(2008/06) June 2008

Aprilmom, JMom's birth story is really kickstarting me into packing my bag! It reminds me not to take things for granted. I've just returned to reading the childbirth books that I got my hands on during early pregnancy. It's amazing how my reading preferences develop. During 1st trimester, I had been reading about natural labour, pregnancy fitness and diet, and development of fetus. Then 2nd trimester read mostly on how to care for newborn and educational/stimulating games to play with bb. Now, back to reading about natural labour.
details i am not really sure, but i think it was that time when they implement the 3rd month maternity leave

ya, when lying down, looks funny, my son was feeling the bb, and was laughing alot, when bb moves so much

ya my hb told me yest in the case if i need to go from office, i shd go to hospital first then he meet with me to admit, then he go back home later to take bag.. i dunno is it the correct procedure.

I am tinking in the scenario tat if i am to deliver before 39 weeks, cos i be in office working until 39 weeks.


yes my 1st pregnancy, do i need the original docs? If so then me and hb have to go back home to take the docs then go out right?.. how to go straight frm office to hospital?

Yes i will bring 1-2 towels to hospital.

me and hb haven't book the car yet, not sure will come in time for delivery or not.

I think the most important doc you need when go to hospital is your admission letter and antenatal card/record (if you have one). Even then, I dun think you need these to be original document. as long as the hospital receives a copy of it (say by fax from whoever from a remote location), it's good enough cos admission letter will have your name and NRIC number right? Only during bb's birth registration then need original marriage cert. Even if you dun have these original documents, if you are about to deliver bb, no hospital will turn you away if you only have copies.

Not those funny dolls hee. just normal dolls. some are boy and some are gal.


thks for clarification, ok so i keep photocopies with me then ask hb to go back home after i settle down, then he can take the hospital bag which i will also pack the original docs inside.


u dunno. my hb dunno where are those docs kept. he everytime need anyting he will ask me one. pengz.
Re:hospital bag

Do we need to prepare the bathing items (soap/shampoo/facial wash)? Understand that after birth we are not allow to bath.
Ellysia, in my case, I'm leaving my labour bag in my hb's office in SGH where he works and where I plan to deliver, so I only need to hand carry my own antenatal card and admission letter. Just have to ensure that these are with my everywhere I go from 32 weeks onwards. Cos hb will either be at home with me or at SGH at work when I'm in labour - it's his job to grab my labour bag from his office. So guess our situation is a bit different.

As for the discharge bag, it will be at my mom's place, so my parents will have to bring it down to us after bb is born. They have a car and they can take their time (from the time bb is born but before our discharge lah).

I'm packing 2 different bags.

Your hb suggested admitting with you, it's a good and maybe not so good idea. again it depends on your labour plan. if your labour progresses very ver yfast, not sure if he will return to hospital in time with the bag, esp if your car is not here yet. an alternative is why don't you leave your bag with a relative (mom/MIL) who has a car and can drive? Your hb admit with you, then get a relative to bring the bag to you?

haha.. me same too.. her case really "bang my head" to prepare the hospital bag.. hahaha.. she delivered bb L in noon and i received the msg from one of the april mummy at night!! Real BIG shock cos i just met her few months back and her tummy still small and she's still so slim that time!!


i'll bring 1 big and 1 small towel there.. incase, i need to use it for bathing or washing. in fact, in my 1st preg., i bathed in the hospital the day after i delivered my girl .. hehehe.. without letting anyone know!! cannot tahan le!! i feel myself so dirty and my bb so clean, esp when i'was bfing her.. feel my body so dirty!
fei fei, I bought accordingly to the size i am now.. the material is stretchable so very comfortable... i do see that thyme maternity (OG ALbert complex) got quite a no. of nursing bra as well.. some at $10+ only... too bad i bought liao..
Ellysia, do you stay near the hospital that you plan to deliver at? Or is your office near the hospital? Alternatively, you can just carry the essential original documents with you everywhere you go? Check with your doctor and the hospital which are the essential ones. For me, it's only my antenatal card, NRIC and admission letter.
Sharon, I think the hospital staff won't stop us from bathing if we insist. they may be reluctant esp if there is great loss of blood and scared we faint in the bathroom, but if we insist on bathing, they really cannot stop us loh. As for not showering cos of confinement beliefs, then it's your threshold. I will definately be bathing loh. think it's a bit unhygenic not to bathe after long labour, and still want to breastfeed bb.

are you the one having same problem with me?? our elder kid may need to stay in hospital with us? I called MAH just now, the nurse told me can do so, but, i need to ask my gynae to req. for me under special case. She said MAH provides family suite too for mummy who needs to take care their kids while staying in the hospital.
Ellysia, Another idea! If you are worried you will deliver before 39 weeks, why don't you keep your bag in office? At the end of the day, you return back home with the bag? Like that, although more troublesome, it's the safest cos you should always be with the bag right? In such a case, your bag should only contain things which you definately need during labour and maybe you can leave out the less urgent things which someone can bring to you the day after you deliver?

we same! I will definately be bathing too.. no way for me to be so dirty and yet my bb so clean. Also, How to bf the bb with a dirty body?? i cannot tahan for that.
cactus... how big is your bag? i am oso thinking of separate mine n bb bag... think 1st time mum quite inexperienced one so i hope i wont ended up with big travelling bags.. ha ha...
ioio, mine is just a backpack. My bag will just contain the items I need to cope with labour in the delivery ward & some breastpads, maternity pads & spare underwear incase I stain.

The 2nd bag that I prepare will have more breastpads, matenity pads, more underwear, front open PJs for easy access for breastfeeding, facial products, discharge attire, etc, and bb's discharge essentials. This will be a bigger bag and I'm bringing a trolley luggage with wheels, to contain gifts that visitors may bring. cos during discharge, at most only my parents, my ILs, my hb and I, in 2 cars. + must bring home bb. So scared no hands to carry visitor's gifts, so trolley luggage is best bet.
tks for the infor...i tink i might bath also lor using warm water cos if not feel so dirty hor...=)..After dleivery, the midwife and nurses will clean us hor?

maybe next wkend i will go to chinatwon OG to see if i can get any nursing bra...in e meantime, will be gettin gmy confinenemt herbs too..
Aprilmum, actually ah, if we stay in aircon room so fast after delivery, already got wind in our bodies lah... I feel these days, confinement issues, can follow then follow. Cannot follow, then forget it. Last time my mom also deliver me in aircon ward. also shower, but will immediately apply brandy to get rid of the wind. Her belief. dun know if she will impose on me not.. haha! Olden days, is really cannot bathe, then deliver in a room with all windows and doors closed shut!
think u got the wrong person....me will deliver at East Shore Hospital

during confinement....i will bath in the morning b4 massage lady come and another one late afternnon....must bath lah....u will be sweating and sticky lah if not taking shower....
i will defintely bath after delivery la, you can try to get dry shampoo , not sure if there is dry bath or not, or buy those chinese herbs for confinement to bath

i will be delivering at Mt alvernia as well, so you check with hospital abt your #1 staying at the hospital?when you say family suite, do you mean the single room?cos i booked the single room, i hope i will deliver on fri or sat, then my 8yrs old son can stay over at the hospital, if not, he has to go to school in the morning
i tot the body wrap will have to be wrapped until the next morning, when the massage lady come again for the next massage?if you take out n bath in the afternoon, then how to wrap back again ?

ya true. if can follow then follow, if cannot dun force also.


remember to bring some 3 in 1 milo or some instant drinks
.. my experience is.. very very thirsty after give birth!! hehee.. then, my mom told me cannot drink plain water immediately.. ended up, i asked for a cup of hot milo from the nurse, but still not enough! haha.. cos in my first preg, staying one whole night in the labor room and didn't allow to eat/ drink till next morning i delivered my girl!! so hungry and thirsty
.. we will not know when we're going to deliver, better get ready before hand

I intend to bring non-rinse shampoo and non-rinse lotion to hospital, most likely i only bathe when i come back home.


since photocopies are acceptable i guess i will make a photocopy of impt docs and keep 1 set in office. then if anything i will meet hb at hosp and after admit, then he can go home to pick up the bag and original docs.

Actually if waterbag didn't burst or no show yet, just contractions, still can delay outside. some people is their waterbag burst first, thats why have to rush to hospital faster.
Ellysia, I think best is to check with your hospital which are the necessary/essential docuemnts and whether they can take photocopies in the meantime and up till when. Maybe different hospitals have differnet polices. I'm not sure. I'm told only 10% of people have premature rupture of waterbag. it's considered abnormal actually... hopefully none of us fall within this category.. like that can delay going to hospital a bit.
Buy us more time.
do u all tink getting 30packs of herbs for bathing is enough? cos will be getting them next wkend...hmm..

Dangui will reduce MS hor?>

ya.. i book the single room too.. the nurse said.. they're having family suite, 2 rooms attach together, means our family member 1 room and we having our own room to rest too, costs $680(meals all included). If we book for 1 bedded room, will charge $425 + $75(hb) + $75(1 kid)= $575. I will discuss with my hb and see which more worth it.

Do you apply for the citibank debit credit?? if you have, you can get citibank family card from them.. so can entitle for 5-10% discount.

My office is in shenton, hospital is thomson and my house is amk lor. so its all in btw.

i ored keep one pant in office as spare. Then from next mth onwards (week 37) i will have to wear sanitary pads in case anything.

It is v fast lor, i only have 4 weeks to week 37.
I haven't finish my childcare book
i haven't read the instructions for sterilisation, pump etc etc. Originally i intend to read the instructions when i start my home stay but maybe shd start early too just in case.

dan gui will reduce milk supply?

Cos i remember one of the dishes Newbaby catering prepare is dangui soup.
Ellysia, seems like you are quite well prepared leh!
I've not kept a spare dress in office yet. Thanks for the reminder!

Maybe the pump issues, you can call up mums & babes if you have any queries if really have no time to finish reading the instructions? Or else, call up medela singapore?

just viewed all the pics which my hb took in the labor room before and after i delivered my elder girl.. dun know why, my tears just drop down!! It's so amazing!! i really did it!!! I need to say that, all mummies are very "wei da"

I tink i may not have separate bags for me and bb, cos i dun need to bring so many stuff for bb. only bringing 2 sets of clothes (maybe 1 romper and one shirt+pants), mittens and receiving blanket.

Its the maternity pads tat take up space, if u have start to pack u will understand wat i meant. pads i bringing with assumption of 2 pads for 1 day in case need to change.

i dunno if my backpack has enuff space or not, i packed 80% of my stuff liao but looks like not much space to put rest of times. next mth around 38 weeks if haven't deliver, i will have to take out the clothes and wash again, so tat there will not be smell (cos clothes put inside too long tend to have smell).

ya u need a pair of pants in office in case.
And to start wearing sanitary pads near due.

Then also ya, i just remember tat when we need to do virginal examination near due, we also need to wear pad.

Best is to bring one pad in handbag in case i tink.
ellysia.. oh ya.. u mentioned maternity pad.. another one know how to use the loop ones? was taking out some to put inside ziplop bag as dont want to bring all and was there figuring out how to use that.. ha ha..
Ellysia, I know exactly what you mean! :p That's why I have 2 bags lah!! My first bag only contains essnetials to cope with labour + 1 pair of breast pads + 2 maternity pads. The rest will be in my 2nd bag.. more pads, spare underwear, etc. Cos I believe once bb is born or about to be born, my parents and ILs will rush to the hospital... so plan to get them to bring my 2nd bag down at the same time.

I dunno how to use but i tink nurse will help us on for first time in hospital according to wat m colleague tell me.

I also take out some and pack in plastic bag, i bring some loop, some stick on.

oic. my stuff all in my house and only me and hb stay there lah, so will be my hb to bring them to me lor. unless my mum start to move in during my home stay hor, then can ask mum to help carry to me.

u remember morraine posting.. i dun tink gynae will give pad le.

my gynae said doesn't mean all VE will cause bleed later but if need to adjust bb position, help to turn down etc, may cause it.

Ellysia, another way is to leave your other stuff with your mom or IL cos I'm sure they will deifnately rush to hospital to see your bb when born.
I'm leaving my 2nd bag with my parents at their place.... :p

hmm. I don't recall morraine's posting, but better be safe than sorry. 1 pad really not that inconvenient to carry around.
