(2008/06) June 2008

Zu En,

Many places have Ameda. Robinsons, Mothercare all have. Current price is $350.

I also dunno want Ameda or Medela but my colleague said Ameda suction is low and let down effect is no good.. then several colleagues of mine all use medela PIS and swear its good.

I dun tink 20% sale will be offered to Medela PIS. I dun see the price drop to $560 before.

I won't be getting medela mini electric. I heard many bad comments on the durability. The warranty is only 6mths too, plus i see a lot of people selling 2nd hand. If it is so good, why so many people selling.

If i get Medela PIS, i tink i have to pump more months so as to 'recuperate' the cost.. else won't be worth it.


Follow the gynae advice?

If infection is there for too long, it will not be good bec' can cause pre-term labour.
fei fei/ piyoz,
Not sure if this round got diaper booth or not, but usually have lah. Last year, i think has pampers booth and got promo oso.
As for Ameda, saw in mumsfairy, they are selling @ $350 per set w/o handsfree kit. Few mths back sold at $320. *sigh' price keep increasing!

There's some ppl pantang that preggie lady visit newborn whom is not even full month. I had a friend, her girl oledi 6-7mths, but still pantang to preggie woman. So, is better to avoid.

There's a kind of tube cream injection for infection. Maybe you can ask ur gynae for that if you worry on the antibiotic. But during my 1st pregnancy, i got infection oso, my gynae prescribe me some pills oso (but i not sure the nam) and the tube. My girl was allright, so dont worry!
The pigeon steriliser i bot at carrefour sale last sunday, really dun have warranty card inside. I will get hb to call them up this afternoon.

Shucks shd have check the box before carrying it out.

my gynae said the cream is more effective and v strong.

My condition improve liao.. now no smelly discharge

You just reminded me of my infection results. My gynae told me if got infection he'll call up within a week after the test. And today is Friday oledi, the test was done Thurs, yet hvnt rec' his call. Hope today oso dont rec' his call.

U done yr test last week right? shd have call u whether it is good or bad. Mine call me few days after my checkup.
<font color="ff0000">piyoz*

check with ur fren first and see if her MIL or any elderly is bothered with u visiting or not
i had a fren who jus delivered in Nov &amp; Jan respectively and i oso went to visit them in the hospital

I tink since yr fren ored say dun visit then dun lor.. in case she feel not comfortable. sometimes it could be her parents or ILs who is pangtang and not her, will put her in a spot if u insist.

yest i discuss with my hb on the full month party (whether it is before 28 days or after), my hb felt tat it shd be after 28 days, bec in the past bb hard to survive within 1 mth (due to high mortality rate) and thus people celebrate the full month as bb has survive. Thus my hb felt more comfy celebrating after. I tink we will follow after our own hearts ba.
Hi Ellysia, yeah.. that was the reasoning my grandma gave me too. but I think there is more than 1 way to do it. just follow your hearts, esp if the elders don't mind.
Heard frm my fren that Mother &amp; Baby Mag has soem infor on the fair...There is a booth called Pureen there lor...but duno abt Nepia..

So u looking at PIS pump?
Ya, all my info oso from Mother &amp; Baby mag. I subscribe to Mother &amp; baby mag as well as Motherhood. Had been as subscriber for years.
Good morning ladies,
I think I was half asleep when I posted my last post, it sounded so disoriented. I meant that the cotton material is thick and warm thus baby perspires alot in it. The cotton silk ones are more cooling. If you find fiddling with the sling difficult, its better to buy the fixed type, I remember seeing a BP on that sling in this forum before.

I think its better to follow the gynae advice. They are the experts, not us.
called Gyne again, and she said if I worry too much, can drink more water first, and test the urine next time to see how it is going. Feel uneasy, shall I change a gyne?
thanks ladies,

didn't know got so many pantang thing about pregnant woman. Guess I won't go then.

Just replied your email. sorry, only saw your reply today =)
ya, just remember that in BB festival, got a booth selling digital thermometer, cant remember the brand. I remember got mummy ask about thermometer, so can take a look at expo as well.
The thermometer can scan from forehead or ear as well, seems quite good.

I have posted out the receipt yesterday.

Ya i am still considering btw medela and ameda. But if medela has good price, maybe i will buy it. Though it will burn my pocket for sure, cos hb dun want to invest so much in a pump thus i dun tink he will sponsor me.
my frend actually pass me the pump which she used for few wks only.. she told me she got no milk.. ended up did not breastfeed the bb..
so her advice is.. buy only after birth lor..
Ellysia, I've heard better reviews for medela than ameda generally. but I think the pump that works for most ladies is the medela PIS. There are some who say the normal electric puymp is good, others say it is bad.
I agree with babycupid. if possible, buy after birth. The best way to build up milk supply is to latch bb on directly. if we start with pumping right from the start, it may be hard to build up proper supply. once supply is established, then we can use a pump. I'm told it takes about 4 to 6 weeks before supply is established. I'm not sure if eventually I will be buying a pump. I was considering PIS, but eventually decided to let nature takes it course. latch bb on directly as often as possible, more hard work but think it's worth it. SIL passed me her rather new medela electric and avent hand pump, but I'll prob use it only after 2 months if necessary.
I read in an article that we shd pump out milk in addition to latching so as to increase the supply for the bb growing stomach. Thus a pump is still prefer during confinement.

My colleague also ask me to bring a pump to hospital bec' sometimes if bb v hard to latch on, pumping can be the only way.
Ellysia, hospitals will loan you pump if bb cannot latch on. But usually, the lactation consultants should be able to help your bb latch on properly.. that's one of the things we need to learn when we are still in hospital... hospitals will only loan their hospital grade pump (usually cannot buy from outside but ver yvery powerful!) if bb is in ICU or too weak to latch on.

As for pumping out milk together with latching on.. it makes sense but we must not let bb be confused between nipple and teat. if we feed expressed milk too soon, bb may no longer take our breast.
I'm considering between Ameda and PIS oso. But if cant get good price for PIS, might just buy Ameda. Anyhow, will depend on milk supply oso as currently i had one battery operated pump plus one manual pump.
kekkee.. i tink there are different ways of saying.. jus do wat u most comfy wif..
for myself i will latch the bb direct since i will be on maternity for 3 mths.. and use pump after i go back to work..

My colleague said the hospital pumps got a funny smell (she tried on before) and doesn't look hygienic (so many people use before).

According to pre-natal lesson, we suppose to feed the expressed milk with feeding cups when we are doing latching, not using bottles. So there won't be nipple confusion. In addition, the expressed milk may be kept inside freezer for storage purpose also (to be used after maternity leave ends) so i may not be feeding bb with expressed milk until after maternity leave.

Instructor also advise to introduce the bottle to bb 1 mth before we go back to work so tat bb dun have problem accepting the bottle (be it tat u are using expressed bm or formula). She said many people bring their bb to see lactation with problems tat their bb refuse to take bottles, becos the mum only get the bb to start on bottle when she go to work..no time for bb to adapt.
babycupid, I'm planning to do it like you! Unless have engorgement, then I will pump out during my ML. pump out, then freeze, and see how I can let bb use later! After ML ends, if I have supply still, I will have to pump out once a day in the afternoon, cos will be working half days in the afternoons liao... so bb no choice, have to take expressed milk. By that time, if reject breast, also cannot be helped. Hopefully can wean bb onto solids by 6 months!
Ellysia, really ah? I thought hospital pumps are supposed to be properly sterilized?!! Gosh!!

That's a good idea!! Feed expressed milk with feeding cups !
kekeke.. hopefully i can succeed in breastfeeding.. when i flew back frm bangkok.. there is a lady latching her bb (tink ard 1yr old) on plane.. quite peifu her.. i wonder i can breastfeed till den anot.. so far my frends only 1 managed to BF till 9mths.. the rest failed after goin back to work..

Ya so my colleague said she regret didn't bring her pump to hospital. She has no choice to pump out milk bec' tat time her bb is pre-matured and in ICU. Tats why she said better bring a pump in case.

Yes feeding cup is recommended by instructor. She said if use bottle too early, bb will be lazy to suck and bb will not suck enuff during latch on, so milk supply will stop. Instructor said its best to express milk together with latching (or after latching) so tat milk supply can increase &amp; also can prevent engorgement.

I still see robinsons selling at $350 just recently only. Maybe mumsfairy is jacking up their price.

I dun need a fridge to go bec' my office has room for expressing milk. If i get pump i will get their bag package.
babycupid, yeah.. some mothers can't latch on properly. some mothers find their supply dropping when they return to work. try not to give yourself too much pressure. just take it as it comes. despite the well known differences betweeen formula milk and breastmilk, there are no conclusive studies on the long term effects of feeding breastmilk. it's not proven superior than formula milk. I'll be surprised if there are studies on this - so far can't find. From my personal experience, most of my cousins except 3 were fed on formula milk. I was also a formula milk bb. But those cousins who were breast fed (in their early 20s now) are not in better health (still have allergies) and are not average in school (2 of them N levels.. the 3rd at least made it to NTU business studies). compare that with 3 other cousins on formula milk.. very close to their parents still.. PSLE over 275 type, 1 of them PSC scholar. In terms of bonding, allergies, IQ, there doesn't seem to be a corelation loh...

so don't give ourselves too much pressure where breast feeding is concerned. of course, if we believe that breast feeding si good (like me!!), try it out. but dont kill ourselves if we can't perserve. no one is going to judge us. eventually, our child's well being is much more than just feeding breast milk. and if we are sad or feel inferior, our bb/child will sense this too.. it's not good for them.
Felicia , don't need feeding cup. I believe can use feeding spoon too. just have to avoid letting bb suck the teat. to avoid nipple confusion.
it took me a couple of weeks to sort out of my own feelings about breastfeeding actually. in the past, I used to feel incomplete if I didn't breast feed exclusively for 6 months. I talked to my hb about investing in a good pump, going for 1-on-1 lessons with lactaction consultants..etc. Then one day, I asked myself why am I giving myself so much stress?

I have a friend, invested in a pump costing her $699. she felt guilty when she could't pump beyond 5 weeks... not only did she think she failed as a mother, she also thought it was a waste of $ to buy the pump.

Hearing her story, I was afraid to follow her foot steps. so now, I'm just going to take things as they go... every bb is different. every mother is different. breastfeeding is not purely the mom's work or the pump's work. It's also the bb and the surrounding environment.

It's like delivering a bb with/without epidural. some pple say no epidural, you are a very brave mother. but I feel all mothers are brave to go through pregnancy and birth, and all fathers are brave to commit to starting a family.

Just sharing my thoughts.. sorry for being long winded.
Tks ger =D..

True lor, i also dun wan to invest too much in a pump..i target to BF for 3mths lor..
agreed with you that we also need to pump out our milk so that the supply is there..

Yest at mum &amp; babes while waiting for my mum (i meeting her for dinner) so i beo all the prices of interesting stuff, saw this Breastfeeding pillow - foam type tat can wrapped around waist, but quite ex, cost $70++
