(2008/06) June 2008


U can get from Carrefour, i saw at Suntec yest during the Pigeon sales. Got sale for the wipes with boxes, i saw a guy swipe many boxes.


Understand that u mean. Guess i get 1 box of pigeon wipes and replace with Komodo ones. Cos i bot 11 packs of Komodo from Watson ored before i realise got box type sold at Pigeon sale.


The mattress protector are u referring to those water-proof type use for bb bed?

I just bot 1 from Tollyjoy at yest suntec carrefour sale cost $5.50.
NTUC oso had. But normally wipes come with box will be more expensive. But just one box is enough lah.

Btw,some comment on tollyjoy wipes from my personal view; i dont recommend tollyjoy (cylinder type) wipes as it was very hard to pull out the wipes.
Hi Ellysia,

Maybe I can get some advice from you since you are in the property market line. Let me know if our thinking is flawed okay?

1) hb and I prefer not to take up housing loan, and if possible, we rather not use up CPF $ for house. At the moment, we can only buy a HDB flat without loan and without $. In 2 year's time, we can buy that 3 room condo without loan but with CPF $. But we still need a loan to buy that 4 room landed property. My parents have said they can lend us the $ to make up the difference but we prefer not to rely on them unless absolutely necessary.

3) We are not the type to upgrade and upgrade. We just want to buy once and for all, then when we are 50+, 60, we buy subsidized housing from HDB. Buy a new flat from HDB direct. Free up our cash from our private property and retire early together with our cash savings and CPF $.

4) We did calculations and realise the interest we pay the bank is going to be alot. We don't qualify to buy new HDB flat now, nor qualify for the HDB concessionary loan, nor qualify to buy a resale HDB flat with grant.

5) both our parents' homes have an extra bedroom for us and my MIL/my dad promised to look after this bb for us so that I can continue to work. So we feel comfy to continue staying with them for the meantime.

6) If our #1 is abnormal ,we will definately buy HDB now and forever live in it.

7) If our #2 is abnormal, we will also deinfately buy HDB and forever live in it. no dreams of private property anymore.

8) that's why until #2 is born, we cannot confirm what type of house we will buy.

To be honest, I can just close my eyes and buy a HDB flat today and never upgrade. but my hb wants to stay in private property, I think cos he's never stayed in it before and thinks it's a big deal to want to stay in it. I don't want to deny himi this chance cos I feel lfie is just one life. Cannot have any regrets. It's not as if we cannot afford it. if we are prepared to take some risk, I'm sure we can afford it. but financial risk is not something I'm prepared to take unless I'm certain there's no deep black hole where the $ will be sucked away like specialist care for an abnormal child.
2) Hb and I
Hi Ellysia, no. not that waterproof type. I think the type you are talking about is the rubber/plastic sheet sort for the cot-sized mattress? I'm talking about the normal type of mattress pad/protector. the cotton type.
for regular beds of all sizes. not the waterproof sort.
hey cactus_79,
u mean until now u still dunno if there's a chance that ur baby will hv down syndromes anot ah? i tot ur doc will recommend u to do test to find out during wk12? does ur family or hb's family has such history?
So far i hvnt come across kodomo wipes with box, so maybe they dont had. I know Johnson wipes oso had box but is more expensive.
Re: Maternity clothes

I wasted $$ cos my breasts and hips keep expanding and have 'growth spurts'. One time i tot is enuff liao so i bot bras from perfect mum but now the bras are all tight even with 2 extendable straps. Then i also regret bec' their bras have underwires and they cut into my skin often and my breasts be full of marks at the end of the day. But ored come to 3rd trim i dun want to waste $$ anymore so i only bot 2 more bras from spring without any wires during their sales. I tink after giving birth if expand further i dunno where to get bras liao cos i ored now wearing the max size from Spring. Maybe have to get from triumph liao lor.

For panties, initially i bot big ones from neighbourhood shops, XL type but the band cut through my tummy making me feel v uncomfy, so in the end i also end up buying from perfect mum those low cut ones. Again i regret bec' as my buttock size increase, the panties is so low that sometimes it just drop when i took down my pants. In the end i bot from Spring again, medium cut types and this time round i bot for expansion, XL size liao.

So for panties i have different ones, low cut and medium cut and high cut i also have..
hi bizznow, I'm not talking about a chance. I'm taking about for certain. I didn't do amnio for #1 and I'm told #1 is high risk for downs after the Oscar. It's not only downs that I'm concerned about. It's also heart defects, chronic health problems, congenital health problems. It's also not only fearing for #1 but also for #2. Actually, there are some cases where a bb is clear of downs, but when born, has downs. downs is nothing to do with genes...

Got it on yr mattress protector.

On property issue, firstly i tink cos both of yr combined pay exceed the $8K limit by new HDB flats tat why if u 2 want to buy, have to get resale hdb flat. Why without grant is bec' u intend not to stay near parents?

I tink if u want to get HDB flat, u have to at least get a 4 room flat (even if u have 1 kid and not sure when no 2 will come). 3 room flat in my opinion is too small (cos my parents stay in 3 room and my MIL stay in 4 room, i myself stay 5 room) and i noticed that usu 3 room flat neighbourhood can be quite noisy, better to get those flat blocks with only 4 rooms and 5 rooms (better environment). In addition, 3 room flats are generally older and thus u need more renovation cost and maintenance, upkeep, unless u are heng and get a SERS upgrade in 5-10 years of stay (note before 5 years u get no or lesser payout for SERS).

As for condo, i noticed that generally those in least convenient areas are cheaper but their value also depreciate after many years and the sale value not worth the purchase price. Those near amenities and MRT are better buy but again these are costly even with the current market slowing down, the price is still over-rated.

Also u may want to note that if u wanna to wait until no 2, it can be a few years down the road even if u dun go for c-sect this time round. Reason is cos i have frens who plan for no 2 soon but dun get it soon and years pass by. Also got people plan for no1 for many many years but dun get it.

So i guess the best suggestion is if u 2 want to hold on yr purchase first, give yrself a 6mths to 1 year time to review on yr situation (then revise plan if necessary). Dun trouble yrself tinking too hard now cos situation may change when yr bb come on board
try cutting a small bit of the bra and then remove the underwire. u'll prob feel more comfy then. how much weight hv u put on so far?

dats a very elaborate plan u hv. nevertheless, i hope everything will go smoothly for u and hb and baby, and hope that everything u are fearing will be in vain. *hug*

ok, wld go check...

I also have risk for c-sect actually bec my placenta is still low also.. then depend on my blood sugar test, if not favourable i will have prob keeping bb weight constant so whether or not can avoid c-sect or not is still hard to say for me now.
Welcome Shirley!

I remember u din gain much weight, rite? But how come keep expanding? Does you swell a lot? During my #1 pregnancy, i swell a lot even at early stage, so i ended up brought many maternity bra oso and even use 2 extendable bra.

Why depressed?

I have colleagues who always tot tat i am only 3 mths or 5mths preggy (always lesser), and commented i dun look like 6 mths and keep telling me to eat more.

So end up i eat more during last mth and bb overweight liao then gynae tell me to cut down liao.. so silly of me to listen to their comments i guess.
6kg is not alot... i've prob gained the same amt as u by now... and i'm 2 weeks behind u i believe. :p

felicia, ellysia...
i oso feel i didnt grow as much as my first one leh... esp the boobs... i had to change bras abt 2 times oso... but so far this one, i oni started to feel tightness in my pre-preg bras oni lately...

I dunno if my breast, buttock and hips get fat bec of water retention or fats.

My bra size has expanded from 34B to 38C. But 38C i can't wear, i need 2 extendables.
hey ellysia,
6kg is not a lot leh compared to mine..i am wearing the bras from perfect mums..i find them ok leh..still can wear...now i still hook the most inner 1 leh.. but i agree lah..buying the low cut panties from perfect mum is really a mistake..i dun like them @ all..
hi Cactus, Felicia, gleneagles, seeing Dr. Ang Hui Yan, but think about changing to Dr. Tanny Chan. deliver end of Jun

I hope my bb overweight is not bec' of my high blood sugar. Really hope so and i am cutting on eating sinful food now.

If not it probably bec my own metabolism rate is high then those bloated areas are water retention.

Then again gynae measure bb weight base on bb tummy size, she noticed my bb has a slightly big tummy size which explain the big weight factor.

My fren told me eating meat will make bb grow, maybe cos i eat a lot of meat (i usu prefer meat to veg) so bb become fat lor.

Yup those low cut panties can wear when not preggy lah but with increased buttock size, it can be really dropping lor.

The bra from perfect mum is comfortable. But bec my length increase liao, 38 normally fit me and i have to use 2 extendable. now the wires are hitting on my side of breasts, thus causing the red marks.
ellysia/ soyabean,
6kgs is ok, i think. Actually i was quite afraid i'll ended up like my #1 pregnancy which i gain 22kgs in total. Luckily so far i only gain 2kgs from pre-pregnancy weight but i think i'm goin to gaining more as my appetite this 2 weeks start to increase. I keep on snacking.
During #1, i oso keep changing bra, but this round only feel tightness, so just use one extendable bra only.

Last mth i snacked a lot and i eat 2 portions for meal so i increase 3KG over 1mth & 1 week. Very scary.

Try not to wear the wired bra if is cause mark on ur breast,is not good to your breast. Seems like ur breast really 'improved' a lot leh.

Hearing you said this, i think i better control my snacking. Really hard to resist the LNY cookies which still had lot of leftover.
not trying to compare how big our boops r..but hor..i am actually wearing 40D liao leh..n the i cant fit in to any of my normal bras which r 38C..but the perfect mums 1 i can wear leh..maybe different models is it??the 1s dat the lady recommend me dun hv any cup size 1 leh..
Hi Ellysia,

we don't qualify for resale grant also cos combined income > $8k. there is still the income ceiling.

As for HDB flat, we will probably buy a 4 bedroom flat, not a 4 room flat. There are alot in Pasir Ris and some in Tampines. my parents stay in Tampines, but at the moemnt, no rush to buy HDB flat cos there is space at my parents'/IL's place and they are looking after our bb. we don't want to move to our own home, then every day have to shuttle to and fro parents'/IL's home and our own home. not good for bb too.

as for location, I agree with you. near to ameneties is important. we are looking at private ppty walking distance from MRT station. Although they are all 99 years, we are okay with it cos we don't plan to resell it to upgrade. 99 years sure depreciate. We just want to stay near to MRT for the next 20 years or so.. easily for our kids to get around.

I know what you mean by kids not coming when we want it. every bb is a blessing. hb and I have more or less decided if I don't get pregnant again by Feb next year, we won't have a 2nd child, cos we are not keen to have a child born in the year of the tiger and hb doesn't want me to be a mother again at over 30. He thinks the risks are too high, given that we would already have 1 child. He also doesn't want to be a father too old, he wants to retire young..
My dad retired at 49 and is living a comfortable lifestyle now. my hb takes my dad to be his idol...

Yeah... now we are just waiting and see how. my hb is up for a promotion but not sure if he will get it. Deep in my heart, I know if he gets his promotion, we will almost certainly buy that landed property even if #1 or #2 is abnormal cos his salary would be alot more than now. His work conditions will also improve. but we need to wait till Nov to know.

ya i tinking to quit on those perfect mum bras but really v wasteful cos i bot 5.. sigh.

Last time i always envy people with big bust now i hope it won't grow again..

Ya 99 years is considered good enuff, dun need freehold. Those near amentities and MRT can still maintain good value if u maintain them well, the tenure dun have that big effect nowadays.

For me, i am ored a mother at age 30 haa.. so it doesn't matter, for me i dun want to hit 35 lor. I tink after 30 years old is still ok but best not to hit 35. I have frens who married beyond 30 (but before 35) and all aiming for before 35 to have 2 kids.

Anyway it be tough if u buy a property when yr 1st one haven't hit 6mths yet, cos first 6 mths is teething period. And buying a property need consideration, time, renovation etc.

I know is wasteful but ur health is more important loh. Not try to scare you but i read up that wired bra might be the culprit of breast lump/cancer if wore wrongly.

Perfect mum bras got bigger size one i know. The ones i bot are not the biggest size, mine is 38 length one. Actually i wanted to buy bigger tat time cos i know may increase later, but the sales gal keep telling me no need to buy bigger size etc etc, are u sure u need so big size etc etc. So end up i bot just nice (a few mths ago).

Spring one i bot the largest size is ored 38 liao.

Its the length tat i am pei chey, not the breast size. Breast size if increase to D i can still upgrade ba. non-wired bras are easy bec' if length not enuff can wear extendable and dun feel wires hitting on breasts.

Thks, guess i better stock up from Spring then, hopefully they still have sales. I previously bot 2pieces 38C from AMK Spring, non-wired ones and they are good.

Now i measure my weight daily using my newly bot weighing machine, scare overshot my weight too much. My aim is to not to exceed 10-12KG utimately.

Yest my MIL know frm us that our bb is overweight, she is so happy! Pengz. She tink tat big size bb is good lor. Then i realise my hb is overweight too when he is born!
Me also a big size bb when born, i am 3KG.
Hi Ellysia,

Yeah, not easy to multitask after bb arrives, but we'll just see how it goes. my parents are quite expert at buying property. we've stayed in all types of ppty before, except 3 room HDB and terrace house. Their present home is their 8th actually.. haha.
We hope to get some advice freom them. as for renovations, we don't plan to do much. will only renvoate when #1 hits about 6 years old. cos when kids are small, they will just mess up the place. no point renovating. that'll also give us a chance to save up for renovation next time.

on the topic of age, it's okay to be a mother at 35 or less. I mean, I'm also open to it, but hb doesn't want us to be bogged down by children when we are 50+. It takes about 25 years for a child to be indepedent. Hb will be 31 this year. by the time #1 is independent, he will be about 56? He has plans to enjoy life by 55 actually.. but we got married late. so now his plan is to enjoy life by 60. He's thinkig of working part time, travel around the world. enjoy the couplehood again without the kids.
i gained 10kg @ 22weeks lor..so u r not the only 1 who feels like pig... but my gynae said not ok..ask me to control..

haa looks like u 2 really plan a lot.

I used to be a planner too.. but due to some events i dun really plan so much liao.. cos things sometimes happen unexpectedly.

Me last time also plan to get a steady rs by age 24. But didn't manage to find a suitable one, only knew my hb at age 27. So we rom at age 28, customary at age 29 then get preggy before i hit age 30 (but giving birth will be age 30 liao)..

I also dun want to be bogged down by age 50+ but late married also bo piang lor.. same as u ba.

I used to had a weighing scale oso but just about 1 weeks ago, spoilted by my girl. So now i had no guide on my weight daily. Plan to buy one last weekend, but not too well (fainting spell) so din go to buy. Must really buy one else wil overshoot.

Btw, if bb too big size, ur gynae might suggest c-sec oso leh.
Kelcqi and bizz,

How come yr gynae say different things?

Btw i understand tat if u are underweight b4 pregnancy, u are expected to gain more weight (and u shd) during pregnancy and the healthy weight range will be different from a normal weight person.
i also dunno leh...maybe different gynae lor.. i shot up 5kg in 1mth 1week ok..haha..he super worried..asked me to control.. so i guess i am a record holder lor..1 week put on 1kg leh..haha..

Get yr hb to buy 1 lor. I also ask my hb to buy cos v tired to squeeze at NTUC, then still got to carry back home.

Ya tats why i say i still cannot totally give c-sect out of my choices.. cos may end up with no choice if bb is too big.
n hor..i 4get to mention cos b4 get pregnant oredi overweight..dat's y he asked me to control lah..haha..


For me i shoot up 3KG in 4 months. Then in 5th month i shoot up 3KG in 1 month. Tats why gynae also worried.

Oh if u are overweight har, yr benchmark is different. I know for normal weight MTB, healthy weight is 10-12 KG and not beyond 18KG. So from there u have to discount for yours.
