(2008/06) June 2008

i am goin for crabs~ at this restaurant called 'crab party' along yio chu kang road.. yummy yummy!

oh ok.. at least keeping within the hse is not a prob.. kekeke..

<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">bbcupid, think 240 is for 4 feeds a day rite? 6 hr interval? mine only drink 120ml +- for 3-4 hrs and nite slightly more which is 150ml for 4-6hrs ;p</font></font>
hmm.. the tin stated 5 feedings.. if not wrong.. go home n see see.. my boy daily now is ard 1000mls..

ohh.. issit becos she started on more solid? or she dun like milk already? kekeke.. i read frm somewhere stating that bb shld take at least 1000ml a day even they are on cereal.. this applies to 4 to 6mths old bb.. hmm..
Re; Hair loss
When will the hair loss period ends? My hair still keep dropping till i going bold. Will the hair grow back? Wait must go Yuan Nan or Beijing 101.
i dunno when will end.. i tink some took quite long wor.. for me.. i almost come to the end.. not much dropping already..
it will grow back.. unless has fungus infectious which caused the pores to be dead.. den cant grow back lor..
You are not alone...I also wondering when it will stop. Some say will stop/get better when bb is about 8/9 months old. ~ botak liao lor...

Just bring my boy to pd to take 2nd jab, waited for 3 hrs at the clinic.. went all the way to tmc to see his first pd.

was told by pd tat he cannot start solid before 6mths cos he is allegic prone. then he gave me a chart of food which one cause more allegy etc.

he is now around 8KG at 4.5mths. height around 68. all around 90-97 percentile.


is yr bb ok now? how bad is the fall?
u best to monitor yr bb within 24hrs whether got any strange behavior, concussion, vomit etc.
Re: playmat

i have this play gym fisher price one. we put in living room but recently discover quite big ants crawling around. if u all got playgym do check often before putting yr bb in. and when carry bb up and down be careful, dun be like me knock his head while carry him up.

re: carrier

I bot lucky baby brand, quite cheap around $30. And quite good cos can put bb to face out or to face in, a lot of positions. and easy to fold n washable.

re: milk intake

i rem my pd says it normal for bb around 3-4mths old to sometimes take less milk than normal.
ya now esp they r stronger and with big and strong movements.. mus be really careful.. yd carried my boy.. aiyo he so strong..
Zu En,

Milk go into cargo not so good rite? cos i know EBM cannot be shake too much or else it will be spoilt. moreoever the heat in cargo i am not sure if its good. u never know abt the handling.

if u have stock at yr home, i suggest u just pump when overseas for relief but dun keep them cos not sure the pressure etc can maintain milk quality.

alternatively why dun u email to singapore breastfeeding grp ask them for advice.
<font color="aa00aa">ZuEn, i remember saw a thread about transporting ebm when taking flight. One of mummy flight is more than 10hrs leh. She even pump inside the toilet cubicle of the plane.
Let me try to find the link and post here.</font>

FM milk intake is different from BM milk intake. dun be too concern abt the recommended intake or not as long as yr bb is growing well.

ya, now bb v strong. just now outside i carry him try to change position almost drop him on the floor.. sigh. me v lun zun somemore. i drop my EBM 3 times in office during expressing ored, v lun zun.

my boy skin allegy.. he go everywhere always got people ask abt his face. sigh. then ask why got this pimples or wat. some will suggest apply wat cream etc.
Me here also..Was busy doing my assignment lor

my ger also drink onli 180ml lor...Guess it depends on diff bbs wor..We feed upon demand de..If feed too much, bb will vomit out..

my hair also dropping lor..My ger also cos can see her tiny hair on her mattress =)..

oh dear...Duno if can check in ur EBM anot hor...U got the cooler bag hor? Still rem when Roxy went BKK, tink she bot a cooler ice pack frm Daiso lor, then she managed to transport back wor, all she checked in if i rem correctly...Too bad she went Japan liao, if not can advise u..When u travelling?
tink better listen to ur PD to start weaning ur boy at 6mths lor..hmm...sensitive skin?

I rem roxy freeze all her EBM at BKK then bot a small ice box to check in leh...I also forgot liao, jsut rem vividly soemthing like that...

Any mummies rem how roxy did it?

my bb drinks only 150ml per intake. he has around 6-7 feed per day.


ya senstive skin so more prone to allegies. can be any type of allegies. cos my hb last time got asthma and we both got sinus also.
<font color="aa00aa">Ellysia, have you ever try to apply ur BM on ur boy's face? Coz got one 'ah ma' asked my mil to give her a pack of my ebm when she know i had a lot. She said she wanna apply on her grandson's face. According to her, had see many doctors and apply cream but still no improvement. Then someone suggest to her try apply BM. I'm not sure if it was effective or not lah. Maybe can give it a try.</font>
hmm.. issit bery serious? u can try the BM thing.. felicia mentioned.. cos i heard it somewhere too.. but duno effective anot kekeke.. no harm trying..

does ur bbs pull own ears? my mil said my boy started to pull his own ears nw.. yd saw his inner ear got 1 dot wound.. bleed.. haiz.. so rough lor he..
<font color="aa00aa">babycupid, my ger din pull her ear but still injured cos she scatch with her fingernails. Every week, i'll need to trim her nail lor, else she'll 'sang hen lei lei', then no more pretty face liao. haha....</font>
babycupid and felicia,

dunno is it accurate cos milk sometimes drip on his lips area too but his chin also has leh.

can be quite serious at times, on and off one. recently apply tis brand mustela on him and its working but slowly. however fast results one are always those steriod cream which i am avoiding. my MIL even ask me to apply the steriod cream when he has serious flare up but me n my hb dun care cos we dun want to apply any more steriod on him. i didn't give my mil the steriod cream, luckily. i only gave her the mustela.

he had tis prob since end of 1st mth. at first we tot is baby pimples. see 2 pd but they said is baby pimples. then last mth take to jab then pd say is eczema, then we know is due to allegy. then i still dunno, go eat crab and prawns etc cos his allegy to be worse cos i breastfeed, my diet will affect him.
janiviy, he's drinking at 3-4hrly interval... v little hor? max max he will drink is abt 140 only...

i cut his nails every 2-3 days... grow long v fast.. is it becos he sucks at them? hahahha
ohh.. did u try the california bb cream? candula or duno wat.. i heard not bad too.. but i nvr try b4.. only face rite? hands those ok?
ohh issit.. sign of teething ar.. hmm.. yd tried to see his gums hor.. the upper gum looked quite red.. below normal.. is sign of teething oso rite?

if he fuss and u can't pacify, try teething gel.

i tried tat california cream liao, no use. his hands and legs also have but at crease area.
240ML for how many feeds? if is 4, then 240ML x 4 = 1 day consume 960ML of milk.

My bb intake drop from 1000+ to 700+ for around 2mths already but surprising she still gaining weight
i cant remmeebr shld be 5feeds.. tontie go home check..

where to get the teething gel? and wat brand is gd? he nvr fuss so far..
dun stress over ur boy's milk intake...i used to worry too when my gal drinks little...as long as he's feeding well and active...not to worry much!

i also cut her nails every 2-3 days if not she will leave scratches on her face left rite centre lolz...see liao also dunno want to laugh or cry
<font color="aa00aa">bleh, my ger is taking the most 140ml now oso. So no worry!

I can only trim my ger fingernails during weekend coz my mil pantang, saying cannot trim when baby is sleeping. And no trimming during night time. So, only time i can do is weekend after morning bath.</font>
here is my bb recent fotos



u can see his face red red one.
this one pix at the bebe pod he try to lift up the toy, then later he throw it off the table.

oh ya, today i try to drink soup outside while carry bb. i tot his hand v far from the table. then he dash forward and dip his whole hand in the soup and throw the whole bowl down, dripping soup over himself and my pants. but the soup is not hot, heng.

Same lor. my bb also got Eczema. Must be very careful with her skin especially her face. Must be clean otherwise those spot appear.

On Wednesday when we bring her out shopping her face still swee swee one. no spot at all. Smooth like tofu. Then later in the evening those spot appear. Must be our clothes not clean enough or her hands dirty she rub her face.

Let me make some noise here. It could be her hands dirty that causes the scary spot appear. Happen that when we where eating, the waitress touch her hand then to her cheeks!! I was like ... How to tell her not to touch? I never voice out just let her touch the most i wipe bb hand. Wipe liao come again touch. Angry!

With a sensitive skin baby really hard to maintain. But so far I apply 1 lotion her spot will disappear the next day. I think it contain steriod too. But doc mention as long as we apply does not exceed 3tub/day is ok.
oh yes.. saw the redness.. quite red frm the 2nd pic.. have to be bery clean lor.. they will be better when older?

yup. same, got waitress see him cute also touch face. how to tell not to touch.. wat to do.

for me i find v hard to maintain clean. esp he touch touch then eat his hand then rub his face all over. i find it worsen at nite. day time sometimes swee swee then night time horrible. mittens got to keep changing and cannot remove mittens else he will scratch his face then worsen the problem.

actually the detergent use also can cause sensitive. try not to use too much detergent. nowadays i put a little only.

the worst ting is dust mite, which is v hard cos i have no time to do his laundry and clean so many areas.

now wat i do is to open his room windows during weekends and air it. then i intend to get humifier cos his skin cannot go too dry. everyday bathe using special bath (for sensitive skin) given by pd, then put bb moisturer. then apply mustela 3 times a day. change his bedsheet once a week. wash our hands regularly when carry him. change his mittens often. i have to buy a lot of mittens. the application of cream is most tedious bec he will rub his face after i apply the cream and he will eat his mittens. nowadays i am lazy, he eat i dun care liao.. last time i usu apply when he is asleep and have to ask hb to hold his hand while i apply..but i give up cos he will touch his face no matter wat..dun let him touch he will cry and dun want to sleep.

steriod cream, my hb's doc fren say although pd always say its safe but still it is no good so try to avoid using it.


read articles tat it will go away when bb reach 6mths to 1 year old.

yr one is a gal..tink really have to protect her face lor..
my comfort is he is a boy so still not so bad..but hope won't left any scar.
my hb have bad bb pimples when young, i suspect also eczema..then it left scar until now still have.
as long as he is growing well lor.. but cos he's not putting on enough weight, so i'm a little worried.

but he's v v smiley one.. sometimes see liao feels so heartwarming.. hahaha
Hello mummies!

Thanks for the compliment! My gal is on total bf, so I have no idea how much she drinks now. I also dunno how come she can grow so big so fast. Looks cute but very jia lat to take care, can't even have time to surf net, some more carry until my wrist very siong. That is why I can't reply very promptly.

Now can have a bit of time a day since she has less nose block issue and can sleep longer now.

Janivity, about the camera, I use Canon IXUS.

Felicia, my gal is 1 day younger than yours

LeeMay, my gal is 8.4kg now, totally overweight, but I can't do much about it.

FeiFei, I have no idea how much she drinks now, thinking to switch to bottle soon because she has been biting me recently, luckily no teeth yet but still painful.

ioio, it is ok to say my gal looks like your boy boy. I used to it already, because from the 1st day onwards, ppl will ask me "boy ah", even though I dress her in pink
including the confinement lady when she 1st saw her, even though I already told her that I have a bb gal. That is why I love to dress her in little skirt, so that she won't look so boyish
Ur boy so cute hor....u bot the tray for e bumbo seat separately huh?

It will take sometime for ur get to get used to bottle wor..
huggy, ur ger ger dun look like boy lah.. jux tt look a bit like my boy.. boy n ger k look alike as bb's look no gender diff one :p
Wah.. ur boy more difficult to maintain. Btw, last time my girl wear mittens her face won't recover. Ur boy stretch face due to itchy? For my bb, I try not to let the environment be warm. I notice when the environment is warm, her spot will be very red compare in aircon room. So far her Eczema being control by the lotion. All thanks to it otherwise my bb will be a ugly girl.

Oh ya. I have the lotion now. It is called Desowen Lotion. Maybe u check with the doc whether can ur bb use this.

Hi gers,
Moo mooing..

Thanks for all the advice in transporting EBM back. I read the thread.. Too much planning to do. I have no time liao. Flying off tomorrow night but luckily the trip is only 2 days. Will be back on Tuesday afternoon. I will be buying a fridge-to-go. Will freeze the EBM in the hotel and try to bring back as much as possible. If not, have to throw lor.

I have checked with the airline too. Can only express in the toilet while on the flight, but they can help to store the milk. Since it is only a short trip, even if the frozen EBM thraw can still use, expecially the 2nd day ones, since EBM can store in fridge up to 48 hours.

The airline does not allow the EBM onto plane, so I will have to check in cargo. I hope all things move smoothly.
