(2008/06) June 2008

Good morning
Morning gers,
I am flying off tonight... I think I am v.tired & stress over the trip. My milk ss seems to have drpped since this morning. Sob! I dun want to dry up after the trip!

There are so many different kind, which one are you getting? Uncomfortable or not? Yup, will be getting the fridge to go this evening. I already have ice packs. Will be struck in the office until 4.30pm today. -.o" I am flying to Quatar, in the middle east wor.

Taka got. The baby stuff floor.. It is located amidst the toys.

thks for compliment. table comes together with bumbo seat. whole set cost $130.


u have to scold yr bb whenever he bites, but dun scold too fierce just said firmly then stop feeding. tats my colleagues teach me, after a few scoldings then the bb will get the message that cannot bite. i have a few colleagues nurse throughout 1 year plus and beyond.
<font color="ff0000">good morning ladies

i have received the 2 pcs Old Navy legging...and thanks....fitted my gal so nicely...

Eat Fenugreek will keep on burp anot? I try my first 2pills at 1pm. I notice I keep on burping and the smell is the fenugreek smell.
Finally able to log in

Well bought BB nicole to KKH for a detailed check about her close hole (labia Adhesion). The surgeon PD in charge straight cut her up! I was too shocked to react.. so just oh oh. Its a very simple and fast procedure. Just apply antiseptic cream around her V area to be cut &amp; leave for about 5-10mins. The PD use a steriliser metal paper clip, while me &amp; 1 nurse try to hold her. Lucky she didnt cry out loud, only slight angry tears BUT for mi... I feel damn heart pain. I never feel such way.. Lucky no blood for her.
So need to apply cream (contain steroid) for about 1week and after that must continue wash &amp; open up twice a day. Will follow up 1 month later.

I have ask the doctor about some cases of using cream to open it. She told me do it while bb is still young and with 1-2weeks of proper care it will not close up. So within this 1 month is the most important period. After the cut, her 1st urine will be more painfully. Just make sure hygiene is there. She told me using cream to apply may not really open up and may just drag..

BB nicole consider v brave... She bit cranky lo and I have been carrying her whole day till aching. Lucky my #1 she will say meimei pain pain and keep sayang her... My heart hurts whenever I wash BB wound
Hope she will recover fast..

Just a kind reminder, mummies with bb girl, try to look out for this problem. Mayb get PD to do the check as I know some PD or doctor doesn't do the private check..

Discover early better as if the hole is not open, it may trap urine and cause serious UTI. (this what the surgeon told me )

Wah...cut her up? no blood? Nicole must be very brave..and if i were you..faint liao. Hmm..must get my pd to check there,...coz I don't remember the pd opening her V to check.
Ya I am surprise no blood and doctor say the most only bit bit. She told me bb is young so their skin recovery is very fast. But need to take proper care and does not let it close up.
I have other friends with bb girls saying sometime pd didnt bother to open and check.. Some told me will slowly auto open up. I think may depends on cases bah. No harm getting the doctor to check since already there
Can feel ur heartache.
This morning trying to cut my gal's fingernail but accidentally cut a bit of her flesh... She wails... So guilty... So careless of me.
Moo moo-ing.. Last time before I grab a cab to airport. The next time will be in the air. Haha. Havent fly &amp; I miss my bb liao. Took lots of pix of her justy now. ;p

The pd never open up and check there leh.. If he doesnt check, how to tell him too. So pai seh..
Hi mummies who wan to buy bumper mat
Me went to mini toon yesterday, super single size bumper mat cost $70 plus and they gt 15% discount. Looks quite heavy bt dunno whether material gd or not.
<font color="aa00aa">cynthia, i almost fainted saw ur post on baby nicole been cut. Really feel pain lor. I cannot imagine wat will happen to me if i were you. Take care of Nicole well!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">ellysia, wat detergent u use for washing ur boy's clothing? I'm using the kodomo and i find it too be quite mild, not sure if it was suitable for ur boy or not.

About using BM to cure skin rashes, yest i asked my mil, she told me the auntie said must apply on the rashes area and rub softly in circular direction for few seconds. Maybe u can give it a try.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">ellysia, aiya forgot to tell you tat after sometimes (maybe 30mins later), you'll need to use clean wet cloth to wipe off ur baby face. </font>

i use pigeon. i find ok, cos can clean away poo stains if i wash within the day. Yr Kodomo got smell or not? Cos i am tinking to use a milder one considering my bb skin senstiveness.

thks. i dunno want to try tat method or not. cos his chin area also has, i doubt it works cos chin area always got milk too leh.
today bb cranky, keep crying until no voice when he want to sleep. dunno wat reason. Yest bot the fisher price jumpoyee for him, its around $200++.

recently my bb sometimes when sleeping will shake/shiver for a few secs. quite scary when see it. dunno is it bec i knock his head on the floor?..but so far only a few times.
Dun worry ya, your ger will be okie de..Just go through these few painful days and she be ok liao ya..Be strong, your ger needs you...*hugz hugz*.

Me also worried abt my ger's V hole but PD says her hole got improvement lor, getting bigger liao...Then I see e hole bigger lor, hope it stays this way..hiaz..

Must get ur PD to check just in case ya..
Ur ger miemie wor...so cute leh...Ur mat also bery nicey wor..

if ur bb sleep and then will shiver, most likely he got scared...U got buy jing feng san for him to eat? Go medical hall or Yu yan sheng, tell them u wan buy jing feng san forbb to eat, they will know...Feed ur bb alittle lor..It helps..Rem that time I posted that my ger like bump into something "dirty" and then willshiver when she sleeps and cranky? We also gave her jing feng san lor..u can try...
Just fed my bb the 1st mouthful o fapple puree, so funny leh...Tink i onli used half an apple, bery diff to blend...so tmr shall ask my mil to steam the whole apple =)...

I use the Braun Blender, good leh =).Prehaps u gers shd try lor..
zuen... I saw u and hubby at jp last sun... wanted to go say hello to u all n baby shauna but you all walked away too fast... bb shauna looks very chubby now, cun tell she was born earlier, she has caught up!
Where are you flying off to? Im overseas now too but me already stop bf le, ss too low...

ellysia, im also using kodomo

poor baby nicole... she's a brave gal and glad everything is ok with her now
No Need to pai say. Maybe can ask the PD to check if her V area ok as worrying about labia adhesion. He/she should know this medical terms. Though it is common nowadays, but at least early discover to get treated

Tulip, felicia, feifei,
Thanks. BB nicole is alot better today and she is playing as normal. Just that sometime when she urine bit sting and cry abit lo. Guess alot of taking care is required too. Just hope after today everything will be normal.
Ellysia, your Yuzhe very cute and handsome leh. I find his name really match his look.

I checked with my MIL the other time, in regards of small pimples or sensitive baby skin. She was saying, can try to boil some rice like into porridge, then used the cooked excess porridge water to wipe baby's affected area. Once or twice a day, (of coz besides this, must also always use clean wet cloth to wipe his face everytime he dirtied it with his hand.) The pimples will diminish soon. Dunno if you are on to try this, but if your mum does cook porridge and dun mind its worth a try, since they say 'umh' is good as remedy for lots of stuff.

Tulip, do you happen to have facebook or msn? I was telling Janiviy that your Jie Qi looks like her gal, vice versa.

roxy, you are not in Tokyo? We have a fellow mummie, Xris who is staying there now. She is staying near Ginza and she welcomes any friends to visit her. You can PM her or check for her email addy when you see my post.
Morning ladies..

U overseas now? in Japan?

Thats great!..takes awhie for bb nicole to recover ya...She is a strong ger..

Lee May,
hi ya..how was ur wkends?

Wan to check with u all hor, i hv been giving my ger 1 scope of cereal + 150ml of milk for afew days liao..wonder when do we increase the cereal to 2scopes...Will be letting my ger try the apple puree again today..Her expression abit weird when I let her taste the apple..haha..tink abit sour..heehee...She will be 5mths coming this thurs...Tinking to start her on porridge in 2wks time...KS mummy hor..hee..

For giving bb sweet potato and pumkin, also steam it and then blend?if too starchy then add boiled water to make it smoother huh?
Morning feifei,
me went to mini toons on Sat. Saw the bumper playmat. Is it the same material as d one tat u bought? By the way, u put cereal in the milk bottle or by feeding? Normally, doc dun encourage thru milk bottle.
<font color="aa00aa">Ellysia, for me i find kodomo had a mild fragrance smell. I had senstive nose. If something too much chemical or the smell is too strong, i'll keep sneezing, so to me so far i still find kodomo the best lah.

Lee May,
Was a tiring trip. We arrived around 9am plus and left at 3pm. We let our 2 kids sit on their pram. My hubby push the eldest ger, while me push the small ger. We both sweat like nobody business. A great exercise to lose weight. haha....

Btw, they just renovate/ reopen on 15 Oct their water playground. A nice place for kids! But not for our small kid lah. hehe...</font>
Ya, I ever bring my ger to zoo a few times coz my company gt 1 zoo pass which entitle to free entry to zoo for 4 persons. It so tiring especially with hot weather somemore we dun have car, we travel by bus de. Bt when we see our ger so happy, we oso happy loh.
hello good morning!
Rough night for me.... my boy kept waking up every 2 hours. he has always been a poor sleeper. never sleeping for more than 3 hours at a stretch. I"m very tired!
<font color="aa00aa">Lee May, mine is company corporate pass oso. hehe...
My #1 was very happy lor, keep asking this and that. For My #2, most of the time she was sleeping inside her 'cozy'pram. (coz had a small fan inside the pram). But hor she got a fright during the show as the sound was too loud.</font>
Lee May,
I tried once putting into her milk, but she drink until bery noisy, like grumbling lor..hee..Then frm then on, i ask my mil to feed her cereal itself..

I not so sure wor cos I din go touch the mat at minitoons..hmm...it cost ard $100+ hor?

yest weather was humid hor?Took alot of photos?

oh dear...is it he hungryHe is on BM?
<font color="aa00aa">Feifei, i went to zoo on Sat. But the weather is terrible. I took lot of cold stuffs like 100 plus, coke....
My hubby said my ger will be 'surprised' why the EBM was so sweet tat day. haha.....
Most of the phototaking was for my #1 , coz most of the time #2 is sleeping so dont want to disturb her. Is a real challenge to bring 2 kids out especially with a small baby.</font>
ohhhhhhh ur little one is sooo cute! Still misses that shy look on her that night. kekeke

My ger also waking up every 2 hours last nite. I am so exhausted now. took urgent leave to rest. :-(
I wonder if she is too over stimulated at a baby boy's bday party yesterday.
hmm...hv to slowly train wor..when he wakes up, does he cry? or just play on his own?

Ya lor, got sun burnt?
True lor..ur bb like to sit in stroller? My ger hor, put her in stroller, then she "eheheheh" all e way..haiz..Now hor, she bery clever, we put her down on the mat during sleeping time, she will cry, then when we carry her, STRAIGHTAWAY she smile *faintz*..Really know how to keng lor..hee
ahyo, ur bb so cute wor...the moomoo top, my ger also hv lor..now like bak zhang like that...hee..

Hi ya...hv u sent out my item?;p

<font color="aa00aa">Star, i was wondering why my lil one is 'acting' shy tat nite when she saw you. haha....
A pity that your ger fall asleep liao, else can take a look at her.

feifei, almost sun burnt, but i apply lotion before left the house.
So far my ger is ok sitting inside stroller as long as it not warm. So normally when not in air con room, i'll switch on the little fan. But hor, if she din fall sleep, i must keep pushing the stroller else, she'll 'eheheheh' oso lor.

The moo moo top was hand down from her elder sis. Is in a set, the long trouser oso got moo moo pic.
Your ger must be very 'bak bak'! hehe....</font>
