(2008/06) June 2008

the prob that I face also if I hold the bb shower within 28 days, I can't have it at a restaurant.cos technically, I'm supposed to be in confinement. My MIL is doing confinement for me and everyone knows this.. my relatives lah. later they may say my MIL didn't look after me properly.. let me go out to restaurant during the confinement month.

actually, my aunt also told my mom to hold it within 28 days.. but when she heard we want to hold it outside at restaurant, she said have to hold it after my confinement ends if it is outside.

<font color="ff0000">felicia*

ha ha u better clean urself up! toner powder seems hard to remove!!


but if its after 28 days meaning its the 29th days oso can mah
so dun worry so much jus tat must hope that it falls on a weekend if not den erm.. abit hard to invite ppl oso? just my personal tots
but if the elderly in ur family is not concerned over the late celebration den its perfectly fine to do it after the 28 days which they wanted oso</font>
Can share which caterer u use? Am a little lazy to go and source for one. :p

I don't think the toner is toxic so don't worry too much. Just make sure you clean it all off so that you don't get any on your hands and accidentally consume it or something.
<font color="ff0000">tera*

Im a faithful customer of Neo Gardens ha ha ha.. coz i like their table arrangements and the food always full of praises from my guests &amp; i have discount
ic.. like tat i tink its either u do it later (after the confinement) or u do it at home lor..

agree with morraine, more or less cfm the plc, caterer.. den call during confinement.. can leave this to ur hubby.. jus get the guest list prepared.. (send sms invitation) and the headcounts to order the buffet.. if having 50 heads.. jus order 40 is gd enuff.. if not alot left over!! u will have difficult time clearing the food..
Morraine/ Tera,
I spend long times in washroom just now to clean myself as the tap is very low and i hardly can squat down to wash! sigh...

OMG! u best be careful. then now how, got any change of clothes?


OIC cannot have it at restaurant if within 28 days? So pang dang cannot go out within 28 days meh. Anyway we have to go out during confinement for hospital checkup also.

So best to go out v close to 28 days end lor.

Anyway i tink i better let hb tok to his parents, let his parents decide. Then i just order the cakes i want for my relatives + colleagues then ask hb to pay haaa (then it will be from hb's side of family liao lor). Then after venue settle, mum and me can then invite whoever we wants.
Hi Ellysia, hb and I have shortlisted a couple of restaurants/hotel function rooms for the baby shower. Once bb is delivered, hb will contact the coordinators to see if the dates we want are still available.
Yes, one month passes very fast. If possible, try to identify a couple of favourite cake shops too... then can place order after bb is born. usually the shops take about 3 days to process order, so not as urgent as securing a baby shower venue (cos need to pre book and pay deposit). but at least, you have an idea of the price range, budgeting and collection issues.
<font color="ff0000">babycupid*

yeah den if u want, when u free oso can prepare ur sms first lor inside ur draft.. ha ha ha


aiyo make sure u dry urself after tat.. dun catch a cold now!


ur most welcome
Yah, how about having at home? If not, then best to wait till after confinement just in case your relatives start talking.

Try to wash as much as you can now cos not easy/good to squat too much now. For legs, go home then ask hubby to help you wash clean clean.
hi morraine,

Yup! Hb and I are hoping that day 29 and 30 are weekends!! but cannot hope too hard. my elderly relatives actually hope it is held after 30days.. one full month they said. dun nkow why also.

Ellysia - it is not pantang that cnanot tstep outof the house before 28 days. It's more like, a proper confinement is 28 days so the new mother must stay at home for 28 days. cos now, it is my MIL doing confinement for me... I'm scared people say my MIL anyhow do confinement for me.. and anyhow allow me to go out before 28 days is up. It's not really pantang but I don't want people to say bad things about my MIL when it is actually my hb and I who want to go out for the celebration.

Oh! I didn't know hospital chheckup is within 28 days leh. my hb told me it is between 4 to 6 weeks... as for the bb, may have check ups within the 1st month but my hb said he can bring the bb down instead.
Neo garden is not bad, i order before for my customary wedding makan at my parents house.

I will prefer mine to be hold at restaurant. I cannot imagine having to clean my house.
<font color="ff0000">cactus*

yeah we have to bring the little one back for check up i think a few days or one week after birth and if u are c sect, u need to go back to see ur gynae oso i rem.. but for me i recalled i brought my ger back for check up with the PD

Will people say bad things if yr MIL let u go out within 28 days?..

u need to go back to hospital to check up within 1 week from the day u discharge.

Then bb need to go for checkup 1mth or 6 weeks.
me too also thumbs up for Neo Garden...many guests had given pretty good reviews..especially the chocolate eclairs haha.

but i might need to take their halal version: Deli Catering cos we expecting some non-chinese guests...
<font color="ff0000">shycloud*

yesh yesh the choco eclairs are a must order!!! hahaha


the orh nee is nice arh!! we always order tat oso
&amp; forgot to mention.. baby full month orders have discount! but need to produce one copy of the bc to them </font>

I guess if it is go out for hospital checkup for myself, no choice. it is defensible. but if I go out to bring bb for check ups, when hb is able to bring, I think it's not defensible. I dno't want to risk pple saying MIL doesn't know how to do confinement propertly lah. just in case. you never know what people will say at the end of the day or even many years from now, esp if my health deproves after delivery evben though it's not her fault mah. I just want to protect her.
actually bb shower is usually celebrated at home if it is within 28 days. If I celebrate our bb's full month within 28 days outside, pple may say I could have celebrated it at home. that's not good too... cos we don't want to mess up other pple's home. maybe hb and I thinkt oo miuch lah.
<font color="ff0000">cactus*

i think u dun think so much first on the bb shower party.. seek advise from ur hubby and in laws and see wat they suggest first and go with the flow and enjoy it rather den worry abt it
coz there are more things to worry abt when bb is out!! trust me!!!</font>

OIC.. will have people say one meh..hmm.

I tink if only bb go for checkup, will still have to go with hb bec' if bb is hungry, need to give breastfeeding outside. Unless pump out and let hb bring along 1 bottle in case. But in case of nipple confusion, its best not to introduce bottle until near the time u want to go back to work.


Neo garden chocolate is good! Hee.
But my mum dun like their food lor, she tink not so good.

Tat time my hb order from Select catering, their food is also v good. I tink better than neo gardens.

When to celebrate is up to yr parents and ILs. Dun have to bother which date is the custom.

I ask which day is the custom bec' its the first time my family and IL doing a baby shower party. Me and my hb are both eldest and first one to get married with unmarried siblings. Our bb will be first grandson. So i tot better to have some plan in mind so tat we can also advise our parents.
morraine - actually my ILs don't know we are going to have a dinner for my side relatives and our close friends. Hb just told them we are just getting cakes for his realtives and asked my FIL to distribute the cakes. hb doesn't really like his relatives and do'nt want our bb to meet them ( I know it's quite extreme... I don't know how to explain it here).

What my mom told me and hb is to hold the celebration after 28 days.. easier for my MIL also. people won't gossip.

Hb and I aren't too worreid about the timing cos we're definately hlding it within 2 weeks from the date of delivery, weekend evening. and we have a list of places we are happy going to... so just have to contact the coordinators after bb arrives.
As for cakes, we are getting from melrose. my SIL got melrose cakes last time. Hb also got our engagement and wedding cakes from there too. we're happy with it and it was recommended by my ILls.

Ellysia - I'm just planning to leave hb with bb if need togo out within 1 month. really dun want pple to say. after all, he is the father too. I don't mind expressing milk .. no need to latch on unless supply not good.
Ellysia, just to share, my parents celebrated my full month outside in a restaurant too. it was after 28 days.my aunt did it within 28 days, at her own home. we're just following what my parents and grandma advice on the date... nothing mmuch to do with my ILs here.. cos they aren't involved in the dinner, but I'm concerned that if we celebrate within 28 days outside at restaruatn not good for my MIL lah. that's all.

Actually if only checkup is for bb only, no need us to go out.. i also feel troublesome. can take the chance to rest w/o bb.

maybe i will pump milk then let hb feed outside if bb need. If by tat time still nt enuff milk then prepare formula to supplement.
<font color="ff0000">cactus*

so i see... its real nice to have such a caring DIL like u

ellysia* &amp; cactus*

as for me i followed that time for the check up coz i wanna listen to wat the PD say den oso i take chance to breathe fresh air outside ha ha ha ha but my mom insisted i wear long pants and don on a sweater though</font>
morraine - I'm hardly the model DIL, but if I can avoid conflict with my MIL or reduce unhappiness for her on my side, I will do it loh.
<font color="ff0000">cactus*

i agree with u oso.. we try to avoid conflict whenever possible to maintain a halthy relationship!
yah.. I always say.. no need to love MIL &amp; FIL all the time. But must always respect them or pretend to respect them lah. don't argue with them or show unhappy face with dealing with them. Just have to tolerate...
i wonder how many of us can login at this forum during our confinement..

my mum probably didn't even do any baby shower for me..dun remember she got tell me before. my mum confinement is v simple done cos my grandma didn't like my mum. So my mum also dun know a lot of confinement stuff.

Btw anyone buying from mumessentials?
I am considering to go during one of my visits at TMC.
Avoid conflict is the best. Anyting not happy get hb to settle better than direct confrontation.

I tink my MIL know i am a bit ma fan and picky one. Hee.
ellysia/ Morraine/ Tera,

Initially i called my hubby to bring pant for me to change but then forgo tat idea since he need to go bak office later and journey from my home to here almost 30mins. So, i just fold up my trouser and still look quite ok. Anyhow, MRT will be very crowded, nobody will notice me, hopefully.

Check up: Last time when i'm on c-sec, i'll need to return to hospital fro my wound check up after 1-2week. Even bb oso need to go bak to see paediatric. Tat time, my mil asked to wear long pant, long sleeve shirt and even wore scarf, i really look like a 'bak chang' when i go to hospital.

OIC, i dun even have any long sleeve shirt.. unless i take my office shirt and wash them in advance.

I always see couples come back to my gynae for checkup, the mother just wear normal.

According to my pre-natal class at TMC, we have to go back 1 week after discharge. I know from my colleague need to go back few days, hers is KKH.
<font color="ff0000">felicia*

ha ha yeah going home time is very crowded so ok la


i wore jacket lor.. like cardi oso can
den i looked more normal.. and GlenE im pretty sure i recalled correctly tat we need to bring bb back to the PD within the first 2 weeks (not sure first or first 2 weeks) for check up but for myself i did not have to go bac for check ups though.. but my SIL who c sect needed.. coz at times they oso advise u to do the BC registration when u go back to the hospital to save one trip down</font>
Yup, I think that is the one that I bought. They only have 2 cots on display. I tot it was quite worth cos a wooden cot easily cost $200 ~ $300+ at kiddy palace. The cot that I bought comes with free beddings. I quite like the sales, they dun only push the expensive items to me cos I was actually looking at more expensive stroller (cos got pink colour) but the sales encourage me to get the cheaper one due to practicability.

I supposed that are many differnt practices to the full month's bb bash. My mum said that it is about 1 month after bb's arrival, but must be held before the end of the 1st month and not after.. We are likely to hold it on a weekedn at our place. Ya, I really dread the cleaning up after that..
oh no.. i called baby ave, wanted to buy e pre perego so check on e colors b4 i go down. then e saleger told me onli 1 color left for 07 model. i wanted e 08 model n no package discount. tink i hav to wait for taka bb fair n c if they betta deals, or else i wil consider graco liao. haiz...

the free gift "beginner's set" comes as a separate box from the sterilizer. will be a good deal if u intned to use pigeon bottles but i already ve bought nuk bottles from frns recommendation. so was wondering if i shld go for 20% or the free gift. isnt it a risk that the warrenty will soon to expire by the time we start using it in june?? what were yr considerations then??

actually how many bottles do we need? if more than two, then maybe i will consider the set.
i have plans to plan the nursery room. however my frn advise me not to as her husband has a birth mark on his face since birth and attributed it to his mum who was in the hse when the dad painted the hse when mum was pregnant.

what are yr views on this??
how much u bot for the nuk bottles ar? my frend oso recommend me that.. n where u get frm? are u breastfeeding.. if so no nd too many bottles.. but i tink 2 or 3..
i tink painting, nailing better not to do now lor.. esp wif u ard..
tml the aircon service man oso coming to my hse to do the aircon cos leaking.. i told my hubby make sure they dun knock nail etc inside my rm..

I didn't really consider leh. Warranty is only 3 mths difference. 20% discount is quite a lot bec' according to my kiasu fren, she said 20% is the max that can go down. I bot during Carrefour pigeon sale.

I am not sure if will leave birthmark or not. Btw both me and my hb face got mole/birthmark so even if bb has, people won't say anything i guess.

But best to leave nailing, drilling out of your house. If anything has to be done asap and cannot wait, u leave the house while the action is done. Master bedroom best dun do anyting at all. Bed dun touch and move.

milk bottles, my fren recommend avent milk bottles.

I am considering to buy 1-2 small milk bottles, 4 big milk bottles and 5-10 breastmilk storage milk bottles. Teats usually they give spare with milk bottles.
Re: strollers

My hb is lazy to go down to babyavenue this week. So i guess we have to miss the sale. My hb want to see taka sale got any good deals or not, before deciding want to go babyavenue or not. To him, any stroller also can as long as looks ok and price ok can liao.. zzzzz.
a week ago i was robinson, nuk was on 20% discount( dun ve robinson card for the extra 5% thou)

they also had this 2 in one package at those wagons..

but i chose those off shelves ones.

i bought a big bottle wide neck and the Premium range" which the bottle body is slightly curved..like a sexy body!

then i bought a small one with those trainng handles for the baby to hold it herself when she is 6mths and up.. so meanwhile i will just remove the handle n attach it on when she grows up. so effectively i only ve 2 bottles!

i found out abt nuk coz a colleague told me its good as the teat is design resemble the mummy's nipples and also this air pressure system to prevent colic(i forgot the spelling)

then one nice mummy at robinson told me more.. they ve 2 kinds of teat latex or silicon and for thicker fluid like milk or thinner fluid like water

she said that latex is softer n babies likes that..but after a while, latex will disintegrate and baby might swallow it while silicon is safer n "cleaner"

so the verdict is that u can choose to use latex if u can afford to chnage frequently. then again if baby doesnt like silicon, what can we do??

i chose silicon, hoping my baby will be happy with it!

the price is pretty standard accross all dept store. so if there is a 20% or storewide discount, that will be good.

oh, being a fan, i bought the pacificers too!! ahahah

I also waiting for taka sale to see if got any good buy for stroller. Was at Mothercare during lunch just now and got my eyes hooked on the Peg Perego Pilko Pramatte (something like that). It looks v sturdy and comfortable, also can recline all the way for newborns plus can switch to have bb face you or away from you.

My coll who has the P3 said her daughter who is 4 years old can still sit in it. Only drawback is it is quite heavy and the price, around 799.
