(2008/06) June 2008

haha.. same here.. mine oso platform bed.. bery difficult to stand up lor.. so i oso roll to my side and use my elbow to lift up..
when we reno our hse.. i wanted the platform bed and my hubby objects said preg time bery difficult.. but i insisted.. now i koe liao.. sob..

Tks for your help...TInk if accumulated receipts hor, need to be purchases in 2 mths one, but nvm lor, i will try to find out from the staff there..hehe..Tks tks..*hugz*

I hope to get the pump, detergents, diapers at e fair if its cheap wor...

Yes, i need ur receipt as well....tks ya =D..U saw my email?Tks..so after adding ur receipts, I still need abt $100 more...hmm...

I also disturbed by my bb at nite, can't sleep lor...can feel tummy tightening...

Anyone knows how Braxton Kicks feel like? cos now tummy feels more tight, read soemwhere that this is BK wor...hmm...

My frenz also used Nepia, they hv good comments abt it too =D.

I will be getting 1 pack of Pampers NB diapers, then Huggies and Mamy Poko S size in case bb grows fast =D... But ca't seems to find somewhere that sells cheaper leh..carrefour has sales for Drypers only wor..hmm...

u managed to find ur receipts? ;p
oh.. tightening of tummy is Braxton Kick? I din koe that.. but every now n den will one lor.. like one side bulging up like tat.. bery bery tight..
I also think I look like an auntie now… hb keep laughing non-stop when he picked me up last nite after wk, he said I looked like a boyboy if jus taking a look at my face. Darn… I reai regret my haircut now…even my nephew (6yrs old) who saw me last nite said “ah kim, y u cut hair so short, now u look like my mummy, not nice, your long hair much nicer….”. I hear liao, feel lagi more sad….
i also cannot rem if it was 2 or 3 mths, so thought i will include dec receipts, hehe.
in that case, my jan receipts will total $243, + ellysia's $53, quite close to the $300 liao right? The required amt is $300 is it? Memory failing, cannot rem a lot of things.
oh ya ladies,
do you koe when is the 3rd trimster? i started to feel more tired this wk.. somehow jus not enuff slp..
thanks for the advise.... hm. then i better prepare one pac of NB at home just in case....

huggies and mamy poko is good? i see a lot of recommendation for these 2 brands...
just to check wif u all if anyone of u happen to know if we count confinement date as starting from the day of delivery, rite? n not the day rtn hm from hospital, rite?

For me normally if hb touch tummy bb will not move but after awhile he still start to respond.

I know platform bed is not ideal for pregnant ladies cos got frens/colleagues (cannot remember who) tell me when i do renovation for my new house tat time. But my bed is slightly lower than normally bed (not platform) so still not so bad, but still have to roll to one side.

Actually i tink any bed also have to roll to one side, how to sit up from bed on our tummy when i cannot even feel my tummy muscles.
i'm the more lucky type. My bb is more active during morning and evening hour especially after i taken my meal. So normally i'll sleep at around 10pm coz i need to wake up at 5.45am.
My bb will react more to my girl's voice than my hubby. So normally if wanna to feel bb move, i had to get my girl to talk to the bb.

OK i send to u then.. i shd have 1 or 2 more but i cannot find them, i tink i may have thrown them away. So left only 1 receipts. If i go Spring again i send u again then.. i tink i may need to buy more bra from them, but they are current out of stock so i waiting for new stock to come.
<font color="ff0000">iamsnow*

no prob


for me i consider my confinement period ends when i host the baby shower party! &amp; whether it starts from the day i reached home or the day i delivery oso no diff la..</font>

Me too. suddenly like honeymoon ended. More tired and heavier to walk too.

Some books says week 25 onwards is 3rd trim.
That's the correct way to get up (based on those pregnancy book), roll to your side and then use your arms and elbow to support yourself and slowly bring yourself up. Like u said, cannot expect to use our stomach muscles now.

crystal and feifei,
my neice also ask me why i cut my hair and said she preferred my long hair..and her reason was cos now, she cannot help me tie my hair anymore, so practical.
How are u all going to do yr baby shower party? At home?

I am tinking to go restaurant. easier cos i dun have to clean my house.

Ya correct way.. pre-natal class also teach the same way. But happen i somehow know its the way cos tats the only way to get up. Somemore sometimes i cannot immediately come up, must slowly.
<font color="ff0000">ellysia*

wow u are thinking real far ahead! haha

i wil most likely do at home again but i always do 2 sessions coz too many ppl already</font>
Tera &amp; feifei,

I tink it is $300 and within 2 or 3 mths. I also cannot remember.

feifei actually u can buy someting on the spot for the balance and get yr discount on the spot too.
Yah, must get up slowly. A few times, I got up too fast, I actually felt my stomach cramping.

As for bb shower, a few frens did at restaurants. Personally, I think not a bad idea cos no need to clean up. :p I might use a function hall at my in-laws' place and then get caterers.
Hi Ellysia, bb shower will be at restaurant for us. cos we don't have our own home yet, and it's tricky - which home to go to for catered food, cos MIL do confinement for me but my dad will look after bb for us after that. Some people go to chalet too but we decided not to cos chalets are normally inconvenient for those who don't drive.
Oh!! Doing it at condo function room is a good idea too!! more convenient cos nearer to home and can get necessities. also if need to breast feed bb, less messy.
Ya condo function room is a good idea

I ored told my hb want to do at restaurant. Easier and more class also haa. nicer food too.

Baby shower party dun have to be exactly 1 mth right, can be off 1-2 weeks after 1 mth right?
Still have to spare one day bring cakes down to my colleagues.

Btw, need to order cake for IL or dun need? i dunno wats the custom. Cake is for relatives?
i was at baby ave yesterday and was looking at sterilizers.

there is this brand call GL that is having a promo...usual price was $138 then now promo to $68 and come free with a bottle/food warmer.

seems like a good deal, but i realised that the sterilizer has some circular restrictions for u to put int he bottles, while the pigeon one bare at the base n top rack that allows any shape or size bottles or food container inside.

i prefer the pigeon one definately. it cost $119 but has a free "beginner ste" which inclues a bottle n teat brush, 2 bottles and a milk powder container from pigeon..the set usually cost $40.

but i still din buy it in the end coz of the arrenty period issue which starts on day of purchase
thanks gers,
on the advice on the start date of confinement.
much appreciated.

yup, yur niece so practical. my nephew jus keep gazing at me while i was having dinner wif a worried look on his face n asked me if i m going to remain like tat for long cos he said i short hair not pretty, look too much like his mummy (my SIL) &amp; he calls her "obasan". geeezzzz.....

I ored bot my Pigeon steriliser. Original price $119 but got 20% discount + 5% rebate. Dun have milk powder container as free gift. I didn't check got free bottles given inside or not.

The warranty starts from day of purchase.. now i remember i forget to send the warranty card.
I also not sure leh, read frm somewhere de..

Dun be sad hor, its worth it de...when u see ur bb, everything is worth it lor...trust me ya...*hugz hugz*...Dun be sad...just ren for 3more mths lor...then can go do rebounding liao =D..

tks ger...Its $350 wor..so I still need another $50 more to go..hehe...so waiting for soyabean's reply now =D....tks hor...
Cos tink its within 3mths then can be member liao...so i hope i can be their member next fri lor..keke..

I also read alot of comments of these 2 brands so tinking of giving it a try...Then when hv sales, can stock up lor =D...keke..

Tks ger =D>....U need to buy more nursing bra? Mayb u shd buy bigger size so that can put in the breast pad during BF as well..

Agreed that now hor, feel so heavy, can't imagine when I am in 3rd trim..Next wk my wk 28th, officailly in 3rd trim liao =D..

I tink no more bigger size at Spring for me. I will take the max size which just fit only. Maybe cos of sales, their bra sell out quite fast.
<font color="ff0000">ellysia*

personally i attended full month party at restaurant, we felt it was weird.. coz its like sit down lunch or dinner den ppl eat already den go back.. hard to mingle around oso coz courses of food are served concurrently unless u do buffet style inside the restaurant coz i feel ppl tend to come and wanna catch a glimpse of the little new arrival
and baby shower party are usually held earlier not later den the one month birth date

&amp; as for the cakes distribution, we did not give to relatives nor frens whom we invited to the buffet party, we only gave to our colleagues coz they gave us AP but did not attend the party

I will check out with sweet surprise if they are giving me discount or not for returning customer.. hee.. if not den maybe i mite wanna try sweetest moment for a change but i stil prefer sweet surprise though for the packaging but its more ex..
Need $350 to be their member lor...I also agreed that hv to get up from the side, if not tailbone pain also de..

Talking abt bb shower, hb was saying to hv it at our hse, i quite relectuant cos will be crowded and aft that need to clean up lor...I also need to hold on 2 days cos too many ple liao..hmm..

Will u all be giving cakes to relatives?

normally, bb's full month is celebrated only after the completion of 28 days from the day of birth. The cakes and the celebration is usually sponsored by the guy's parents.

In my case, my hb and I will be sharing the cost of the celebrations but my hb said no need to invite his relatives or his parents to the dinner. Only my side relatives plus our closest friends (only about 5 tables). For all relatives (his side and my side), we will buy traditional full month sets for distribution before the dinner. During the dinner, we will provide red eggs too (cos our friends won't have received the traidtional full month sets).

What I understand is usually if a gal has a bb, the gal's ILs will send chickens and confinement tonics and cakes to the gal's parents to inform them of the birth. but this is very very traidtional.. like in the past, gal and guy from differnet village. gal's parents won't even know gal was pregnant cos gal considered married out and no longer part of their family mah.

For our colleagues, we just plan to give out those $10 vouchers... easily to give out.
fei fei - yup! hb and I will be giving out the cake set to relatives... ang ku kueh, cake, glutanious rice and red eggs. 1 set per family.. but only to seniors like uncle's family. for cousins who already married, not giving. but will give my hb's married siblings lah.
Hmm.. morraine shared that the bb shower is celebration less than 1 month from the birth date. It could be a different way of doing things from my family. my grandma said it's celebrated only after 28 days cos before 28 days, bb was traditionally not even given a name cos bb may die. last time, hygeine conditions very poor so people didn't celebrate until bb had survived long enough.

I understand the western concept of bb shower is actually celebrated b4 bb arrives, or soon after bb arrives!
<font color="ff0000">cactus*

hee yeah i suppose diff custom and practice makes a diff

for mine, we made things simple as in for eg bb is born on 10.06 den we will see the nearest weekend closest to 10.07 to do the party
morraine and cactus,

I also tink shd be after 1 mth..hmm.

For cakes to colleagues i will order sweetest moments or such packaging, tink it is more trendy and sincere than bengawan solo card.

For full mth dinner, i am considering to get relatives and close friends to attend. Maybe a 3-4 tables or 2 tables type. I am not sure if still need to send cakes to relatives or not, bec some relatives are traditional and may still prefer cake even if come for dinner.
yesterday, checked at glen. the 4D scan is amazing, but my baby girl is shy, always back to us. EDD Jun 28. But 4D scan is so expensive, 350 $. Do not know if i can claim back when i am admitted to hospital
Morraine, my parents were a bit more particular... when we told them we wanted to throw a dinner at a restaurant, they said to do it after 28 days but if possible, within 2 months. So in the end, hb and I decided to block out 4 weekend dinners nearest to the end of the 28 days loh. Now just have to see when bb arrives. Later, one weekend is 9 Aug then that day also gone liao! possibly loh in my case cos my EDD on 22 June. :p
Ellysia, if you are giving cakes to colleagues, you'll need to make arrangements to send down the cakes. if alot of colleagues, you will prob need help from hb and your mom to bring the things down. it's definately more sincere than giving out vouchers ... but in my case, I can't be bothered lah... cos my office is huge! and I changed teams last Oct. If I give my newe team members only, then my old team members will complain. but to give everyone.. I need 40 cakes or so... no joke loh! I rather give discreetly, in small envelopes. My plan is not even to go back to office on weekdays but put the vouchers on their tables over the weekend! Later pple drag me back and ask me about work then cham lah!!

The traditional people will want cakes to come before dinner loh.. no choice one. at first, I didn't understand why, then I think think, okay lah. how expensive can it be.. cos one box per family leh. not one box per colleague. different lah.
hi shirley, I think can claim. all antenatal expenses are claimable subject to a total limit. can check with CPF board on the limit.
<font color="ff0000">cactus*

hee wow u and ur hubby are real efficient parents! way to go!!

true.. i agree that we distribute out the cakes are much better, for me we brought the boxes down with hubby and got 3 close colls to help us when we reached
and oso bb to let my colls see her tat time
and we scheduled it the very friday before the full month party so noone grumbles me of leaving the house but for me its a good escape!! lol</font>

For colleagues i will only give cakes to close colleagues frm my dept lor. Ya its a bit ma fan, need to send down. Other dept colleagues if they got give me AP then i give them card, cannot go to different floors also else no ending. Last time when i get married i got 5 tables of colleagues all frm different dept. i send out invitation cards ored take 1 whole day up and down.
i will be holding the bb shower at my plc.. i tink better tat way.. anything u nd can jus grab frm ur home.. and like morraine mentioned.. go to restaurant is liek jus go for lunch and difficult for the guests to mingle ard.. of cos the cleaning part is the most headache.. kekeke..

those bb shower i went always do it b4 their actual full mth day lor.. few days b4.. i nvr attend 1 or 2 wks ltr one leh..

I wont be giving the cakes to relatives unless those who did not turn up and gave AP.. only will gif to colicks.. i intend to get from sweetest moment.. something not so ordinary like bengawang solo.. kinda of boring..
<font color="ff0000">babycupid*

yeah and oso one benefit for doing it at home is dun have to bring the little one to cold places or watever coz we will not noe if the little one is a fussy baby or not leh.. later kip crying or watever den can faint arh!!

and ya i was telling ellysia oso.. usually its earlier, i rem elders say before cannot celebrate later one..</font>
OIC for baby shower arrangements do u all discuss during confinement or before delivery?

Becos i find 1 mth pass v fast then with bb, may be too busy to plan or do any preps for baby shower.
<font color="ff0000">ellysia*

best is more or less confirmed where u wanna hold it and any caterers in mind first before delivery den jus call them during ur confinement lor.. this is wat i did..

some exciting thing happen to me just now!
I was trying to change the photostate machine toner, in the end the toner spill out all over the place.
My legs become black color and my white color pants oso in trouble.
Wondering if i exhale in the toner, seems very toxic. *yucks*
