(2008/06) June 2008

Lee May,
My 1st CL kana "kick" home on last friday liao and last sat the new 1 came. The 1st CL give me alot of problems and she dun seems to know how to take care of bb cos my bb kana urine infection & high fever on 12 Jun and stay in TMC till last wed then home and me also stay in TMC wif her so end up no confinement for me and rest also. And the 1st CL also dun even know how to make FM for my bb cos my hb happen to saw her put cold water 1st instead of hot water 1st and she use glass plate to steam fish then the plate broke and she still 1 me to eat the fish which will have glass in it also then wear pampers can wear opp also then my bb always cry very loud when she bath her which the 2nd bath she ok. And alot more problem tat makes me nearly post-natal blues liao so cannot tahan her. Lucky this 2nd CL is much much much much better and my bb also feel better wif her.

ioio, thanks!!

Felicia, the pill is used to soften the cervix, to thin it out and to dilate it to 3cm. But in my case, my cervix is already dilated past 3cm, and it is totally thinned out, so the next step is to break waterbag. I asked my doctor today about the pill and he said it is only used to "ripen" the cervix and to prepare it for induction (breaking waterbag and/or oxytocin drip). so in my case, even if I use the pill, it will serve little purpose.. will just give me 6 hours of cramping without further dilation beyond 4cm before doctor breaks waterbag.

soyabean, cool!!! did you have time for epidural? If not, how did you cope with the pain? Erm... my doctor told me 3cm for mothers is common but not for 1st time mothers... he said 4cm and totally effaced with bb's head completely engaged is very strange for 1st time mother like me. Can I ask if you walked around and stayed upright alot during pregnancy? Cos that's what I did. I'm not sure if that's the case? Quite curious as to the reason why I'm like that.Even if I'm like you, I think you are so much luckier.. I'm carrying bb past 40 weeks.. your bb arrived at week 38 right?
Hi mummies,

I have for sale a Maxicosi car seat, green and black brought for $319 now selling at $250, and a Brand New still in the box Beco Butterfly carrier selling at $190. Pls PM me if you are interested and I will email you the pics.

I thought your 1st CL is your mum's friend? No experience, no wonder so cheap. Luckily u can find 2nd CL on time. Anyway, take good care of yourself and baby.
Hi mummies,

I have for sale a Maxicosi car seat for sale, green and black brought at $319 now selling at $250 and a Brand new still in the box Beco Butterfly carrier selling at $190. Pls PM me if you are interested and I will email you the pics.
Lee May,
the 1st CL is my dad's student's mum and she claim she can do confinement and done it a few times b4 liao so my mum say should be ok but end up me have alot of problems wif her so no choice but to ask her to go back home instead of staying wif me and make me crazy. Me even cry a few times cos dun know how to handle her liao and totally tire out of keeping alook out everytime she feed or take care of my bb.
My mum no experience in doing confinement also a lot better than your 1st CL. How come tis CL done a few times b4, still can have so many mistakes.
Since your 2nd CL is much better than your 1st one, try to learn more from her.
<font face="comic sans ms"><font color="27aafd">felicia.. no worries.. it's jux a few more days... everything will be smooth and it will be a great experience.. ha ha..

cactus.. hv more rest as taking care of BB is kind of tiring...</font></font>
yeap... u got it right... i walk alot for this #2 due to nature of my job. i already ask for epidural at mt gynae's clinic when she said she wan to send me down to the labour ward. i took no chances, cos i dunno if the labour will reali be short. i stayed 4-5cm dilated for the 1st couple of hours after the waterbag was burst actuali.

but dun fret so much... it doesnt matter whether if its 38 weeks or 40, we do know that soon u'll be able to see baby.
jus be cautious when u feel pain ok?
ioio, yah.. I know.. the real challenge is looking after the bb after bb is born.. esp for 1st time moms...

soyabean, oh!! This is your #2 ah?!! It's my #1... so maybe my labour won't be as quick as yours then. cos I was told #1s are slower than #2... I also walk around alot. Every weekend from 30 weeks onwards, I will walk around (shopping) for 4 hours at least... not all at one go but rest 5 minutes, walk 55 minutes that type. Force myself to walk. Then take train to work instead of taking the car. every evening, climb 13 flights of staircase home.My grandma was surprised I have not delivered yet at 40 weeks though.. she expected me to deliver much earlier.. maybe in exchange, I get dilation to 4cm without pain, and a completely engaged bb's head...
my #1 labour was long too... and he was oso an overdue baby... 40+2. i didnt walk as much for #1... cos i was suffering from bad water retention starting from 2nd tri... and i cant rembr that time was he completely engaged or how many cm dilated i was at the last few weeks...

thats a lot of walking u hv done... i'm sure they will help to ease ur labour.
soyabean, I don't dare hope it will ease my labour... I only feel that I'm fitter now because of all the walking. I think that's good cos I will probably be more fit to deal with labour, and prob have a shorter delivery time. still keeping fingers crossed for a natural delivery.. but if really induced, I also hope it won't be a c-section. just break waterbag and that's it.
at ur condition, even if induce, i think u wld hv very low chances of going for c-sect, dun wori. my labour oso started when waterbag was burst.

u know... after u go thru all the baby caring and bfg and all, u will feel labour is nothing. the real thing oni comes after that.
r u latching baby? if u are, then let her latch whenever she is hungry. if u are pumping, make sure u pump every 3hrly, dun go beyond 3 hr. and make sure u wake up to pump at night oso.

rembr... u must be hardworking. if not FM will take over. no stimulation, no ss.
<font color="aa00aa">cactus, thank for explaining about the pills. I think most probly, i'll be induce w the pills 1st. But really hope i'm at least dilate to certain extent when goin for this Wed check up.

I had been doing squatting 3 x 20 squats a day since last week after hearing the mummies' advice. Hopefully it helps.Then over the weekend oso keep walking.
Started to feel bit xcited coz left maybe 2 more days only. </font>
yeah... jia you ok? i wake up 2 times at night to express my milk. in fact, now i dun even use the pump anymore. i solely rely on my hands. so much more convenient. i hv kept my medela pis away... :p
<font face="comic sans ms"><font color="27aafd">will be more nu li and jaiyou!! will pump after lunch... at least try my best else next time will regret.. ;p</font></font>
wat i do is a hv a little notebook. inside i track my girl's feeding time and my pumping time and quantity. so that i can rembr and wldnt forget to pump. oso keep a record of how much i harvest. and when the amt goes up, i see liao oso very happy.
i did that for #1
no2 lazy to keep track now
wanted to show them next time how 'hardworking and xin gu' their mummy is. lolz
haha... i did that for my #1 oso... i'm continuing for this as well. i keep it by my bed so that i can jot down whenever i express. i very paranoid abt my milk ss lor... cos 1st one, i didnt manage to total bf... had to supplement.
soyabean, thanks for your reassurance. that's what my doctor and hb think also...

Felicia, climbing stairs help also... instead of doing quick squats, try to do deep squats and hold the position. do you know how your bb is lying? back facing your side?
<font color="aa00aa">cactus, i hope i can climb the stairs but i always feel fainting just a few steps only. So i can only do the squats. Ok, will try the deep squats.
Last week check up, baby is facing side way; to my left side. The week before she's facing right. So i think she's moving a lot inside.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Yesterday very upset over hubby and MIL. Already spoken n agreed with MIL that she will take over to take care of bb after my ML ends.
But then yesterday after she hear from my hb tat my bb is very difficult to handle, she got scared and tell my hb she cannot handle all the weekdays. She wanted a break of a few days per week. But then we will be bringing bb back home at night so whats there to be difficult?!!

Then my hb try to push to my mum. My mum can't help and i ored tell my hb many times before yest incident, then he still somemore tell his mum tat my mum can help out.

My mum not v happy abt my hb.. me also v upset with him. he keep protesting n defending his mum.. i said his mum so relax at home why cannot take care of 5 days somemore no need night time.

Then now become me and hb have to take leave alternate weeks so tat my MIL just need to take care 4 days.. who knows scarry later she didn't even want to take care 4 days everything push to us..

then the more i angry is when i dun want to let her come during confinement, she complain n say how come my mum can come help during confinement she cannot.. then now she heard bb v difficult she scared then try to escape.

This is 1st boy grandson of my IL family then she still push push. Then i buay song my MIL somemore hb still defend her. Even more buay song.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">ellysia, why not hired a babysitter? Then maybe u dont had to see your MIL's face and can settle it nicely with hubby oso.

Taking leave is not a long term solution, is better to work out someting before ur ML ended.</font>
Hi Starmoon, yah, was up expressing BM then... My boy is also a big drinker... I can faint! He is only 1 week old but drinks about 80~90ml of milk! Whenever I latch him on, I need to top up with some FM or EBM to satisfy his appetite.

As for regurgitating of BM, do you burp him even after he latch on? I learnt that even latching bb on need to burp him... cos mine did vomit all the BM 2 days ago also... whereas that didn't happen for FM.

Ellysia: Ya, will take note not to leave the cabbage for too long.

Congrats to mummies who have just popped!

Cactus: Jia You!!! since u r already dilated, dr will burst ur waterbag n put the induce drip...
<font color="aa00aa">cactus, u're still working? So is confirm you'll be induce on this wed if nothing happen this 2 days?

Can i check with your the drip induce will cause labour to prolong, rite? I remember u gals were discussing about this induce thingy previously but can remember which one is more painful and will cause prolong labour.</font>
HI mogudog, your baby is so chubby and cute.. Mine is very tiny lor.. Wat is your baby weight at birth ??

By the way. any babies got serious jaundice?? mine is very serious kind.. and hits 272.. so worried...
i also feel like giving up breastfeeding many a times but am pressing on in the hope that my supply will go up soon. :p I tried latching on but it got too tiring cos he will be crying for milk after half an hour! So now, I am just pumping regularly, day and night. Btw, rem to drink more fluids.

I think ur gal looks like u. Agree with icegal, she is very chubby and cute.

Felicia and Cactus and all still waiting,
All ze best!! Jia you!

Felicia is right. Better to work out a long-term arrangement for babycare. How about infantcare or babysitter?
Felicia, some pple have told me when we start losing weight, that's when bb is starting to arrive. not sure if it would apply to you. it's applying to me though. week 38, I lost 300gm. week 39, I lost 1.1kg. week 40, I lost 300 gm. but bb is still putting on weight. now about 3.3kg...try some low and deep squats. no need to do the quick quick type.. those will help tone your leg muscles only but to help bb's against your cervix, you need constant pressure so deep squats and holding the position will be good.

Ellysia, thanks. I really hope bb comes naturally and comes soon. so excited!
Hi mylittleprince, my doctor told me he will probably just burst waterbag. he doesn't think there's a need to use the drip. Im' quite scared of the drip cos I was told if overstimulate the uterus, bb will be in distress and emerg c-section.. I've come so far already naturally.. really dun want emerg c-section.

Tera, thanks!
Hi Felicia, yes I'm still working. but I took a couple of days leave last week to relax a bit and spend time with hb who also took leave so was missing from the forum.

I will be induced (confirm) if nothing happen by Wednesday morning. Supposed to report to labour ward at 9am on Wednesday. There, doctor will decide whether to use prostin or burst waterbag. He doesn't think he will need to use the drip to augment the contractions though. He's recommendation is to burst waterbag and that should be suffient to get labour going. Cos prostin is designed to get cervix to dilate to 3cm.. it is not designed to help cervix dilate beyond 3cm. cos now I'm already 4cm, prostin probably won't help. prostin is the tablet or the pessary that is inserted.

The drip to induce is oxytocin. it will not cause labour to prolong. it will make contractions harder and stronger. so labour tends to be quicker. But the downside is if it causes the uterus to contract too much, bb will be in distress and heart rate will dip very low.. then will need emerg c-section.

Basically, if only waterbag is ruptured, then emerg c-section will be needed it waterbag has alot of poo (fluid is not clear and very dark) cos bb will get infected.

If have oxytoxin, will have emerg c-section if bb's heart rate goes down.

Prostin along carries very very low risk of emerg c-section. risk of emerg c-section is increased with breaking of waterbag and/or use of oxytoxin.

That's why I wanted to wait 2 days before 40+3 to induce.
baby got nipple confusion, mom gave her pacifier, causing the trouble. struggling to breastfeeding her now, very frustrating
tera, will stick on n try harder, even if i failed, at least i try my best...
ellysia, i k understand, mine oso 1st grandson but opp, mil hardly visit but when she comes will nag me saying i dun eat tis n tt and how will bb hv enough nutrition, in fact i hv ate all food which my CL cooked even those tt i dun like, she dunno anything n jux nag nag nag, my husband will jux side his mum saying tt i treat her concern as nagging.. wat 2 do? next time she will help take care of bb n stay w us during weekday, me really dunno how 2 survive. Besides tis, she likes 2 say my bb fat in front of him, hope my bb not pandang...
tera, will stick on n try harder, even if i failed, at least i try my best...
ellysia, i k understand, mine oso 1st grandson but opp, mil hardly visit but when she comes will nag me saying i dun eat tis n tt and how will bb hv enough nutrition, in fact i hv ate all food which my CL cooked even those tt i dun like, she dunno anything n jux nag nag nag, my husband will jux side his mum saying tt i treat her concern as nagging.. wat 2 do? next time she will help take care of bb n stay w us during weekday, me really dunno how 2 survive. Besides tis, she likes 2 say my bb fat in front of him, hope my bb not pandang...

not sure where to get babysitter near my house..
haiz. i prefer to have MIL or my mum take care dun like strangers.


my mum is v pandang if anyone say bb big size or watever my mum will shut our mouth le. But some people always dun bother such pandang will anyhow say one.


u need around 1 week n constant trying to break the nipple confusion.. my bb also got nipple confusion when he just came back from hosp tat time 1st week.. me took pains to correct him.


break waterbag liao will be faster generally.
dun worry i tink 4cm dilation is quite a good start. hope u can tolerate the pain and achieve yr aim not to use epidural.
hi littleprince
me got burp bb everytime after he drinks my BM irregardless latch on or bottle but sometime even after burping he still votmit. last nite merlion again so dis morning i brought him to PD since my girl oso running high fever. PD checked and said my boy has reflux and hence the colic drop wasnt of any use. She gave me some medication for the reflux and told me to continue to BF so now i will try to BF exclusively even in the nite so as to maintain the supply and hopefully the reflux problem will be fixed in no time. PD told me to burp my boy half way and asked me to give him 3-4oz of milk instead of 4-5oz cos she said he is drinking too much milk. But i was thinking of latching him exclusively (too lazy to pump) so prob wun be able to track lor. today burn hole in pocket...my 2 kids see PD and cost $260 for both of them.
my gynae broke my water bag and put mi on drip when i was 2 cm and my labout was about 6hrs lor..

induce will be quite painful but i tried my best not to use epi... can try without epi...
Hi Girls,

No time to pop by...now that DH, DS and DD are all asleep, I told myself to log-in quick-quick and play catch-up.

Felicia &amp; all who are still playing the waiting game - Jia Yu!!! Sending over lots of ELVs, quick and smooth delivery vibes over!!!

To all mummies who have popped - Congrats! Welcome to motherhood! Welcome precious ones too!

5-in-1 or 6-in-1 : I will be taking the 6-in-1 package for #2 also, status quo like #1. Have to find out the price from Kidz Clinic. Where are you all taking the jabs?

Congrats to all NBs who have cleared their jaundice!!! Mummies, good job and well done!!!

Cactus - Sending over lots and lots of ELVs!!! Still sending over lots of "Natural Labour Vibes" over and crossing all fingers for ya!

Ellysia - Ya, better to sit down and have a long talk with your DH. This need to be iron out as you guys will be going back to the work force soon. Maybe go into infantcare?

Mogudog - She is so precious, chubby and sooooooo cute!!! *hugs*

soyabean, roooller - He!He! I did it for my #1 and am doing the same for my #2. Gosh, she is only 4 days old and drinks so much more compare to her bro. So, bo pian, have to sub with FM.

Cynthia - Love the photos! Indeed, a precious moment captured on camera! How is your #1 taking it with #2 at home and crying in the middle of the nite?

MLP &amp; Rizty - Thanks for sharing your birth story with us! Welcome to motherhood!


Mummies, during your first 1 week after delivery, do you feel pain when you walk esp at your V to inner thigh areas? Does your hands and legs swell up like elephant legs? Wonder if its due to water retention?
starmoon - My #1 also had reflux. This worked for us. We were told to buy a baby rocker (the ones with the netting and can be reclined to 45 degrees) and to place him on it after burping him. This helps his reflux alot. Good luck!
