(2008/06) June 2008

is it? hee hee... thanks for the info. then maybe tonite i go robinsons. i got robinsons voucher...

i want to buy avent bottle leh. my ger outgrow her 125ml bottle liao... wanna buy the 260ml one...
this percentile thing hor..damn weird...eeither that or my PD is weird..that time weigh my girl 5.3 at 11 weeks...she said its at 90 percentile... where got?!?!? so high meh???
<font color="aa00aa">wah, so happening har! Even got new mummies! Welcome!

kwrin, i stay at khatib oso. There's another 2 June mummies (crystal and Riz) oso stayed at Khatib. Mind telling me which blk? Me at blk613.

nismo, can i know wat does gtr stand for?

mrswrx, aiyo where u stay at KL? Got lot of shopping places leh but some is out of KL area lah, about half an hour car drive from KL central. But hor, frankly the price in KL oso quite ex lor even with the currency rate now. Not really worth buying there unless got big sale lah.</font>
Can dream only lah...
i stayin @ ritz residence... i stay ther last yr durin meetin aso.. then rely nothin much to buy leh.. cos branded is more ex than spore, def wun buy... then got cheaper stuff but quality not gd i dun wana waste $...

mayb tis time round i wil buy mamy poko! hahaha cos many say its cheaper than spore. then christina told me got quite nice bb clothes.
Felicia ,

Weekdays I stay with my PIL hahah ..at 637 khatib too :p

Jesslyn ,

Ya good idea ... your BB gal or boy ?

Bought my son for his jab ...he veri good boy got yell for few second after that he just grumble hahah
<font color="aa00aa">nismo, sorry lor coz me is a car idiot. No nothing about car. hehe...

sharon, thsk for the link. So now at least i know how gtr look like.

jo, ur IL's place quite near to mine. Like quite lot of mummies here stay a khatib area.

mrswrx, at malaysia during promo, mamy poko sold at RM42.90 for jumbo pack. If u spot carrefour or giant, look out for it!</font>

my mickey no fever liao.. dun hv a thermometer at home.. so use hand to feel. think a bit not accurate. Afraid might have drugged him a few times when i felt that he's hot... My PD din tell me when to go back for 2nd 6in1 leh..
this morning also surfing till 2.30am plus at the wts and some of the 2008 threads so happen to see about the walker thing...

now dunno how to tell my mil and husband who are very traditional not to use walker.. think have to buy those push walker....
hi pris, thanks for info. I have 2 preloved walkers at home given by frens. Gd lor, now no need to use.

Anyway, i also observe that children who use walker tend to tip toe when they walk &amp; very hard to balance so I told hubby long time ago that I won't b using walker for Athan.
I also not planning to give baby walker cos house too small scared she will knock into things and its more dangerous when she knows how to grap things from walker, it might topple...
but its not really proven rite? sad to say we used to sit tat too when we were young...very hard to convince the elders to NOT use it...
Hi Felicia. I'm staying at blk 809.

Walker is not good for child. It will encourage bad walking habit - tip toe, like what Mag said. For my elder son, I only used the walker during feeding time. Lock the wheels and feed. The walker kept him occupied while I fed him.
Felicia ,

Is nice to know mummies around the same area . But I not really familar with the place as just move there .

Re: walker

Ya heard abt walker will lead some baby in bad walking habit and in some case will hurt their done developement in a long run .
just to share

extract from

We have so much trouble with the cutoff date for the Baby Package. The first cutoff date of 1 January 2009 brought a lot of protest from expecting mothers with babies due to be delivered this year. The revised cutoff date of 17 August produced another group of unhappy parents whose babies arrived earlier this year.

We faced this problem with cutoff date on many occasions during the past 25 years. Each time that new incentives were introduced, many parents felt disadvantaged by being on the wrong side of the cutoff date.

We never learned the lesson. Our birth-rate continued to decline over the years, in spite of the repeated efforts.

I met a Singaporean couple who worked in Perth and had their baby delivered there. The incentives given to parents in Australia are:

> AUD 5,000 on delivery of the baby
> 5 months of paid maternity leave
> An allowance to the mother who stopped work to look after the baby during the first two years
The incentive is simple, compared to our Baby Package introduced in Singapore.

Singapore has the unique system of incentives that differ according to the tax bracket of the parents, the working status of the mother, the birth order of the baby, the date of birth and other factors. We need to read a detailed booklet and to ask for explanation to understand the incentives.
Did not know that the pkg in Australia was so good, else I would have stayed.. and no wonder my next door neighbour had 4 kids and they are always at home,never saw them going to work...
u too free can come toa payoh and have lunch wif me lor or me can take half day sometimes also cos need to clear my flexible ML by end Nov then my colleague is take leave from 3rd week of Oct till end of oct so me Oct cannot really take leave so now try to take some lor.
Christina, Mrswrx &amp; Jesslyn, maybe I will take 1 day leave in late Sep so we go makan and watch movie. I wanna watch Mama Mia leh (ok lar, Mrswrx, I know you sure say this is huang lian poh movie, but I like leh).

Xris, glad you found your combi belt.

Tulip, you in accounts huh? Me admin, but everything also do and underpaid too. Can call me or sms me if you want lar. Mobile no: 9797 3063.

piyo, last fri by the time you posted in this thread hor, I already finished milking and walking to my mil house with baby and pump (10mins walk). Then hor, at night, eat heavy dinner again, XO crab beehoon with some small dishes. Think I really going to becoming barney liao (with round tummy mah).

Jesslyn, hey, you not only one person taking cab leh, I also one person taking cab lor. I left piyo at bus stop to take her slowcoach' bus while I took fast fast cab.

Nismo, the way the gals guess/think who you are a bit obvious or not? Dun give the game away to those 'smoky silent pple' leh, later you ganna butter again.
<font color="aa00aa">kwrin, ur place was very near the mrt side. Maybe next time can organise a gathering at khatib. But khatib no shopping leh, only place suitable, maybe the Bottle Tree.

walker :- my #1 used walker before and now i understand why she always tip toe when she's know how to walk. Nvr know walker will cause such prob.In fact we took quite a long time to remind our #1 not to walk tip toe.
So, i think will not let my #2 use it liao.</font>
My cousin told mi that their check ups at hospital are fully paid leh... so she told mi this time she wants to try water birth.. have not ask her about it yet...
