(2008/06) June 2008

i only koe.. my bb is headed dwnwards.. and gynae able to take his face.. meaning he facing out towards the tummy? sometimes i am confused.. if he face inwards my back.. i tink we cant get to see his face one rite?

i think my bb's back is against my tummy cos the doctor used a baby doll to show the position and she mentioned that bb's face is facing inside which we will not be able to see much during the scan cos of the position.
Hi all,

Jus to share i juz bought my nursing bras at Pretty Int'l. they having offer now. Buy 2pc less $10! so total 2pc is only $15.90+$5.90, very worth lo..

Btw, i oso bought the maternity pads but oni got a small SOFY pack with 4pads in 40cm wan..may i ask for those of u who have packed ur delivery bag, how many pads u bring?
Cupid, Tera just answered your question...

Tera, you're soo lucky!!!! Gosh!!! I wish my bb will turn like yours leh... really wish hard hard. sigh... continue wishing loh.. what to do?!
i oso guess one... haha... cos if she is already head down, the jabbing i feel below my ribcage shld be her legs and anything below shld be her hands... :p
Your bb is head-down now ya? That's already an achievement!
But you are sure his back is against your back? Haven't scanned yet right?
Tera, at the 24 and 28 week scan, bb was headdown but facing outside... 180 degrees to what your bb is facing. I'm quite sure his back is against my back cos I'm having pretty bad lower back pain and I'm feeling his kicks towards my tummy. there's also a saucer like dip around my belly button which is characteristic of bb's spine against my spine. hb also thinks bb's position is bad, but we have a minor disagreement on which angle bb is slanted against.. haha..not that it makes a difference lah..will be a damn long labour if bb continues this presentation loh.

i contact this person, Marcus, Tel: 63282541 for the family card, and Victor Lee, Tel 93636816 for the debit card. Mayb they can help you too. I met the Victor Lee at the cityhall citibank branch. As for Marcus, he's the family card's incharge person. Try to contact them, if you're interested.
oh issit.. den i better tell my bb to face inwards.. cos last time he used to facec inwards but i cant see his face.. so i ask him to face out n let me see his face.. so past 2 scans oso outwards.. hahahaha.. i mus start telling him to face in liao..
Cupid, yeah.. no joke. hopefully our bbs turn in time before engage... actually even after engage, can still turn outwards but we will feel more painful BH and if still dun turn by start of labour, contractions will be very painful, and will have a lingering lower back pain which would eat into our downtime (ie. the rest intervals in between contractions).
so family card and debit card are 2 different cards?which 1 i need to get the 10% discount, since this will be my 2nd delivery in the same hospital?


in order to get the family card, you need to have the debit card first.. then only can apply for the family card. So, we need to apply 2 of the cards. To get 10% discount, we need family card, then pay by debit card in MAH for the payment. The MAH staff told me before when i called them.
debit card means like a atm card, you need to deposit the required amount of money into citibank in order to use the debit card right?

do you know if the discount given is based on the total amount of hospital fees, before or after the medisave deduction?
U are really very well-read. Thanks for the info. I was just happy that bb was heads-down and din bother abt his back position.

Based on cupid's post, it is still possible for your bb turn to be in the right position and then vice versa, mine might also turn around..hope not!!

Hehe, tonite u can ask gynae for bb's specific position so as to be clearer.
my nex check would be on 25 apr.. jus now felt a few sharp pain.. dunno wat happen.. after seeing the mummy of july 08.. abit scare.. hope my bb can hold till full term.. or at least 37 38 wks..
Cupid, yeah! let's continue talking to our bbs.. hopefully bb is going to turn okay.

Tera, actually it's good that our bbs are headdown already. Just that I'm greedy lah.. want bb to face inwards, like yours. If I remember correctly, both Cupid and you also want natural birth w/o epidural right? If so, bb facing inwards will give us the best chance for that cos bb's head will be a bit smaller (cos can flex) when bb's head goes out. I'm worried cos hb is very big size and this is a boy that we're expecting. I'm very small built.. and not very flexible, so wondering if I can labour without epidural.
Cupid, if you felt a sharp pain to the side of your leg, it could be a ligament pull. it's common when our tummies get bigger and our ligaments can't adjust in time to the additional weight. If not, sharp pain could also be bb hitting on your bladder esp if it is not empty. don't worry too much k. I'm hoping my bb can come out at 37 weeks.. haha. no later, no earlier. damn demanding mommy.. this one. :p
wahaha.. the sharp pain is below my abdomen.. my rite bottom.. sharp pain on n off.. for a period of 10mins.. but now no more le..

actually i never use debit credit before le.. from what the Marcus told me, it's like Citibank will "lend" us certain amount, when we wanna withdraw from the account, we can just write a cheque or from ATM.. then we need to pay back, if not will charge interests. So, he said when i'm going to pay the payment in MAH, remember to bring the cheque book with me, is easier, he said.

hmm.. is after medisave deduction if i'm not wrong. I am trying to contact him too cos i haven't receive my family card yet. Mayb you can check with him for more details.

when is your EDD?
I've never experienced that pain before, Cupid. gosh... 10 minutes is not a short time. luckily now no more. if still bothers you, maybe you should check with your doctor just to be on the safe side.

Honestly, I'm a bit shy telling pple I'm hoping for natural without epidural. scared pple laugh at me. so far, I only told my hb to get his support (I also make my hb read sections of books with pain coping techniques so he can help me during labour!). I plan to wait till bb engage, then talk to my doctor.

i dun dare to hope for without epidural le.. hehee.. my "ren" pain level very very low.. a bit only i'll shout liao. hahaha..
fennie, normally debit card needs to be linked to a bank account.. so you can only charge to that card up to the amount that you have in the bank at that point in time. But I"m not familiar with the type of card you and april mum are discussing...
aprilmum, incase u think I'm a brave mom, just want to share my pain threshold is very low too.. I used to feel very very faint from menstrual cramps. so dun know how I will cope. I will just have to trust my hb and my body during labour and hopefully things pull through. But for now, just want bb to engage first, then see bb's weight and position, then perhaps talk to my doctor about my wishes... if bb is something like over 3.2kg, dun think I can do a natural birth w/o epidural.

Sure will ask lot of question tonite coz from Riz, i know my next check up will still be 4 weeks later, so must ask many qn so i can see bb longer. hehe.....
But oso provided not many patienta tonite else my gynae will be rush oso.
Yes, you rem correctly, I am hoping for natural without epi. Hope for all of us (u, me and cupid) to make it!
Ok, we must all talk to our bbies to co-operate.
i oso quite paisay to say go without epidural. cos i scare if i cant make it in the end.. bery malu.. kekeke.. but i really hope i can make it lor!
fennie and cactus,

then you can scroll down and check with the "instant discount" .. under instant discount, you'll see "family privileges" card, click on it.. you'll see the family card. 3 yrs membership, need to pay $40dollars. Then scroll down again, you'll see a picture with wording "health, beauty and wellness", click on it, will see the MAH promotion there.
You are in your 30th week? I guess each gynae's practice is different. Mine has shifted to every 2 weeks. So after the 1 mth, yours will become every 2 weeks?
yup above wk 37, u can feel the contraction and its time for delivery...dats is wat i have experience from my last 2 deliveries......not sure also y my both deliveries at wk 37....but bb is normal and healthy....

when i felt the contraction and back pain at wk 37....i called my gynea and told him wat happening. After i told him all the due date and wat i felt b4 calling him....he told me straight to hospital.........
Thanks for the info, aprilmum, but I'm not a MAH mother..
I'm delivering at SGH! Fennie appeared to a bit puzzled about the mechanics of a normal debit card, so I thought I'd help out a little cos i used to have a debit card (when I was in uni).
Danryan, actually bb is considered full term at 37 to 40 weeks. no problems delivering between 37 to 40 weeks. not considered premature. I'm hoping my bb comes at 37 weeks like yours!
i'll be going my next check up on 30apr....so it will be wk34 already....

my 2nd preggy...my son weight 3.01 kg....and normal delivery w/o epi.....
Fennie, my guess is it shld be the same.Maybe you can look at the application form to see if they require you to link the debit card to your bank account? If so, then maybe it's the same.
Now i also seeing gynae in 3wks de...so next fri will ask my gynae cos i tink my next appt shd be in 2wks time cos going to be 35wks liao...
Danryan, 3kg sounds good... actually, 3kg at 40 weeks is considered 50th percentile (average!). But boys tend to put on more weight than gals during 3rd trimester.. that's why I hope my boy comes out before 40 weeks.
Hi Cactus
I also have saucer dip at my belly but my baby is facing inwards (anterior), BUT...heads up still. So dun tink the saucer dip apply bah. Sono drew my baby like a spider with elbow hitting me..hee.. Someone actually put a link recently on how to get baby to anterior if its posterior position
Haha, same here mah, easy to say but not sure if can really perservere. Just got to keep an open mind that certain situations may arise on the day which prevents us from going natural or without epi or the pain could simply be too much for us to bear. I may not really know my threshold for pain that well, as in now I think I can tahan but then actually cannot. :p We shall try our best!
TF, I think we're looking at bb's position from different perspective, cos I've already ascertained tt my bb is headdown, and after that has been established, the other factors to confirm that bb is facing outwards are :
- saucer dip around belly button,
- kicks towards tummy.

I think if head is up, it's a different way of telling?
I didn't read into that cos my bb had been heads down since 24 weeks... so my concern became anterior/posterior... greedy me.

Tera,Cupid: one word of advice. if you plan to go without epidural, pls make sure your hbs are in agreement with you. cos it can be very very tough for hb to see labouring wife in pain...
