(2008/06) June 2008


wah! thats a lot of bottles! ive underestimated!! i wonder is the pigoen botttles can fit the nuk teat?

wao...as u were mentioning the warrantly will be put to waste for 3 mths...that gets me excited!!...means 3 mths time i will be having a baby!!


<font color="ff0000">TF*

ha ha im oso a fan of NUK
my #1 is using their bottles and teats since day one

&amp; as for the # of bottles, i have 4 big bottles for milk and oso 3 small bottles coz im quite particular when it comes to bottles as in i got one which is particularly for juices, one for plain water therefore i have so many.. ha ha and oso bearing in mind i dun wanna sterilise the bottles each time i use them immediately hence i buy more bottles so i can use up all den i sterilise at night
the thing is that, my frn's hubby birthmark was very big..like 1/3 red patch accross his face...he is undergoing laser treatment and is very much better already..

back to the point, he said that his mum was then at hme when painting was done...but i intend to be away at mum or MIL place to stay 2 days so that i dun breathe in the vapour. and the painting will be done in the room i plan as the nursery n not my masterbed room (i heard u cant do any changes in yr masterroom)

so does that make it any better??

those who intend to paint the room...tell me leh!! i in dilemma!
back to the full month issue, I think there are alot of ways to do it - when to hold it. It seems that in Singapore, it is common to hold it before 1 month is up. I came across this website, which said it is to celebrate the completion of 1 month (celebrate the bb's survival and to reintro the mom into the world after her confinement ends) and can be held between 1 to 3 months after bb is born.

Maybe it's more acceptable to have the celebration within 1 month if it is held at home?

Anyway, as long as there is a celebration who cares when it is going to be held. most important is the celebration goes well and is held on a convenient date for most guests.
Oh really? Ok, I'll go kaki bukit this weekend to check out P3 + other strollers! Thanks girl, for the info.
According to the SA at Mothercare, P3 does not allow bb to face you so am a bit hesistant to get it cos I think it's good to have bb face you esp when they still small.
Tera, call the shop first. I can't recall the name. Baby Kingdom I think. It was at 20% discount off the old model. old model is the same as 07/08 model except for the colours. It's the one at 69 Shunli Industrial Building. Hb and I enquired about P3 sometime in Jan, but eventually bought S228 Capella. It allows bb to face us. We decided to go for the features although P3 looks sooo good!!

No matter how, we have to get our stuff by end of April bec' u can practically discount away May, unless yr EDD is late June.

So the warranty will be wasted no matter when u buy. It is just a matter of 1 month, 2 mths or 3 mths.

Small milk bottles dun buy a lot bec' bb only need them in a few weeks, will upgrade to big bottles v soon. But small bottles u can convert to drinking water bottles in future.

U need more bec' sometimes u need to bring them out if u bring yr bb out. I prefer to buy spare anyway. My steriliser can contain 6 bottles, so i may as well get 6 bottles (2 small and 4 big).
Anyway bottles may not be critical during confinement if doing breastfeeding but just stock up in case. Then if it is too many, i can bring some to my MIL house when she is taking care of my bb after maternity leave. We will need to stock up 2 sets of many items at 2 houses.


ya i dun tink the date is so impt.. anyway the 28 days thing also no need to follow strictly..
But wat i tink is full mth party cannot be too far from 28 days else it be v strange for example if celebrate when bb is ored 7 weeks or 8 weeks old.
haha, cactus, so i am not the only one. i also thought P3 looks good!!! there's just something about it but...i also wonder if it will give us the mileage for the price we pay. actually, i will also look out for S228 capella when i'm there since based on the price you bought + features it has, it sounded like value for money.
Hi Ellysia,

Yeah! I think the full month party cannot be too far from the 28 days. Maybe within 6 weeks is okay if inviting over 50 people... if smaller group and if it is a very contained group like very close relatives (no 2nd degree), then all the more within 6 weeks.

We're going to hold the celebration on the 1st weekend or 2nd weekend after the delivery. See how.. cos afriad the 1st weekend after delivery is National day weekend... our preference is Sat night.. more pple should be able to make it then.

As for the 28 day confinement period.. I think if we employ own confinement lady, or if our own moms do the confinement for us, no need to follow too stricktly but not easy if it is MIL.. scared pple say MIL anyhow do confinement. It's a personal fear lah, on my part. I don't want pple to bad mouth MIL in case in the future have conflict.
Tera, S228 had all the features that hb and I want. It's also a cheap buy. only $234 leh!! Where to get?! Also, hb and I are the very practical type. stroller is meant to be used, dirtied, and even under the rain and over mud. P3 is not cheap loh... our heart will pain pain. :p But I guess there are other parents out there who won't flinch on spending more on bb. For us, we rather spend more on quality food, and better quality clothes for bb's health and comfort.

Actually i tot celebrate right after 28 days seem to be better bec' rightfully bb is ored 28 days liao.. logically thinking lah. I dunno wat pang dang stuff or anyting.

Anyway most likely we will choose a convenient date like weekend. So if weekend falls before, it be before. Falls after, it be after. If neither here or there, before lor. Also depend whether ILs and my parents are ok or not, my dad works on weekends and he need to take leave in advance too. So i tink the date has to be for convenience sake rather than deliberating whether before or after.

Anyway, hope our bb and delivery all smooth then we can have a nice nice celebration.
WAH u all know brands and models of strollers so well!

Guess i go surf some website and see the models heee..have some idea myself first.
Ellysia, I heard it may be pan tang to celebrate before 28 days. Cos, full month is to celebrate bb reaching 28/full month without bb dying. last time, bb is not given a real name until full month, cos the bb is not considered born yet till full month! if celebrate earlier before bb is full month, not good. but it is okay to celebrate after. But then again, I don't really care about pan tang lah. I would prefer to celebrate full month at 3 to 5 weeks... cos nearer to 4 weeks/full month mah.. but I also dun want MIL to be gossipped.. so have to celebrate between 28 days and the 2 weekends after.

Having said that, I think some pple celebrate before 28 days with no probs at all. Maybe it's a different custom that I'm not aware of.

Yeah... I think the date must be ok for the grandparents and us... and god parents if any.
That's the most important.
hey Ellysia, online not good leh. not helpful.

Best is you go down to see if you like the strollers. shortlist a couple of models. then do online search for review of those strollers.

still gotta see feedback? If i go down and see and price got discount and i like it, most likely hb will buy liao.

I tink maybe i just beo website then shortlist some good models, then if they appear during sale and i see actual pdt good then grab it liao hee.

I tink the thinking on - to celebrate before 28 days is bec' just like it is inauspicious to celebrate yr bday after actual bday.

Last time my mum said can only celebrate bday after actual day. But many frens told me cannot celebrate after actual day.

maybe it is following this tinking.
pigeon steriliser they usually give 20% or give starter kit only is it?

will they throw in both during the baby fair? hee hee.....
Ellysia, actually like that also can lah.. but may be tiring for you to shortlist from the net. Hb and I did research online also before going down but when we went down, we were lost at what to choose! In the end, we went with our gut feeling, and shortlisted some models, then found it easier to check for reviews online, then went down again to buy.
full month celebration: Mine will follow as my 1st girl's full mth.We'll not do any home or restaurant catering, just give cake, red eggs to close relatives and close friends. My mil afraid wait some relatives/ friends complain if we din invite them to celebration. Coz if we had a home buffet, will only organise a small group only. Cant possible ask so many ppl to comes. So, to avoid any possible conflict, we just give cakes.

That's a good idea. I was telling my hb, what we do for our 1st child, we must do the same for subsequent children (if any). also, cannot just invite some relatives, don't invite others. There are 4 uncles/aunts he doesn't like on his parents' side... so he's not going to invite all.

Actually, traditionally, no need to throw dinner/lunch. Just give out cake, red eggs to notify. That's the norm.

In yr case if only invite one side of family, maybe u can just do simple for both side of family. If organise dinner but only invite one side, not v nice.

For me i tot since my IL usually prefer more extravagant, i afraid if dun celebrate they may feel unhappy lah, somemore first grandson etc.. best to have a proper celebration lor.
Ellysia, it is my hb's decision to leave his family out of it completely. To avoid conflict, we won't tell my ILs about the dinner. My hb even said if his parents want to pay for any dinner for his side, the bb and him won't turn up cos he doesn't want our bb to see certain uncles/aunties of his. it's very hard to explain lah his resent for them... but just to share one incident... one auntie ran after his grandma with a chopper threatening to kill her... another uncle tried to mess up our customary wedding plans in more than 1 way...(ie. she purposely held her daughter's wedding at the same hotel as us a few weeks before our date, and asked for the same coordinator as ours, and then told that coordinator to share our wedding ideas with her, and told that coordinator to make her daughter's wedding much better than our wedding.. of course in the end, our coordinator told us and luckily for us, our wedding was filled with innovative ideas even though it was after her daughter';s wedding!), and there are many other instances....

I know it's not very nice not to invite my ILs' side cos my FIL is the eldest son and this is the 1st grandson, first inside grandchild.. but my hb's mind cannot be changed, and I don't want to fight for this on behalf of my ILs against my hb. I married my hb and not my ILs loh. I already told my hb not good to just invite one side, and even told him no need to invite my side, but he insist want to invite my side still... so leave it to him. in the end, it's both our $. Just can't let ILs know about it lah. Even if they know, they know after better than they know before the celebration.

Glad you find S228 an attractive buy too. It ujst doesn't look as stylish lah, but it's really packed with a lot of useful features!
to me actually i found very big nia~ especially when undress standing infront of mirror i found very big wor.. just now after lunch my belly button pop out very obvious again... scary
Not sure if you mummies have been updated cos I am still catching up on the archives...slow reader =P

Takashimaya Baby Fair (Atrium)
From 6 - 23 March 08

Mother &amp; baby Fair
Singapore Expo Hall 6B
21 - 23 March 08
Friday &amp; Saturday 11am to 9pm
Sunday 11am to 8pm
Hmm.. on cots and strollers... strongly recommend mummies to wait and buy during JL sale...

I got my wooden cot there (convertible to toddler bed) at $215 with further 5% rebate so it's $204 only, comes with free mattress and 5 pc bedding set including bumper...

Hi cactus, the Capella S705 stroller I got is very similiar to your S228
Also got 4 swvelling wheels. Only diff is I tink the S705 has 4 adjustable heights and has a one hand folding mechanism. Got it at $200, with additional 5% rebate ie only $190 during the JL fair... but it's currently out of stock now, will only deliver in end mar... I got red colour.. wat about you?

Thanks Ellysia, for the Taka fair info... im on leave next Fri, shall go and take a look then
Roxy! That's a very very good buy!! The S228 only has 3 adjustable heights. but I think the closing mechanism is also one hand. one hand press button then swing the stroller backwards then it will close right? But to close it fully, like make it compact, not so easy for S228. need 2 hands.

I got the red and black S228!
alamak cactus... I remember the s705 I chose all 4 wheels can swviel, hence we chose that model, but i went to website and see, says cannot swviel... peng.. calling John Little to double check now, either website is wrong or the salesgirl put down wrong model for us and the one we actually got is the S228 and the salesgirl put wrong model for us then they deliver wrong stroller *grumbles* Luckily u mentioned ur s228

The S228 is quite good, at least u can turn the handle around and can see bb face.

The handle can be turn around either side right?
i.e. u can let bb face towards u or away from u right?
Gosh!! I think they must have delivered the wrong model lah. Dun think you could have made a mistake. What did the invoice say? S705 is it? The box leh? If it's sold out it's got to be a hot buy. Most Capellas have 4 wheel swivel. the lucky baby ones may not.
I just encountered braxton hicks contractions first time. Tummy feel really hard, then after awhile soften, then hard again.

Now bb kicking away in tummy. Somemore kick towards my buttock.
Ellysia, yes! You can turn the handle around. So you can push and let bb look outwards, or (for newborns) let bb look backwards as you push. It's important to monitor bb after feeding esp. There is a mesh on the top canopy.. so if it is a sunny day, can still have full canopy but peep thgouh the mesh!

Not only monitor bb but also bb if see our face will not be so scared also. Its good for newborn, u are right.

Good model u have picked. Now i see liao i also feel it is nice, maybe if i see at taka sale i may get one.
actually I've never seen this stroller at Taka... but if you are interested you can get it from either kiddy palace of baby kingdom/palace. Baby Ave should also have. it's sometimes on 20%. just have to call and ask.
actually I'm quite happy someone else thinks S228 is a good stroller...cos hb and I were very attracted to Peg Perego pliko P3... for the looks lah... but we know it's too heavy for us to handle and features not as fantastic.
my coll just told me that taka tends to carry the more exp brand like aprica etc so u may not find capella at the fair. i am also considering capella.

capella shld pay u commission, hehe!

Tera, ai yoh! actually it was by chance hb and I came across capella also. my SIL recommended combi cos she likes combi, but we found it too flimsy. Then hb saw P3 and fell in love with it. Me too. We were told after discount, old model $500+... decided too ex cos combi all under $200 and we were thinking of Combi initially cos of SIL.. eventually came across Capella (decided lucky baby not comfortable enough) and thought it was a good buy...
