(2008/06) June 2008

Cactus, heng ah, it's the right model, the JL salesgirl very kind, even called Capella Sing to double check all 4 wheels can swivel.. it's actually exactly the same as the S228, just that S705 is a newer version and hence slightly wider for bb... JL was selling the S228 at $150 and S705 at $190 after discount and rebate... I didnt see s228 then, if not sure buy it...
Initially I wanted to buy Combi too but my gf recommend me Capella then me and DH see all 4 wheels can turn, so we thought for that price, it's a good buy considering that Combi miracle turn is retailing at $600 plus...

ellysia, wow your baby is so cute.. always kick you.. mine refuse to react to me, only sometimes when I eat spicy food then he chin chai kick abit ... lazy boy haha

Liew, I tink tummy hard esp a particular spot is the baby move to that particular position, hence that area is harder coz bb is there...

Wow! JL prices really good hor!!! It was a very good buy! I find S228 a good size but if can get something wider why not?! Eesp since JL was seling S705 at $190 only!!

Nope its the whole tummy suddenly harden. And pulling and a bit straining. Its different from the normal pulling of muscles (when tummy is expanding after food).
cactus, tink capella should pay you commission and JL should pay me commission :p
Coz that time JL nursery fair was 10% + 20% off all strollers.. then if you have JL card, another 5% off rebate.. Too bad it's over now, perhaps can wait till GSS and Im sure will get similiar bargains... actually my MIL told me not to buy stroller so early coz sometimes people might give you strollers for baby shower gifts and anytime first mth wun be bringing baby out.. I find it quite true.. so maybe mummies can wait till GSS (by then we should have delivered :p ) to buy....
Hi maryann, I find Capella value for money. I don't know of any Capella website but you can do a google search for Capella strollers.
Somehow i dun have a good impression of combi. I tink capella is quite a good brand. The stroller may be small as compared to maclaren but no need too big stroller or else it be hard to move up to bus (cos u need to fold) and tight/squeezy mall areas.
i only buy the stroller after my girl is more than a month old but we started use only when she about 2 mths old, but oso quite rarely coz we afraid she might get frightened easily if we go out. So maybe some mummies can wait for good deal only buy it.
ellysia... yeah hor, you are right.. but my colleagues very funny, all tell me to bring baby there to try the stroller.. see whether he/she like the stroller then buy... tink I will freak out if bring so young baby out.... "shou man jiao luan"
<font color="ff0000">dun forget ladies.. its not advisable to place infants inside stroller during the first 2 months if possible

me oso same as felicia, i bot my stroller oso when my ger turned one month
coz considering the fact &amp; pre-warning, some babies dislike being placed inside stroller so stroller mite not come into use eventually for some..

as for combi brand*

i have been using the stroller for my #1 and i like the light weight of it and can be easily controlled using one hand and carry off one shoulder when necessary.. its very handy when i travel alone with my ger

Not forgetting we need to bring diaper bag and milk bottles and stuff like tat. If no stroller how to go out.

Somemore during GSS, many people. How to carry a bb to find a stroller, somemore carry so many stuff.

I tink by then, u will have just buy ANY stroller, u won't have the mood and time to find a good bargain liao. Cos just want to "unload" stuff and bb at the stroller liao.

What your MIL said made sense. Also, some pple prefer to wait till bb is born, then bring bb to try out the strollers before purchase. but if there is a good sale, I feel should buy first. Esp with a 35% discount!! :p

Also, the strollers for bb showers may not be the type you really want.

During CNY, my relatives asked me about the things I've bought for bb. I told them everything buy already.. cos dun want them to buy things for bb. rather they give small AP instead of coming together to buy a big gift... very practical hor?! I mean.. if they are prepared to spend $100 on a gift, I rather they give me $40 cash.

We won't be celebrating Full month with alot of pple. initially wanted chalet to invite friends and parents' friends and not so close relatives (2nd degree), then lunch/dinner with 1st degree relatives.. but hb said dun want. so now just lunch/dinner with 1st degree and close friends.
I was at bb ave over the weekend, Ellysia. THere are strollers on sale but no fixed discount. different types of strollers different discounted amounts. some of them very cheap but not capella. not sure what capella was selling at. cos I was looking at car seat...
baby shower just need to invite first degree relatives and frens will do.. dun have to invite whole bunch.

Its true tat stuff tat people bot may not be wat we want.

I want to settle on stroller now is also partly bec' i know my ILs may just buy any stuff that we have not bot.. and dunno wat kind of stroller they will get for us also.. plus i am picky.
I agree with what morraine said... I plan to carry bb for the first couple of months - maybe until 4 months or so.. until his vision is clearer, then slowly wean him into a stroller. Cos it's very scary to have blur vision (like newborns) and not be in contact with warmth. I bought a baby sling.. supposed to be usable till 3 years old but I won't try that till 3 lah. break my back!!
<font color="ff0000">cactus*

yesh i wil say ur choice of the baby sling is good
and oso useful when u intend to breastfeed</font>
Ya my fren also told me 1st few mths just carry with sling, dun need stroller.

But i dun agree with bringing bb out to pick a stroller lah.. very hard to buy stuff when carrying bb.
do u all know how to use the sling? Cos got colleague told me she bot sling but dunno how to tie. in the end never use.
I think good to buy strollers now. No point waiting for others to give, may not be wat you want. I rather list down specifically wat I need and tell my friends (cos I am inviting mostly friends). Immediate family likely to give AP bah.
Hi mummies,
I've delivered my bb in Jan08 &amp; have a Medela Mini-Electric breastpump to let go. Used for less than a month and is in excellent "good as new" condition. Interested, pls PM me for price.

I just went to AMK Hub mum &amp; babes.

They are having promotion for Medele PIS advanced. $688 for the set and include 1 cream, $10 voucher, the kit + bag + milk bottles.

Its abt $40-$50 cheaper than than the original price. Can consider to buy if u are interested. Warranty is 1 year.

I dunno when the offer will expire bec' the person says while stock last. I am tempted to buy also but dun want to waste the warranty too. Dunno want to buy now or not.
I think shd have warranty card. Maybe u can call the shop to ask.
If you are buying sling, do not buy the MIM cotton type as ister bought but din use as it is very warm and its very thick and warm for the baby. My sister bought but din use as her son perspire alot in it.
Morning ladies!
Is TGIF!!!

If you really want to buy sling, maybe you can go to the shop and try out 1st before buying. Last time i borrow from my collegue and try out. In the end i din bring it as not able to carry bb in the sling type for long else backpain. But i do some mummies carry their bb very well in sling .

Fyi, Taka fair oso got Pigeon sale.
Morning ladies....

Yest Anentnal class was fun...Mrs Wong showed us how to bath bb, massage and carry newborns =D...

THe awrranty card shd be inside de leh...tikn u wan to call the shop?

Hi ya...how are u doing?

Hi ya =D...Finally its fri..
Morning gers..

Actually, if the bb perspires alot, whichever material oso no use. My niece perspires alot. She started to smell funny after half a day, even when she's placed near a fan.. Haha. I hope my bb takes after me cos I dun perspire alot. If she takes after my hb... chiam liaoz..

My friend told me that practice makes perfect wor. She had to try for awhile, then she manages to sling her bb like an expert. But it is really quite filmsy and scary for the 1st few tries.

Re: breast pump
I am still scatching my head over the issue of breast pump.. medala or ameda? Until now, I havent found any shops that carry ameda wor.
morning ladies!!! felicia, feifei.... yeah! FRIDAY =)

Yes, should have warranty card. warranty for 15 months. I just bought mine early this year, so can still remember very clearly.

I'm using the MIM sling. Very good. But takes practise. My mum figured out how to use first, then she taught me. I find it very hard to practise with doll. Cos no weight. Must really try out with real bb.

How about waiting for 20% for the PIS? Cos 20% less 700 will be 560? Waiting for robinsons sale.

Baby festival @ expo will had mumsfairy booth which carry Ameda pump. They had special promo on that day. You can take a look there during the fair.
For cord blood, currently my #1 is under Stem Cord. Cordlife is another company that had this service as well. I suppose both company will had booth on the bb fair oso.
Hi ya...Yest Mrs Wong was advising us not to get the pump 1st until we delivered. She said we might not know whether we will hv milk supply, also won't know which pump is suitable..She said we can try out the pumps at Parentcraft center 1st before buying...But if I am not wrong, Parentcraft center only has Avent pump...hmm...I also duno whether to buy anot..haiz...

I see...so at the expo fair, there shd be quite alot of booths hor? including diapers?

don't know about PIS handsfree or not?? But it's still too pricy for me. Thinking of getting either Medela Mini Electric or Ameda. Thanks for the info on the special promotion. Will definitely drop by. What's the usual price for the Ameda pump?

Ya, remembered Mrs Wong said that. But once bb borned, I feel really no time to go buy it.

If want to try pump, another place to try is BFSG (breastfeeding support group) think they have ameda and medela for you to compare. But got to pump and try the bm away, cos equipment not sterilised.

Diapers, think I remember seeing Nepia having a booth previously. They were selling at discounted price. Can get NB size too. Usually NB nepia can only get through delivery, not in NTUC.
Tks for the infor...

Ya lor, me also no time to go and buy after delivered lor..so tinking of gettin ge Medala mini pump duirng these 2 fairs...

Nepia diapers gd?

I never try NB size before. My #1 use M size NB. ok for day use. Has got this 3 line indicator, so you exactly when it's full of urine and time to change.

during my #1 time, only pampers and nepia has NB size. so in comparison, nepia is much more economical. Now has so many more brands in NB, drypers, mamypoko.

can ask you all something. Preggies like us can't go hospital to visit is it? My friend just delivered yesterday, and I thought of going down to see her. But she politely ask me to rest and not go leh. bang tang to go is it?
M? Mamy Poko? True lor, cos Pampers quite costly..But hor, newborns skin bery delicate hor...most likley i will get a pack of Pampers NB, and then Huggies NB..

I tink its best that we preggi mummies dun go hospitals lor..hmm...I duno if ur fren is it pantang leh..hmm...Mayb she dun wan u to be tire out...

Hi, everyone, pls do me a favor. My urine test shew a positive 1 infection, and my gyne asked me to have moxilen 250, the antibiotics, and said it's ok to have it. I am very worry about it. Shall I take the antibiotic? I do not think the infection is serious
