(2008/06) June 2008

Hi ladies...

alamak....really hv to check e fd we eat hor...heng u discouver early...

Welcome back =D>..Bot alot of b things?

Hehe....true lor...well, me not much mood also lor, my pelvic bone abit suan these days...Today did some hsework, then collaspe on the bed for a nap just now =)..Felt like an old lady..

Anyone decided to continue to breastfeed when they start work? wonder if it will be a hassel cos there is no nursing room in my office..hmm..


I envy those gals who is shorter leh. Cos can always wear very high heel shoes hee.

Btw, I saw bottom spray selling at this shop Moms essential at suntec city. Are u the one asking abt bottom spray? U can see their website

I went to suntec today and bot some clothes from Spring sale, then also bot a number of Pigeon stuff from Carrefour. Got Pigeon steriliser, original price around $118, got 20% discount.

Then me and hb went Robinsons and bot more bb clothes using my Robinsons Vouchers.
Kelcqi, Felicia and Mog,

My hb is only 172cm, so he is only a few cm taller than me. When i take wedding fotos inside indoor, i have to take off my shoes while hb wear his shoes. And thus i didn't wear high heels also.

Anyway i used to wear high heels in uni and guys always dun like gals to look down on them, so in the end i switch to platform shoes instead which are shorter.

I have gal frens who are taller at 175cm and they have headache finding bfs.

So i always tink 165cm is ideal for gals.
But tall got its advantages also, in big crowds i can catch things easier, less blockage lor :p
wah.. so many 1.6m mummies here.. i am 1.65m.. kekeke..

yup.. bought quite a numbers of bb clothings.. kekeke.. bery cheap lor.. ard 3+ to 4bucks per pc.. those rompers, singlets, etc.. bb bibs is ard 1buck each
Kelcqi, piyoz, TinyFeet, hehehe, we can form 1 1.6m club in June mummies. My hb not so tall either, 1.68m for a guy consider small size, hence my gynae says my baby could be short due to genes.
160 club... hee hee .......

Mog, maybe that's why my #1 small frame. My hb also not very tall. Good also lah... then we look more like family.

I like Huggies Comfort. Cheap and can last for quite a few hours. I always buy at this Chinese Medical Hall, $4 cheaper than what NTUC is selling. Bad thing is they only carry L and XL.

If no nursing room, then bf after starting work might be very troublesome. Does your office have a fridge for you to store your ebm? I did hear some friends say they pump in the toilets. But it's really warm and uncomfy, plus if planning to use electric pump, there would be a power plug. Must consider.
Morning ladies! Is another Monday!


For me, I'm opposite from you when taking the wedding photos shoot. I had to stand on 2 stacks of yellow pages. And my hubby keep laughing at me for being shortie. Ya, i like the ideal of 165cm oso. You can 'donate' ur 5cm to me, then both of us will be ideal 165cm. haha.....

Diapers : Quality wise, i prefer mamy poko and pampers. Cost wise, prefer dryper.
Morning ladies...
Its mon again..so sleepy..

cheap cheap lor...=D..

Me also 1.61cm lor..

True lor..hiaz... We hv a fridge here for those cold drinks for guests etc lor..so i also duno leh...Huggies Comfort is it purple color packaging?
Morning gers,
Monday again.. I am starting my 24th week today. Cant help but feel excited. Hehe.

I am 1.64m and my hb is 1.85m. His family are all very big-size, so I dun expect to have a petite minnie.. As such, it is better to hope for a tall and slim minnie than a tall and big-size one mah. Hehe.

Dun worry. Things will get better after delivery. I have also been lazy, didnt do any housework over the weekend. Basically lazing around, watching lots of TV. I think it is time to look for PT cleaners. I havent call up my massage lady too.. Hahaha.. I really tink that pregnancy has given me an excuse to be lazy.

Re: Diapers
I heard from a freind that we need not buy newborn size diapers. S size should serve us well too (unless bb super small size). Cos newborn diapers tend to be much more exp than S size. I havnt done my research though.

Oh ya, I forgot that if it is electrical pump, have to express with electricity. Now I have a bigger headache.. Electrical or manual.. Haiz..
I think it is quite weird for you to store your milk in the fridge for guest.. Imagine if the guests were to help themselves to the drinks in the fridge, hehe.

huggies comfort is blue and red packaging. Actually no rush to buy diapers. Hospitals usually give a goodie bag. Can get many samples for NB diapers.
ya, I bought S size straight away for my #1 too. Don't intend to get NB diapers. Cos will be using cloth diapers at home.
hihi...hehe..tink ever since i got preggi, really become abit more lazy leh..hehe..soemtimes aft meal dun feel like moving at all..haha..

True lor, newborn sizes are more expensive...Cos hospital will be giving us the leftover of a pack, so mayb I will buy 1 pkt of NB and 1 pack of S zize to standby...

haha, ya lor, then they tot its milk...*ops, abit er xin*...hehe... so fast lor, next wk my 7th mth liao =D..

I also delivering at TMC =) They will give the leftover Pampers? That's good.

My #1 at Mt E, bb was using Pampers during his stay in the hospital. But when we were discharged, they never give us the left over pampers leh. Only got the left over J&J wet wipes.
Yup...cos my fren gave birth afew mths ago, she took back abt half a pack of Pampers Newborn diapers =D...

hmm...Tink they will give us e milk powder also hor?
I think hosp will give us some milk in small bottle type. Last time, gleneagles give me about 4-5bottles. I heard my friend in TMC oso got it in liquid type not powder.
dont buy too many NB or S size. One packs each will do. Coz u nvr know if ur bb will outgrown very fast. Last time i had to give away my NB and size S to my relative coz just within 2-3 mths, my girl oledi upgrade to size M. Anyhow, diapers are sold everywhere, so quite convenient to get it.
As for the hospital goodie bag, normally they'll give u 2pcs of NB plus 1pcs size S, M or bigger size each.
Talking abt height, im only 1.57.. cannot even hit 1.6m haiz... hubby also short.. only 1.69.. tink our baby might not be very tall but hope for the best :p

Tink Spring sale is ending today.. I went yesterday, alot of good buys, nursing bras and tops at $12 each only and those nice comfy maternity tshirts at $12 only.. nice dresses at $29 adn tops at $19.. all very worth it.. I had to control myself :p

ya the sale is good. I also have to control myself cos ored collected quite a number of maternity clothes and i dun want to spend any more liao.
<font color="ff0000">morning ladies..

wow all talking abt diapers now arh.. for me i guess i will follow suit my #1 style in case, my #1 has very senstive skin therefore we only can use pampers or mamy poko on her
if not wil lead to diaper rash..


hmmmm spring sale real good buy? stil contemplating if i shld go and see see look look or not during lunch time leh....</font>
hi all...
good morning... been out of action from here for a week cos so much happening at work, and was on course too.

speaking abt spring, i went down last week. and yes... they are having sale and alot of clothes were selling cheap.
but alot of items were either not in the color or size i wan... so i ended up buying a sleeveless tee at $12 which was very comfy for homewear. i had 15% discount card on hand too, so bought a few regular priced items... 3 tops and a pair of shorts.

as for diapers, yeah... no point buying NB size. for me, i will prob stick to using Huggies Dry Comfort for day and mamy poko for night. thanksfuli my elder boy is now almost toilet trained so we dun need to buy 2 shares of diapers! :p imagine the costs...
haizzzzz..weekends jus seem to pass so fast..

I popped into Fox kids/babys yesterday and saw so many cute lovely clothins for bbs expecially for Minnies..
from 0-12mths...alamak..canot resist ..they are jus so cute..anyone has bought anyting from there??
Do you all need the Spring receipts? If not, can give them to me cos i am helping my fren to be their member cos she also preggi lor =D...I can pay for e postage wor....=D..Thanks =D
Hello mummies, im so happy... Back from my detailed scan everything was alright.... Finally can ease my mind... Recently i having leg cramps... Gynae say because i never take enough calcium so ladies, u all have to eat your calcium daily if not cramps are so painful de...

hi ritzy...
hehe... i dropped by fox last week... but dunno why leh... for once i didnt go gaga over the girlie clothes... :p i wasnt even tempted to buy anything...
hey mummies,

i stil fit into e 1.6m club.... me 1.68m, hb 1.81m, so quite ok la... even i wear heels hb stil taller than me.. hope little minnie wil be in btwn our height. hahaha

anyway, i pop by baby avenue ytdy. they having 20% off strollers till tis sunday. e pricing quite alright leh, but i stil considering. those who r interested can go check it out. i tink its cheaper than baby hyperstore/ baby kingdom @ kaki bukit.

not sure if i wana take e risk n buy by tis sunday. dunno if taka bb fair pricing or robinson sale wil be more attractive. haiz...

baby ave: 520 balestier road #01-02 Leong On Building,turn left after caltex. tel: 62536678

tdy response wil be slow, cos i wil be attending a conference frm 12pm, leaving soon liao. *sianz...* *dozing off even b4 conference*

enjoy yr monday!!
<font color="0000ff">hi ladies

I am from Apr08 thread. I had bought extra pack of cloth diaper set (10s) - Annuka brand. It's quite soft.

Original Selling Price : $19.90
Selling at $15.00 now.

If you are thinking of using cloth diapers and had yet to buy any, please consider my offer.

Please email to me at [email protected].

anywhere has sales for diapers now? Tink its really time to stock up lor =D...Wonder if there is any sales of diapers at next mth's bb fair..hmm..

Congrats...so is ur bb Minnie or Mickey?

Good idea lor..will stock up 1 or 2 packs of NB and S szie..cos NB and S size not much difference hor? but is there any diapers with a U-shped so that won't hurt bb's cord?hmm...
Ya, imagine your guest drinking the wrong milk. Oops.. I have a fridge in the office too. Must warn my colleagues, hehe.
I am oso lazier now, prefer to laze around on my sofa on weekends and after work. Sometimes, I feel lazy to even go out.

That's wat I am intending to do too. Buy small packs of different brand to try, then keep the packaging and ask hb to buy for replenishment. Just in case my ger got golden butt and must take certain brands. ;p However, cheaper if buy in bulk.

I saw that advertisement on the newspaper too. I was just wondering when is that sales ending. Looks like I should drag my hb to take a look.
not sure which stores are having offers on diapers leh... :p cos now one pack of diapers can last me for near 2 mths. but i usu check out Sheng Shiong. i did see them having offer on Huggies Dry Comfort (red and blue packaging) abt 2 weeks ago... $13plus for one pack oni... normal price is 16plus.

another place to get cheaper diapers is JB actuali. :p we usu buy a few packs back when we go in.
my hb told me CK outlet at chinatown have diapers at cheap price. we went to carrefour last friday. apparently, CK is even cheaper than carrefour when it is on promotion at carrefour leh!
but we ended up buying 2 promotional packs of tollyjoy cloth napiers + 100 pieces of liner at $18.90. Very cheap!
speaking of fridge... the pantry fridge at my office is full of all sorts of stuff... frankly, i find it quite yucky if i have to put my BM in there. last yr, i managed to get a little mini fridge (can put a few cans of drinks) free when i bgt biotherm products. my colleague is using that to keep her bottles of BM now. it'll be returned to me after i give birth... :p i intend to put at my cubicle.
Any mummies, experiencing difficulties/ pain (on the pelvic bone) when walking? I’ve had it since week 14 but the discomfort has become more intense lately. Is this normal? I’ve only in my 23rd week, still got so many more weeks to go. Wondering how I’m gonna pull through…. haiz…..
babycupid, my hb said disposable diapers at CK are cheap. He didn't tell me he saw cloth nappies at CK though - but at Chinatown, there are some shops selling cloth nappies. something like $15+ for large size per dozen and small size is about $8 per dozen. but exactly which shop, I don'tk now cos he went alone...
u gals sure u will be using cloth diapers? =p jus asking cos from my experience for my boy... we bgt a couple of dozens and few packs of nappy liners... in the end, ALL never use! cos we were using disposables from the start and felt it was too troublesome to wash the nappies...
ya lor..hehe..

tks for e infor..tink can check out Sheng Siong =D...As for jb, unless driving lor, if not also bery difficult hor..hmm..Then mamy poko brand not bad lor =D...But hor, MAmy poko has a few types leh, one is e purple color packaging wor..

Anyone can give me their Spring Receipts?
i dun mind giving u the receipts but cos mine had 15% discount given, so not sure if the receipts can be used.
as for diapers... hehe... NTUC always publish their weekly offers on Thurdays, Sheng Shiong on Fridays (i think), so u can keep a lookout in the papers and buy when the brand u wan is on offer.
Shop n Save oso publish on Thurs.
hi soyabean, I think I'm going to try out nappies during the day time. night time will still use disposables. Cos we'll be having a maid and my dad look after our bb, so plan to let the maid do the washing. We heard nappies are cheaper, and help to toilet train more easily. My mom said if clean nappy cloth not used eventually, we can use them to pick up spills, use as bibs (although we already bought them!!), swaddle a very small bb or use them as a blanket for bb during the day (bb won't suffocate cos there are holes to breathe through). night time, we can use flannel.
for disposable diapers, try not to buy now, cos we won't know bb's size, and their sensitivity. my colelague's #2 can only use pamper premium. her #1 can use any brand. hb and I plan to just use the cheapest which our bb can tolerate without any sensitivity so not planning to buy yet.

Your office allows you to keep a separate fridge? Fridge tends to consume alot of electricity wor. I think I will have to use the common fridge in my dept and I do agree that there are alot of junk inside.
I never check out those supermarket advertisement de. I think have to start the habit liao. :p
