(2008/06) June 2008

Jiayou ya..

COngrats to Nss and MLP!

U dun pump now? onli latch on?

Any mummies experiencing bb's skin peeling?

Lee May,
that's funny, if detailed scan show boy why they not sure?
my gynae estimated my #2 v.accurate.
he estimate 3.8-3.9
came out 3.8+

me! bb skin peeling big time
i guess we can let it be ya?
Hihi ladies,


You're welcome! Hee, your bb really very pretty, u must be one pretty mummy also. Keke...

Actually not your imagination lah, cos last time I see my neighbour bb also small, den see my own bb, I also think my bb like so small like tt. LOL...


You got see those other mummies at the parentcraft, alot of them even more bigger size than u. Even me also very big size now. Haiz, see the mirror I feel so sad.


Ask u all hor, anyone of you who went through C-sec going for massage? How long we need to wait before we can massage huh?
<font color="aa00aa">priscilla, thanks for the updates of MLP. Noted.

Lee May, the diff of weight is quite big leh.

Kelcqi, for c-sec u must wait 3 weeks before request for massage. But pls get someone reliable to massage for you.</font>

could anyone share where we can get glass bottles for storing ebm please? the parentcraft bottles are what type? Thanks, and sorry for intruding.

Is after 3 wks or on the 3rd wk I can massage already? Will they massage the tummy? Cos my tummy like still very big although I'm on the binder...


The Parentcraft bottles are those glass bottle from those formula milk in hospital...
<font color="aa00aa">Hi happy, you can get the glass bottle from parentcraft, TMC. If i'm not wrong the glass bottle is quite small (about chicken essence bottle size)</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Kelcqi, better wait 3 weeks after delivery. During my #1, as i start massage after 1 mth, so the lady did massage my tummy but she told me she only do basic tummy massage as i was c-sec. So, i think she dint use much force when massage my tummy area.
Btw, it very depend on individual massage lady.</font>
roooller - Did you try KiddyP or the MIM website? Yup, lots of mummies do purchase 2nd hand from this forum.

Ellysia - I know some mummies who do that. But they will chill the new batch of milk first before mixing it with the older mix which has been chilled. To play safe, you can call Parentcraft to ask them with regards to this.

Congrats to NSS &amp; MLP!!!
Congrats to nss and MLP!
Wonder how's Mog doing?

my bb also peeling. my mum and CL said it's normal so don't worry.

i also using hexodine. did u get yr 2nd bottle from TMC?
For those who have NOT pop yet, I am in the same boat. Aiyoh, this time around, very sian. So many trial runs but NOTHING happened. I think she wants to wait till her EDD.
Hi JP,
I found tat when I had my #1, I not as anxious and frustrated as now. Now having #2, everyday wake up hope something will happen. Sometime even thought waterbag burst. Hehe...
Lee May - Same here..
However, my #1 was kind of straightforward. Wah, #2 have so many trial runs ~ contractions, #2 pushing herself down like going to pop and according to my obgyn, #2 already engaged and very down...so, if my waterbag burst, she will come out in no time... *fainted*
haha.. Are you working? Your workplace or home near hosp?
At least u know that your baby already engaged. Last Friday, I ask the doctor and she told me she cant tell whether baby already engage or not and even if engage, I still have to wait till waterbag burst or contraction.
Kelcqi, Thanks. your baby also very cute. I find all babies are cute and adorable, seen our thread's mothers' babies, they are all handsomes and pretties.

Tera, I got my 2nd bottle from TMC pharma yesterday when I brought Vivienne back for jaundice checkup. Wound still not yet heal, dunno when then can heal.

roooller, about the UV machine, ya, best dun think of it, coz it costs a bomb in Vivi's dad's pocket. $400+ for two days is like I can stay chalet plus buy the food for bbq, more worth it (wow, now cannot anyhow eat thinking of other food again.)

Feifei, for baby's skin peeling, apply lotion instead of powder. I was using the liquid powder from mothercare on Vivi, but due to jaundice and the UV tanning, her skin peeling. So now we got baby body lotion to apply on her instead. Seems better after two applications. Due worry too much.

Felicia, I do think Akira products worth getting, cheap and good. Maybe if I need one of the fridge can drop by their showroom at TT international to get. When's your next checkup? Just now was asking hb drives me to NTUC to get sesame oil and other stuffs he refuse coz he wants to watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (sob). He knows I trying to sneak out but refuses to take me out.
hi mummies,
sorry to interupt : my bb has outgrown her diapers, hence selling loose 70 pcs of pampers comfort size: M @$10. collection at parkway or aljunied mrt. pls email me at [email protected]
About the glass milk bottles we got from hosp. I find TMC nurses told different story leh. I was staying on level 6, and when requested for empty glass bottles, one nurse told me cannot, but I can always request for those with formula in them, during every latch on BF. But some nurses wont give me coz they know I latching baby on. And when I met this other mommy who delivered same date as me and staying 3rd level, she said the nurses at her level prepared quite a no of the empty glass bottles for her to bring home.

After hearing, I wasn't too happy about it, coz if I really need to use those i got, I have to empty the formulas from the bottles b4 using to store, which is such a waste. It will be good if you all yet to deliver MTB check with different nurses on this issue, so can get both things out of the best.
hub went kiddy palace, they dun carry the silk range.
but forum many selling the cotton/satin range.
nm then

now i manage to TBF, hopefully it helps
but yest the show at ch8, did mention first 2 weeks bb's liver still weak. also mention ginger will cause jaundice lor

the diapers wat weight is it good for?
Tks ger...cos my bb's hands, legs, and tighs peeling..

mayb they changing skin....

I had csect and had not done my massage..will be doing it after my confinement..

Tks ya...So hor, u using which brand lotion?
<font color="aa00aa">Veniz, my gynae will be back from holiday this coming Thur, so will go to see him tis Thur. Actually this few days, i having some coughing , but luckily my gynae give me HL to rest as really jialat if still ned to work. Then i find my weight suddenly increase quite fast, thou i eat as per normal, maybe i take too much nap liao.
About the akira cooler, i remember last yr, during their Dec warehouse sale,i saw tat cooler , if my memory din failed me, it cost about $49-$69 depend the size. But hor,if plan to store up BM for mths, maybe is too small leh.</font>
hi all,
helping mogudog to update...
she had popped yest nite at 1911hrs.. both mummy and baby are safe and sound.. will update pics for her later wen I download the fotos.. here's the info...

DOB - 140608
Time - 1911hrs
Weight - 3390grams
Length 49cm
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Andralim, thanksfor the updates. Any idea of her lil one's name? And she's natural w epi, rite?

Mogudog, congratulations!</font>
Congrate to the new mummies.

Boil the ng ki and mix with tap water to bath bb.
My MIL feed him 1 spoon this morning cos he look more yellowisg last nite. Not sure does it work. My hubby complaint b'cos of bf so now I alternate the feed with FM. now in the mess, he still drink around 50ml. He is now 11 days old.

How much water do you give ur bb when hiccup? Did u burp him? Mine always hiccup, give wate and burp still hiccup.

The TMC nurse told me the BM can store in normal fridge for 48hrs only. freezer for 6 months.

glass btl,
The TMC nurse ask me to buy more plastic bottle and don't use too much of the glass btl as they are not meant to keep long.

Yap, I staying in level 3 and they gave me around 6-8 empty bottle. But now, I try to use sterilise bag to store the BM.
hi felicia,
mogudog cant natural birth cos baby too big.. so is c-sec with epidural.. her delivery was not easy.. she had 3 doses of epidural !
u r most welcome.

she told me replied your email,
but no reply from you leh...

thank you, thank you,
waiting game is getting boring...

BB's skin will peel about 1st 2 weeks,
if my bird brain hadn't failed me...
For faster peeling, can pour half can of stout into BB's bathing water...

I dun really keep track of how much baby drink water leh... she will drink a little and she will stop liao hiccupping... think less than 10ml...

Congrats.... and welcome to motherhood...
ai yo... now baby have been waking up every 2 hours plus..... so tiring... now i know the feeling of some mummies who do not have enough rest...

Baby from birth i really have a good time till now lor cos last time only wake up every 4 hours.... really miss those times... haiz....

Think baby growing and her wei kou seems to open liao....
<font color="blue">morn all,
seems like i am the only person in this forum @ tis hour leh..where r u gals??? hehe..

congrats to mog, ur bb so cute..looks a bit like u i thnk.. </font>
I was telling my hb the other day that I have not slept thru the night since the day I gave borth. I have already fogotten how that feels. ;p
<font color="blue">hey leng leng n zuen,
hehe..only 2 of u ah?? so quiet hor the forum tdy..i think most of the girls pop liao..</font>
I know how you feel now...
am preparing to go hospital, do blood test for baby's jaundice... still persistent leh... sun bath liao still haven go down yet... hope level not too high... first time going to do test leh...

Got to wait for the report...
Now our schedule go according to bb's sleeping pattern. Nothing can be done when bb dun sleep, haha.

Dun worry too much ya. Many babies get jaundice. My bb 1-mth old liao, still abit yellow. Doc says that it is likely to be BM jaundice, which can persist up to 2 months. Will only do blood test to rule out other causes of jaundice if still persist during next visit (which is 1 mth down the road). Jia you, jia you.
<font color="blue">zuen,
i can understd lah..very soon i'll be MIA also liao lor..next thurs is my due date..counting down..dunno will pop earlier anot..now like time bomb..juz hv to wait n wait.. </font>
me stil here! went doc on sat mornin n he ask me c him tis wed to discuss when to induce. told him i wan 21/6 bb. so wana check-in on fri. hahaha. but e nurse thot i might induce on wed so ask me bring my barang barang n admission letter. tink i wil not bring cos i insist i wan sat baby. been tellin bb to be kuai n stay put til e doc n me decide which day.
Hello, morning.

Connie, ya lor, why the nurses on level 3 can give the empty bottles leh? So unfair leh. I also standby milkbags to use later. Now express milk only little bit will try to get more as days go on so not to waste the milkbags.

Feifei, we bought J&amp;J baby lotion, calming one, can make her relax and also helps with the peeling. Nowadays, hosp recommend to put lotion on baby rather than powder. You buy a small bottle to try first lar, spread little bit on baby can liao, dun spread like kaya,kuyu bread hor, coz too much baby feels oily, hee.

Felicia, hope your pills can help ripen your cervix. Glad you are home resting, not so bad lor. About the fridge, will see how, I won't really need one now, Maybe Ellysia does. I am sure I will uses milk bags or glass bottles to store milk and get a tupperware container make a space in mine &amp; nanny's fridge to put them there.

I just had my massage just now, it was good. My massage lady also got a rice cooker and toilet stool for me to steam, make me sweat. Now heavily bandage at adomen area, hope I can tahan the binder.
morning ladies..

Just back frm East Shore Waiting for PD to tell mi the result..
Hopefully it is not too high level for baby jaundice....
is baby sling better than stroller or using it as nursing cover???

I'm thinking of getting one too but dunno which one is good... any recommendations
Felicia, so sweet of u to assist in the update. Thanks. We will be behind u cheering n wait for u
Mine was Natural wif Epi

ellysia, I put the BM bottles in zip-lock n place in the compartment where we put ice-cream area

Veniz, I'm using Medela Single Electric pump. Yes, everyone say my bb eyes like mine. Hubby say win already since eyes capture the major features..haha. Let me refer back my prev forum on hw i increase BM cos i did explain to Tera. will cut n paste to u agn

Roooller, maybe different quantity..hehee

Feifei, my bb skin peels badly too. But nurse taking care, so i didnt do anythg.

I'm getting sling and nursing cover
Sling is good for short trip to shopg.
I can still shop and nurse concurrently.
Very convenient but u need to wear nursing wear.

Nursing cover is new to me but i've started using
Nt necessary to wear nursing wear.

Stroller is a must anyway, cant replace sling/nursing cover.

<font color="aa00aa">Morning ladies, finally can reports in.

Just now bring my ger for breakfast in McDonald, then go for some marketing. I found myself walking much slower than an old lady.*sigh*

Leng Leng, Annie's said she reply me liao? How come i din rec' leh. Nvr mind, i'll write to her again.

Glass/ Plastic milk bottles:
I cant remember where i read up tat plastic bottles is not suitable to store milk for long term and glass bottles is more suitable.
So, which one is correct?

Btw, i brought the Avent plastic milk bottles and later realised can only used 3-4 times for milk storage and after which need to be discard. So maybe plastic bottle is not so suitable for long term usage. Can someone enlighten me on this?</font>
