(2008/06) June 2008

hi june mummies.
i'm feb mum.. reading this thread on and off haa.. many of u have popped. congrats!

von: hahah use diaper already so siong liao.. cannot imagine ur bb use cloth nappy. anyway.. siaper can tahan sometime wan leh, no need once wet then change liao.. unless poo lah hee~

shycloud: breastfeeding is tough in the inital phrase. jia you! bb will slowly stablise the nursing pattern.. esp after 1st mth.

ellysia: hahah i was craving to shop during my confinement too.. after tat.. i realised it too siong to bring bb out. only do it once in a while. usually will get my hubby to jagar a bit then i make a quick shopping trip.

Hi ladies,

I am back!so long nvr online liao, how is everyone?

My Birth Story

15 June 08 night
Tiny bit of show, told myself maybe going into labour real soon, so had a good shower, washed my hair

16 June 08
4:45am - In pain, still not sure if its contraction cos my #1 was induced, nvr really know how contractions are like, so i started to monitor for the next hour, noticed the pain was every 5-10mins, confirmed its contractions, abt 6am, hb said to send me to hospital cos later will have traffic jam on thomson road, i asked him to call the gynae clinic hotline to ask if should go to hospital yet(luckily we went, if not, may gave birth at home)

7am - On our way to Mt Alvernia Hospital, upon arrival, I was wheeled on a wheelchair to Labour ward cos the pain is unbearable

7:45am - First thing i told midwife was give me the Epidural.Midwife checked and told me I was already 4cm dilated,I asked if its still in time for Epidural, she said she will check with gynae, then she gave me the liquid so that I can empty my bowel, waited when there's urge and not in pain to go to toilet, not sure if I did clear everything, cos was in pain

ard 8:15 to 8:30am - Epidural given, was told its mild, cos I need to be able to feel the contractions so I can push the bb

ard 8:45am - Midwife asked if I still feel the contractions, I said I feel like passing motion, so she checked my cervic and told me i was 8cm dilated. Gynae came to check on me, and asked midwife to teach me how to push. Was trying to push, and i feel that some motion came out with the pushing, so paiseh, midwife said its ok, it happens.

9 to 9:10am - Was trying real hard to push, after about 5 sets of 3 pushes, hb told me bb's head out, gynae said stop pushing, and wait for his instruction to push the last time when he try to get bb's shoulder out

9:13am - Finally BB's out! Baby Jared weighs 3.325kg, 50cm long, 33cm head


i just came back from Paediatrician this morning, also checked with her abt my bb breathing very hard,and like nose blocked, cos my mum was very worried, PD assured me that sneezing, hipcups, breathing difficulty is normal.my bb jaundice climb up from 8.6at discharged to 13.8 today, so have to go back to do blood test tmr to check if it has gone down, if not, have to use light, either in hospital or commercial light(cost lesser, done at home)
shycloud: btw.. my boy is coming 4 mths tm... when he latch oso 1 side onli & will be abt 5 - 10 min then he stop liao. dun wan the other side even if offered. hahah will not be able to last him long so he will wan milk milk earlier than 2.5 hours.

I am using spray type for Episiotomy given by Mt Alvernia Hospital, on the bottle also stated not more than 3X a day, i was also confused because Nurse in hospital told me to use wound wash to clean , then spray everytime I go urine,the wound wash bottle said to throw after 1 week, but Spray said to throw after 2 weeks, so I am not sure if I should still continue to use spray after 1 week, or stop using both after 1 week, only going back to gynae to check on stitches on 28th June
its super tiring rite?
mine sometimes will only last 1 hr and she feels hungry again...

btw how do we judge when is the bb really hungry or just wanna crave for attention?
<font color="aa00aa">Bizz, coz my #1 is c-sec, my gynae dont want to take the risk. He said normally he'll induce only tose oredy past few days aft EDD. But for me he think he had no choice try to induce me on EDD. And my baby oredy 3.1kg now. If baby got bigger might increase my wound rupture chances oso.
So, pray hard bb comes out this few days. heh...</font>
ellysia and morraine,
i bought fr guardian, it's 120ml
like i say, it's a stick-on label.

if ur gynae say so, must b safe then.

aiyo, so confusing.
btw spray type is so convenience ya?
<font color="blue">felicia,
oic..hopefully both our bb can come out these few days hor.. my bb now is 3.247kg liao..hehe..</font>
Hi mummies,

Do your celebrate baby first month?
Is it a must for such celebration?
Me wanted for it, but hubby don't want..what to do... sian loh
fennie: wah, suddenly shoot up so high ah? when i bring bb for 1st check up weeks ago, he also got slight jaundice...but PD say no need to go back unless it didn't go down...bb seems ok now, so didn't go back to follow up..hmm...like tat should i bring him to PD tmr huh? aiyo...haha

ellysia: my bb poo v. ok leh, every feed will poop, n poop a lot! hahaha...me joke w/ my mum "lan ren duo shi niao" (aka lazy pple a lot of poop n pee!) :p
shinely: me doing bb 1st mth next sat...now don't really feel like doing coz mil invited a hell load of pple! wah lau, me only 5rm flat niah, how to fit in so many pax?! then now v. sian liao...sigh...
Hi Juliet08,

Me too, so sian... count and count like never ending. But how to tell relative and friends that we not celebrating... so many thing need to prepare too. Me quarry with hubby for such thing as some of my friends he don't like and don't allow me to invite..wow lau... how can like that right.

is it colic? cos i read article on colic, seems like wat u describe.


I finish procanol bottle from hosp on 1st week. 2nd week i bot another bottle. 3rd week i also bot another bottle.


I intend to celebrate cos 1st kid. Simple celebration at restaurant just makan makan. We not inviting a lot of relatives, only a few. the rest give cakes. frens are close frens only. so maybe only 2-3 tables.
usually will.
but some don't bcos of some religious reasons.
pantang or what, say notti cannot celebrate
i got this colleague say she nvr celebrate her bday b4.

My mum initially invite my aunt but she not free on tat day. then the rest didn't invite we give cakes. My IL say they may invite a few only, the rest give cakes. else invite a lot like v ma fan.

I dun bother whether relatives come or not..i only want to invite my close frens lor.

then cakes also not a lot bec' my mum said 1 cake give to 1 family, and i tink my IL also doing the same thing.
I'm doing bb's 1st mth tml! Hopefully it won't be too tiring for me. Have ordered catering and cakes. Cakes from Melrose cause is cheaper. Guess I got to go down office on Monday. Cause I nv think of getting vouchers. Have already order cakes for them but now i think that if keep till Monday will spoil anot?
Felicia &amp; Bizznow,
Me too!!! I am in same same situation.

Just came back from gynae check, BB is not engaged and zero dilation.

My BB is 3.5kg in week 39. Already so big. Next appointment is next Friday.
Hi Sharon,

Heard from friend they say Melrose cake is more oily and wet.Hopefully not true. Sharon pls feedback and let me know is the cake good bo? if so i can also order. Many thanks
Ameda Pump

Just now I saw Mumsfairy having a booth at Sun Plaza small fair. The Ameda package that Veinz talk about ($420) selling at $390, only at the fair and until this sunday only.
Hi all,
Paiseh for the delay update as my bb super nite bird, will update my birthstory at a later date too. Update on behalf of LengLeng:

I received an SMS from TanLengLeng's hb yesterday, 19 Jun 08:
Hi, baby conelius has just arrived at 1947h. Both mum and baby are well.

Haiz, My CL rock abit and my sis shot her, say she rock then next time we'll hav trouble making her sleep, so now she pat. Then my PILs rock. Haiz, den my stupid hubby also rock cos he said it seem to work n make bb guai guai sleep. Sigh, Next time I die liao...


I'm staying at my parents place but I have confinement lady to help out. Then my mum everyday nag and nag. Sometimes she used those "suan" words on me until I very pissed and quarrel with her.

I angry loh, cos everytime relative's bb can have bb shower and they confirm at least send 1 representative from my household to the bb shower if we really busy, but come own grand daughter, she worried to trouble them. Wat nonsense is that rite? Even my hubby abit pissed off. I told him next time my family side any function, we dun go. Cos since my mum said troublesome to attend mah, yaloh, same goes, troublesome for me to attend theirs also. My hubby also agreed. He knows I very sad over this and he tells me juz enjoy it with our friends loh. But I still "Bu Gan Yuan" loh. They acted like my child means nothing to them one loh.

I think every bb is fussy bah. Mine also crying non stop one. Sigh... But I dun care, every of my friends also expecting my bb shower, so I'll do. My parents I angry loh. Now I even feel like telling them since they dun feel proud abt my bb, I also very disappointed in them. Even last time they can have bb shower for me and they nv found it troublesome, now my bb's turn they start to think for others rather than me...

U got someone to take over ur bb? My PILs kept wanna see bb, say ask me to seek their help if I cannot cope. I dunno. Call me stubborn or wat, of all ppl, I dun wan to use their help. Cos I don't want one day my MIL come n boast to me again and say she can handle 2 kids while I cannot even handle my bb. Plus I dun trust them also. Haiz. Now I damn sian loh. I thinking of getting a sling, den bring bb out shopping with me...

No we ordering from sweetestmoments. www.sweetestmoments.com.sg much better than bengawan solo.


since yr MIL n u can't get along, i tink better u dun let them take care in case more conflicts in future.

me shd be giving my MIL take care though i am not v willing but my mum place not convenient to take care. if my mum take care she has to come over and inconvenient long term.

me also have sling but if bring bb out on sling then how to buy clothes? cos hard to change in changing room. my mum said if i want to shop i better make sure i have my hb along or bring my mum along so she can help me carry bb.
Hi ladies,
need to check with u all, I'm breastfeeding my baby and he hasn't poo-ed for 2 days! prev he used to poo about twice a day, yellow soft stools. otherwise he seems quite comfortable, should i take him to see a PD?

how do I thaw frozen breast milk and how long can it keep after that?

Huggy,Felicia &amp; Bizznow
Today went for my checkup. Doc nvr check my cervix. Doc said will check my cervix on 26 June and will induce on tat day if baby not out by then.
Me also very stress. Hopefully baby can choose his own birthdate, come out early.
Mt Alvernia this time round gave me spray type for episiotomy, its easy to use, compared to the spirit given 8yrs ago when i had my #1

I also not sure , maybe all meals got ginger, and the longan red dates drink i drank throughout the day, cause the jaundice

Its my 5th day after gave birth and wound not pain anymore,even without pain killer, so I am thinking if I need to use the wound wash &amp; the spray for episiotomy everytime after urine

I tink the wound wash is to help disinfect germs cos urine may infect the wound. so better wash despite not pain.
My bb now develop a funnie cycle. He stay active n awake from 7am to 6pm, then sleep from 6pm to 11pm without any feed...
really dunno why my bb must torture himself so much. dun want to sleep then make himself too tired.
Ellysia, yes she got a big shock, keep asking the anatheist how many dose of epidural he gave, coz they donno is due to infection or side effect of epi. I was on the oxygen for 4 hours after the op.
<font color="aa00aa">Huggy, if i remember correctly, you're under Dr Ang oso, rite? Did he mentioned about induce to you? Urs is 1st pregnancy, rite?

Lee May, seems like 3 of us (plus Bizz) whom had same EDD had the same fate. Our babies really too comfy inside liao. But does ur gynae said ur baby had engaged oredy? Me for, i'll see my gynae on 25 June, if still not sign, will either induce on tat day or the next day.</font>

How is everyone? I very long havent log in liao.. havent been surfing net since CL left.. not so much time and luxury :p Baby seems to be drinking less now that CL has left (coz me and my mum abit lazy to make him finish all his feed) but luckily he has put on 1.3kg since birth and now weighs 4.3kg...

Congrats to all who popped!!

Re 1st month cakes, for colleagues we ordered from Choz, everyone says it's super nice.. for relatives we ordered fruit tarts from melrose place.. so far no complains... for full month catering, we had yls catering, food so so but curry chicken is very nice, anyway $6 per head only, wat can we expect :p

Btw, for 1st month jab, can bring bb to polyclinic, $15 + $5 for consultation only, compared to PD who charges $80!!

I have 1 bottle of baby cord powder (asked by PD from Singapore baby and child clinic to use on baby) It's meant to sprinkle on baby's cord untill it falls out, antibotic purposes or something.. does anyone wants? Giving it away so as not to waste it..

u still rem me? we have met fr another thread--matters of heart...

congrats to ur newborn, me give birth 2 month ago, very happy to c many of us graduated from "that Thread"..I believe God hear our prayers, Praise the Lord!!
Congratulations to Leng Leng!!!

Felicia, Lee May, Bizznow,
Yalor, my BB so big hor, but I still want to try for natural.

But Dr. Ang never say anything much, just "come again next week, see what we shd do about it"
Maybe because I didn't ask anything, because very sianz still not open yet, and I also know what he means lor.
<font color="aa00aa">ellysia, this might be my 2nd pregnancy but as my #1 is via c-sec due to low placenta, my body nvr encounter any so-called 'real labour' process (ex. contractions etc), so my gynae said this shld consider as 1st pregnancy lor. Tats why me oso confused me shld engage early or not. But now just left few more days to go.

Huggy, maybe coz i had c-sec before tats why Dr Ang dont want me to drag after EDD, tats why he mention induce to me.For your case, maybe he'll evaluate again on ur next check up.</font>

Dear mummies,

I have 1 small tin of opened mamex gold for infant age 0-12mo. Used half. Willing to give it for free to those who needs because it will be a waste if it goes bad and you can't keep FM for too long. Come to my hse for pick up only. I live in Woodlands, near Marsiling MRT.

sms me if you are interested at 91271942
