(2008/06) June 2008

Hi pris,u tomolo monitor again...
hi mummies

yalor....seems many of us addicted to the forum...

sometimes, my mum and mil tot i busy working....haha...cos always so focused in front of pc....

too bad today cant join u all....do have more gatherings after we start work k....
hi jesslyn

luckily my boy no fever....just cranky and cries .... as if we bully him...

btw, i go over to your place tmr or sun to collect the things ok? thanks leh...so paiseh mafan u
hi mummies, just bath and finally come in to forum to check. me ADDICTED ALSO. at nite will also come in when I "bu kan yan" to sleep. hehe...Enjoyed the gathering today... it's funny... like a big family like tat. Even thou might not talk much with all but just seeing one another seems.hmm...don noe how to put it liao. =P

Sorry for being MIA for quite some time today hor. But haiz...if not i really dun have chance to do the things i need to do.

Look forward to our future gatherings even after start work k!

Xris, add u to msn liao! Those who wanna add me can also do so at [email protected]

Hi Xris, have added u to msn already.

Hi mrswrx, yah thanks for organising. Really not easy to coordinate. Glad to b able to talk more to u today.

Hi rooller & jesslyn, glad to b able to meet u 2 for the 1st time today.

JTS, I took my boy for jab on 13th this mth when he was 8wks, gave him 6-in-1, rotavirus & pneummococal at one shot & cost me $345 at my GP in Bedok Reservoir.

Going again at 13 wks for same thing. My GP charges $98 for 6in1, 140-160 for pnemmococal & 85-96 for rotavirus.
Haha, i think our June forum most happening, I also addicted, must come in & c c look look once i got time. Until now still haven't had dinner, my PIL thot I working too.
Oei jesslyn, I neber share taxi with you meh, then today u come SK pick who ah :p:p:p

MLP, sore throat can still BF, make sure the GP give u the med is safe for BF, and must empty the nehs else will easily cause blocked ducts when we're sick (donno how true coz this is what the GP told me).

Mrswrx, thanks for organising, sorry couldn't join for tea coz need to pia for facial and pick my ger.
Hi. I'm Jun mummy staying in khatib. Really njoy the posts shared by the lovely Jun mummies.

Thanks Fennie for sharing the milkbag URL. I've checked the website and indeed $6 per box is the cheapest so far. I will be getting the milkbag fr the seller either next Tues or Wed.

To thank you for these enjoyable posts, if any Khatib mummy wanted to get the milkbag, just drop me a note by Monday. I can help you buy and pass to you at Khatib MRT. Cheers!!

PS: new here so not sure how to receive PM.. :p
i chk my msn - all mummies online - havent sleep ah... my maia damn cranky...ahaha cos evil mummy brought her out whole day no sleep... i t hink she hates me to some level now.. :p
haha...recently we got lots of new mummies joining us ya....

maybe next yr june, we can organise a gathering to celebrate all bb birthday....haha sure very happening....

then maybe we get media to come and see....
jesslyn ,

Oh really ...hee hee my BB is boy .

Yours ? really nice to know BB who is have the same birthday as my boy

jesslyn and jenny ,

Also must jio me okie ...hahha !!
Jess BB same birth date as mine ...jenny `s BB on 29 may .
haha mag

think ur overall charges still so much cheaper than mine....me first time spend 495...today 375...just for injections....
ya...very happening....in the past when i was busy working, i hardly able to follow close....cos one day can already have few hundreds posting.,...

imagine few days turn on once.
Jenny ,

Hope my boy will be oki ...tomo is his turn for injection .

Ladies ,

Do your baby sleep late ...ever since i started working ....my boy sleep rather late at nite till now he still playing in the living room wif my mom !!
haha jo

my boy is an owl...he always very alert at night,,,me so tired....now i tried to play with him till 11+ 12, so that he can sleep more till morning

if not, always have to wake up in the middle of the night to feed, then play an hr b4 he goes back to sleep

cant tahan
forgot to go boders to see if got the book a not leh... aiyo now so absent minded...

after leave the place then i remember... haiz memory failing liao.........
Jenny ,

Ya mine also a nite owl
but at least he won`t wake up now for milk . He will only wake up for milk abt 6am in the morning . After that he will sleep till 10am for his feed .
