(2008/06) June 2008


Maybe ur total weight gain is ok, ur gynae just worry that you might shot up too fast within a mth, tats why he asked u to control.

yah lor..sian..so everytime i eat..i must tell myself control..control..but i really nvr eat a lot leh..normal eating lor..1 person's share only..n i dun even snack leh..juz dun understd the weight juz keep on increasing.. sigh..
don't worry too muchabout weight gain. just do what we can to control. I'm also a bit concerned by doctor has not advised me to control yet... keeping fingers crossed... I put on 8 kg so far from week 12 to week 20! Anyway, I'm leaving office already. See you tomorrow!

I extract from babycenter website below:-

If pre-pregnancy weight was in the healthy range for your height according to your healthcare provider (a BMI of 18.5 to 24.9), you should gain between 25 and 35 pounds, gaining 2 to 5 pounds in the first trimester and about 1 pound per week for the rest of your pregnancy for the optimal growth of your baby.

If you were underweight for your height at conception (a BMI below 18.5), you should gain 28 to 40 pounds. If you were overweight for your height (a BMI of 25 to 29.9), you should gain 15 to 25 pounds. If you were obese (a BMI of 30 or higher), you should gain no more than 15 pounds.
the BMI measurement is for european 1 is it?? cos if like dat hor..i actually considered as healthy range lor..haha..

my hubby is working late than me. Anyhow, die die must buy this weekend, sure will ask hubby to carry for me. Now he's quite worry if i go out alone as i keep had fainting spell.

ok, me goin off now. Chat tomolo or tonite if i online at home. hehe...
3kg is not considered a big baby yet... in my opinion, a big baby will be at least 3.5kg... and from the way u describe urself, i believe u will be able to go thru birth naturally...
guess ur oni prob cld be the placenta.

I tot for bb gals, 3KG is considered big?
I tink hb shd be bigger, he cannot remember how big he is when he is born, only My MIL say overweight and beyond 3KG.

Gynae said at the rate my bb is growing, can expect to have a 3.4-3.5KG bb.
Bizz, regards on bra’s. My bust size is around the same as yours. Don't u feel wearing wireless bra bust look saggy? Till now I still wearing wired bras as I dun like the feel of wireless. Further more nipples will show. Where is perfect mum? Is their bras good?

I also dunno wor. Maybe my gynea seen too many ppl gain weight too fast or that time he knew I was vomiting profusely. So he rather I eat now to put back or wat. He told me sometimes 3rd trimester will have MS again so now can eat, just eat.

He belongs to those Ang Moh Pai one. Never control me on food or anything. I am the one asking him can eat these or that, and he always happily tell me eat loh.

Ellysia, me so stress. My MIL always highlighting to me how big other babies was. And how heavy my hubby was last time. One day I cannot stand her stressing me, I told her my colleague had a 3.99kg baby and almost had to C-sec and spend extra. She heard of the extra money my hubby had to spend, she diam diam. Then few days later, stress me over baby birth weight AGAIN...
Dont be stress over ur MIL's comment. BB weight is not someting we can ctrl. Moreover, why must had a heavy baby? Most importantly bb is healthy.
Just nodding ur head when she bring up again and move away.

Eh i dun tink ang moh pai means can eat lor, My gynae also ang moh pai but she will control me eat when i gain a lot last mth.

Actually is those old gynae more traditional tinking will say no need to control weight, i tink.

Actually if bb is too big, may end up obese and will have a lot of health probs when grow up.
My MIL also prefer big bb but i just diam diam (have my own tinking lor). Just diam diam and ignore her lah. Or u can tell her tat gynae said yr bb is ored v big and heavy weight liao though yr tummy dun look as big or watever.
the sale @ baby avenue ends tis sunday (tats wat e person told me). tink u can drop by to c.

i dun rely like combi stroller leh. cos hb n i feel its too light n not steady. quite flimsy n scare bb falls out during turnin of strollers. oopss... personal comments. but ultimately stil depends on indiv choice, cos some mummies prefer lightwt strollers when takin mrt/taxi. i m lookin for steady, comfy n durable type. hopefully to recycle for future #2/#3...kekeke..
Felicia, Ellysia,

Honestly, I hope my baby will not hit 3kg at birth. Easier to give birth also. But I only worried getting blamed later only. Haiz... Nod head no use for me one... I hear the same thing dunno how many times since I got pregnant.

Anyway, I saw one pretty comprehansive checklist. http://www.mumcentre.com/essentials/baby_checklist.htm
Hope it helps with our shopping for the little one...
Morning ladies...

Dun worry too much abt size of bb ya...cos gyane will advise u accordingly =D...Cheerup and be ready to see ur bb soon =D..

Hows ur class yest? I am also looking forward to my class this thurs =D...
Morning feifei...

You were still awake past midnight? I was way lost in dreamland liao. I think 3kg is not considered as big wor, even for bb gers. I heard so many whose bb are > 3kgs. Those < 3kgs turned out looking much smaller. Maybe it is the type of food that we eat now.

Re: weight gain
I gained 9 kg at 24 weeks wor. I have a friend who gain 9kg for her entire pregency. -.o" I feel so sad when I take my weight every morning. I had been trying to take healthy snacks leh, trying to control my weight, but we cannot strave ourselves mah. I think I get dizzy too if I get hungry for too long. Any suggestions?
Dun be sad hor, this mth i gained 3KG lor, so total gained 9kg liao...haiz, nvm lor, after delivery, can cut down =D...I agreed with you that if hungry, must eat for e sake of bb ya...We also dun wan our bb to be underweight lor..

For me, i hv been takign cheese, drinking milk, eating fish etc...scarli my bb's bones are heavy lor..But it will be good for her so I dun mind putting afew KG more =D.

Okie =D
weight gain : can understand the feeling of weight keep increasing. As i said before, my #1 pregnancy, i had gained 22kgs and i only managed to shed off 12kgs. I was quite depressed over it for some period but then i told myself i'll work hard after my #2. So this round, i had been diligently keep track of my weight gain, but sometimes is quite hard especially i had strong craving for this pregnancy. I'll still eat whenever i hungry or feel bb is asking for food.
So, can only plan for weight loss program after delivery. Hope that can normal delivery, so can start weight lose plan faster.
thanks mrswrx.. anyway the combi is too expensive liao.. we prob just stick to our first choice and wait for the stroller to be delivered...

zuen.. dun be sad, I already put on 11 kg at 25 weeks.. tink i put on the most weight here... im also wondering how to shed them off esp when most of my friends only put on 12 throughout the entire pregnancy... but never mind as long as bb is healthy, can always lose weight after pregnancy...
Ellysia, Kelcqi

My gal was 3.23kg when born, but I dun think she is big. My hubby and I are average sz but tall(1.74m &amp; 1.8m), maybe thats y. I think from 3-3.5kg is ok, but anything above is considered big. My niece was born 3.8kg, that was scary man. She looks huge at birth but now normal sz. Her mom ate lots of mac during her pregnancy, so the food you eat also plays a part.
morning ladies...
hey i agree wif Roxy..as long as bb is healthy and strong..those excess weight can work out to shed off later lor..

Me same as u..put on 22kg..for 1st preg...oso lost oni 13kg..hahah..this preg..really must control...but of cos eat moderately and at te right time..

Ya, must eat moderate, oso cannot not eat coz must had a healthy bb mah. Nowadays i feel hungry quite easily and my mil said if got craving for food must eat, else baby will keep drooling when born. Quite a funny facts!
Morning Ladies

Welcome abroad Shirley.

My bra also need an extension....i still wearing wired bra and the cup to small now....been so long didn't get a new bra for me....wanted to use maternity bra but no padding and look shaggy too....

this Friday is my check up....not sure how many weight i've aready gain....
hi all, would you girls like to start a Facebook group on the June MTBs?
I can get this started if you want.
Just list down here your Facebook account name and email and i will start the group and start adding all of you.

List for Facebook - June MTBs:
1. real name and email on FB: Maryann Koh Mei Leng / [email protected]


Yrs is a gal? if gal below 3KG may be easier lor.


Yest i went to the class so when go back home quite late liao, so didn't hunt for the receipt. But it is in my spring bag and my bag is still there cos i haven't wash the clothes i bot from spring yet. Past receipts i will have to hunt a bit, but i have a plastic bag tat contain all receipts so shd be ok. dun worry.

Yest my class teach how to bath bb, clean bb, massage bb stomach, wrap bb. Also teach how to use cloth diapers (how to fold) and how to use disposable diapers. Got doll for us to practice and instructor go to each person to demo. My hb find it more interesting bec' he can participate.
Re: weight gain

I find that MIL tend to care only on our bb.. keep asking us to eat but she won't bother abt how much weight we gain.. even if we become pig she is also like that..

whereas our own mother will usu consider both us and our bb.

When hb told MIL that i will vomit when eat fish oil, MIL ask wats fish oil is for.. when she know fish oil is good for bb, she just said that then no choice, have to eat no matter wat lor. Then later she concern whether i still got vomit or not.

Now go out eat dinner with IL, they always scare i not enuff to eat, keep squeezing me food.. faintz.

Then my mum is so opposite, keep asking me not to overeat in case bb is too big and hard to deliver.. then cannot eat oily food lah, cannot eat salty food lah etc.

I am now afraid my high blood sugar may be gestational diabetes, so I have to diligently control the amount of carbo and amt of sugar taken. Recent few days i been eating more plain food and less food, i feel so hungry
Felicia..ya lor my mum oso said tat..wanto eat jus eat..dun hv a droolin bb gal..hahhah..
i am usually more hungry during the day..when comes to dinner i don hv much appetite..so i usually jus take whole meal bread wif milk etc...
For me i am most hungry at dinner.. have to eat rice or else will be hungry fast.

Btw, yest class teach us that have to feed bb with feeding cup or spoon with water/formula milk if we dun have enuff breast milk initally.. cannot use feeding bottles or else bb will be lazy to suck when come to breastfeeding.

Then instructor also says big baby tend to eat more and need to feed more frequently. Whereas small bb dun have to feed so much. Thus doesn't mean eat more during pregnancy will not have a drooling bb.
morning girls!

My MIL better still, she actually asked if I wanted to drink red wine over dinner the other nite. *faint* Then when we had yu-sheng, she also did not stop this relative from adding brandy to the fish even tho' my hubby told her i cannot take alcohol. You are right, our mothers still the best.

Still got time to watch your diet, so don't worry too much. Try to eat more meals instead of eating more at each meal. Also, if possible, do some light walking after meal? Or maybe can try swimming? Gentle on joints and takes wt off you.

I have been having a cup of teh-c almost everyday since 2nd tri!!

I am on facebook. Please add me.
I also have crystal, morraine and TF on my account.

List for Facebook - June MTBs:
1. real name and email on FB: Maryann Koh Mei Leng / [email protected]
2. real name and email on FB: Margaret Ng/ [email protected]
my mum also said same thing - eat what i feel like eating, if not end up with drooling baby, hahaha! i thought that was quite funny but i'm not complaining cos at least i can eat some of the "not-so-encouraged" food. :p
Anyone already prepare what brand diapers to use for bb yet? drypers? mamy poko diapers? or huggies? i heard mamy poko quite good.

I intend to buy pampers first to try out.
If not will get mamy poko or huggies.

Heard drypers not so good.
i eat normal food lor..breakfast eat 2 - 3 slices of wholemeal bread with a glass of fresh soy milk.. then lunch normally eat soupy noodles or porridge..dinner half bowl rice lor.. like dat not a lot wat..

i always wear under-wired bras during the day..cos if dun wear hor..will look saggy leh..i only wear those without wired 1s @ nite when i sleep..cos still need to keep ur boops in shape mah.. perfect mum is in suntec city tower 2 @ level 3..u can go check out their bras..i think it's slightly cheaper than those in mothercare..
liew, for night use, go for the more expensive brands like Mamy Poko and Huggies Ultra. for day use, can get those cheap ones like Drypers, Pet Pet etc

I eat 2-3 slices of wholemeal bread in morning. Sometimes with nutrisoy, sometimes without.

Lunch eat soupy noodles.

Dinner eat rice with meat or veg. I need full portion of rice.
Tks ger...its okie lor, u can let me know aft u foudn e receipts lor =D>..The class sounds fun leh..this is good cos at least hb can be involved =D.

Plain food? meaning like porridge etc? if hungry must eat wor...can drink milk?
Hi Ladies, too long never log in....been so sick recently and still haven't recover yet....hai.....getting bad flu, cough and sore throat...bed ridden for so long......Hope everyone is doing well and dun be like me.

Btw, dun worry abt tummy size lah. some woman tend to have smaller or bigger tummy. I suppose to have bigger tummy since this is my 3rd child. but alot of ppl tot that im only 4 to 5 mths preg......and saying things like how come your tummy is so small? Did u eat???? As long as your gynae say ur bb is growing well then dun get affected by what ppl say

Tera, please update for me as I seen my gynae yesterday. everything was fine.

Weight of bb: 931g at 25 weeks
Let me know if you still need Spring receipts, but mine was dated in Jan. If ok, I can send them to you.

Thanks! Will check out FB tonite and accept your request. Cannot access in office.

I dont had facebook acc yet. Later when i register will update you.

Diaper : agree with maryann, that shld go for good quality for nite use. My #1 is using mamy poko at nite. So this round will follow suit, but i'll use mamy poko and pampers for my newborn as afraid she had golden butt.

This pregnancy, my mil din really force me to eat more coz i keep telling her i'm oevrweight after 1st pregnancy. In fact she can saw herself, i'm much big size compare to the time i just married.
And my weight issue partly oso coz of my mil keep askin me to eat during my #1. So this round, she dare not ask me to eat, eat , eat.
i intend to buy mamy poko brand for bb use heard very soft.. i did received some different brand diapers sample so quite confuse...
Re: Bloom photography

***** BP is closing TOMORROW 27th Feb at 5PM. We have reached 15 mtbs, any mummies interested in the BP but has not contacted me yet may do so at [email protected] *****

*** Mummies who have signed up with me but yet to pay the deposit please do so by TOMORROW 27th Feb also. For whatever reasons that may cause you to delay your transfer please email me and let me know. Thanks ***
Will need minimum 10 MTBs for this BP to take off. They are offering us for the same price at $160 for 1 super 8R photo, 5 5R photos and extra 3 more 5R for this BP. For photos that are selected, the soft copies will be given back to us. For mummies that are interested in keeping all the photos taken during the photoshoot, you may also purchase a CD with all the shots taken on that day for $250 if you are a forum member which we all are here...

If there are more than 15 MTBS who sign up for the bloom BP, the CD containing all the shots can be bought at $200 instead of $250. If we only have 10 mtbs, the previous offer still stands

You may refer to this link for their pricing details http://www.thestudioloft.com.sg/rates/TSLoftRatesY9T04N7.pdf

To look at their work you may go to:

** Do check out their biz thread (link provided below) in the forum, They have just posted some new Bloom photos **

** All mtbs who participate in this BP will get 20% discount off the basic package as a returning customer if they bring their newborns to studio loft for Little big shot photoshoot in future. Check out their photos for newborns and infants**

Mummies participating
1. Amy (Apr mtb)
2. Yo (Apr mtb)
3. Gervynne (Apr mtb)
4. Wish Come True (May mtb)
5. Piyo (Jun mtb)
6. Veniz (Jun mtb)
7. Mogudog (Jun mtb)
8. Chewy (Apr mtb)
9. Jer (?? mtb)
10. Juin (May mtb)
11. Serene123(Apr mtb)
12. Jellyfield (Apr mtb)
13. Pinkbunny (Jul mtb)
14. Prawnie (Apr mtb)
15. Jia Jia (May mtb)
16. Eifrus (May mtb)

***Anyone else?? BP closing TOMORROW 27th Feb 5PM!!!***


I mean plainer taste, so usu soupy noodles is preferred. But i usu go hungry v fast on noodles than rice.

Even before preggy i ored need to eat bread or biscuits if i eat noodles for lunch.


I see.. so i guess Kelcqi mustn't succumb to pressure lor.

Lucky i not staying with MIL else i also stressed.


My colleagues also keep asking whether i got eat enuff or not.

Yest my hb said our pre-natal class MTB all expand in size and face got double chin etc.. then he realise i actually didn't gain much weight cos most of my size goes to my tummy.
