(2008/06) June 2008

Star, for gatherings, as most of us are at home taking care of babies, most probably will bring them out. But if you do have helper(s), its ok to leave them home with them as you can eat with much ease. Otherwise, can bring a stroller alone and pop baby in there to sleep.

Jessica, okok, will take note you joining and update you.

Feifei, you go back work so early huh? CWP one is either next Tues or Wed (waiting for Iamsnow to see if can change to Tues or not) so you standby lar. Want to see you also leh.


Gathering at cwp, tues is fine for me. pai seh ar, coz I dunno gelare got waffle promo on tue. seldom go there... haha.... Timing wise, any preferance? Lunch? Tea? Dinner?

Any idea if can make reservations ar?


Gathering @ CWP Gelare. 29 Jul (tue).

1) Veniz
2) Fennie
3) Cynthia (weekdays 10am to 3pm)
4) iamsnow
5) morraine
6) crystal (evenings only)
7) nss
8) Jessica
9) Fei Fei

Did I miss out anyone???
1. Huggy
2. Cynthia
3. JP (2 kids)
4. samsoon (going interview soon)
5. star (going to quit once my ML ends. YEAH!!)

1. angel_z (only start work in nov)
2. paulnelaine (only start work in jan 09)
3. babycupid (start work on 2 sep)
4. morraine (start work in sep 08
5. crystal~07 (already at wk) - 1 kid, staying at khatib
6. iamsnow (start work 25th jul) - 1 kid, staying at sembawang

I can't join for the buffet. First few working days of the month, I need to be at work coz need to do closing.... I guess u know what I'm doing liao rite? Haha.... wat else but boring accounts job?
iamsnow, thanks a lot for the change! I find the time is good lor, dun have to change lar, can have it for lunch there. Dun think can make reservation coz the place is small, hee, think with us and strollers, we may occupy almost whole restaurant. Unless there is any other recommended restaurants to eat, we can have lunch at Gelare. Me and nss craving for ice cream. If not wrong, its 3rd level, a few doors away from popular. Ops, just saw that Crystal can only make it for evening, so how?

At least now I know you full fleage in accounts, me only full book keeping for Sin office (UK does the final closing). Next yr will be taking over GST, haiz, sianz.

Oh, still got Felicia, but not sure if she back by then or not. Felicia, please reply if you can make it to the gathering at CWP next Tues or not?

Xris&Maia, noted your preferred date for buffet. You can opt to bring baby along or just come by yourself, really up to individual. I have no choice will have to bring gal out. Will ask Cynthia to go without her little one then get her to help me take care of baby, haha.

Cynthia, you got my message above or not? Want to consider? You sure go for the buffet hor? MLP, you will be going as well or not (think of the sashimi)?
We meeting outside swensens wor...

Oh dear, is ur FIL okie?okie, u let aprilmum know hor =D...

hehe...i also wan to see u gers lor cos i missed e Merchant Court gathering that time..hehe...If ask me bring my bb out, I scare i karan kapok when she cries leh..hehe...

CWP one, i shd be able to go unless nobody helps me take care of bb lor...Going bk to work on 4th Aug liao cos onli took 10wks of ML, keeping e other 2wks for bb's jabs etc..keke..But sure will miss my bb alot..

so we eating waffles? hmm...u all bringing ur babies huh?if I going, I will be leaving my bb with my MIL leh..hmm...
1. Huggy
2. Cynthia
3. JP (2 kids)
4. samsoon (going interview soon)
5. star (going to quit once my ML ends. YEAH!!)

1. angel_z (only start work in nov)
2. paulnelaine (only start work in jan 09)
3. babycupid (start work on 2 sep)
4. morraine (start work in sep 08
5. crystal~07 (already at wk) - 1 kid, staying at khatib
6. iamsnow (start work 25th jul) - 1 kid, staying at sembawang
7. feifei (start work on 4th Aug) - 1 kid, staying at Sengkang
hi feifei
thanks for your concern. i will see if my parents can come over my place to take care of my bb, then i will be able to go.
Gathering @ CWP Gelare. 29 Jul (tue), 11.30am.

1) Veniz
2) Fennie
3) Cynthia (weekdays 10am to 3pm)
4) iamsnow
5) morraine
6) crystal (evenings only)
7) nss
8) Jessica
9) Fei Fei
10) Jenny

who bringing kids along ar???
tink me will do that too so can enjoy our chat and food..hehe..Tell u hor, my ms is really dropping..frm little to bery little now..tink take fenugreek also no use liao..hiaz...cos i just finished my last 3pills of fenugreek today, hv to wait til fri b4 i can start taking again..hiaz...
oh i will hv to bring my baby - ahahaha cos i am back to nursing her! you know why?? here's e story if you all had read that i wasnt able to cos of the bad toothache...
this morning i was rushed to hosiptal earlier cos swell so was swollen and i cant even talk - mouth cant open.
so when i reach dentist gave me 2 choices - LA op but will b very very painful or GA but has to wait till earliest friday to do it and gonna be warded till friday.
LA i can nurse her immediately GA i have to wait for another week.
i opt for LA, my tooth was so badly broken into 4 pcs that a op has to be done - but all these while i kept maia (my baby) in my head and she was why i go thru this.
it was really painful but i can nurse her almost immediately and i am so happy i did it.
i am so proud of myself - maternal love is amazing.
the tot of her made me feel strong and go thru this - imagine going thru 4 extractions.
now my face damn swollen but will be fine soon...
Hi gers,
Sob, I already started work liao. Cant join for hi-tea.

Hugz ya. When my bb gets on my nerves, I pass her to my hb (or my mum) to keep myself sane. Jia you, jia you.

I tsf the $4 to you tomorrow ya. Tried in the afternoon, but I think the forum was down, so couldnt retrieve your acc no. Sorrie.

i think u shld try to increase your pump frequency again to stimulate supply. today i went to see LC. she told me if ms drop, try to pump more or latch more stimulate back.

wah.... u really brave leh!!
Gathering @ CWP Gelare. 29 Jul (tue), 11.30am.

1) Veniz
2) Fennie
3) Cynthia (weekdays 10am to 3pm)
4) iamsnow - not bringing bb
5) morraine
6) crystal (evenings only)
7) nss
8) Jessica
9) Fei Fei - not bringing bb
10) Jenny - not bringing bb
oh dear, sounds really painful leh...dats y they say mama zhui wei da =D.

hi ger, how are u?

same same =D.
really?then i shd latch my ger more tm rliao...so today pain pain hor?Tink i might be abit late cos need to bath my bb 1st b4 i can go out wor...
today really painful sia.... took panadol also no use....

yes, the LC say latching is the most effective.... she say best is to latch one side, at the same time, pump the other. will yield more...
but its over liao =D..u got try pumping aft u reach hm?more milk>? Abit diff to latch n pump at e sametime wor..cos bb always in cradle position on my besfren pillow lor, if put pump on the other side, hmm...i duno how to do it leh...hmm...
1. Huggy
2. Cynthia (2 kids) (Going work force in Mid Aug finally!!!)
3. JP (2 kids)
4. samsoon (going interview soon)
5. star (going to quit once my ML ends. YEAH!!)

I stay im Jurong West Extension. Opp of Morraine hehehe. My #1 also approaching TERRIBLE 2 in a mth time. Now she is already super terrible!! She is in Childcare now while #2 I am taking care but lately let mil handle her pattern as I will be FINALLY going back to work in Mid AUG yeah!

Ya saw the msg liao hehehe. Busy with 2 brat at home and HB just home yet lo.. Hai now start to get used having 2 kids handle all myself maybe I have set a proper routine and kind of Bu She De to go back work which I mention to u e offer I decide to take it n give a try lo. HOW can I miss the High Tea


Gathering @ CWP Gelare. 29 Jul (tue), 11.30am.

1) Veniz
2) Fennie
3) Cynthia - not bringing bb
4) iamsnow - not bringing bb
5) morraine
6) crystal (evenings only)
7) nss
8) Jessica
9) Fei Fei - not bringing bb
10) Jenny - not bringing bb

Buffet Gathering - Hi-Tea at Carousel@Royal Plaza on Scotts
Date: Either one of the days from 4th - 6th Aug
Time: 3.00 - 5.30pm
Price: Below $30.00 after all tax and discount (

1. Veniz (any of the dates stated)
2. Priscilla (Date preferred?)
3. Jenny (Date preferred?)
4. Xris&Maia (Date preferred?)
5. Cynthia ( All date ok except 4th)

Maybe your bb like to be rock and swing since you mention she sleeping in Yaolan. Yaolan bb is like this, need to swing and rock i suppose.
Try the method bath her b4 feed or 30mins later after feed. I tends to wake my bb up and she love to bath. After bath she will drink and sleep. Mine also v noti at night and I think she is somehow colic as everytime standard that timing lo. Hope 90days will be fine.

You change ur gal teat to M? Maybe try to see if the flow making her drinking to faster difficult to breathe? Maybe you can try to meet us up any of the days and we all can share more too
Don worry, if you bring bb out so many of us here n some of us not bringing bb and have few 2nd time mummie We try to help each other for sure. Everyone need a break and if stay home to long will Ki siao which I am soon hahah! Sometime even a short time to ourselves without our bbs do refresh us alot..
Feifei: hanks for the suggestion. I thought of putting toys in the bath tub too but i was wondering whether she so young, know how to play with toys meh? so until now still never put.. so your baby know how to play with the toys? do they work?

Zuen: I oso wan to pass my cranky baby to someone.. but both my husband n my mum are working.. only i'm not working cos i took no pay leave.. so someimtes i feel bad when they have to wake up in the middle of the night cos i did such a lousy job at taking care of the baby.. sigh..

Wan to ask you hor.. saw that you mention your doc gave little zuen iron.. my doc oso gave sheryl iron but i got difficuly giving it to her.. so how you give it ot her ah? she got finish the iron?

Cynthia: I tried rocking her le.. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.. seems that she prefers the yao lan more..

Ya.. i'm reali crossing my fingers that once she passed her 3rd mth, she will be ok.. I'm thinking is it reali 90th day ok or i must wait till after 90th day then baby gradually ok over few weeks?

Oh.. ya.. cos i see my baby is trying very hard to suck milk with S teat so i tried to change to M loh.. but my baby is aledi 11 weeks old le.. After i changed the teats, she doesn't look as 'xin ku' when sucking the milk..

Sigh.. I so so wan to go out loh.. Whenever my in-laws come for few hours to help us take care of baby so that i can have dinner with my husband outside.. i'm so so happy.. now i see my house as prison le..

But to take baby out alone is reali scary.. i dun even know how ot handlt the pram myself.. usu its husband who manages it.. hahaahha.. and i scare baby will get cranky outside and i'll be at loss of what to do le..
U r lucky that ur baby prefer yaolan! Mine when placed in it for 5mins, started wailing to be carried out of it.

Its true taking the baby out alone is difficult. That day I took the train myself with the baby and I am so afraid that she will scream in the train.
Ever tried carrying ur baby out in a sling? mine fell asleep the moment she is in her kangaroo pouch.
1. Huggy
2. Cynthia
3. JP (2 kids)
4. samsoon (going interview soon)
5. star (going to quit once my ML ends. YEAH!!)

1. angel_z (only start work in nov)
2. paulnelaine (only start work in jan 09)
3. babycupid (start work on 2 sep)
4. morraine (start work in sep 08
5. crystal~07 (already at wk) - 1 kid, staying at khatib
6. iamsnow (start work 25th jul) - 1 kid, staying at sembawang
7. feifei (start work on 4th Aug) - 1 kid, staying at Sengkang
8. Priscilla (start work Sep 08) - 1 kid, staying at Aljunied
Fei Fei, yes, have to meet up coz missed seeing you last time at taka baby fair.

Ladies, I will be bringing Vivienne to both gatherings coz nobody helping me to take care. Only thing to decide is to put her in which stroller. If she needs carry carry, u all have 2 help me.

Cyn, glad 2 know u taking up e job offer. So you going for which cuisine on Friday?

Angelz, like I told MLP, theres always the 1st time 2 bring baby out alone. If you want 2 meet CWP, I can wait 4 u at cck mrt station 2 go together.

Pris, u bringing your gal to e buffet also?

Buffet Gathering - Hi-Tea at Carousel@Royal Plaza on Scotts
Link: http://www.royalplaza.com.sg/carousel.php
Date: Either one of the days from 4th - 6th Aug
Time: 3.00 - 5.30pm
Price: Below $30.00 after all tax and discount (paiseh, yet to check. Just called them but no one answered phone).

Please let me know who is interested in this gathering and poll for the day preferred while I try to ask for the seating area and price before I update you all tomorrow.

1. Veniz (Anyday)
2. Priscilla (Anyday)
3. Jenny (Anyday)
4. Xris&Maia (4th Aug)
5. Cynthia (5th Aug onwards)
hi to all mummies,
been following this thread for a long time but was a silent reader. would like to join you all. Can I join in too?
im a FTWM and mum of two kids now (1st - 28mths old ger and 2nd - 6 weeks old boy).
my son was borned in 4th June.
i had difficulty coping with 2 monsters at home though my ger will be at cc fullday. she started to get jealous on and off. requests to be carried by my hubby as i am carrying my boy. my boy now is drinking about 180mls ebm during the daytime and fm in the nite time. interval is 4 hours. mid nite, can get up once or twice to drink milk. does not latch on like his sister. so i had to express it out.can get about 100mls per 3 hourly. whole day - about 700 to 750mls. quite lazy in expressing out during the midnite as was very tired. unless he woke up to drink milk, then i would express.
I m good, just super tired. Already start work liao, but still trying hard to maintain my 3-hourly expressing.
Jia you on your milking too.

Ya, given iron too. My ger very greedy de, so initially she will "eat" the iron, but muz be followed by milk. My mum always complain that it is so poor thing to feed bb such 'medicine' at such young age, so we stopped liao. Nvr finish lah. The bottle so big and each intake so small. Will take forever to finish the entire bottle. ;p
When I was on ML, I oso tried hard not to ask for help. Like you, I felt guilty asking for help or waking my hb in the middle of the night. Afterall, I m on ML and he needs to work. Then, I handle all the night feeds on my own. For a while, I suffered from lack of slp badly and almost went into depression. Since then, I have laern to admit that I m not a superwoman and learn to ask for help when I need. Beta than ending up in depression mah. Tat's y I v. happy to come back to work. ;p

You mean that your bb sometimes slp thru' the night liao?
my boy woke up twice during the midnite before he turned 1 mth. since then till now, he either work up at 2am or 6am for milk. there were a few times last week till this week, he woke up only once - at 6am for milk. he slept from 10 or 11pm till 6am.

you are not the only one who is suffering from depression. me aso..
has to admit tat im suffering from depression lately as feeling moody and had been scolding my ger and boy for small reason. now still praying hard tat my replacement maid will arrive soon and can help me out. got an maid in april this year as thot tat my boy would be premature at wk 33. who noes he was borned a day earlier than my EDD.. my present maid can not handle him alone at all and still threaten me tat she wan go back to agency. had discussed with my hubby to send her back tml.. very tired liao.. cos is her 2nd time threaten us and always give me a black face when ask her to do certain things.

do take care and feel free to tok to any of the mummies here as i believe tat the forum here is for us to share and learn things..
just finish milk session.

after the LC clear for me, I really can pump more for the 2 pumps i had.... not bad sia....

want to share with u gals what the LC told me abt changing milking hrs to prepare to go to work. was too tired to type in the evening.

now i'm pumping 3hrly. she say to increase to 4hrly for 3 days. if breast can tahan, then slowly change to 5hrly and then 6hrly. ultimate aim is to pump at 6am, 12noon, 6pm, and before sleep.

initially ms will drop coz decrease in pump frequency. but if possible, shld try to latch as often as we can (esp weekends). then pump slightly longer, eg extra 5min each side to stimulate flow. once flow is established and the total amt of milk pumped each day is the same as before, can slowly reduce pump to 15 min each side again.

In short, final aim is to pump 4 times a day, total output shld be the same as before.

well, I not sure if i can achieve... but will try. for all those who find pumping very tiring, I can understand. but do not give up. like what the LC say, bm is very precious. money also cannot buy and it's the best for our bb!

jia you!!
i tried to latch and pump together before. really cannot handle. but the LC say if one side latch, the milk flow from other side will come naturally. no need to massage. coz the let down is there when bb suckle.

think prob will try again during weekend....
Tsf $36 to you liao. Ref: 1811177161

wah, wake up one time niah. My ger is 2 months 12 days old but still 2 night feeds. However, I realise that the hours are starting to get longer apart. Hope she will go on 1 night feed soon..

Got technique de? I still gong gong, trying to maintain 3-hourly pump. I seldom latch on anymore wor, even on weekends. Like that still can follow the technique? My ss already not enuff to meet my baby's dd. I scare I decraease pumping frequently, later ss drops further and cannot increase liao.
We were thinkin to go New Asia Bar
Dinner after that some drinking lo.

Wowo Genting! We want to go too to relax BUT my MUM strictly say NO as she mention NOT even 2mths NOR 4mths after my birth. The weather & wind is not good for us so We didnt go and decide to wait lo. Believe I also don bear to leave my 2 gals esp BB is still young.. THink will wait first before going any trip..

Hmm think your condition is BB prefer yaolan and love that secure feeling. I think maybe as time goes can be better. Sometime when u get the hang of carry the right way for her she will be ok too. I am lucky #1 very easy. #2 now a headache, at times carry is for sure cos everyone likes to carry bb i don understand why hai. So fragile also leh. I try not to swing or rock her so now whenever she cry I hold her close me and sing to her softly pat her. I think each bb have their own pattern own preference. We will all get over this stage soon.

Wow 1 time...my #1 wake up 1 feed after she reach 3mths. #2 now 7weeks still 2 feed 3 hrly. Want to try extend her timing and increase her milk intake but she cant take in more so I rather don make her vomit and suffer haha.

Life do changes alot after birth of BB. WHen preg losing sleep but still can catch up. But now with BB sleepless night. Been 2 years since birth of #1 I never had a good sleep like a stretch of 8hrs. Always interrupted sleep. Hope they grow faster sleep well AND be good good
angelz and ladies here, please don't keep thinking of depression when you are stress with baby at home. Just try to look at brighter side, such as thinking this is a good experience, next time you will be well prepared, and that you are giving lots of love to your little ones, etc. Just try to be light heartening towards the difficulties.

Cynthia, good good lor, hee, aiya, might as well book a hotel room there for the night lar. Can have kinky and romantic night together leh.... (remember that time we almost booked room in Shang coz it was so comfy at the buffet area hor).

Angelz, one thing good about yaolan is that baby's head will be very nice, round round one. I just got my hb to fix the yaolan back so when Vivienne falls asleep, can just dump her there for reshaping her head to rounder.

Gals, I find that when my gal wants to sleep, she is forever searching for my nipples to suckle on. Do you think I should get pacifier for her? My MIL against on pacifier, me initially also, but now, it seems like when I carry her to sleep, she is always searching and cranky. Any recommendations?
Wow... Gathering at Causeway Point... Feel like going leh... But most of you not bringing baby? If I go, I prob have to bring big and small baby and old baby.
Can anot?

Hoo... be comforted that yours can be soothed by yaolan... Mine in the electrical one still cannot... Like now, I just put him in after he fell asleep in my arms less than 5 mins ago... now he wiggling inside liao... Headache.
But I guess like what everyone says... hopefully they outgrow this phrase soon...after all, still considered quite small.

Regarding bathing - my ma taught me to keep the mittens on (gives baby something to hold on to) or use a thin towel, wrap their naked body up, bathe hair first, then lower whole body with towel into bathtub. They feel more secure and will be less likely to cry. Try lor.

Hi zuen
hehe...I also pray no night feeds soon. My girl outgrew her night feeds at 5th mth. I am hoping for the same if not faster... greedy mum.

Hi jenny
Your new maid, indo? How much is her salary now? Mine is going home in Dec... I hate to see her go, cos she has been a GREAT help since I had my boy...Honestly, I couldnt have survive till now without her help as I was doing confinement myself. Sigh... Crossing fingers and toes that the new one will be as good. But heard salary went up and that new maids nowadays all too smart...
morning mommies

zuen, i also maintain 3-hourly expressing at work for my elder son, 'tong' until he was 6 months before cutting it down to 2 times. Jiayou!

Veniz, Jaret same like Viviene, also using me as pacifier. But I still resisting giving him pacifier, scared later addicted. Did your #1 use pacifier last time?
P/S- looking forward to the Gelare :p..

JP: I am FTWM, 2 kids, starting work in Sep08. Location in Yew Tee. Salute to you and all SAHM

Insurance for baby:
I am thinking of buying hospitalization insurance for my kids. Any mommy here bought yet? Which insurance company did you buy?
Hi veniz
I gave Max the pacifier... Till date he is not VERY keen on it but he gets soothe by it at times.. My #1 was also on it, and honestly, I see more pros than cons... When we travel or go out, when she wants to sleep and gets a little cranky, all it needs is the pacifier and bolster to get her to quieten down and she sleeps within 10mins no matter where we are. They are like her security blanket... gives her security in strange places. But of course the bolster and pacifier has to go where we go lor...

On nss point - addiction... yes, somehow, it was an addiction, but it made lives easier for me and hb.. Once in HK, we nearly lost her bolster, thank goodness we found it. :p But she outgrew it when her old ones spoilt at about 2.5years old... We only gave to her when sleeping time.

Hi nss
I got Aviva medical insurance for both my kids... If you and your hb are policyholders, kids up to 20yrs get FOC coverage under plan 2 (govt & restructured hospitals)...But we signed both up as individuals Plan 1 holders. Premiums deducted via CPF medisave.
1. Huggy
2. Cynthia
3. JP (2 kids)
4. samsoon (going interview soon)
5. star (going to quit once my ML ends. YEAH!!)

1. angel_z (only start work in nov)
2. paulnelaine (only start work in jan 09)
3. babycupid (start work on 2 sep)
4. morraine (start work in sep 08
5. crystal~07 (already at wk) - 1 kid, staying at khatib
6. iamsnow (start work 25th jul) - 1 kid, staying at sembawang
7. feifei (start work on 4th Aug) - 1 kid, staying at Sengkang
8. Priscilla (start work Sep 08) - 1 kid, staying at Aljunied
9. Jenny (start work Sep 08) - 1 kid, staying at Hougang
1. Huggy
2. Cynthia
3. JP (2 kids)
4. samsoon (going interview soon)
5. star (going to quit once my ML ends. YEAH!!)

1. angel_z (only start work in nov)
2. paulnelaine (only start work in jan 09)
3. babycupid (start work on 2 sep)
4. morraine (start work in sep 08
5. crystal~07 (already at wk) - 1 kid, staying at khatib
6. iamsnow (start work 25th jul) - 1 kid, staying at sembawang
7. feifei (start work on 4th Aug) - 1 kid, staying at Sengkang
8. Priscilla (start work Sep 08) - 1 kid, staying at Aljunied
9. Jenny (start work Sep 08) - 1 kid, staying at Hougang
10.Fennie (start work mid sept 08) - 2 kids, staying at woodlands

i also like u, was trying to maintain 3 hrly pump. the LC say if can maintain is the best. if cannot, have to use that technique. but must pump longer to stimulate so that we still can yield the same final amt for the day. but she say intially ms will drop first. so have to be prepared loh....

then hor, when expressing, have to squeeze in the breast and push out to make sure the milk in the ducts all flow out and not get stuck inside. it can get stuck inside and yet our breast feel soft... well, it was like that in my case. but after she clear for me, my ms really better....
Linda and nss, thanks for the feedback. I think I will try her with beans bolster/pillow first. If still cannot, then intro pacifier. Also scare she will get addicted leh.

Linda, bring along your two kids lor, I want to see your pretty Vicky.

iamsnow, in regards to milk ducts, I am not sure but when I express out milk, during let down, I only saw 3 - 5 sprays coming out from each nipple. Is this normal or maybe I got milk ducts? How much do you pay to clear the ducts?

not sure what is the 'normal' sprays we shld have. i think it probably depend on how many openings bah...

i paid $50 (exclude GST) to clear the ducts at KKH. Not sure if this is subsidised price for KKH patients.

U can call the LC at 63948232 to look for cynthia or yen ping. but i warn u first. super super painful hor....but the results are good....
