(2008/06) June 2008

All the best! Jia you!

I got a normal tummy binder, help to push the wind out of tummy. My Osim binder which i bot, me v stupid never check size, i bot the wrong size
and it cost $80, so i dun tink i will buy another one.

so procanol is good right? hee.


When my PD inform abt my bb jaundice is also 3 digits. around 105 or someting like tat.


My mum took a lot of liver during her confinement last time and her wound didn't get cure after 1 mth. She understand tat eating liver can affect wound.

For yr bs, dun worry it will kick in around 1-2 weeks.


how come yr BS drop by half suddenly? is due to the fever?


My bb will cry for few hours between the timing of 7pm to midnight. Then someone has to carry him if not he will cry until roof drop. My mum helped to carry him while i sleep at nite so she always lack of sleep has to catch up in the day.

Then now my bb is getting more and more fussy, sometimes he cannot sleep in the day too even after feed, he will look around and kick his legs etc, even if we swaddle him and put bean pillow. He is also light sleeper.


No special method on BM supply. I only just latch and latch. Then BS just come in lor.
Becos i didn't pump now, so i have no excuse to miss any feed. whenever bb want feed, i have to latch.. its almost 2-3hrs interval.
My bb just super like to sleep. don care the TV or radio. Don want mean mouth shut and eyes closed. Shake also hack care. They say because I rather sleep then eat when pregnant. Now he follow. Where got pple wake up in the middle of the nite for supper.

How long does it takes to have supply up to 100++. Mine only 70ml. They say must frequent empty then will increase.Your bb can drink that much?

Priscilla/ Roller,
ya. Thats the oldest recipe. In teochew, they call "ng ki". Yellow color after boil. They even use it to wash his tongue. I just let them do since my mom also say the same thing.
These few days no sun, cannot sun tan in the morning

Jia you. sure can recover one.
Don take liver, it will reduce milk supply. My friends sister took, and no supply now.
hahaha.. ladies, my bb koe how to grab the milk bottle when he is 3 days old.. my mum said cos i eat too many crabs.. dunno hw true.. but he really many hands.. fingers spread n spread really like crab sometimes..

jus visited him in hosp.. i cried when i see him.. kekeke.. n feed him with milk.. but can see his jaundice improved alot.. cant wait to fetch him home!

Then mi lagi jia lat leh.. still go karaok with baby in stomach till wee hours...

but baby now sleep 3 - 4 hours in the night without waking up leh... so should not be because you active during preggy
roooller, sharon, ellysia
ya.. some PD they actually gave the jaundice level in 3 digits.. i dunno wats the diff.. but i tink.. is.. 150 means 15.0 mine now is 11.6 so shld be 116.. tats wat i guess.. as long as jaundice level is below 10.. we can bring back the bb.. jus sun bathing will do.. below 8 is normal.. nd not sunbathing..
Hi gers,
Good afternoon, lil ZuEn is sleeping. She woke up at 12mn, 2am, 4am, 5am, 6am & 7am for feeds last night. Almost drove me crazy. She can wake up and cry for milk and suckle for 10 mins and fall asleep, then wake up an hour later. -.o"

Ya, Lil ZuEn is pre-matured. Preemies tend to fall asleep at teh breast and I supposed they have weaker sucking power as well. I dun think I felt letdown effect before wor. Or maybe I duno how to differentiate. ;p

You already mushroom now? Then you will become even bigger mushroom after you give birth and start confinement wor. Hehehe.

Mine is dual pump, so no leakage while expressing. I often make a mess when breastfeeding cos one side starts to leak. I can oso colect quite a bit from the side that I am not breastfeeding. I hold a container to collect the milk. Still need some practice. Hehe. When I am lazy, I simple put on a breastpad to collect the leaking milk. But abit wasteful lah.

Lil ZuEn went for her follow-up apptm and the PD sid that she is still abit yellow too. However, he suspect that it is BM jaundice and thus no concern. He said that BM jaundice can go up to 2 mths. If she is still yellow by her next visit (ano 4 weeks down the road), they will prick her to rule out other causes of persistent jaundice. The PD asked about her poo poo and wee wee too. I didnt noe about the normal color thingy that you described. But so far, so good. Her poo poo and wee wee always yellow de.
Jia you together. Our angels will be fine.

I gave birth 4 weeks ago & I am still bleeding. -.o" I think it can last up to 6 to 8 weeks, but the amount should decrease slowluy. My friend bled up to the 9th/ 10th week.

My bb oso very active when she is awake, either she is crying for milk or kongfu-ing. Cannot swaddle her hands de, else sure cry. -.o"
I think I will miss my bb too. I already worried when I go out to run errands & leave her with my mum for 1 hour. However, I realised that I m not cut to be a full-time mother. Hahaha. I think I will go crazy if I spend my entire day changing diapers, breastfeeding and stuff. But maybe bcos bb too young, still duno how to respond yet. ;p
okay... so my girl jaundice really bad. I already worried in future her brain no good cause PD advise if above 300 it will harm the brain. haiz.

my girl jaundice from 300+ went down to 190+ with double ray n they let her discharge leh. wah! 8 then is normal? that was a long way for my girl.
<font color="aa00aa">ZuEn, now oredy big big mushroom, confinement become big big mushroom with small mushroom all over. U see havnt confinement i oredy talk like crazy woman liao. haha....

Just a moment ago, my hubby told my mil we are goin to AMK hub, she asked my hubby 'aiyo, ting (refer to me) oredy want to give birth liao, still want go shopping?'
I was thinking if now dont go out, then i had to wait till aft confinement leh. *peng*</font>
Ya, should go out and walk abit. Now the weather so hot, you can imagine the agony when you really start confinement - hot + confine at home. I only stay at home for over 1+ week, I already got spiderweb liao.

same feeling, me always think so.. sigh. will miss bb a lot.


I walk to AMK hub so often before me give birth le. Must walk more, tell yr MIL.
hi mummies, finally back home after 3.5 days stay at e hospital, sorry tt i hv no time 2 update e chart as 3 pair of eyes watching over me, now using my mobile 2 surf e forum so no one noe.
I had c section w ga on 11 june.
Admitted 2 mount A 6 in e morning, check in to single deluxe room as no single room so we r on e waiting list, get changed, poo n then push to OT, asked to breath in some gases n lose conscious after tt, when i wake up, dun noe anything n e first thing i ask is is b b ok? E nurse told me ya he is ok when out of here, mensles cramp type of pain after e surgery n hard to move at day one. Finally get to c BB when i am back to e ward. Did breastfeeding w e assistance of e lactation nurse but think no supply yet.
Day 2, no more mensles cramp but still feel aching.
Day 3, i told myself tt i nid 2 get up of e bed n walk, very tough at e beginning but i finally managed 2 sit up, n finally walk on my own. I finally noe how e hospital looks like beside my ward n e OT, i k even walk 2 e nursery room 2 c my little choo. Bb jaundice level up, doc say will put him no e light n c if he k discharge tmr,
Day 4 Feel getting up n lying down easier, k walk a bit faster n home sweet home liao. Bb jaundice level ard 6, doc say k discharge w mummy...
Tis are wat i k share as i cant tell e birth story of bb birth but overall think GA is not as scary as wat i think. Another thing is i think mount A earns a credit of 9 for my stay there, nurses r very prompt, friendly n helpful, food r quite ok despite tt i k only take soft food on day 2 but my husband take all for my stay there as a companion. Glad tt in fact we got e free upgrade to deluxe for free n e room is so new n its really like a hotel stay w mounted TV, hifi n fridge...
Tt all and all e best to mummies who are gg to pop soon..
Procanol is heaven!
is with the grip so much hygiene too
i feel so much better!

What osim binder is that?
What size is that?
Maybe I can take over? Can help to get rid of wind?

was told norm reading for my son's 'age' which is 6 days old should be 5-30.
siao right?
doc said mostly bf jaundice.
but if high, has to monitor
i also sunbathe after 5pm in the evening

my PIL teochew leh
later ask hub to ask them
the 'ng ki' is what priscilla's CL refers huang guo zi
Pardon is it consider chinese herb?
Do we let bb drink or apply?
lucky u to hv the free upgrade!
too bad i didnt hv the luck
2x kanna those who snore.
'heng' only this round, they dun snore as loud as the first time
Hi mummies
Those who popped, any ideas about the full mth celebration? We were thinking not to have one (me actually) but when I sound out my ILs today, wow... a very serious "CANNOT". I cited both my SIL not celebrating the #2 but MIL's theory 1st girl celebrate, 2nd boy MUST celebrate also. (FYI - My SILs both had the same gender kids) Pengz...But i suspect it has more to do with Max being the only internal grandson to my ILs.

But I hate the hassle lor, esp relatives who 'overstay'. They can sit from 12 - 9pm one hor basing on previous experience. Sigh...

Anyone who has recommendations of outside venues to hold celebrations? So that I have a time frame as an excuse to go home. kekeke..
Hi Linda,
Maybe u can try hotel cafes or SAFRA? I had attended full month celebrations at these places before.
These places should have time frames.
Hi ZuEn,
Can understand how you feel... Waking up almost every hour esp midnight and we can hardly sleep.. sometime not even close our eyes! Mine also.. but recently better. I used to latch her during the night but she keep waking up every 1hr and I think my MS not enough for her or not she easily digested cos she keep poo and WHENEVER she poo will wake up too! This result her to keep crying and keep waking during midnight and sleep more in the day. So finally I do some adjustment and surrender to formula. During night time i will give her formula and day time latch or EBM. So now she wake up 12am, 3am, 6am which is bit better and 3hrly feed so I can try sleep even for 30mins i also happy liao..
Normally after full mth will be better. So lets Jia YOU!

I will be doing full mth celebration same like my #1 lo. Just to be fair also. And Only give cakes to HB colleagues no relatives. But this round we don intend to invite so many people. Last time was about 60pax, we intend to reduce 35-40. Less tired also for us.

CONGRATS NSS! Welcome to CONFINEMENT and Motherhood with us!

Hmm now my blood stop.. jus left bit bit.. When #1 I bleed about 4weeks. This round around 2weeks.. I think depends on individual. Main is try not keep walking and try lay or rest more.. I not sure will helps or not.
<font color="aa00aa">Ladies, i'm back from my AMK hub shop shop. haha... My MIL follow us there. Actually she does not mean anything when she said tat, just she worry i suddenly want to pop. My mil is a 'gan cheong' spider (oh...no, speak bad thing about my mil. hehe...), she had been sleepness nite when my hubby is working nite shift as she afraid i suddenly wanna pop at midnite. She's more 'gan cheong' than me.

Leng Leng,
Nolah, i think got few mummies still in waiting list. But some mummies had been schedule to be induced in next few days. Wat about u ? Any symptoms? Me like lot of symptoms but all is false alarm lor.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Linda, i posted in this thread before about my full mth celebration for this #2. My mil dont plan to celebrate or even give cakes to relatives for this #2. Reason is my #1 and #2 is same gender (girls). She said if my #2 is a boy, then will need to celebrate. So, i dont had to crack head over full mth thingy. hehe...

But i'll still give cakes to my collegues.</font>

the osim binder size is around size 20 something.. wat yr waist length b4 pregnant? I go check. The Osim binder can help blood circulation and force air out too.

ya procanol is good rite? i bot 2 bottles, besides the hospital bottle. Gynae said only need to wash for 1st 2 weeks but i may wash for 3 weeks cos tink heal faster.


I intend to hold celebration at restaurant, maybe book a room. Cos dun want to celebrate at home my house v messy.
i will be celebrating the full mth at my own plc.. doin it on 2 days.. cos too many ppl.. so 1 day for relatives and 1 day for frends..

yeah.. tml able to see my bb.. hope he can discharge tml..
Hi all mummies,

So glad to cm to tis thread. My EDD is 23 June. Any mummies here not pop yet? Tis is my third one n I m excited n looking forward yet also very tired areadi...
Hi roooller,

Not alot of experience jus feel more relaxed w/ tis one or should I say lazy?? lol..everything also get in May n early June. I so envy all the mummies who has popped!! Congrats to all mummies who have pop!!!
<font color="aa00aa">Welcome, jess!
My EDD is 26 June and still in waiting games. This is #2.
Which hosp you'll deliver your baby? is a girl or boy?

I had booked with Newbaby coz during my #1 confinement i oso booked with them, quite satisfied.
You can refer to below link :
Hi Felicia,

Goin to deliver at KKH n is a boy. My eldest is a gal n 2nd is a boy :)

ve probs sleepin at nite cos of tum..cant wait for him to pop..hehehe
Hi mummies,
I had been follow tis thread for quite some time. My Edd is 26 June and tis is my #2, going to deliver at KKH too. Seeing tat so many mummies had popped make me so envy. Still waiting for my turn. Tired coz I had probs sleepin too.
welcum Lee May!
this is my #2 too.
both boys.
how abt u?

jess &amp; lee may,
just would like to share my experience w KKH.
#1 also delivered in KKH

1. no lotion provided
nowadays they dun provide any lotion for the stitches. in fact, they recommended just use warm water will do.
this round my recovery was terrible and the stitches was v.sore
as recommended by mummy here, i've bought procanol and sterilize cotton balls from guardian pharmacy.
do note, nt all outlets sellg this.
i bought mine fr j8

u might want to standby 2 bottles and a few packs of the cotton balls (c/w a grip)
though i've just applied abt a day, i'm feelg so much better.

2. disposable panty
fyi, is one size for all hor
then kotex they will use 2 pcs at one time
i will recommend get ur own disposable panty instead
as i didnt prepare any, so i just use whatever available.
Hi BabyCupid,
haha..agreed. But at least can go out shopping after confinement. Now go shopping with big tummy also a tiring task for me. Me worse, sometime still got vommitting.
hi mummies,
i'm thinking to get MIM silk range slings.
went to toa payoh kiddy palace but they dun carry.
anybody happen to know
dun seem to be able to find fr their website though

my baby keep vomiting milk leh... dunno why... is it to full or we did not burp her???
But she is on TBF leh... Can we give her gripe water???
Hi roooller,
Mine #1 is girl(4 years old) and also delivered at KKH (under subsidy). Now is boy but they said not 100%, wait till i give birth.

Thanks for the experience, will take note. But wat do u mean by disposable panty in one size for all? I cant buy those L or XL size?

Hi Lee May,

Nice 2meet u (shake hand)..ya..sleepin is a huge prob, turn fr left to rite ve to take deep breathe n even so, ve to lie on the back 1st then another deep breathe n turn to rite side..haha...then in the turning process, always cant go back to sleep smtimes. So i try to rest as much as I can during the day. But diffcult cos I m not reali a afternoon nap person! But nvrm, cos its worth it..hehehe..so do u wan gal or boy?

My gyne is Dr Benjamin Tham. 1st one was at East Shore by another gyne, 2nd one was at KKH by Dr Tham also.

No lotion given to clean wound? So strange! Poor u..mus b painful!! hmm...last time i had my son it was 6 yrs ago, tey still supplied the med..so mayb sm things ve changed..but i dun remembered KKH providing disposable panties leh! wah...1 size fit all then i sure cannot fit!! LOL..will standby my own disposable panties in XL then..yap,tey always use 2 kotexes. But last time tey used those string ones, now leh?
