nan on him maybe after his op in sept if he needs the op...

Hi rona - i wanted to try goats fm, but my pd say not good cos not much research done on it. only 10 yrs compared to cow's fm which is decades and decades. anyway i think he thinks i am not in the right mind cos i told him E cannot take cows fm. I discount him already..even more after he dispute my fact that E was coughing.E suffered 2 more days then he found out it is H1n1 -- and that only happ becos i made the nurse tell him.
u really taste all the brands ah? I love frresh milk but dun dare to drink FM. Not even when I was preggy. I drank lots of Marigold milk den.

i think of all the FM, enfagrow has the least preservatives. friso seems to have the most. but now i dun really care. will just give whatever milk jonah will drink. so far, he has not shown any preference. wondering whether i should try soy milk or choc/ strawberry milk. scared too sweet for a young boy leh.


what does scott emulsion do? high in omega is it? oh, u can buy GAIA at JL during sale. i always buy when there's 20% off.


i had 2 maids for 5 days to do handover on weekday/ weekend. a great pity the new one just cldn't be taught even with guidance from the old one. i dun think my old one badmouthed us coz' we were kind enough to let her go home to her son w/o finishing contract. but the one stupid thing she did was sell my new maid a hp for $100 and this dumb maid doesn't even know how to use the hp!!!


yeah, i usually get the high end pumps, i.e. twin pumps. the only low end one i have is the avent manual which i used for the 1st mth and when travelling with bb.


where is the service centre for medela? i find the ameda and philips one quite crappy. ameda opens only on weekdays. philips one is crappy more becoz the cust svc person is really irritating. if i knew medela one was gd, would have bought medela liao.

if D is eating his solids well, i'd rather go for fresh milk coz' less preservatives. whatever u find in FM can be consumed fresh from the food u cook for D, e.g. beef is high in iron, spinach is high in folate, etc.
I drank up the remaining fm tat my ger cant finish :p

Yah, we discussed b4 mah... Hee... Tats why I supoort Mamil now. Was very astonished to find enfalac price had shoot to 40+ last. V v ex lor.

re: FM
my gf shared wif me tat Promil is very heaty &amp; not all bb can take it, dunno how true cos we never try b4...
<font color="#CD3278">Wendy</font>
Same here.. I really dunno how to cut down the ss &amp; not suffer fr consequences. Just hope she takes to FM otherwise my BF journey wld never end

<font color="#CD3278">vanilla</font>

<font color="#CD3278">Celyn</font>
Aiyoh!! So scary.. I think the mommy must have been quite paiseh

<font color="#CD3278">rona</font>
Dunno why babies perspire more hor..

<font color="#CD3278">timmin</font>
Many thanks!!
enfa is all along very ex one. i think mamil is one of the cheapest.

scary hoh. i wouldn't want such things to happen to me man.
Good Morning Mommies!

Can take Scotts Emulsion after 1yo liao…#1 asked me can I buy the orange flavour 1 after they finished the existing bottle…hahaha…it smell yucky lah…was telling my mom that I will probably buy the orange 1 for #1 and Mae shall continue the original flavour 1…hahaha, poor Mae!

Your coll’s account of the bf boy is so funny! I will be scared off too!

Glad D likes it...Mae likes it too but not my #1 who is requesting for orange flavour liao hahaha
both my girl very scare of hot, perspiring alot. My elder one lagi worst, till now still perspiring when sleeping in air-con room. Many time I woke up found her naked only with the bottom on. Haha she removed her top.

I swear by Medela PIS. Use it very long, still working very well.
ginger, garlic and onion can start as young as 9 months but not to eaten directly cos will be too strong tasting, if cook in stock is ok. My tofu that dish is to make the fish is that dishes taste and smell not that stale. Ginger, garlic, spring onion or onion are not high allergen foods so dont see the need to test for allergy esp since my girl is already 1 year old.
You gotta have patience. Slowly she will learn. But she gt money to buy over the hp? Poor her. Gan na tok. $100 is quite alot for them leh.

Re: SE Cod Liver Oil
Any reason not to give Orange flavour?

yest hb says gotta change already. his sis told him that his mum was very stressed out coz' the maid can't help much. ask her do something she will do wrongly or can't do properly. i think she totally give up. looks like we're going to spend our one week leave in sept training maid instead of going on holiday
yesterday was yu ze's lunar birthday so i let him pick his future for fun. this greedy boy choose the drumstick and happily eating it.

thanks. i might get a medela for #2. heheh....
hi mummies,
a question to ask, it is your fault that your child is closer to daddy then you? when friends knows that yu ze prefers daddy to me, they give the kind of feeling, i'm at fault. is it true?
no lah.
just that maybe yu ze is the more active type, so he prefer to get nearer to someone who are more active or can play more with him.
but when it come to who he love, u dun measure it like that de. =)
Maid issue

after cooling down n thinking it thru decided to forget abt it n try again. like what u mummies advised im gonna set some rules n make it clear what is acceptable n what is not. guess cos this is my first maid so i didnt make my expectations clear when she came.

u know what she did this morning? as we were leaving home, she was carrying evie in one arm n diaper bag in the other. she went out the door first, i was locking the door...i turned around to see her using her BARE FOOT (she removed her slipper) to press the lift button!!! wah piang!

she v funny lah...dunno where she learn all this from. lucky no one around that time.
<font color="#CD3278">celyn</font>
I dun think it's anybody's fault here.. If i dun rem wrongly, u're more of the disciplinarian than daddy is yah? Tt cld be a reason.. But when it comes to affection for parent, i think it's immeasurable?

Maybe ur friends have the idea tt baby &amp; mommy supposed to be close.. But not entirely true too! Dun think too much k?

<font color="#CD3278">ms apple</font>
hahaha, ur Amabel is like Isaac!!
where can i get Scotts Emulsion fish oil? ntuc? i remember my mom had to force me to eat when i was young. now i have to try for J!

its definitely not your fault so dont think too much. i am sure yz love both daddy and mommy.

i also agreed w snow. my hubby always play silly games with J so i think he also prefers daddy..mommy always say "no" and "cannot" only. ;p
as much as i don't mind yu ze being close to daddy compare to me but it somehow hurts when people question you why you didn't want to be close to your child.
i think your maid is those smart type...but sometimes abit too smart! hope she will be better after your talk with her. smile pretty!
hisstory &amp; missysz,
thanks. i feel hurt loh. not being close to me doesn't mean i love him lesser mah. i does discipline him more.

dun worry celyn,
Kai oso closer to Papa ... but this one can't control one la. Maybe they more gam .... i oso this cannot that cannot ... but the kid will still love u as much. u're the mama and give him BM kay ;)
