(2008/06) June 2008

usually i will wear back wat i wear b4 i admitted...but just in case bring 1 more pair lor.

my bb so active when reached to wk 32....non-stop moving


Alternatively u can choose to wear 'sarong' when discharge if you dont mind.
Most of my maternity wear oso pants, but i had a long skirt which i wore during pre-preggie and still wearing when i'm about 3-4mths preggie, so shld be able to fit in.
Me also leh, schedule c section on 22 May. still got so much things haven't buy. Sanitary pad, PJ, disposable panties, diaper, milk storage bags and EBM btls....
Erm, for the discharge attire, my suggestion is to wear a loose fitting dress and not top and pants cos if it is c-section, don't want the pants to hurt/irritate the wound.
u hv more experience since its your 3rd now, and your #2 is not too long ago right?mine was 8yrs ago, totally no impression, i asked hb if my tummy was bigger the last time, and asked him what was he doing in the labour ward the last time while waiting for me to dilate, he cannot rber at all

I bought my maternity wear from this shop at toa payoh, they are quite cheap as compared to those shops in shopping malls, and got some also during my trip to thailand last december, at the chatuchak wholesale market, only $6-$8 sgd for the tops, so i got about 6 i think, and bottoms also ard that price, yes, new ones can sell on internet, saw many ppl doing that
I tink u need to get another pack wor...cos hor, 20pcs too little liao though TMC will give us back abt half a pack of Pampers NB =D...

yup, me will be wearing maternity top and pants lor =D.

where u go buy the maternity dresses? me tinking of getting some nursing bras or mayb normal bras but bigger size...hmm..

sayang... =D...

ya lor, 2 packs of NB shd be just nice de =D...Me packing my hospital bag, can't decide wat clothings to let bb wear, cos all so nice and pink...heehee..

tink its better to get ready early lor..cos hor, maybe bcos of my contractions incident, really scare cos last min wan to go hospital means go wor, no time to pack at all, so better pack lor..

do start buying liao wor...
Ur gynae appt is today right?

I suspect he screwed up on something major. It was really sad cos it was also very sudden to my boss. I guess that's life...My company, being US company, has already sent a few colls away on immediate notice. Quite scary.
my bb also very very active now at 31 weeks, maybe still got alot of space for him, i wonder how's his position right now, always feel him on my right side of tummy mostly, but not sure which part of him is that, will visit gynae on 23rd apr, cant wait to see him

ya, i think i will bring a dress, maybe 2, just in case
ladies! I just kaypoh go read July 2008 thread! A mother delivered her #2 at 28 weeks. Gosh! Her bb in NICU at KKH, now expressing milk via pump for her bb to drink. I think we better get prepared for the unexpected too. won't hurt.

I bot maternity/nursing bra from Spring. The biggest size i got is size 38. I still need to put 2 extension. But tat is the biggest size and it is non-wired but got cup shape so won't see nipple type one. Cheap $29, but tat is sale price so dunno if the price still remain same now. But yest i bot still $29 lah.
oh dear...so bb hv to be in ICU for 2mths...oh dear...and the bill sure bery high...and e porr little one has tubes poking in him/her...

Marriage cert, bankbook, parents' IC lor..
My hospital bag still remain at 80% packed, still left some items not packed yet. i haven't pack bb clothes cos i haven't wash them. dunno want to wash them so early or not.
my #1 going to 5yrs this 25Oct....and the #2 will be 3yrs on 30Aug....

wah....after all of you mentioned wat to buy & bring....almost all the items i have not prepared and have to buy which i don't have
yes, i saw that last nite and my eyes almost popped out! was telling my hubby abt it.
the amazing part was she actually took her driving test while having her contractions and passed her test!!

thanks girl, will get over it.
i guess u have already gotten most of your stuff. can i check for nursing bras where did you get from? i just realised the ones perfect mum sold me all have underwire which is not recommended.

also, for the antenatal class, for the lesson on taking care of bb, just curious, will we have hands-on or just watch the nurse demo??
the shop i got maternity clothes is in toa payoh, near the library, the stretch if you are at the library delifrance, cannot remember the shop name, they also have an outlet in AMK, on the way from This Fashion to the newly renovated hawker centre, their tops are from $19.90 to $22.90, dresses are around $33 and pants i think $29.90, some of the tops can be used as nursing tops, someone recommended punngol pz for $5.90 nursing bras the last time, for nursing wear, can try www.iwantmilks.com, they are having some web specials, i recently got some from them
feifei and fennie,

If we are go from office, we go first to hospital then ask hb to fetch bag from home or hb must need the bag?

I mean do yr hb accompany u to hospital to admit first then go back home fetch bag; or hb shd fetch bag and meet up with us at the hospital?
feifei, I dun know if there are tubes poking into her... but the mother is quite optimistic about things. she's taking things in her stride. Very brave mom! I think no need to be in ICU for 2 months. as long as organs are almost fully functional and over 2kg in weight, should be okay to return to normal nursery.

tat outlet at AMK, i always cannot find one. i search the whole amk shops also cannot find, but the Toa Payoh one i go before.
Ellysia, I think there are 2 types of bags you may want to consider packing.

(1) Your labour bag
(2) Your and baby's discharge bag.

I think for (2), that can be later, cos your mom/MIL/hb can go home to finish packing for you. But for (1), it's best that you pack completely yourself cos they would contain your personal items like items which you need during labour and soon after labour.

for the class, u be given a doll and we are suppose to follow the instructor's demo. she will also go one by one to guide us with the doll.
Tera, yeah! She actually passed her driving test! If it were me, I sure get into accident on the roads during the test! (Pstt.. I had immediate failure within circuit when I took my 1st driving test 10years ago!)
thats indeed very scary, leave immediately, last time i got a church mate, she was asked to leave after she finished her maternity leave.

ya, those documents you need to bring, like marriage cert,IC, gynae's letter,admission letter, all those papers you need to bring to hospital
hey mog,
how much u paying ur part-time maid huh??gd anot?? cos i thinking of engagin 1..but dunno my hb want anot leh...
@ wk 28 can premature labour....so must be careful for those who are now in wk 28 to 32....

my bb also always in the right side also......

i have to pack both bags myself cos my hb v blur one, he won't know wat to pack. he left a lot of things for me to decide.
Fei Fei, me back from my breakfast and fruit shopping trip. Alot of tourists up and about in the shopping mall but too bad, not many shops are open yet. I think when I got the photos, I have already delivered, and if post, will post in our June Motherhood Yahoo which TF set up for us, hee, shy mah.

Felicia, after yesterday's massage, I also like semi-hooked on to massages liao. But I can't do pre-natal anymore as I already 32wks, you still can. I very greedy leh, booked 7days postnatal with my massage lady for confinement, the 15times rustic nirvana massages after confinement at their spa office, then still tell Auntie Su I will mostly contact her do a few ad-hoc postnatal or other normal massages. Hee, the session yesterday was so comfortable which I went out shopping with friend, I kept telling her I am on sleepy mood.

Feifei, for hospital bag, dun really need to bring a set of baby clothes lor, the most, prepare a small pair of mittens for your baby (coz the hospital ones like a bit big) and extra towel to wrap her up if you scare she may be cold. I last time packed a lot of clothes (mine, hb & bb) like as if going for 3days2nights chalet but only use less than half of what I brought. Now lesson learnt, so will not bring so much lor.
i will asked hubby to go hospital with me 1st, wheh settle, then go back to get bag

u must slowly look lor, so far, i got nice dresses from toa payoh, and can last until birth la, cos they are quite loose even now at 31 weeks, and i am big,82kg, not that i m small built
Thanks! Sounds fun, keke! Wonder if it is one of those dolls which will emit "cries" when we accidentally submerge under water, hehe. :p

Tell me about it, I really salute her manz..Now u are reminding me of my own driving test some 12 years back. I rem my tester was a very fierce-looking man and when we got back to the driving centre, he told me "Your lane-changing just now was very dangerous (this stupid van refuse to let me into his lane to turn back into centre)...but pass!" I was delirious!!
Those were the days huh!

yes, she's Jmon
.. one of the April07 mummy also
anyway, her bb L is fine in KKH. My Due date suppose to be earlier than hers.. who knows, her girl wanna chiong No. 1 to come out.. hahahaa.. i got a BIG BIG shock when i knew abt it and msg her not to give me heart attack!! hahaha
ellysia, for the disposable panties, tt was wat's stated at the plastic bag, u can call tis no. n check 67467433 (pretty international), i saw that they sell nursing bra (non wire) at $10+ oso..

feifei.. i received the cami bra from moms in mind liao.. the material is quite comfortable n i think it's good for nite wear as well...
i wonder y is he always on the right, and he is like pushing himself on my right side of tummy, and the tummy looks weird, just that right side become so hard and pointed

yes they need original, but with photocopy, they can admit you as all the info are there, then ask hb to give them the original, that is just in case you need to be admitted and documents are not with you, unless you want to keep everything with you all the time

the day before, one of the april07 mummy just joked with her that, dun go driving test until bb pop out hor.. who knows!!! thing really happen!! really jia lat.. hahaha.. anyway, she said it's not because of the driving test.. it's because of other reason.. still under "investigate" by the gynae.

So, because of her case, i pack my bag 70% liao.. hahahaha.. one pack for bb discharge and one bag of my own things, and one bag for my elder girl, in case, she will stay with me there.
u can wash them and then put them all in a big ziplog bag wich can be bot at daiso...there are many diff sizes..we bot afew..once bb clothings, mattress cover, towels washed, we vacuum packed inside...Can prevent dusty n save space =)

Acutlaly i bot 4pcs of nursing bra frm Spring, all hv wires one..i just removed the wired lor =)..hee...guess i will just buy those bigger size normal bras, cheaper =D....

Anental class? we will be given a dummy bb and frm there, we practise lor =D..

I feel hor, if u hv car, can leave ur hospital in the car, in case anytime can use...for us, we dun hv, so will leave e bag at home, will only bring a towel, extra pair of pants and put in office just in case...Then will ask hb to go hospital and then ask inlaw to help me take e bag frm home..hee

hehe...but i still pack a set of pink clothings for her lor..hee..cos i see TMC one is white color, i dun like leh..wan her to be meimei also..hee

Yup, my gynae appointment is tonite. Yahooo... can see baby liao! And hopefully my bb is growing well.

Btw, hope u r ok! Dont let ur boss matter affected ur mood ok? U need to be happy mummu now so you cna deliver a happy go lucky bb.
especially when i am laying down, my tummy looks out of shape bulging to the right...but bb head now at the bottom right....might be the buttock hahahha....

this is yr 1st preg right?....so u need to bring all the ori

I think if there are some items you cannot pack in yet (ie. baby's clothes), maybe you can just start packing then those items you cannot pack in, just jot them down on a sheet of paper, and put it on your bag. Let your hb pack in those for you if really no time to pack in or if your bb arrives earlier than expected.

as for whether hb should meet us in hospital asap, then return to get the bag, I think alot depends on your labour plan. If you plan to go to hospital at the last minute, then it's better than you/your hb get the bag first, then both of you go to hospital together. Or else, it may be bad if your hb's misses the birth of your child. Alternatively, if possible, the bag should be placed somehwere near the hospital you are delivering at, ie. if you stay near hospital, then at your home so you can make the detour, or else, you can bring the bag around with you (at your office if you plan to work till you deliver).
Yay! Shall await for your updates. ;) Will use the weekend to re-charge, just that now seeing the empty cubicle next to me still makes rather sad. Good thing is I have bb and ML to look forward to.

Oh, can remove wires huh? Ok, then I also go take out the wires. But dunno difficult or not, maybe I'll get the cami bra that someone posted.
Just to add Ellysia, for 1st time moms, early labour takes a very long time. Sometimes up to 12 or even 18 hours. No joke. You'll have plenty of time to prepare to get to the hospital, unless you plan to go there last minute. Of course there will be the occassional 1st time mommy who would pop really quick from the 1st contraction to birth, but these are really the minority. in singapore, 1 hr is all it takes to get from place to place by car. dun think any mother takes less than 1 hr to pop.


oh.. tink no need liao. after yest purchase i will try to dong. hopefully hips dun increase in size again or else i have phase out all my pants.

ored i need to phase out 2 pants liao, after this morn clothes check.
