(2008/06) June 2008

Pris, will not leave you out lar.

Mogudog, you also like huh? Did you watch the stage play 4 yrs ago when they were in SG? I went to watch 1 week before my delivery of #1 and was sort of dancing and singing away with a big tummy (I was huge that time), hee, fun.

Felicia, I had read about this walker thing 3yrs ago when my son started on walker, but was thinking we used to use it, thus bought two for him. He also liked to walk on tiptoe, I thought this tiptoeing is due to his shorter left foot. Now maybe its due to walker. I will have to discuss with Vivienne's nanny on this issue, to use or not this time. Maybe just let her use the fisher price push type of walker then.
Thanks TF and crystal

Just to share something with you all...
www.iherb.com is having a promotion.. US$0.99 on all international shipping orders... and first time customers get US$5 off...
I have gone in to buy First Teeth toothpaste... after discount, plus shipping to your doorstep,it's only US$1.15!! :p Can use referral code: dap677
Promo ends on Sunday.. so hurry!!

PS Each first time customers get US$5 off.. so break up your order into different email address.. I have ordered organic baby shampoo, body wash,body lotion, first teeth toothpaste etc.. very worth it
Hi Felicia, gathering sounds great! I like the Bottle tree park, a good pl to relax. I am also waiting for the extended northpt to be up.

Jo, I am a new addition to khatib too. Just moved in when I was in my 2nd week of confinement, so I'm here for almost 2 mths.
Hi Veniz, I had fisher price push type walker for my elder son too. I felt that it was only useful when my son was able to walk steadily. He enjoyed pushing the cart everywhere.

I used a child harness to teach him walk. I lent it to my SIL but it never came back. It is different from the normal harness/leash that keep walking toddler from wondering far. Not commonly found in Singapore.
The nearest I can find in the website is this:
morning ladies!!!

wah... sian leh. my pigeon steriliser spoilt again. twice liao leh....

anyone using pigeon steriliser?? can share is it working fine for u? or i really so suay???
Morning every1,

Ya... I m an accountant... I tot u mentioned in ur earlier post tat u r an accountant oso...

I m using pigeon steriliser... so far... touch wood... ok leh... in fact I got 2.. 1 at my own house & another 1 at my mum's place...

how come i the suay one? last mth my steriliser spoil. i bring down for repair and they exchanged a new one. then yesterday spoil again... alamak....
kwrin/jesslyn ,

ya good idea I have not been to the bottle tree park ever since it opened . Always want to go but lazy to walk there . My PIL used to stay at 785 only move in to 637 like two mths ago
Morning ladies!!!

Back fm dr...for my flu virus thingy. luckily still can bf bb...if not, will be damn sad. hee... Ask for 1day MC to standby tml incase condition worsen.

Today gonna start work... just pray my sore throat won't worsen.
hey mummies, just happened to chance upon our preggy gathering at Merchant Court and felt a sense of nostalgic of being preggie. All "da fu pian pian) =)

No wonder they say will miss being pregnant. haha...
feifei ,
Ya i also looking for fishoil cos till now I`m still eating DHA from my Gynea which is quite EX . Do let me know if you know . Thank alot
<font color="aa00aa">veniz, i always heard ppl said walker no good, but like some mummies say, we too oso used it before, so just continue to use it. And now i think i shall let my #2 use the walker as rocker only.

kwrin/ Jo, i like bottle tree oso. Find the food there oso quite nice. If our kids is bigger can even join in the fun of catching the fish.</font>
Felicia ,

You mean the food there at the seafood resturant ? Heard very Ex from my frez !!Can`t wait for them to grow up fast

Ladies ,

Anyone have bring your baby to swimming as I `m bringing my boy to the new branch under Hua Xia @ Singapura Plaza for his first swim and massage session.
really looking forwards for next week

Anyone want to join me ??
good evening mummies,

didnt come in here to post for awhile.. how was isetan gathering on fri? must have had loads of
fun n shopping shopping shopping.. lol

any mummies on facebook? Mag/Star, i just added both of you..
<font color="aa00aa">jo,yup! Is tat restaurant. The price is on the high side but me and hubby really love the food. hehe.....</font>
Felicia ,

Oh isit ?? My hubby is a seafood -lover !!

The seafood restaurant at the opposite Bishan park near to Sin Ming Rd golf course is nice too . The salted egg crab is nice yum yum hahah . The price there are quite reasonable !
Re: Walker

I believe in not letting the bb sit in walker too long or walking with it. The most 30mins a day. My #1 she sat walker but i strictly say NOT TOO LONG to my PIL. She doesnt't tiptoe walking even till now she is 2. Walker is ok but too long in it will affect brain development. SO for me I only use it when necessary. Best is human walker hehehe MEAN you are holdin her hands to teach her walking lo (which I am doing )

I guess tiptoe need us to really guide them. Some kids like 3 or 4 years old also like to tiptoe as they follow what their peer is doing lo.

oh no.. i forgot to trfs $$ to u.. for the CB products.. can i do it tml? too busy settling down my boy at mil plc..
