(2008/06) June 2008

Hello ShyCloud,

I'm considering it when she grows older.

Hello Ladies,

I guess my girl is the first among here to fall from bed. That night, she was left alone on our bed when her daddy walk out for a few minutes to empty some rubbish while i was in my shower. It has never come to our mind that our girl could flip back.. She normally flip and lie on her tummy till we go to her to help her...

Then what happened was.. She was left right at the centre of our bed with boolster on her right.. Who knows.. when no one is around, she made two flip.. and landed on the platform of our bed. She had a fall from the queen size mattress to the platform. Lucky we have her playpen to block her from further falling.. She was stucked in between our mattress and her playpen.. So heartache..

aiyoh... must hv hurt... every bb will hv fallen from somewhere b4... last time my boy oso fell a couple of times fr the bed.... now dat she can flip, cant leave her alone on the bed anymore.

she look diff cos having lesser hair now... few days ago was in the lift at my place wif a couple in their 40s. my boy pointed to my ger and said to the couple "baby..." the man asked "wah... ur brother arh?" my boy said "no sister..." the man was so embarassed. =p
Warrior_angel,it's s$69.90,i bought with gift vouchers,that time i bought, Tangs on 20% disc,but the blender no disc,instead they gave one free gift(soya bean/cappucino blender).So far don't know whether it's good or not,haven't used it.

Which thread/website that sold taiwan baby wear?Can let me know?
ya lor, the mat bery colorful and nice..hmm...u try to be "nice" to him then make him agree to buying the mat lor..hee

oh dear...got barugu anot? must rub rub for her wor...Monitor to see if she has fever or vomit anot ya..

tat mat quite big...esp when it takes up space @ home! hb very particular abt stuffing things @ home...the bb room almost like store room liao!
dun haf to leave it there all the time.. jus bring out when bb nd some playtime lor..
tats wat i intend to do at my mil plc.. cos daytime my boy refused to stay inside rm.. he wans to be in living rm.. but the mattress we haf too small.. so buy this mat for them to put in living rm during day time.. nw he wans to flip n flip.. dun really like to slp bouncer le.. :S
Hello FeiFei,

yes, she did vomit the next day.. but that was after she had her milk in the car.. probably feeling drowsy after her feed in car bah.. or is it the symptoms after the fall?
so tempting leh...haizz

btw which bb carrier is gd? beco/bjorn/ergo? supposed to have a pass-down but now gotta buy new one...anyone can recommend?
<font color="aa00aa">Lala, better monitor carefully. If she vomit again, pls bring her to see PD. Did you check carefully on her head area. Any bum? </font>
bb carrier i bot the cheap ones.. Baby lucky.. so far so gd.. my boy seems comfy in it too.. kekee..
u koe ar.. yd i open up this 'no frills' diaper (a gift from mil's sis) M size.. and its oso the same size as my current Goon S! so i have another pack of 50+ pcs to utilise b4 my boy outgrow it.. haiz..
so i have decided.. i will jus buy L!! to avoid all these.. wat happen to other diapers cutting man.. so SMALL?!?!
<font color="aa00aa">Babycupid, when my ger just born, i had stocks from size NB to L. haha...me very kaisu.
So far my ger is wearing size M huggies, find bit tight on her thigh part. But if wear Pamper size M then will be 'ngam-ngam'. So now try to finish off the huggies 1st before change to Pamper, but hor i had 3 unopened packs of size M leh, afraid my ger will outgrown oso. *sigh*.</font>
i hv beco... i like it a lot...
but recently been using my pupsik pouch more...
haha.. ya better used up the tighter ones nw.. me too.. trying hard to use up now.. i doubt can finish lor.. i dun like the no frills.. abit rough lor.. still goon the best.. soft sfot.. kekeke..
haha... i oso wonder wats happening to the diaper cutting... dunno issit babies nowadays are bigger or they scrimp on the cutting. :p my ger is wearing L for drypers already. and for huggies, hv to buy L already.

haha yah lor... but i cant blame the man.... she reali look like boy lor...
me sama sama..I just put the mat there, so if bb sleeping, then i take e mattress frm the playpen and put ontop of the mat...save space lor...My bb room also like storeroom, full of carlson wipes, diapers, toys...ahyo..

U wan buy carrier? I have 2 baby carrier for sales leh, was given by my frenz and collduring bb shower..Its the one which we can find frm Kiddy Palace, they selling at $39.90 lor but
I wan to sell it off at $20 cos no use for me lor as I hv another one liao =)...Will try take pic and post here tmr hor...

hmm..cos frm wat i know hor, if bb vomits or have fever for the next few hrs, must monitor liao..Guess like wat u hv mentioned, ur bb vomit could be becos of the car shaking lor..hmm..U hv to monitor closely ya..Rem to take her temp hor..Dun worry ya..she willbe fine =D.
Hi gers,
Super busy this period of time bcos Company got big event coming up. Super upset with my mum this morning. She's the main caregiver. I told her that I have to work until 4.30pm this Sat and she like unwilling to help me take care of bb. I super pissed lor. Not as if I go out to play wat. Work mah, I have choice meh? Then my bro every other day can play mahjong in the evening and my mum willingly take care of his 2 kids!!!!!!! I am so, so pissed. Then my boss just dropped bomb to say that I might have to go overseas with her this weekend. Haiz, now not only have to bring back late, cannot even bring back. Hb not confident to take care of bb alone. Sob. Duno how to express while overseas. Double, triple haiz..

I start work early, but dun end early cos my Company culture is like that. Haha. I start work at 7.30am and usually ends at 6.30pm. Then still alternate Sat. -.o"

Lee May,
I think not a good time to change job too. Companies might be prudent in recruiting with the coming recession.

Me not gg to pierce her ears too. When she grows older and ai mei enuff, will do it on her own. Ir at least that is wat happens to me. I got 7 ear piercing. I think my ger likely to be influenced. Haha. I heard some old wives' tale to say that bb boy who are too naughty will be more kwai when they get their ear pierce. Duno how true.
my ger now earing L size liao lor..went NTUC to buy 2 more pkts of L szie on wed cos on promo lor =)...Her Pureen diapers also finishing liao, need to go kiddy palace to stock u p liao..*faintz*everything is $$$$.
<font color="ff0000">Lala
Alamak....better monitor yr gal...make sure she still active...like b4...if vomit or being quiet have to see doc liao....take care

my 1st son fall fr bed twice...better don't put bolster beside bb when they are lying in our bed...coz now they are so active to move their body....when my son fell, not sure his head knock the floor or hit the bolster 1st then to the floor...he wailed so loud in the nite which gave me a shock...me learn from dat day....never use bolster to guard yr bb.....my sis gave me her bedrail...me still using the it.</font>
i am usg Fitti for my boy now. quite good n relatively cheap. for mommies' reference.

where do u guys get Goon fm?
hi babycupid, i bought the same mat as you from probably the same bulk purchase thread too!

i ws deciding between the LG yellow bear and the parklon yellow bear one...was thinking if softer texture or durability was more impt for me...

in the end, i chose the softer texture parklon which was also cheaper...
yeah yeah.. saw ur posting too.. janiviy oso bot frm there.. hers is mickey mouse de..
to my shock.. it is so heavy stated by the organiser in one of the posts..
11mm/12mm thickness is abt 5kgs~ imagine the one we bot is 15mm.. dunno hw heavy it could be.. initially tot can shuttle ard.. frm mil plc to my plc.. looks like abit difficult.. shall see hw..
For example, if you want to feed the frozen puree tmrw morning/afternoon, the night before, thaw the puree in the fridge. About 15-20mins before feeding the puree, warm it up to room temp in a bowl of warm water or put in those Avent warmer.

I bought a Pooh one from her last month. Then actually was looking for another cheaper one to put at my mum's place. So since got some discount...bought from her again lor. Super Pok liao...
wow wow.. issit heavy? i oso buy 1 1st to try.. if gd den invest another at my plc.. mil plc nd it more than my plc...
<font color="aa00aa">star, saw ur email liao! Can meet up tonite? I can go over to your block. Blk 149, rite? As for the refund, you can pass to me when we met.</font>
Ok lah..if I can carry..means not very heavy lor
I think its quite good...coz as bbs get more active, dangerous to put them on the bed...I have heard horrific stories of bb falling from bed then have internal injury until parents dunno..I'll rather leave her on the floor...when wanna sleep then put her in her cot at night.
oh.. den ok.. kekkee.. ya.. cos my mil plc no Q size mattress.. den all too small for him to row flip.. kekeke..
yalor...I am lazy to transport it..so bought another one...this time I bought the smaller one. My home one is the 2300*1400*15...I find it useful leh. I feed her there, let her roll there... hehehe
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">playmat, i oso got one.. average weight but not easy to shuttle around..</font></font>
waahhaa.. hmm.. mus start a topic.. kekeke..
let me see..

ok.. let me start.. how much milk shld a 4mth old bb take? cos frm my similac tin ar.. there put 240ml for 4mth old! i am shock! my boy only drink 180ml.. my mum said tat only for reference.. but so much diff!
Help, help... anybody noes how I can transport the EBM back huh? The flight is 6hrs leh. Faint.. Can bring the milk onto the plane? Or must go into cargo?
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">bbcupid.. move in the house ok lah, jux roll and take lor.. hee... mine is 11mm i think.. but quite thick liao..</font></font>
