(2008/06) June 2008

My gal also experience e same noise u mention. Pd say its normal. If worry bring jake to pd check.

When have #1 we invited 60-70guests for buffet includes friends n relatives. Cakes n vouchors give colleagues. This round #2 we reducing to mainly friends n family only. 25-30pax n we using thomson catering bit more expensive since we intend close shop too. Cakes same using melrose given to colleagues n few relatives that given bb red packet n didnt come buffet lo. So roughly stil e same min need to spend $700! Best u discuss wit hubby. This round we want simple n less hectic so less people invited. Mayb you can do within friends n family n v close relatives? Don stress yourself over this ok.

Don worry if your bb sudden certain timing drink bit less. Some how they are not those running around and have spare inside them. Like now my gal she drink 2.5oz during e day, sometime 3hr feed sometime 2hr plus. Night time feed 3oz, 3hrly. Sometime she sleep 4hr b4 next feed! So don worry okie
wah.. so long no come in.. have been busy wif my bb.. aiyo.. nw he no longer slp n slp.. he nds attention.. carry to see things..
i oso worried abt his breathing, sneezing, rashes, poo poo.. etc.. but after seeing the postings here.. i glad that its normal..

any mummies here feeding their bb formulae? i have stopped breastfeeding and totally on formulae milk already.. what brand is better? my bb is drinking friso now.. but i realise his stool getting harder.. and today he hasnt poo yet.. felt so uncomfy for him.. tinking of changing a brand.. anyone having the same prob as me?
i have prob bathing my bb alone.. kept crying n struggling when bathing his front.. he will quiet when bathing his back.. anyone can share their experience/skills? kekeke..
Hi all,
thank you, just reached home,
won't be online for about 4 week from today.

4D ideas!!!
Our kids order, Girl, Boy, Boy.

#1 - Athena
#2 - Besper

#3 - Cornelius
DOB 19/06/2008
Time 1947 Hrs
Ht 51cm
Wt 3865g
Head Cir 34cm
Cynthia, u feed ur bb only when she cry for milk? for mine, I will feed her every 2hr n if she sleeping I will wake her up. is it better to feed when she cry? I notice that she's getting fatter. finding ways to let her drink lesser.
i was told by my mum n sis in law tat.. we dun nd to wake those haven full mth bbs to drink milk.. cos their slp is more impt than drinking milk.. so if they slp jus let them be.. dun purposely wake them up..
Ellysia, I had 3.5 bottles, coz emergency c-sec need higher dosage. The epidural was so strong that it block till my chest area, got diffiulty breathing.

Christina, wah seh, so "qiao", maybe we just next door neighbour, hehe.
Congrats to all the mummies who've popped.

Doing confinement is so tired, I almost everyday only sleep 3 to 4 hours, super tired. My chances online will be lesser.
hi piggy mummy!! Yes I remember you... am so glad both of us have graduated from that thread.. how are you and baby? I totally agree with you, God is good, without Him I couldnt have brought Isaiah into this world. All thanks and praise to Him

hi cynthia
Thanks for your assurance...feel better to hear this. This forum is really very good, to have you all to share info and valuable advice...

hi babycupid
Me just started bb on FM also.. supplement his nite feeds with FM and day time EBM... not sure which brand is good but Im letting him drink similac now...
Hw much FM/BM shd a 18 day old bb drink? My gal is drinking abt 90ml liao and abt 3hrs apart. Is it normal?

She also farts alot and very very smelly, think cos of the food I take (mostly fish and meat)... is it normal too?

Have any of you started using pacifier to keep bb quiet? I started using since she's a week old as she'll cry for no reason... Haizzz
Felicia, Huggy & Bizznow,
I thought tat my #2 will come out early coz my #1 was natural with epi & forcep but seems like nothing happen.
KKH doctor nvr mention to me tat baby already engage or not. She only mentioned tat she will check my cervix on 26 June to c whether dilate or not and I requested to induce on tat day coz I scare baby too big (more than 3kg liao).
I heard tat induce very pain, so scare.
my bb is 14 days old.. he drinking 90ml to 100ml if he slp for 3 or 4hrs.. at times he slp for an hr or 2 hrs.. den he will drink only 60ml..
my bb oso fart alot.. i did use pacifier too.. but he doesnt really like.. only sometimes he willing to suck on it.. but he will spit out n cried super loudly when he realised no milk out frm the pacifier.. kekeke..
Hi Huggy, am oso seeing Dr Ang..hv delivered on 7 June...for wat i know Doc Ang is beri afraid of big bbs...like mine..at 37wks bb is 3.6kg..he already scratchin his head..tinkg how 2 deliver me...:p kept sayin aiyoh so big..
he said big bb's hv certain risk when doin natural birth...he oso tell me see how next wk...but luckily i hv contraction at38wks and true enuf bb was 3.84kg at birth...i almost opted for c sect due to the risks mentioned...thank god..i delivered naturally without any painkiller...while stitchg me he chatted and told me next time is bb is 3.5kg better take it out fast..heheheh....anyway..Trust Dr Ang..he did a great job in gettin my bb out....
Hi Rizty, thanks for sharing

Wah, your BB is really big! Think if you delivered in week 40, BB can be as big as 4kg

So lucky you have contraction on week 38 and delivered naturally too, so envy you
Hi ladies,

Finally get a chance to update my birth story:

Went gynae checkup in the morning. Doc advise to admit to Mt A that nite at 11pm n will insert pill to start dilation. as my amniotic fluid level is on the lower side.

11pm: Admit to Mt A. Clear poo and nurse inserted 1 pill. Tried to sleep...

Next morning 10+ am: Nurse checked that 1cm dilated.

11am: Gynae came and said can start to induce me now that I'm dilated. Burst my waterbag and put me on induce drip. The contraction pain came and it felt like menstrual cramps. 1st one hr not so bad... Try to tahan by breathing technique until 2pm. Cannot take it liao, use laughing gas. but after few sniffs, feel very "gong"... like almost gone like tat. wanna sleep. So decided wanted to go for epi liao.

2.30pm: Nurse checked...4cm dilated. And I confirm want epi.

3pm: The anathesist for epi came and I was already 5-6cm dilated.

After epi, midwives said tat my bb's heart dropped each time I have contractions. Hubby and I were super worried. They called Gynae and he was in TMC delivering another bb. They stopped my induce drip (not to stress bb), put a cathetre to drain my urine and use oxygen mask to see if can reduce bb distress.

4pm: Told nurse I got urge to push. She checked and say I'm almost 10cm dilated.

4.10pm: Gynae finally arrived n all get ready for the final stage. Main focus is to get bb out in the shortest possible time as he's in distress so I didn't get to push much.

Gynae wanted to vacuum bb out but not successful. But he used forceps.

4.22pm: BB is out and his loud wailing brought a sense of relief to hb and me!!! Thank God that everything is OK. =)

But the episiotomy quite deep due to forceps... I'm using a spray given by hospital called Curacao.

BB is admitted to Mt A today due to his jaundice level. Me expressing BM out to bring tml...

Phew! It is really not easy to handle a baby. Quite depressed initially after coming home. Cos bb always need to drink milk... then I keep thinking why my BM not enough. Have to supplement with FM.

But I tried the cabbage method today and it works! Will help to soothe engorgement and clear the blocked ducts! Managed to pump out 40ml after using that instead of the miserable 20ml each time. So u can try that if u have engorgement. =)
roxy, my #1 drinking friso and she didnt have any poo problems. my #2 same like yours drinking BM in day and FM at nite. initially i gave him NAN HA (cos i tried friso bottle given by TMC but he kept votmitting and so TMC lactation specialist told me NAN HA resembles BM) then i switch to NAN Probiotics cos i find that NAN HA is abit oily. He has no problems with NAN and his poo is still yellowish soft kind..sometimes pasty type but not hard hard ones and he poos everyday.
Hi Precious Moments,
From wat I know, wine tat is already cooked is ok to drink even if u breastfeed. Last time, my MIL also cook tis for me.
<font color="aa00aa">Morning ladies!
Today was a raining day, so nice to sleep in. But i just couldnt sleep anymore. Whole body aches due to yesterday walking for too long from Ikea to Courts then to Giant.

Lee May, i might be induce on this coming wed and thurs as well. I'm kinda worry about the induce oso, but i'm more afraid of ended up c-sec. But oso no choice. *sigh*</font>
I also scare ended up c-sec coz last time my #1 nearly emergency c-sec too. I also scare baby too big to deliver.
Hope all mummies who have not pop will have smooth and fast delivery.
Precious Moments,
those what is cooked, the alcohol will be evaporated
but sure those that simmer though.
but best to drink only AFTER u nurse.

my #2 is cleared of the jaundice liao
so happy, doc said no need to come for follow up check-up
#2 readings 104.
was askg him abt another conversion which he said is not 'direct' /10. doc say complicated so i didnt probe further.
i didnt sun #2 that often.
in fact, i wrote to breastfeeding.org.sg, i was advise to nurse more often to flush his system.

hope the info helps
re: blood clots
just when i thought my menses is clearing
this morning another gust of blood w clots

i didnt engage any massage lady

so the sudden flow not sure whether is it bcos i've increased the freq nursing my #2?

i've already put back to my pre-preggy weight but tummy still about 3-4mth preggy
Good moning ladies,
Me no time to login recently. Bb getting more &amp; more cranky.. I have switched to EBM in the night. Otherwise, she can take forever to suckle..

Re: Choke on Milk
Put the bb to lie on her side after feeding. This will help to prevent choking. After a while, then switch her to lying on her back.

Got to go, bb cranky again..
Hi Huggy, accdg to Dr Ang my bb got stucked at the shoulder part during the pushes..head was out..and he said it was so risky..thanks to his professionalism he did some 'tricks' to get the bb out by using his 4 fingers to push bbs shoulder down and ask me to hold my push for as long as possible..tat was the last push and bb came out... :p
Anyway...dun worri u hv a gd gynea to guide us thru the labour..u'll b fine ..( i tink the breathin exercise helps me to deal wif the pain..) no harm tryin ...meantime..u relax &amp; kp smilin while waitg for ur lil one...
Jessica, Babycupid
My baby also drink about 60ml to 100ml... depending on the time she wakes up for food... hee.. it ranges btw 2.5 hrs to 4 hrs...
if 4 hrs, she will drink about 100ml.. 2.5hrs she will drink about 60ml

Baby fart alot is becos too much wind in stomach... try using baby tummy binder... My gal has lots of wind in her tummy before i use the binder on her... she will fart and poo lots.. and smelly...

pooing a lot think should be normal bah.. mine is after each feed will poo liao.. cos i on BM only

Finally get to see your Birth story.... Must be very busy with baby har....

How's your confinement and massage???

wow... so good back to pre preggy weight liao leh... i still got 4-5kg on mi leh...*sob*
baby jaundice can try going to medical hall to ask for NG KI.. Not too sure if your MIL know about it a not... can try....

My CL used that to bath baby and now baby cleared liao.. but i think too much sun tanning for baby in the end my gal became quite dark... haha.... Told CL not to tan gal liao...
ya but tummy is STUCK with me.

yest went to polyclinic follow up w my bb's jaundice
heng lor, clear liao.
doc said no need to come back liao

i didnt sun bathe bb much
was told better nt cos UV rays harmful to their delicate skin.
<font color="aa00aa">ladies, does you know polyclinic offer the injection package? Is it 5 in 1 or 6 in 1? How much is the package?</font>
for my #1, is 5in1.
that's 5yrs ago, i cant remember how much also
nt sure whether they offer 6in1 though

i got but nvr use :p
last time had it when i hv #1
wonder does it work w/o using any slimming cream?
littleprince, yah posted right after i finished pumping then go back zzz liao...how abt u? u oso up to express milk?

mummies, anyone experience same situation as me? when i feed my boy BM (irregardless latch on or bottle), he tends to merlion but when i feed him FM, he seems to only regurgitate abit of milk and not merlion unlike my BM...i oso not sure why is this so? sometimes he can votmit like the whole feed of my BM and then cries for more milk. makes me so tempted to stop BM and just give FM 100%. now i am on partial BF.

my boy coming 7 weeks old drinks abt 120ml of FM and 150ml of BM. last nite he drank 120ml FM at 3am (earlier feed of 120ml FM at 12am could last him 3hrs) then 5am wake up crying searching for nipple...hubby carried him feed water but he still not satisfied so in the end gave him 30ml of BM but he still cries so gave in and feed another 60ml of BM. he is really a godzilla!

I feel drowsy towards the end.. around the time when i start to use the 3rd bottle (but in the end didn't finish it). Keep feeling very sleepy but not tireness, seems to be under drug.

3 and a half bottles, no wonder u got so many side effects.


How much milk depends on the weight of yr bb.


where to get baby tummy binder?


BF will help to clear the locha (blood in womb after delivery).. if u are not over yr confinement, i dun tink anyting to worry abt.. unless it is a lot of blood.


Reme not to use the cabbage for more than 20mins or it will reduce yr BM.
I just came back from a&amp;e regards on my bb face issue n was told she may get eczema. previously was acne on forehead n yesterday appear scaly patches on her cheeks. so sad. I really regrat eating rubbish when she in my stomach! having jaundice n eczema my poor girl.
dun be sad... use aloe vera body wash for her..
Aloe vera is good for clearing eczema... They are ph balance.... and they have healing agents...

I'm using aloe vera products for my gal leh.. i did not buy any nappy cream... i jus use aloe vera gel...
mine nt merlion but 'choke' when i latch him
happened for the past 2 days liao
i wonder y too.

1x can soak 1 pad
consider alot right?
but its alway a 1x thing.
Hi mummies,

I have some additional Brand New milk bottles for sales...
anyone interested, please PM me. Thanks

1) 4 BN Bfree plus bottles (9 floz - 260ml twin pack). Selling at $34 per pack
2) 1 BN Dr Brown natural flow (240ml). Selling at $10
3) 1 BN Pigeon Glass bottle (240ml). Selling at $17
4) 1 BN Pigeon Peristaltic Nipple wide neck bottle (300ml). Selling at $10
5) 2 BN Bfree plus level 2 wide neck teats. Selling at $6
6) 4 BN Avent level 2 teats. Selling at $10
roooller, i think yr bb choke cos your letdown might be too fast for him to handle so he choke cos my bb sometimes oso choke when i latch him and he will pull himself away from my nipple then my nipple will continue dripping milk away so prob he cannot swallow as fast as the flow of milk comes.

sharon, u can try using GAIA products for yr bb. it is good for eczema as it is organic. can get from taka 3rd floor nursery or guardian pharmacy.
Hi Sharon,
Mine when about time for milk she will automatic cry before I am reading or even when I am preparing. Sometime can be earlier. BUT sometime she cry for nothing even not yet feeding and just wan to be carried. So Whenever I see her mouth moving look for nipple confirm she is hungry. I wont wake her up for feed during night time. This can prolong their hours slowly and increase milk as time goes. For nicole night time recently she is demanding. Drink 3oz every 2hr 30mins plus not like usual 3hrly lo. Day time she seem to take in lesser. For me I will still prefer to drag her timing at night so slowly she be like my #1 when about 2mths old wont be waking up for night feed. Can withstand 6hr without feed when sleeping lo. Pray hard... as #1 and #2 pattern are totally different which make mi insane.. as #2 always carrying for nothing and her voice getting hoarse liao.. cake sim heart pain too.. hai..

Hi gers,my baby boy nw coming to 4weeks alady he drank 4onz=120ml,formula milk for 3hrs..but todae my mil told me he cried v badly just nw for milk but timing only 2hrs...Do u think i should increase to 135ml?
