(2008/06) June 2008

I missed the last gathering at merchant court cos i was the 1at to give birth.. I would love to go for this gathering to meet all of you.. esp veniz..

But i scare to be alone with baby, dun even say go out le.. sigh...

mine is a boy.. kekeke..

haiz.. i tink all bbs are the same.. mine sometimes oso kept crying when goin to slp.. or while drinking milk.. seems like his colic is back.. but dun seems like it.. cos he dun arch n suqeeze himself till red red as the last time.. so i tink its jus passing phrase issit? but he smile,luff and 'tok' alot now.. bery cute.. kekeke..
babycupid: your baby oso cry when dirnking milk? or when going to sleep? then how you handle him?

anyone help you?

sometimes i feel like a lousy mum.. such simple things like putting baby to sleep and feeding milk oso face such difficulty... sigh..
i'm always at a loss when baby cries when drinking milk and when going to sleep.. but my mood not impt.. what i'm more concerned is how you get the baby to drink n sleep?

Cos when my baby dun drink she will get hungry and tired if dun sleep.. and that will make her even more upset.. and i reali dun know how to handle..
<font color="ff6000">angel

relax.. guess its a matter of getting used to her temper and her cries as to wat they define? isit her diapers? she got rashes? colic? teats salar? there a million reasons lor.. haiz.. its indeed trial and error i can say..


erm i forgot how ur hubby looks like leh wahahhaha</font>
ah morr

but she reali cry until very chiam.. reali like somethin is wrong.. but she cries like this everyday..

how to know whats wrong with the diaper? she is wearing S size mamy poko.. Its not too small for her.. its ok.. no rashes too..

my baby has never got colic before.. possible to have colic now? she is reaching week 12 le..

i jus changed all her teats to M size.. all ok..

she will cry whenever drink milk, bath and going to sleep.. she is only quiet when sleeping.. i reali dun know whats wrong with her..
hmm.. i dun care.. i will scold him.. hahaha.. hmm.. when drinking milk he cry at times.. these few days more often.. den i will trial n error.. cos i using NUK teat.. so i will turn the teat to slower flow.. if cry again.. i will turn again to faster flow.. if still cry.. i will stop and burp him.. normally after burping he drinks better.. den when slp.. i make sure he slp till bery deep den i put him in his cot.. den ok liao.. if not i let him slp beside me.. realise he slp better when beside me..
every bb is diff.. mus koe their pattern.. now my bb dun cry while bathing provided u mus feed him b4 tat..(10-20mins ltr den bathe after feed) changing diaper oso.. when he is quiet enjoying (normally is after feed 10-20mins if not slping) den he will jus let u change him.. dress him.. haha..
<font color="aa00aa">angel,
*hugs hugs* u r not alone...mine is also like tat now n then...not as bad as mucus n tears but more like throwing silly tratrums with continous crying. when i reai desperate, i jus swing her ard in my arms / dance n play clown lor, normally she would be quiet by then. if not, worst scenario, i 'throw' her to hb to take care b4 i scream at her.

all these are jus phases of their growing up. take heart. i try to psyco myself wif tis...our bbs ve oni come to our wld for the past 1-3mths whereas we ve been living on tis earth for 20-30yrs, so it is oni reasonable tat they r finding it hard to "climatelize" to our envt n they cant verbalise, so they can oni cry. whenever i look at my bb from tis angle, i dun feel so "pek chek" anymore...

hope tis helps...</font>

icic.. okok.. thanks.. i oso did something similar to what you did.. i will stop to burp her if still cry.. will stop to talk/scold her if still cry.. sometimes she will jus fall asleep when i talked to her.. but within 10min, she will awake screaming cos hungry ma..

for sleeping, she loves yao lan the most.. so i will put her inside but she will still cry.. then i will talk/scold her or take her out again to rock her in my arms..

your baby so good still wan to sleep in cot and lying beside you.. when i put her beside me, she will oso cry.. she doesn't like sleeping facing up..

however, after all these i'm exhausted.. and i have to go thru all these several times a day..
hi everyone
have been real busy today as well. great to hear another gathering on. i am ok to join anytime. let me know.
babycupid: ok.. thanks for the 10-20min tip.. will try it.. but usu if if lie her down after her feed, she will have hiccups.. with her temper, if she has hiccups, she will get angry too.. sigh.. so i try my best not to make her angry..

crystal: thanks for the 'hug'.. i oso tried swinging her ard and walking her ard the house le.. she will quiet down onli for awhile.. but like 5-10mins later, she will start crying again..

hmm.. the more i type, the more i think something is wrong with her.. maybe i should bring her to go see PD..
hi angel

noted on your order. do transfer the amt X1.4 rate to my posb savings account: 015-31320-0.

also i am opening the order for ameda parts and acessories only. Will close once i hit USD200.

<font color="ff6000">angel

if u want den bring her to a PD to check if got colic or stuffed nose or watever which may be irritating her den..</font>
try to feed her b4 her bath.. after feed 10-20mins can try bathe her.. my son ok this way and he enjoys his bath.. but i tried to bathe him when he awake b4 feed.. he will cry frm start till end till dress him up still crying.. so nw i nvr try tat again.. cannot tahan his crying..
jenny: no problem.. wil transfer the amount to you.. hey.. accessories oso can? i thot onli spare parts.. then can i order the simulator as well?

Do you know how it works? Do i insert it while pumping? and is it reali effective?
Cynthia - Wow..so nice, going back to the workforce. I also became a SAHM when #1 was born and before I could really start work, I was PG with #2. BTW, how old is your #1? Mine just turned two - terrible 2. Are you taking care of both by yourself? Me too. Yup, with the high cost of living here, 2 is just perfect...can keep each other company and not that siong for our pockets too.

Linda - How to make them sleep? I think each of our babies have their "fussy period" and no matter how we try (I used so many methods and still fail), my #2 will not sleep. But once her fussy period is over, its dreamland all the way. I know how you feel coz when the fussy period comes, my heart breaks when my #1 whines and cries in hoping that I will carry him and sayang him but instead, I will reason with him and lastly shout at him. Aiyoh, I wonder how my grandma coped with 14 kids?

Huggy - You are a SAHM too? Great...at least I have some kakis. Is this your #1?

Gathering at Woodlands - Aiyoh...another gathering that I cannot go... *cry* *cry*....so far from my place leh.

I hope you guys don't mind posting if you are a SAHM or a FTWM so that it will be easier for us to organize gatherings and such. Thanks!

1. Huggy
2. Cynthia
3. JP (2 kids)

ah morr: ok.. will ask the PD.. i scare PD tell me nothing is wrong.. its jus her temper.. sigh..

babycupid: cos i dun have a fixed timing for bathing.. sometimes it isn't time for her feed yet.. but she still cry when bathing.. sigh.. maybe i should always time her bath 10-20 mins after her feed..
Angel - Talking about bathing, I will hug her and talk to her while bringing her to the bathtub. Then I will dip her bum into the water first. Once she is OK, only then I slowly slowly dip her in further lor. Then I fast fast bathe her.
JP: I talker to her alot too.. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't work.. i def fast fast bathe her man.. i can't stand her crying n screaming..

Crystal: I oso try to psycho myself that my baby is premature and she is trying very hard to survive.. but i dun understand her crying.. i always tell her: cry softly, mummy will carry, hug n sayang you, dun need to cry so chiam.. mummy see aledi will heart pain..

but it doesnt work leh..
angel - Maybe you should bring your baby to see the PD. Don't worry lah...all PDs are very nice (so far for me)...they are very patience and will listen to us complain and complain...ha!ha!

seems like ur girl might have colic.... do u find her tummy bloated?? anyway maybeu should bring her to PD for a check n see why she feel so uncomfortable n always cries. My 1st boy also cries a lot n a lot for e 1st few months until I dont dare to bring him out shopping, everybody was so so scared of him during e 1st few months cos he is really a crying baby. I brought a electric yaolan for him but he also dont want, in e end i everyday got to carry, swing, rock etc etc to make him stop crying until i injured my wrist..... come to think of it tat was really a suffering 1st few month until i give up e thought of being a SAHM n get a maid n i went back to work on e 5th month.
1. Huggy
2. Cynthia
3. JP (2 kids)
4. samsoon (going interview soon)

1. angel_z (only start work in nov)
2. paulnelaine (only start work in jan 09)
elaine: my baby's stomach not bloated.. she farts alot.. sometimes she will cry when fart too.. sigh.. everything oso cry.. but i realise that whenever i rub her tummy with ru yi oil, she will cry too.. is it stomach problem?

my mum said she is being cranky.. dun like ppl to touch her sotmach..

wa.. you oso very chiam like me.. lucky my girl still like the electric yao lan.. my parents, in-laws all scrae of my baby too.. sigh.. my mum see me so chiam oso ask me to get a maid..

but if i get a maid, she will be alone with my baby.. after the toture incident on the news previously, i scare to put my baby alone with the maid leh..

elaine, you have someone to accompany the maid with the baby?
elaine: i dun know how to massage the baby leh.. and she refuse to lie down for too long so i can't massage her too..

fennie: 'hi-five'
1. Huggy
2. Cynthia
3. JP (2 kids)
4. samsoon (going interview soon)

1. angel_z (only start work in nov)
2. paulnelaine (only start work in jan 09)
3. babycupid (start work on 2 sep)
yes.. try to bathe her after her feed 10-20mins.. cos they r most quiet down during tat period.. full n contented..

my bb loves massage.. i dunno the correct way but i jus massage his legs.. his hands.. his shoulder.. his tummy.. he will luff when i do tat.. kekeke..
I hope you guys don't mind me putting up this chart. It will help us to get to know each other better, easier for us to organize gatherings, etc.

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>SAHM/FTWM</TD><TD>No. of Kids</TD><TD>Location </TD></TR><TR><TD>Huggy</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD> -</TD><TD> -</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cynthia</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> 2</TD><TD> -</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>JP</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> 2</TD><TD> Sgoon North</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>samsoon</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> 1</TD><TD>Pasir Panjang</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>angel_z</TD><TD> FTWM (frm Nov08)</TD><TD> 1</TD><TD>Bkt Panjang</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>paulnelaine</TD><TD> FTWM (frm Jan09)</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>babycupid</TD><TD> FTWM (frm Sep08)</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Sengkang</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>jenny</TD><TD> FTWM (frm Sep08)</TD><TD> 1</TD><TD> Hougang</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
I apply 'ma you' on bb bellybutton b4 bath. Heard this prevent wind. Similarly, will wait an hour aft feed then bath as my bb will poopoo 1/2hrs aft feed. I will lower her leg 1st then butt. Last time i use to wash her hair 1st, clean up then take off clothes &amp; bath.
U might want to slowly go thru ur bb joint to see if any part is hurting... Or maybe she prefer aircon as hot she will be fussy?
All trial &amp; error, if bo pian then see PD lor..
hi angel,

same as me, my MIL n mum also very scared of my elder boy last time. My hubby n I always got to take turn to rock n carry him in e middle of e nite, my hse is facing e expressway so when we carry him to e living room at nite he can fall asleep faster but once we carry him back to our room he will wake up a scream again..... in e end i got a maid but by e time e maid come my boy is already 4months+ old n my MIL is at home supervisoring e maid. I agree tat better not to leave maid with baby alone at home, maybe u can leave them at ur PIL or ur parents' hse during e day n bring them back at nite if not worst case u should install a camera to supervisor wat's going on at home.
yes.. i jus press press here press press there.. he loves the touch lor.. den tummy rub..

i will start wif cleaning of his mouth.. den follow by his face.. den hair.. den unwrapped him and dip in water.. pat pat his chest.. den start the bathing.. kekeke..
samsoon: what is ma you? you buy from medicial hall? diff from ru yi oil is it?

hey.. good tip.. wash hair 1st, take off clothes and bath.. will try next time..

ya.. all the best for your interview!

elaine: oh... all my parents n in-laws are working so no one can look after the maid leh... if onli there is someone at home, i will hire a maid immediately..

i feel stuck at home.. can't wait to go to work asap.. this is the longest 3 months ever in my whole life..
angel - Another way is to bring baby to tui na (chinese massage). I have a friend who brings her girl there as she has colic and western medicine cannot help either. So far, the tui na helped lor.
babycupid: ok.. i will try press press her.. maybe with her clothes on 1st.. in case she screams her head off again..

for bathing: i will clean her mouth, eyes, ears, face then hair.. pat pat her chest with water then slowly put her into the water.. once inside water bath very fast le..

she usu start crying in the middle of the bathing.. all the way until i finish wearing all her clothes.. sigh..
Sometimes when my kids drive me up the walls, I wish I can go back to the workforce and be a FTWM. However, have discussed this with HB liao and the cons are more than the pros leh...haiz!!!
JP: oh ok.. where to go for tui na? any TCM is it? can ask your fren for the place? thanks..

but i'm not even sure whether if she reali got colic..
JP: i reali 'pei fu' you for being a SAHM.. its actually very noble and self-sacrificing.. if its me, i can't stand being at home loh..

ma you is sesame oil...but i think olive oil also can lar cos the purpose is oil prevent water. i bath bb between 8-10pm. After tat she sleep like pig. Elderly say will kana 'fong si' but i off all fan/aircon &amp; close all window. I increase my bb tummy time on my bloster &amp; its help to get off some wind, she love it too.

U want try squeezing water on bb hair..hehe. My bb open her mouth &amp; start to drink. Aiyo.. got soap inside. Since she like it, i prepare lukewarm water &amp; splash on her head.. she love it!
