(2008/06) June 2008

<u><font size="+2">Old Navy &amp; Gap Spree </font></u>

Order has been placed last week.
Currently, the items are being processed. Quite a few items are OOS. So will inform ur again of the OOS items.
The balance $ will use to offset the shipment.


u trying lost n found games hur.. lol
where u all meeting for lunch? so free hur..

wny mummies working in yishun? can meet for lunch..
Mogudog, poor thing.. I throw away 3 packets already sim tia, dun be depressed. Cheer up, at least manage to save some.

Fennie, how is Jared temperature? I am bringing Jaret for jab this Friday, if fever, then dun have to take leave during weekend.
miss me ar? eheheheh can sms me! My phone is on 24hrs a day!

Still got read up the postings but sometimes just didnt respond. =)
Thanks Star
Soyabean, isit? I never eat the crossiants before thus dunno leh. Anyway, ya lar, like you say lor, eat and eat, later fat. You know, just now while walking past cold storage, I was thinking if swissbake is still inside or not, and if I see swissbake inside, I sure rush in to get a cheesecake to eat. :p

Mogudog, ya lar, best monitor if you find not so suitable. Dun let this nanny mistreat your gal gal. So sayang hor, your milk. Haiz, no choice, have to work harder liao.

Mag, Christina's gal got to do this minor ops (scoop) at the place where she pees (aiya, I dunno whats its call). then the scoop wasnt done well, Chloe got fever due to infection, so she was at hospital since Sunday. But I think now should discharged liao coz Christina called to say fever subsided on Monday.

Bon Jovi, dun worry, I got Bon jovi to organise one at her house (redhill) on a weekend, she will come out with a date soon, coz last sat I just told her me and a few mummies waiting for her leh....
yes! gonna meet up with u for lunch...lets say next fri can?

grr!!! the timings just seems not rite...sure miss out one. im on leave next fri mah so can meet mag...y? u wanna join us? but we in the east leh
keke.. who miss me ah? I just had time to sneak in forum, had been MIA too freq for my 3x moo moo session liao
nss, ya loh, my heart pain donno how long, until now I still pain man. Haiz. Then I tell my girl that the fridge spoilt, mummy gotta throw away 30+ packets and she actually cried !!!
woo.. gd gd..

bon jovi! we are waiting..

hahaha.. ya man.. kekeke.. no scare.. plenty of chance..

when u starting ur parttime? sometimes we can meet for dinner too..! i working at yishun ave 7 the industrial area.. kekeke
ya shycloud shld be no prob. u sms me @ 90073277 lah.

nss, me miss u lah. just asking what happened to all the mummies who MIA.

babycupid, i only now then superactive in this thread leh, all the while only silent reader so miss the mummies lor. hehe...

star, i scared u working not so nice to sms mah.
yd i jus realised my maid oso rat..
so nw my mil plc got 3 rats on wkdays..

mil - 1960 rat
maid - 1984 rat
my boy - 2008 rat

my 2nd bro - 1972 rat

looking for 1996 rat!!
Mogudog, aiyoh, ur gal also xim tia for her milk. I might be throwing more away cos freezer not much space liao. Haiz...

Mag, miss me? heh heh heh
Too bad my co ban msn liao

Aiyah, just now sneak in forum, my boss chun chun walk in. Anyway, i m changing boss soon, so dun care :p
then we shld come out for lunch more often! since all of us work so near....

i can understand that kind of heartpain... my spill my milk during pump i already heartpain... let alone 30pkts of milk....
iamsnow, si bei heartpain loh, sob sob. The whole night I can't sleep thinking of my milk.

MLP, if u see my earlier post, pls dun be sad over that the 100+ml you spill.

Jared is fine now, the moment i put the thermometer under his armpit, it shot up to 37.8, and kept going , not even 1 min yet, so i gave him 1.5ml of the fever medicine, after that he was ok, thanks

you stay yishun, that means I can pick up the GAP &amp; Old Navy from your place when they are in lor, my mum stay at blk 265, usually fri i will go to her house, if not, can ask hb to drive me to your place to pick up
i think swissbake is still there leh...
maybe its a blessing u didnt see it jus now.

keke... yeah... lets meet often... maybe next time we go ghim moh....

i can feel ur sadness when u said u threw away the EBM. eh... wat brand of fridge do u hv? :p and ur ger so cute...

my freezer oso running out of space. i keep bringing frozen stock to my mum's for safekeeping and she keeps scolding me cos her freezer oso filling up already.

keke... i jus added MLP on FB.... anybody else here i hvnt add?
find me wif [email protected]

my freezer only got no more space if i were to pump out in the morning if Jared only feed 1 side, have to start throwing those earlier batch from 1st week of July liao, last night i went movie with hb &amp; #1, ask helper to warm up milk for Jared, but think he got fever, so by the time i came home, he still have not drink the milk, so end up have to throw 160ml of milk, not that he is drinking that much, give more, so i can see how much he is taking now

you got your socks from the BP already?their Nissen kids clothes also look very nice, i ordered few as well,spent so much buying from sprees and online,sigh....
Fennie, wah!!! i no watch movie for more than 3 years liao... drool..
I already thrown the July stock liao.
HOw much is Jared total volume intake? Mine drink 180ml x 2 in the day time, nite time latch on. My Jaret only drink two pack when I am at work, so I also got 2 packs excess everyday. But like this, I super jia lat cos he on strike day time but on milk spree come nite time.

Running late, Got to chiong nursing room liao..
veniz, babycupid,

how about 27/9 or 1 oct(its children day)!! i ask hubby about this 2 dates tonight. but hor, my hse very messy. pls lower yr expectation. its a far cry from veniz place. hope packed by then.

add me in facebook. [email protected].

wah so much milk sure heartpain. everytime my boy refuses to drink and i have to throw away his milk, i feel like i wana "strangle" him. N hubby will nagged at son telling him how hard mummy moooed.
i nvr play viwawa for quite some time liao! socks? not yet leh...dunno take how long leh..

u got calculate how much u spend liao?

why muz throw milk. i still have milk from my confinement days in june. Cannot drink already? I thought can store for 6 months?
hey, Tay Puay San, wat do you mean your house far cry from my house in terms of cleanliness? Yours also quite clean hor, more sitting area and comfort area (for us to nuanz) in there lor.

27/9 I cannot lar, coz need to go mum's place. 1st oct Hari Raya Puasa, dun mind going there dressed in traditional baju though.

seeing u all chiong nursing room, i told myself i must endure n keep expressing since i have luxury of expressing in my own room ( although i feel sianz to miss lunching out with colleagues).


thanks for all the hard work on the spree.
dun need to announce my name in full...u come over and pack la then can match yr standard ..ha ha...tonight me going to Isetan to see the diaper bag with hubby.

wat time would u be done? Its a whole day affair?
Bonjovi, lucky your name is TPS, not TSP. Or else, I will be thinking of eating again. Good, go get the $300+ diaper bag and ask him buy for you, best, buy one diaper bag and one small one which you like. :p
yes lor.. early morning go be jiemeis.. den 1+ 2pm end den go home rest.. 5+pm mus go hotel attend solemnization and wedding dinner.. if majority ok u all can go ahead.. kekeke.. join the nex time lor ;S
veniz, babycupid,
how about 28/9?

wat is TSP? He will buy for me but i dun think i will buy 2. i have a lot of bags at home. somemore, i am thinking of getting the fridge to go. better not be so greedy. wait wana nagged.
