(2008/06) June 2008

I nv burp my ger after latch cos aft that she will be sleeping leh, then i just put her down lor..hmm....

Jiayou ya...can understand how u feed..my MS also getting lesser now..so sian..cannot statisfy my ger lor...
hi cactus,
i think you should worry less. If you can't relax, harder to dilate. Don't be too hard up about epi. If you need it, just get it. I had similar fears as you for #1 and then #2 I was also v scared of epi because of my first experience.

Both my #1 and #2 were induced at 40wks + 3 days by breaking waterbag plus oxytocin drip. For #1, I was only 2cm dilated. #1 labour ended up 12 hrs, 1 hr pushing. #2 was like a walk in the park in comparision. I was 3cm dilated went I went in. In less than 3 hours after gynae burst waterbag, baby came out. Hubby described our baby coming out like conveyor belt, didn't need to push hard at all, out within 3 contractions, just 5 min or so. I only needed 1 stitch this time compared to #1, where I tore badly. But even for #1, I was less dilated than you, my boy was born 3.5kg, still managed to come out after 12 hrs. Everybody's body is different, as is every pregnancy. Just trust in the Lord for yours.
hi all !!
quick update : delivered on 19 June.
baby was 3.35kg, 50 cm
labour was not as short as i thought it wld be !!
but did it natural all the way !
will pop in when i'm settled at home.
we stayed for 3 days as baby had jaundice and needed phototherapy in the hospital.

All the best Cactus/MrsWRX and the others who have yet to pop !!
hi mummies,

finally got time to login here .. how everyone?? doing fine?? me just back from kiddy, bought an avent cooler bag and a pack of the first year milk bags.. got 20% disc.. but still feel the milk bags a bit exp..
.. i find the avent via cups is better in investment to store the milk cos can be reuse.. hehe..


how're you?

my ger this sat full month liao.. hehehe.. confinement going to end soon..
K Ong,

Hows ur MS? Me hor, so little until can't even fill up a bottle..hiaz..

Me huh? tired lor...hee...but heng i been taking chicken essence so not so bad...Mine is yest lor...=)...So happy cos confinement endin gsoon liao...hee

my MS not so much too.. everytime only like 60-100ml nia, no improvement.. cos my ger not gd in latching!!! .. so i still need to top up with formula milk for one or two feeds a day.. but is ok lah.. just give as much as we can
i'm ok with formula milk.. cos my elder also formula milk since 1st month.
Ellysia, yeah I agree with Felicia, hire a babysitter, that's what I intend to do also,
I also can't depends on my IL, also damn pek chey with them. Only knows how to carry and
play with baby, baby poo push to hb to change, machiam everything also donno.
icegal, thanks so much
Her birth weight is 3.39. If your baby jaundice, need to go under
photo lei. My gal was under photo for 2 days in hospital.

Tera, yeah, a lot of pple look like me, coz my cheeks also very chubby :p
JP, thanks

I do feel pain at the area yu mention, gynae says it's called Symphysis Pubis
Diathesis (SPD for short), it's something like the baby pushing against the pelvis bone for a
long time during labour, with painkiller, it should go away in about 2 to 3 weeks time. Swelling after pregnancy is also common, due to water retention.
<font color="aa00aa">cactus, thanks. Now i'm more or least can understand b/t the pills and the drip and their's 'responsibility'. Coz i think high chance i'll be induce this week oso, so at least with some info i can discuss w my gynae. In fact my gynae was bit reluctant to induce me if i still 0cm dilate, coz he knows high chance i'll be ended up emer c-sec, but no choice oso.

ellysia, can understand ur uncomfortable feeling of letting ur baby to be taken care by a stranger but sometimes if your MIL is not so willing, then u might ended up with more probs.

aprilmum, the avent via cups can only be used to store milk in freezer up to 4 times only. Cannot keep reuse leh.
JP and Mog,
I also have the SPD pain. My gynae said that some ppl will get it after delivery.

So u are still breastfeeding? I can only say it is very stressful and not easy, at least for me. So tempted to give up but frens keep telling me the supply will increase over time. I am going to take fenugreek and see if it improves.

K Ong,
<font color="aa00aa">Btw, anyone had mrswrx's news? I remember she's goin to induce last week, rite? not sure how is she now?!</font>
Tera, I am still on painkiller lei, worst is I still got the c-sec wound. Haizzz ... up here pain, down there also pain. I still can't really walk normally and need support.

About breastfeeding, my supply also not much. I pump about 70-80 ml in 20 mins for each time. It's so tiring I agree, so far I've not consider taking the fenugreek yet until supply still no improve for the coming week.
yo gers,
tok behind my back ah! haha.

me delivered on 21/06 sat noon! jus came back tdy, settle bb, CL here, chase my mum n mil back hm liao then can online.

20/6 late noon: was inserted pill @ clinic, then went on ctg for 1hr. mild contraction start 5mins after e pill!! 0.5cm dilated.

1hr later: send up to delivery suite n was on ctg nw n then. felt abit of contractions on n off. din notice how often but ctg machine shows contraction all e way.

21/6 mornin: was told to clear poo b4 gynae came. was on laughin gas when gynae broke waterbag. then on drip liao. ask for epi. was 4cm dilated after 23hrs!! felt intense contraction even on epi. check n fully dilate in 1hr. cal for gynae n gynae arrive to check, was ready to deliver becos bb pressin on bladder.

bb delivered in less than 5mins.
<font color="aa00aa">mrswrx, congrats! Hehe...just talk about you only, then an hour later saw ur post here.

Can i know u only insert one pill to induce, rite?</font>
yess.... insert 1 pill onli (full tablet) then next mornin burst waterbag then on drip. doc est evenin then delivered, given tat i dilate super slowly. drag 20 over hrs stil onli 4-5cm dilate.
Hi JP,
Well My #1 whenever hear #2 cry she will wake up at night and want to go to her! Its tiring for everyone of us lo esp for #1... now trying to find ways for #1 to sleep better at night and we tried separate rooms and close both of our doors with music on. Do helps abit. No choice. Hope after full month things will be better with #2 less cries..
<font color="aa00aa">mrswrx, at least u manage to give birth naturally.
Me might go for induce this wed. Last check up still zero dilation. But my gynae said wont give me full dose of the pill due to my previous c-sec. But at least ur induce story give me some hope. Btw, does ur baby oredy engage before this?</font>
<table border=1><tr><td>No.</TD><TD>Nick</TD><TD>Popped Date</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Hosp</TD><TD>BB Name</TD><TD>BB Weight</TD><TD>BB Height</TD><TD>Delivery via</TD><TD>Gender</TD><TD>Current BB's weight </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>angel_z</TD><TD>2-May</TD><TD>13-Jun</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Sheryl</TD><TD>1.80kg</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>c-sect</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>1.99kg @ wk3 </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>starmoon</TD><TD>8-May</TD><TD>5-Jun</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Jayden</TD><TD>2.32kg</TD><TD>46cm</TD><TD>natural w/o epi</TD><TD>Mickey</TD><TD>2.5kg @ wk2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>ZuEn</TD><TD>11-May</TD><TD>16-Jun</TD><TD>NUH</TD><TD>Shauna</TD><TD>1.89kg</TD><TD>43cm</TD><TD>natural w/o epi</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>1.96kg @ wk2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>crystal 07</TD><TD>14-May</TD><TD>1-Jun</TD><TD>RH</TD><TD>Gwendolyn</TD><TD>2.475kg</TD><TD>48cm</TD><TD>c-sect</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>2.65kg @ wk2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>roxy</TD><TD>15-May</TD><TD>3-Jun</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Isaiah</TD><TD>2.97kg</TD><TD>48cm</TD><TD>c-sect</TD><TD>Mickey</TD><TD>3.64kg @ wk3 </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>belsi</TD><TD>22-May</TD><TD>3-Jun</TD><TD>RH</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>2.7kg</TD><TD>48cm</TD><TD>natural w epi</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>2.7kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>BabyJo</TD><TD>22-May</TD><TD>5-Jun</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>3.035kg</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>epi c-sect</TD><TD>Mickey</TD><TD>3.035kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>feifei</TD><TD>23-May</TD><TD>29-May</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Charlotte</TD><TD>3.4kg</TD><TD>51cm</TD><TD>c-sect</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>3.4kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>Angie_bb</TD><TD>23-May</TD><TD>2-Jun</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Clara</TD><TD>3.39kg</TD><TD>50cm</TD><TD>natural w epi</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>3.39kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>Sharon</TD><TD>23-May</TD><TD>2-Jun</TD><TD>NUH</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>3.05kg</TD><TD>49cm</TD><TD>natural w/o epi</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>3.05kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>iamsnow</TD><TD>23-May</TD><TD>5-Jun</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Qian Ying</TD><TD>2.9kg</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>natural w/o epi</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>2.9kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>tWiNkY</TD><TD>26-May</TD><TD>3-Jun</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Seto Jing Xuan</TD><TD>3.445kg</TD><TD>50cm</TD><TD>natural w/o epi</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>3.445kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>bonjovi</TD><TD>26-May</TD><TD>16-Jun</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>Kyler</TD><TD>2.565kg</TD><TD>51cm</TD><TD>natural w epi</TD><TD>Mickey</TD><TD>2.57kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>mei</TD><TD>28-May</TD><TD>30-May</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Chloe</TD><TD>3.445kg</TD><TD>51cm</TD><TD>emer epi c-sect</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>3.445kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>juliet08</TD><TD>28-May</TD><TD>6-Jun</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Jake</TD><TD>2.995kg</TD><TD>49cm</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>Mickey</TD><TD>2.995kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>Jesslyncheong</TD><TD>28-May</TD><TD>8-Jun</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Javier</TD><TD>3.19kg</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>natural w epi vac</TD><TD>Micky</TD><TD>3.19kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>17</TD><TD>Starmambo</TD><TD>28-May</TD><TD>16-Jun</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>2.85kg</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>2.85kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>18</TD><TD>aprilmum</TD><TD>29-May</TD><TD>4-Jun</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>3.875kg</TD><TD>54cm</TD><TD>natural w epi</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>3.875kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>19</TD><TD>jenny</TD><TD>29-May</TD><TD>19-Jun</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Rex</TD><TD>2.7kg</TD><TD>49cm</TD><TD>natural w epi</TD><TD>Mickey</TD><TD>2.7kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>20</TD><TD>Kelcqi</TD><TD>30-May</TD><TD>31-May</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Erica</TD><TD>3.32kg</TD><TD>48cm</TD><TD>emer epi c-sect</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>3.32kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>21</TD><TD>paulnelaine</TD><TD>30-May</TD><TD>22-Jun</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Ee Si Zhen</TD><TD>2.18kg</TD><TD>46cm</TD><TD>natural w epi forcep</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>2.18kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>22</TD><TD>Ellysia</TD><TD>31-May</TD><TD>3-Jun</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Yu Zhe</TD><TD>3.6kg</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>natural w epi</TD><TD>Mickey</TD><TD>3.6kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>23</TD><TD>linda_thea</TD><TD>1-Jun</TD><TD>9-Jun</TD><TD>Mount E</TD><TD>Maximus</TD><TD>3.095kg</TD><TD>51cm</TD><TD>natural w epi</TD><TD>Mickey</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>24</TD><TD>Jessica</TD><TD>3-Jun</TD><TD>5-Jun</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>Floyce</TD><TD>2.875kg</TD><TD>50cm</TD><TD>natural w epi</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>2.875kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>25</TD><TD>danryan</TD><TD>3-Jun</TD><TD>8-Jun</TD><TD>East Shore</TD><TD>Nadiah Marshya</TD><TD>2.74kg</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>natural w/o epi</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>2.74kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>26</TD><TD>ND's girl</TD><TD>3-Jun</TD><TD>17-Jun</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>Avril</TD><TD>2.6kg</TD><TD>49cm</TD><TD>natural w/o epi</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>2.6kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>27</TD><TD>Cynthia</TD><TD>3-Jun</TD><TD>18-Jun</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>Nicole</TD><TD>2.6kg</TD><TD>48cm</TD><TD>natural w/o epi</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>2.6kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>28</TD><TD>Christina Thng</TD><TD>4-Jun</TD><TD>20-Jun</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Chloe</TD><TD>2.72kg</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>epi c-section</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>2.72kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>29</TD><TD>Muffin</TD><TD>5-Jun</TD><TD></TD><TD>NUH</TD><TD>Geoff</TD><TD>3.236kg</TD><TD>52cm</TD><TD>Natural w epi</TD><TD>Mickey</TD><TD>. </TD></TR><TR><TD>30</TD><TD>teragram</TD><TD>6-Jun</TD><TD>15-Jun</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Lucas</TD><TD>3.2kg</TD><TD>50cm</TD><TD>natural w epi</TD><TD>Mickey</TD><TD>3.2kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>31</TD><TD>Kylene</TD><TD>6-Jun</TD><TD>15-Jun</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>natural w/o epi</TD><TD>Mickey</TD><TD>383g </TD></TR><TR><TD>32</TD><TD>TinyFeet-TF</TD><TD>6-Jun</TD><TD>18-Jun</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Masean Lee Hwa Chan</TD><TD>3.38kg</TD><TD>50cm</TD><TD>natural w epi</TD><TD>Mickey</TD><TD>3.38kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>33</TD><TD>Priscilla</TD><TD>6-Jun</TD><TD>28-Jun</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD>Eunicia Yeo</TD><TD>2.92kg</TD><TD>50cm</TD><TD>natural w/o epi</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>2.92kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>34</TD><TD>babycupid</TD><TD>7-Jun</TD><TD>7-Jun</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Kyan Kok</TD><TD>3.17kg</TD><TD>50cm</TD><TD>natural w epi</TD><TD>Mickey</TD><TD>3.17kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>35</TD><TD>Veniz</TD><TD>7-Jun</TD><TD>14-Jun</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Vivienne</TD><TD>2.72kg</TD><TD>47cm</TD><TD>natural w epi + vacuum</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>2.72kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>36</TD><TD>Ritzy</TD><TD>7-Jun</TD><TD>19-Jun</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>3.84kg</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>natural w/o epi</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>3.7kg @ 36wk </TD></TR><TR><TD>37</TD><TD>Krispy</TD><TD>7-Jun</TD><TD>25-Jun</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>Isabel</TD><TD>2.63kg</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>emer c-sect</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>2.8kg @ 37wk </TD></TR><TR><TD>38</TD><TD>roooller</TD><TD>8-Jun</TD><TD>10-Jun</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>3.8kg</TD><TD>50cm</TD><TD>natural w/o epi</TD><TD>Mickey</TD><TD>3.8kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>39</TD><TD>wkohcc</TD><TD>8-Jun</TD><TD>11-Jun</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>Emmanuel</TD><TD>3.09kg</TD><TD>51cm</TD><TD>natural w epi</TD><TD>Mickey</TD><TD>3.09kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>40</TD><TD>shycloud</TD><TD>9-Jun</TD><TD>12-Jun</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Jade</TD><TD>3.315kg</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>natural w epi</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>2.9kg @ 38wk </TD></TR><TR><TD>41</TD><TD>soyabean</TD><TD>9-Jun</TD><TD>23-Jun</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD>Evelyn</TD><TD>2.88kg</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>natural w epi</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>2.88kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>42</TD><TD>liew</TD><TD>10-Jun</TD><TD>3-Jun</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Kylie Koh </TD><TD>3.142kg</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>emer c-sect</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>3.142kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>43</TD><TD>morraine</TD><TD>10-Jun</TD><TD>10-Jun</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD>Ashton</TD><TD>2.9kg</TD><TD>49cm</TD><TD>natural w/o epi</TD><TD>Mickey</TD><TD>2.9kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>44</TD><TD>tubbykat</TD><TD>11-Jun</TD><TD>13-Jun</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>4kg</TD><TD>55cm</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>Mickey</TD><TD>3.2kg @ 36wk </TD></TR><TR><TD>45</TD><TD>ioio</TD><TD>11-Jun</TD><TD>21-Jun</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>3.215kg</TD><TD>48cm</TD><TD>GA c-sec</TD><TD>Mickey</TD><TD>2.5kg @ 34wk </TD></TR><TR><TD>46</TD><TD>princess mummy</TD><TD>12-Jun</TD><TD>30-Jun</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Jaerio</TD><TD>2.67kg</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>Natural w epi</TD><TD>Mickey</TD><TD>2.67kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>47</TD><TD>Shirley</TD><TD>12-Jun</TD><TD></TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD>Nicole</TD><TD>3.27kg</TD><TD>50cm</TD><TD>elective c-sec</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>. </TD></TR><TR><TD>48</TD><TD>Mogudog</TD><TD>14-Jun</TD><TD>12-Jun</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Elyssa</TD><TD>3.39kg</TD><TD>49cm</TD><TD>emer c-sect w epi</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>3.39kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>49</TD><TD>nss</TD><TD>14-Jun</TD><TD>24-Jun</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>Jaret</TD><TD>3kg</TD><TD>51cm</TD><TD>natural w/o epi</TD><TD>Mickey</TD><TD>3.0kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>50</TD><TD>my little prince</TD><TD>15-Jun</TD><TD>15-Jun</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>3.02kg</TD><TD>49cm</TD><TD>Natural w epi (asst)</TD><TD>Mickey</TD><TD>3.02kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>51</TD><TD>fennie77</TD><TD>16-Jun</TD><TD>15-Jun</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>Jared</TD><TD>3.325kg</TD><TD>50cm</TD><TD>Natural w epi</TD><TD>Mickey</TD><TD>3.325kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>52</TD><TD>JP</TD><TD>18-Jun</TD><TD>24-Jun</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Gianna</TD><TD>3.415kg</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>Natural w epi</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>53</TD><TD>K Ong</TD><TD>19-Jun</TD><TD>15-Jun</TD><TD>Mt A or Glen E</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>3.35kg</TD><TD>50cm</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>Mickey</TD><TD>3.4kg @ 36wk </TD></TR><TR><TD>54</TD><TD>Leng Leng</TD><TD>19-Jun</TD><TD>21-Jun</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Conelius </TD><TD>3.865kg</TD><TD>51cm</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>Mickey</TD><TD>3.865kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>55</TD><TD>*piyo*</TD><TD>19-Jun</TD><TD>30-Jun</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD>Nicole</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>c-sect</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>2.1kg @ 32wk </TD></TR><TR><TD>56</TD><TD>mrswrx</TD><TD>21-Jun</TD><TD>30-Jun</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>natural w epi</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>2.5kg @ 35wk </TD></TR><TR><TD>57</TD><TD>Bizznow</TD><TD>22-Jun</TD><TD>26-Jun</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>3.665kg</TD><TD>50cm</TD><TD>emer c-sec</TD><TD>Mickey</TD><TD>3.665kg @ wk1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>58</TD><TD>Grace Tan</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>5-Jun</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>3.22kg @ 38wk </TD></TR><TR><TD>59</TD><TD>sharon818</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>8-Jun</TD><TD>Mount E</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>60</TD><TD>Alethea</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>9-Jun</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>3.12kg @ 38wk </TD></TR><TR><TD>61</TD><TD>peachbloom</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>12-Jun</TD><TD>NUH</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>2.5kg @ 35wk </TD></TR><TR><TD>62</TD><TD>shinely</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>15-Jun</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>2.2kg @ 36wk </TD></TR><TR><TD>63</TD><TD>Happysnowflake</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>22-Jun</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>Mickey</TD><TD>250g @ 19wk </TD></TR><TR><TD>64</TD><TD>Cactus_79</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>22-Jun</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>Matthew</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>Mickey</TD><TD>3.18kg @ 39wk </TD></TR><TR><TD>65</TD><TD>Tiffany</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>23-Jun</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>Mickey</TD><TD>2.8kg @ 35wk </TD></TR><TR><TD>66</TD><TD>Luz</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>25-Jun</TD><TD>Mount E</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>2.4kg @ 35wk </TD></TR><TR><TD>67</TD><TD>Felicia</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>26-Jun</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>3.1kg @ 39wk </TD></TR><TR><TD>68</TD><TD>Lee May</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>26-Jun</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>Mickey</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>69</TD><TD>Huggy</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>27-Jun</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>3.5kg @39wk </TD></TR><TR><TD>70</TD><TD>tinyfeet</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>30-Jun</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>3.1kg @ 36wk </TD></TR><TR><TD>71</TD><TD>piyoz</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>3-Jul</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Megan</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD>2.47kg @ 36wk </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
<font color="aa00aa">hi gers,

my bb is on partial BM &amp; FM, for FM, I had been using Friso Gold for her since she is 3wks old. no prob wif the last 2 tins tat i had been using till now. FYI, i bought the 1st 2 tins frm NTUC @ $30 each.

then found out tat a medical hall ard my estate sell the FM @ $26.50 each, so bought 2 tins frm there. we were 1/3 thru one of the tin when i noted tat the FM turns to lavendar colour when we make the FM for bb to drink. prior to tat, the colour of the FM is alrite. the 2nd tin so far seems ok, or @ least the colour of the FM when made, is ok.

i intend to pursue tis with Friso but not sure to go after the Distributor or Importer or the Reseller. Any of u gers can advice?
my ger had a bit of the FM when my MIL made the FM, n in a hurry, i didnt notice the colour n gave her the FM cos she was bawling her head off. now keeping my fingers crossed tat she be alrite. will be monitoring her closely these few days.

hb has intention to switch to another brand instead of using Friso, any advice on which other brand is good? thanks!

can pls give me yur tots from the legal perspective? thanks in advance.</font>
not to worry about the jaundice. my bb hit 300+ before n admit hospital immediatly with double light. today just have a check n it went down to 88 liao. she's now 1mth old. I nv sun bath her at all. just let her pee n poo more.
bb was engaged since wk 35 liao.. position has been quite good thru out. i was told my cervic quite stuborn n thick when inserted e pill n during e drip. doc did some massage after burst waterbag.

oops... 4got to update. bb wt 2.7kg, 48cm. thks ger!
ya lor, but hor, which brand u feeding ur bb with? I giving her Friso, but soemtimes if I dun give her EBM or latch her for 4 times a day, she will hv constipation....so kelian...

hehe...tks ger =)..soon will be ur turn..20mins can get this amt bery gd liao, me struggling to get ever drop lor. need to pump for 1hr to mian qianq get 100ml at times...

ya lor, still BF....got latch my ger 4times a day, pump twice a day. Its not eough to increase my ms lor, i feel sad too...Am taking fenugeek but not much effect now...tempted to take 4 pills 3times a day..

I also giving my ger Friso gold....Tink Similac is e best in e market lor..but ex also lor...Was wondering maybe the tins u bot frm medical hall, did u check e expiry date? Lavender color will be light purpleish?


U jiayou ya...
<font color="aa00aa">mrswrx, oic. So ur baby oredy engaged before you were induce. I'm just worry if baby not engaged and my cervix oso stubborn then high chance my induce will fail.
Just leave everything to tmr check up.

Can tell me which medical shop u brought the FM?
Actually i had one tin of Friso and S26 to standby if my BM is not enuf. Now high chance i'll be using the S26 Gold.


Ok, bringing my ger out for breakfast now. Chat later.</font>
Congrats to mummies who have popped!

Tera, me also headache with MS. Mine is always like 75ml from both breasts(after baby latched on 3 hours ago before expressing), or 100ml (both breasts) if I pump out every morning after a night's rest. Now scratching head how to increase. Sometimes also not free to drink water (normally i drink the red dates water). I tried to increase milo/horlick intake, but cannot take in more coz later scare too heaty. May plan to take fenugreek now you mentioned it.

Feifei, is there any side effect of fenugreek if taken? I am trying not to take extra supplement to help MS but may buy if really desperate. I wonder how come some mummies have really lots of milk and wat do they eat or do to have such exclusive supply....

Aprilmum, how much did you get the milkbags for?

Mrswrx, hows your CL? Hope she is good for you.
veniz, feifei...
u need to latch/pump very regularly to get ur MS going. its tough and tiring... but no hard work, no ss... and yes... fluid intake very impt... must take fluids regularly...

there isnt major side effect of fenugreek... it may make ur body smell like maple syrup... but this is of no harm to the bb.

if u can, get ur CL to brew papaya fish bone soup for u oso...

for me, i learnt my lesson from #1, and this round, i reali pump religiously... i wake up 2 times at night to pump... tired but still do it... just set alarm clock. and my efforts paid off. i'm now even starting to keep a little frozen stash.
I have the same prob as u regarding fluid intake. cos when i called up parentcraft, they also told me fluid intake very impt for breastfeeding. So I was wondering how to increase that esp when we can't drink water. So what I do is i dilute my longan red dates drink so i can drink more in that way. also try to drink milo now and then but not too much cos heaty, like u said.

i can only pump 60ml now every 3 hour which is not enough for lucas cos he's taking 90ml so it is quite frustrating trying to play catch-up. but my CL has been telling me partial is better than nothing.

u also jia you ok! like what soya advised, try to pump at least twice a night. i am going to take fenugreek tea and see if it helps. was so tempted to take prescription but that will be a last resort plus it's short term.
i hv read that there is a medication called domperidone that will help increase ss. this has to be prscribed by a doctor though. so mayb if u gals reali wan to increse ur ss, can go see ur gynae and get him/her to prescribe this to u.
<font color="aa00aa">feifei,
expiry date is in 2010. still long way to go. ve to use within 4 wks after opening, but mine opened n used oni 2 wks ley....

i bought the tins from e chinese medical hall @ 400+ area, the shop is next to the NTUC there, manned by a 50+yrs old chinese lady.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Domperidone:
I read up in some breastfeeding book, it had more side effect than fenugreek. So, maybe try fenugreek 1st if really needed.</font>
hi, good morning, any recommendation how to find a good maid? Mom will only take care the baby for first month, need to find a maid
wld ur maid be alone at home taking care of bb? or bb wld be at ur mum's and the maid will be there to help out? cos if maid alone wif bb, then it wld be better for the maid to hv experience in taking care of babies, and someone with exp working for SG families, so that she can be more independent.

if maid is helping out wif ur mum, then u hv to think wat will be maid's priority? household chores or babysitting?

oh... i didnt know domperidone has side effects. any idea wat effects?
<font color="aa00aa">soyabean, cant really remember all the side effect, but the most common one is headache. It does not affect baby, only mummy got the side effect.</font>
tks, Soyabean. I will not work for a year, just to take care of baby. And maid will be responsible for all cleaning, cooking, etc. Worry maid does not know how to cook chinese food. Also heard agents are not very responsible, just let u pick maid, and my friend changed 8 maids in 2 months
i see... then good to get a maid who is married with kids. though she may not be good with taking care of baby, she will hv one yr to learn from u, even cooking. and being a married person, she may be more responsible.

i'm going to change my maid next mth too... cos my current one is young and single... she wldnt be able to handle the baby and my elder boy tog wif my mum when i go back to work. my next maid has experience taking care of babies.

i get my maid from Swift Arrow. they hv a website, u jus google. i find them responsible so far. i go to the bukit timah branch.
Today is my due date, but still no sign bb wan to come out...

But this two day, the tummy feel very sore, anyone got this experience before..??
Hi Soyabean and Tera, thanks. In fact, I do latch on most of the time, only that baby will fall asleep after 10mins of suckle then will do the less intensive suckling for another 5 - 10mins. If she is taking long naps, I will take the chance to express out my MS every 2 - 3 hrs. As for night, she will latch on every hour till 9plus, I ask my CL to give her EBM and at 11pm - 12pm, she will either be EBM or FM. I will express out a last time of the day at 11plus. As for waking up in middle of night, I did not do so coz I lazy, cannot wake up, and will disturb my hb and son. I think from today I will set alarm clock and do the midnight pumping at hb studyroom, better.

For Domperidone, I had taken this during my #1 time. not much help actually, and made me feel like having headache and fast heartbeats. I will try to avoid it this time.
the nbr for parentcraft is 6251 4090.

soya is right abt getting a maid who has kids. my maid is married with a 5 YO son and so far, when the CL and i are busy, she has helped to carry the baby and change his diapers. Can see she knows how to handle bb so at least I am more assured that she will be able to help my ILs take care of the bb when I return to work. My case is a bit different from urs cos my ILs dunno how to take care of bb so will have to rely on maid.

I also quite lazy to get up and pump at nite. It's a struggle! Some nights I will miss one timing like I am supposed to wake up at 1am but by the time I woke up, it's already 3am :p Jiat lat right, hehe.

Oh, domperidone didn't work for u? I have been prescribed Maxolon by the Dr when my milk supply did not come in after 6 days but was told not to take it if possible. Then quite qiao, on that day, my milk supply came in so never take. Me also worried abt side effects plus can only take the medi for a certain period of time. After that, supply might go back to before, quite pointless lor.
