(2008/06) June 2008

I had the same feeling as you when I had to stop BF bb for 5 days due to his jaundice, PD suspected to be breastfeeding jaundice, I was at a lost at the moment when PD told me that, but in my heart was praying that the result of the blood test will be ok, so I can still BF him. I felt sad because I have to stop BF him for 5 days.I was comforted as his jaundice was cleared after the 5days & he has put on weight at 1 month, which was another reason why PD wanted me to stop for 5days.I also collected 5 days of EBM now in my freezer, which can be used if i needed to go out without my bb. Do not be too sad as you are doing this for the sake of your bb. I was also worried about nipple confusion b4 i stopped BF him, thank God, he still remember my nipple after 5 days of FM, but I hated to clean FM fed bb, the poos are so hard to clean, got some white residues.

add me on msn too, my id is [email protected]

<font color="aa00aa">Ladies, finally can login to chat liao.
Me now at malacca, my in law's house. Still had 3 days before i can out from my confinement. Now count down time!!!

iamsnow, thanks for the info on the blocked ducts. But i was very silly din know how to spot the holes. haha.....
Anyhow, i try to rub off those whitish color thingy on my nipple after every pumping. Realised my BM actually increase. But hor, when press or touch on nipple, can feel bit painful.

Veniz, u gals going to causeway for gathering. Really hope i can joinin u gals. But now with 2 kids quite hard liao. My mil hinted to me and hubby tat now with 2 babies, so we both better 'kuai-kuai' stay at home taking care of the 2 monsters rather than keep going out. Then if hubby and me wanna bring the kids out, mil will comment outside many ppl, wait baby got sick. I think i'm living in a jail. *sigh*
Now wonder will my yearly holiday plan still can proceed or not. So sad!</font>
Veniz...ya, I'm gg back to work early Sept. Ya, let's go shopping 2 wks before that! Must buy some nice clothes to make myself happy! haha... now everyday at home dress like ah soh also. I haven go and cut my hair yet. so thick and yucky.
samsoon, doc never really sew tight lar, its just that the opening of V quite 'sinz' feeling lar. Hee, about ky jelly, last time I worked PT in unity pharm, then this 50s auntie looking for something for very long time, so i offer to help her she said nevermind, dun wan to tell me what she wants. In the end, she bought KY jelly, she still try to hide the tube in her hand when waiting to pay for it at cashier. Find it funny coz i know she paiseh.

Babycupid, Kyan really like ultraman leh, hee. To bad never wear the ultraman suit.

MLP, then I feel your baby treating your nipple as pacifier liao lar. have to find ways to stop this lor. I will be only free from 18th aug leh, lets fix a day from 18th till end aug to go shop shop, then we can go hi tea again. Hey, my gynae said even bf also can eat sashimi leh, only avoid alcohol and chinese herbs. So happy to hear the news.

Felicia, yes, we going gathering there soon. I am going to try use my sling with baby, coz that time try but fail, now trying again or else baby keep wanting carry like today. Very not free. I will keep you posted lar, not sure when you coming back to Sin, let me know the period you will be in Sin lor then we arrange. I think you bring one of your gals out lar, at least not so shiong leh.

nss, after our meeting, Vivienne went granny hse slept at 3plus till now. Woke up once to drink milk, then I wipe her down feed her before going home via cab as no one is free to fetch me home. She totally knocked out liao, now sleeping away....
hi bizz n roooller
rec ur payment.

hi mummies who order tea, fenugreek and ameda parts.
will proceed to make order.

hi snow
still pending for your payment.
hi zuen
i have also order n help u make payment for the nursing shawl.

could you trf 36 to my posb savings acc 015-31320-0. will update you once the shawl is here.
hi mummies
me have been really tired this week. dont know what's wrong with bb...keep wanting us to carry him.

see that he sleep so soundly so put him back to cot, then he cry again.

put in on bed also cry...any mummy facing the same problem.
tot he has wind, so already giving him the ridwind drops and some oil on his tummy...but still doesnt work...

so kelian...
Long post!
Busy again with my 2 gals again. Need a break man.. Its really tough been a mom and of cos though lack of sleep is one point, also have to accomodate to what our HB need...

Going CWP? WHen? With Fennie and who? Bo Jio leh... I can but only weekdays anytime after 10am - 3pm as I need to bring my #1 back from school. She giving me alot headache in CC and recently she gotta cough &amp; slight flu so I put #2 at MIL. Now was like running to &amp; fro Jurong and AMK! Crazy man... Maybe SMS me when you all confirm date &amp; time? Need a break out to find friends chit chat catch up.. so I wont be bringing my bb along lo..

Mine normally is around e timing 9-10pm when he cry put him down also cry and cant get to sleep. Some say this is colic and no matter how wont help. May last till 3mths! I am not sure how true as I never experience all these with my #1... maybe see what other mummies say...
I am currently SAHM but mostly will return to work in Aug after 1yr plus staying at home taking care #1 and preg with #2 lo. I guess I am not those SAHM type. BB cries can freak me out and my #1 is a terrible one too.. I ALSO CLOSE SHOP! I will jump lake like you too.. I guess its too much for me lately to overcome and goingthrough alot things which really freak me out both emotionally and physically. But main is I felt 2 is enough especially for our kind of living standard and kids future education...
I oso realised that my tummy, bum and thighs seem to be bigger than pre-preggy. I doubt they will return to the same size even if I managed to go back to pre-preggy weight. Sianz...

I sit at my desk while expressing, covering with the nursing shawl. Each time about 15 to 20mins. One hand hold pump, one hand continue working. Now still can maintain 3 hourly pump, but dun think so when workload piks up. -.o" ya, very mah fan. I kip tinking that I have to standby FM soon. ;p I pump once when reach office, 2x during work &amp; one time after work. Total 4x.

I think painful for me bcos too long never BD liao. Then gan cheong somemore, hehe. I think oso more dry down there. ;p

I tsf to you tomolo hor.
I think need some foreplay or KY bah.
For me 1st time bit funny cos will somehow have bit phobia especially after u been cut &amp; sew. Somehow need to tell ourselves relax don't be too tense. Now I wan to s** also no time.. feel like a nun with a monk beside me haha
sure zuen. yes i just got another massage lady to come and massage for me. she told me that i have to avoid cold drinks for the next few months if i really want to slim down

cos cold drinks will caused us to have wind and also water retention. and for ladies, it's very easy for us to catch wind and water retention in our body.

the best is to exercise...one of the laziest way is massaging.

hi jenny,

sorry for the late reply. I cant do the transfer now as the internet banking facility does not allow me to do so currently. could you proceed with my order 1st and I'll effect the payment (ie. US$4.4 x 1.4 = S$6.16) once the funds transfer service is available again. many thanks!
my girl start to be like urs on Sunday nite. on bed cry n cry. carry her to make her sleep then put in bed, cry. whole nite carry, put dwn, cry. carry, put dwn, cry. zzz! first time I get so fustrated. she is sleeply wanted to sleep but she just cant sleep. in the end I carry her till she sleep soundly then put her dwn.

seriously cannot drink cool water? no wonder my stomach getting bigger compair when I just gave birth. I have not done any massage leh. could this be the reason too? will it be too late if I do massage now?

RE: bding
I also feel pain whenever we bd. I could also feel that the skin is spilting apart. dunno issit gynae sew too tight. I feel like I'm still a virgin. haha.

RE passing motion right, my ass h*le very pain when passing hard stools leh. no sure issit causes by the stretches as gynae cut till there. any mother which gynae sew till the hole encounter same problem? I now dislike to pass hard motion. so pain. haiz...
hi all i have a little issue here hope you all can help me..pls...as i nv pump before today is my frist day due to the gum infection. no matter how i pump i only hv 150ml max outta 2 breasts is that even normal? too low right? i think i hv block ducts but to relieve them its so painful. and my let down only lasted a few "sprays".
pls help me...also how come when i feed my baby formula she only sleeps for 2 hours max or sometimes an hour plus??? thats a bit short for formula feeding right
then i hv to feed her again increasing the amount.
sad mommy.
Ur bb boy or girl har?? hehehe... mitten put 'prince' hor?

'sinz' feeling like 1st time? kekeke..
I 1st time buy ask hubby go &amp; pay.. abit shy also.
Now more garang if go buy will slowly choose brand liao...

i sure apply ky bcos aft been sew oso scare scare mentally.. infact must put more to feel more secure. Btw, got to check if mine already expired, dun later happily use then end up both of us kana rashes.. hehe..

If its colic, very likely bb will be crying non-stop even when u hug her. Maybe too much hugging? Especially aft celebrating bb shower, when bb is hug here hug there, aft thy left we suffer.

Maybe bcos u dun knw how much ur bb need cos u have been latching. Tis might be a gd chance for u to see you BM yield &amp; ur bb consumption.
Previously, when i fed bb FM, maybe extra 1/2hrs of sleep only. How long do u need to pump out 150ml? I took abt 40min on Ameda dual. Most time i would pump ard 80mins until i fall asleep. My last fed always ard 3am &amp; bb will sleep till 8.30am, if FM will be ard 9am...
Be happy okie
Hi mummies
Regarding BD - #2 not pain liao... haha..a case of being overstretched? My gynae didnt have to perform episotomy on me this round leh...

#1 was a little pain... but also cos a bit tense. My fren taught me to prep myself before hand by inserting own finger into us during bath time to stretch the opening a little. Have to take it slowly and gently lor. Certain positions will hurt more so try not to be too adventurous intially bah...

Any mummies care to share the schedule for their baby? I am still trying to catch mine.. I dunno if I am forcing him to sleep too much, hence the crying but his eyes dreamy leh... We try to make him sleep 1-2 hrs after waking up and his milk time is normally 3-4 hrs.

Contraceptives - Anyone considering anything? I actually wanted to go for ligation, actually i also not keen, wish for a #3 girl...but hb always say stop at 2. Then recently he says no to ligation... keke...I happy lor. But I think abt birth control lor, my gynae suggest Mirena (IUD). Hmm...but then again, need anot har? hahaha cos the gap between my girl &amp; boy (4years) we also never use any form of formal contraceptive.

And how do you make your baby sleep? Patting? rocking? I swaddle mine, but he hates it to core. But if I dun, he wakes VERY easily. Each time his hand moves, his eyes open and then refuse to sleep again and i have to start the patting/rocking process all over. VERY sian.

Hi Jenny
You not alone... mine cries before sleep too, normally around 8-10pm. I pat him, once he sleeps, i go into room, but he normally wakes the min I step into room (prob feels the diff in aircon), then I pat again, then put him down to cot, he will wake lor, I swaddle him and the patting process begins all over again.. Sometimes he good mood, he will resist for a while, if not, it is swaddle-pat unswaddle pat rock/swaddle pat rock till he gets so tired and I get so furstrated. Then the poor elder one gets shouted at sometimes cos she has to open the room door with a bang at THAT time when the baby is shutting his eyes....
<font color="aa00aa">Veniz,
oic...thanks for your clarifications...
at least u still get a room to use, i ve to hide inside the handicapped cubi in toilet...*sob*
on your oversea trip, think u can let yur mgr knows abt yur interest still tat wif bb or not, u r still keen to participate in the grand opening. i m sure yur mgr will be more than pleased to know tat u r still very tuned in to the co's stuff...</font>
Glad for all the sharing, it's good to know i'm not the only one facing latching issues...

My boy likes to latch to sleep, he naps between 30mins to 2.5hrs, night can last 4hrs. Last nite latch 1 over hr. Latching becomes his pacifier, tried giving him pacifier also no use cos he spits it out after awhile. Now he fusses a lot wen wan to sleep, will cry to latch on…

When alert, attention span less than 30mins (maybe even lesser) then cry of boredom, wans to be carried.

He also cries once put into cot but not always, it happens wen he is not in deep sleep, so manja.

Any of ur bb coughs to clear throat?

Seen my bb laugh in sleep few times, like being told some jokes, he goes hur hur hur
Hi Mums ..juz checkuout the site..www.cheerfulmama.com..
they are selling reversible pouches at $33..those interested may check it out...

Felicia, cheerfulmama oso sellin the same brand of nursing bra which i bought fm iwantmilk.com..hving some offers on some bras..&amp; te good ting is u can save on postage and time..cos they are located at blk 615 ..beri near me..and super near u...hheh
meeting at causeway point? jio leh.... then can get to meet up u all... that time i never join the buffet. so never get to see u all....
think veniz is organizing the cwp meeting, check with her?but only buffet think is sakae sushi &amp; the bbq/steamboat i canr recall the name of the shop
hi all,

I am quite near to CWP, wanted to join, but dunno how to bring bb out leh. Later, need to feed her bottle ebm and need to pump how?

Hi JP, I am also sahm.
<font color="ff6000">iamsnow

*lol* me reading the posts now mah!! eh go together for the gathering la.. i very long never see u laioz leh!!


aiyo same here oso.. but was thinking if my boy gets cranky, at least i noe im not alone there.. hee..</font>

i asking abt the gathering woh.... i want to join leh....

eh, your prince very cute leh. smile until so 'chan lan'. my princess only know how to frown... haha....
HI dear mummies !!
silly qn, but for those using PIS, what are the parts that you sterilize ??
Everything but the tubes right ?
Also, do you use your bare hands to assemble the white valve/membrane to the yellow plastic thing after sterilisation ??
so both of you don't latch direct huh?there is a baby care room on L3 of CWP, 2 nursing rooms inside, got armchair,but i need to go there to check it out again, cos the last time i used the room was 8yrs ago when I had my #1, #2 I have not brought him to CWP yet.
ar.... so many pple want to join gathering at cwp? why not we list down the names.... btw, veniz arranging is it? or i organise also can...

try not to be last min hor. then i can take leave...

maybe can state prefered timing / dates.

1) Veniz
2) Fennie
3) Cynthia (weekdays 10am to 3pm)
4) iamsnow (1st 3 working days of the mth cannot)
5) morraine
6) crystal (evenings only)

anyone else?
Fennie, added you to msn liao.

CWP nursing rooms: I just went there last week. There is a big nursing/changing room with 2 nursing cubicle inside. There are 3 big armchairs in the room as well (for mommy who can feed with baby in the bb sling/nursing shawl. )However, when I was there last week in the morning, there was a daddy in the room changing his bb. Luckily the nursing cubicle is free. However, the nursing cubicles gets very busy during lunch hour (around 1 plus) - babies also need lunch mah.

Veniz, Vivienne very sweet baby
Good to have alert baby during day and sleepy baby during nite. Baby Jaret acting angelic when in front of you only, haha. He woke up at 2pm and got me to carry him until 5 plus. Then nite time fuss and want carry from 9 till 12.
k ong: was told not to sterilise the white membrane...tubes no need to sterilise (no contact w/ milk mah)...me, i use bare hands to assemble the membrane...
thks for organizing, I should be ok anytime if I bring bb along,still on ML until 16th Sept thereabout, #1 old enough to stay home alone
she looks like meh ar? many pple tell me it's like a stamp from my hubby's face... haha....

gathering @ cwp. 30 Jul (wed) ok for all? 11.30am?

any suggestions where to eat?

1) Veniz
2) Fennie
3) Cynthia (weekdays 10am to 3pm)
4) iamsnow (1st 3 working days of the mth cannot)
5) morraine
6) crystal (evenings only)
7) nss

Hi ladies,

Super long never log in to chat with all of you le..

My baby is giving me a hard time such that i'm scared to be alone with her sometimes.

She has very bad temper. She will cry when bath, when changing diaper, even when drinking milk. Have to talk to her n coax her if not she would not do any of the above.. I'm so exhausted everyday.. Its like doing battle with her..

And i feel like crying almost everyday too.. Cos she will cry until very very chiam. She will cry until whole face red, with tears n mucus, someitmes cry until cough n choke.. I will cry with her too..

And the scary thing is that i feel quite detahced from her from all these battles..

Anyone got advice?
