(2008/06) June 2008

maybe tell ur MIL that's what hosp does?

anyway now we confinement, think our 'ren gong' not so good also lolz

like my MIL came over, ask a few times, got enuff milk? fyi, she's v.supportive abt bf. but yet, when ppl ask us abt our supply, we get 'defensive' lolz

heng this round, i couldnt bother abt her remark. else sure complain here haha

congras to all new mummies.. it was great to read about the your birth stories early in the morning... am waiting patiently for mine to come

would like to check if any mom useing cloth nappy for new born baby? How often need to change the cloth nappy? and did you use the waterproof nappy cover or using the pin/clips? which is better? how many would a newborn babies need? which brand do your reckon?

Thanks in advance for any advice.
star, my understanding from a chinese doc, she mentioned that when bb is in the tummy, there are fats etc in us to keep the baby warm. so we need to keep baby warm when they are just born, and bb will need time to adjust to temp outside mummy's stomach. but of cos, not to keep too warm that baby sweat or develop heat rash.

what my mom did was just give my niece wear short selves top and short when newborn, the doc commented too little. at least need a blanket etc.
I nv swaddle my bb after 1wk n I notice recently she had bad dream, both hands open big big n wake crying hard. is it the reason for not wrapping her? I was so scare she had bad dream. seeing her so frighten make me heart pain.
Ellysia, same gynae as yours, Dr Wong. BP high could be due to side effect of epidural or infection during the c-sec. I wasn't allowed to wheel to the normal ward after the op. Was kept in observation for almost 2 hours before I was wheeled to normal ward.
roooller, thanks so much. Yes, most impt is baby healthy, that's what matter most. Yes, my heartbeat was fast, BP high (180/130) and high fever.
R u breastfeeding???Cos if you r, you need to change the nappy very often lor... My CL say baby poo too often and wee too much... so now baby 15days old already used 3 pkts of drypers newborn...

She will poo every time she eat finish....
i got a major problem with my MIL.. she keep saying last time she does this and does tat... and she never take care of any grandchildren before as non of her daughter was staying with her and the last baby she have taken care was my husband now already 40 plus years old...

How to let maid and her take care of baby... I really want to quit job and stay home take care baby but i still have 6 months of studies to finish leh... Now Big problem...

Even my CL say she dunno how to take care baby... imagine she cant even burp my baby hor...
priscilla, i planned to breastfeed if possible. wah.. 15 days and alr used 3 pkts of drypers... hmm.. i'm planning to use cloth nappy, then my maid will have to wash like mad.. errr...
oh dear
then what's ur hub said?
even u quit, u still need ur MIL to look care ur bb when u go for ur course leh.

i wont recommend to use cloth nappy
bb will feel more comfy n drier w diapers
if just wee, at least diapers can hold a few round unlike cloth.

if cloth nappy, ea wee u hv to change.
think ur maid whole day will b just busy washing and not forgetting waste of water too.

if u want to use diaper, make sure u standby diaper cream. i use desitin.
Dear mummies,

I have 1 big tin of opened Similac for infant age 0-6mo. Only used one spoon then now I have enough BM. Willing to give it for free to those who needs because it will be a waste if it goes bad and you can't keep FM for too long. Meet up only, I live in CCK.

E-mail me if you are interested
[email protected]
back frm gynae check. 0.5cm dilate... wil be goin back at 3pm to insert pill. then observe on ctg b4 admit to hospital. wan bb to come out onli after 12am... wahahaha.

I was told to swadle bb so that he will not be easily scared. At times, his 2 hands come out of the cloth and start swinging as he is having bad dream. After rewrap him, he is ok.

Just tolerate a bit lor. My SIL neighbour came over and comment abt me pumping the BM. Say last time they only BF 2 months, also bb very healty. Y must 6 mths etc. no need la......
A bit fed up but still need to bear with it lor. SIL also a bit pressurise doing my confinement. At times, her neighbour will just pop by say what she do is not right etc... a few confusion arise.
Dun bother about wat other say lor... Mi also mah.. MIL say last time she eat this and tat and told CL how to cook too... CL told mi sometimes i listen only... can possible cook wat she want for confinement cos the material used not gam... for example.. she ask CL to cook fish soup and she told her to add dried longan inside... but heng CL didn't lor... I ask CL y must add dried longan the taste will be funny lor.... My MIL say to add sweetnest to the soup...

I nearly fainted... haha

I now just worried that nobody to take care baby when i go back to work.. employ maid but need to supervise one leh... MIL cant converse in english so major problem too...

Nanny, husband say to troublesome to ferry baby to and fro.... Ai yo he lazy only mah...

Dunno if got stay in nanny a not hor...

my hus dun know about it cos always out of the house early and come back home late at night only come into the room and see baby... never even take care of baby lor... jus come see kiss and go sleep liao... He keep saying give pple to take care... cos husband loves freedom....

Haiz... he simply dun understand lor... say employ maid if not giam change lor
may i know wat type of FM do you give bb...
Thinking on my full mth to use FM cos think no time to breastfeed cos will be chalet...
hi all...
hows everyone doing? i hv no time to read the archives here anymore...

i came down with mastitis a few days ago. started when i found a red patch on my breast. then came high fever which ran thru the nite. went to see my gynae the next day and was givena course of antibiotics. luckily i can still cont to bf even on the medication.

my girl still not latching well. she will latch, then suckle a few times, then hold herself there with no movement. then after a few mins, she will cry and then pull away and refuse the breast already. maybe we hv put her on the bottle too much. but nevertheless, i will continue to try. maybe when she is slightly older, she will be able to latch again.

so at the moment, i'm expressing and she is on total BM, no supplement. i hv actuali stop using my PIS 3 days ago and now solely rely on my 2 hands. it take a little longer but i find it more convenient. no need to sterilise pump anymore. whenever i need to, i jus take a bottle and express and then store in the fridge when i am done.

i hv oso started my malay massage. i am sooo happy wif her...
i oni had 2 sessions so far but i can see improvement in my tummy. and up to now, i hv abt 4kg left to lose.

NBs feel very secure and womb-like when they are swaddled.
i use Babysafe swaddling cloths. can be bgt at kiddy palace, robinsons at $16.90. the material is thin and good for our weather.

good luck! keep us updated... hope everything goes smoothly for u...

If my bb go out to visit PD, my mum will insist to wrap up with long sleeves etc and swaddle.


I was kept in labour ward for 1 hour before wheel to normal ward, also for observation. Hope dr wong didn't get a scare, 2 of her patients give her BP prob. Tat nite dr wong got a scare i tink, she almost get emergency blood transfusion for me.


did the doc say why u have mastitis?

NB have no control over their hands and legs and will swing them occasionally, this swinging tend to scare themselves during sleep. Thus wrapping or swaddling will ensure a sense of security as if they are inside the womb. U only need to swaddle for the 1st 4 weeks afterwhich u can swaddle the body but leave the hands n legs free.
When baby go see doc or checkup, i only use 1 receiving blanket and baby only wear romper...

I see baby like tat also feel warm for baby.... even when i at home when i feel warm in the room, i will check on baby if she is sweating...cos baby now will sweat lor..
Swaddling is the ancient art of snugly wrapping your baby to help him feel safe and secure. It can keep him from being disturbed by his own startle reflex (those alarming jerks of the body are known as hypnagogic startles and are perfectly normal). Swaddling can also help settle your baby down when he's overstimulated.

Check your baby isn't hungry or wet before you start and make sure you don't cover his face or head as he may overheat. If your baby is swaddled, he won't usually need another blanket on top. Stop swaddling once your baby is about a month old, because, after that, it may interfere with his mobility and development. When your baby begins to kick off the covers, it's a sign he no longer appreciates being bundled so snugly!
Yoz ladies,

Long time nv log in liao. Hows everyone coping?

Congrates to mummies who pop. As usual, me no time to read the back log cos tied down with my bb. Haiz, dunno next mth I can even find time to come online or not.


Hehe, we coming to end of confinement next week loh. U happy? I so excited u know???

But I'm very pissed with my parents cos they dun wan me to invite my relatives for my baby shower cos they scared to trouble them. I feel so angry loh. Cos my cousins they all have bb showers also. And if I don't go, my parents will say I stuck up or play hard to get. Now my bb's turn, she can tell me don't invite cos she dun wanna trouble them to come down and have to buy gifts for bb etc. WTH!!! I super angry, so from today onwards, I'll nv attend any more events from my relatives. Cos if it's trouble for them to attend my bb shower, den it's also trouble for me to attend their events also... I cannot believe my parents think more for my relatives than her own daughter n granddaughter!

My MIL like yours like tt, kept saying bb look like hb n their side etc. Hear already so pek chek. Then come over, started rocking the baby, then FIL suggesting giving pacifier to bb. Urgh...

I can't wait for confinement to be over. I think my parents driving me crazy.
My MIL also carry baby will rock baby... I told her not to rock baby else next time difficult to put her to bed... I tell her next time she need to rock i will put in her hands everynight to rock baby to sleep cos not i rock one...

Then she guai guai stop rocking... haha...
y dun u use sling?
no need to buy FM.

for me, i use s26 cos this is wat KKH has provided. thinking to change to enfa.
#1 using similac though
<font color="blue">hi all,
i juz discharged from hospital..wat a scary day yday.. i went to visit my gynae @ 4plus yday cos realised bb got no movement no matter how i shake..damn scary..doc did scan said bb's heartbeat was ok..but he dun 1 2 take the risk so did CTG n detailed scan again.. who knows the detailed scan showed dat my water level is a bit on the low side and suddenly the blood flow to my uterus like not very gd..n bp is slightly on the high side..so doc worried..asked me to admit to hospital n monitor..was put on CTG for so many times..sianz.. doc did VE for me n realised dat my bb's head is still very high n hor..the worst thing is my cervix is still very tight.. 0cm dilation even though i going to due next thurs leh..he said if bb's movement is low again then might need to go for c-sect liao cos he dun 1 me to end up in long labour n @ the end go for emergency c-sect.. haiz.. now it's all abt waiting again..i super duper sianz...

So yr parents doing confinement for u?
My mum also dun want to invite our relatives to full mth cos say v troublesome.. i left it for her to settle. I dun bother. in fact my relatives are unlikely to attend although my IL side will have some relatives.

Actually i have second tots to do full mth now tat my baby is very fussy, i scare he will cry then everyone can see how troublesome he is. But he is my first born and also first grandkid of both family, i tink we have to celebrate lor.

Its a bit funnie, cos end up we dun have much relatives then seems to be mostly frens.

I tink after confinement also not much difference.. at first i look forward cos i tot i can go out do some shopping but then my bb so fussy sigh.. dun tink i can go out too often.


me n mum also debate over rocking bb..my mum will carry around and pat pat bb lor. But my bb is v fussy le, dun carry and pat hor he will cry.. we tried not to carry and let him cry but no use. we surrender.


u must monitor yr bb movements frequently in this case. if less than 10 movements better see gynae asap.
Hi mummies!

RE:Confinement Lady
Me finally got rid of my CL liao after all the problems she given me and nearly make me suffer from post-natal blues. Now me alone taking care of my bb liao. But SIL will come over to cook for me everyday and hb is helping to feed bb at nite.

RE:Full Month
Me got 1 more weeks to go to finish my Confinement and will be doing the full month next sat. Me ordered Melrose's cakes and Neo garden buffet.

Me stop feeding my bb BM liao cos me was busy at the hosp taking care of bb last week and no enough rest so no time to pump liao so stop and my breast do not seem to be engorge also think me no much BM also. Me gave my bb Fiso 1.
<font color="aa00aa">bizz, with ur 1st sentence, i tot u delivered liao. But hor, most important is baby's health lor. If really need c-sec oso no choice, rite?
Me oso might ended up c-sec if induce failed on next week. So still hope my baby can kuai-kuai come out before next check up.
I had the feeling of keep jumping and see if baby can engage. haha....i think i'm crazy waiting baby to come out.</font>
yr experience is the same as mine cos me also under go long labour through induce and unsuccessful and only dilate 3.5cm in the end csec also. And abt same timing as yr also cos me admit at midnite and csec at 6.30pm.
hi ladies...
finally have a chance to login here!!!...been so busy with my NB..

anyone can advise how much BM is needed? i latch my girl on for like 10 mins one side and she will be like dozing off to sleep. but when i put her in bed she will wake up again..so i have to feed her the other side..so tiring

dunno whether its enuff for her? how to gauge?

sometimes i will just express BM and feed her by the bottle..cos nowadays weather too warm...cannot on fan...cannot on aircon...cannot bath etc...aiyo its a torture man

btw i haven bathe since i came back from hospi last week. but im gonna have my first bath tomorrow!!!!
btw abt Procanol.
there's a sign indicated, be beware not to overuse the recommendation dosage leh.
mine is 120ml
bought fr guardian
<font color="blue">roooller,
yah lah..i trust him.. luckily bb is ok..

now i need to keep counting lor..if drop again i need to go n see him straight..

haha..hvnt give birth lah..i think jump also no use leh..mine although engaged liao hor..the bb's head still high leh..wah lau..super stressed..i was telling my hb..y dun they juz take the bb out lah..like tis i damn stressed leh..haiz.. </font>
eh, anyone bb breathing v. noisy? my bb makes a lot of noise during feeds - be it bottle or latch on - got those noise like asthma...n after each feed, he seems v. uncomfy, when breathing a lot of noise one...dunno whether it's asthma or normal??
<font color="aa00aa">bizz, at least urs engaged, mine not even 1% engaged. Wonder my womb too strong coz of the 'bu' i taken during 2nd trimester. Imagine this is my #2 pregnancy, i told hubby if #1 was not via c-sec, sure come out aft EDD.

Me oso bit stressed, coz gynae oso asked me to monitor baby movement.
<font color="ff6000">roooller

if overuse of Procanol den how?


its normal
coz they stil have phelgms inside but if u worry den bring it up to the PD in ur next visit
<font color="blue">felicia,
urs hvnt engage @ all ah?? but i think engage liao also dun mean anything lor..if like my bb the head still so high also no use..u gonna induce next thurs ah??dun 1 2 wait?? </font>

mine also make noises like can't breathe. but PD check lungs say ok. if u worried let PD check.


cannot overuse?

My gynae said i can stop at end of 2nd week but i am using up to 3rd week.
dun noe leh
just that there's a warning sign

ok exact word in red: (it's a stick-on)
Caution: It is dangerous to exceed the stated dose.
morr, ellysia: next visit to PD is still a mth away...i damn stress, think tmr will bring him to PD to check..coz after feeds, he always seems so uncomfy w/ breathing...sometimes "gek" until face red red...

But gynae told me to apply everytime i go toilet. so sure more than 3 times wat.


my bb hor, ored go to visit PD twice even if we have no appt. we go AMK clinic, not the original PD cos nearer. Go TMC so far.

PD say is cos my bb have difficulty poo poo, indigestion cos he overeat lor.
<font color="ff6000">roooller

hmmmm ok ok.. i use it every time i go toilet leh! *faint* but mine finished already..


oic den u better bring him to PD to check to jus get some assurance

but she usually manage to last one-side feeding. when i wanna latch her on the other side she refused to suck liao...how ar?
