(2008/06) June 2008


I bot too many pads. At first i bot Kotex loop x 10 pieces, then i understand tat stick is better so i bot kotex stick on x 10 pieces. then colleague told me kotex is no good and i shd buy madame brand, so i go buy madame brand but they only have big packet, so end up i have a lot more pads liao. i tink waste again but being KS so i comfort myself on the waste lah.
the thing is i do not know when i will deliver, i mean which day, and if its weekday, then my son cannot stay in hospital, so i better just book the single room, no, i only have citibank credit card, not the debit card, can I still get discount?i know UOB card also can get 10% discount for MAH package
Ok i be going off at 1pm today, half day leave today cos need to go do statement at traffic police. see ya cactus.

Oh ya i tink we also need to put 1 panties in office..

i tink we can put disposable panties, one pak in office and one can carry in handbag. all just in case.
wow Ellysia & Catcus, both of u discussing abt the hospital bag liao hahaa very fast !

i did not have a chance to bath during my 4d3n stay in the hospital. probably bcos csect so quite impossible to bath with your fresh wound. The nurse will help you go toilet to change pad ley.. but i never once felt dirty as in aircon room. to cut down packing stuff, u can choose to wear the nursing gown provided by hospital instead of bringing your own. I got bring only 1 gown dress, the rest of the days i wear the hospital one.

then the maternity pad provided by the hospital is kotex loop. one pack for me more than enough to last my 4d stay in the hospital, so i din get any extra.

TMC dun provide nursing gown. they only have hospital gown which is expose at the back.

No choice, my EDD is 3 June, almost near end of may, so have to get prepared earlier.
I will be using loop ones...cos b4 preggi, i hv been using kotez loop pads lor... =D.. u will need a belt for it leh...

tata...take care..

I will be goin gfor my VE ( strep B test) next fri lor...worried might bleed..hiaz...scared lor..

will teared cos tink bk of all e hardwork , bery touching lor =)..

Anyone knows anywhere having sales for bras now? cos asked hb to go out with me tmr for a short shopping trip cos have been at home for pass 2wk+, bored...need to get the airpot too..

i dunno when is my strep B test, gynae didn't tell me yet. i hope she won't suddenly tell me must do, then i am not prepared.
ya lor, TMC govwn is the green color one with strings to tie at the back..bery thin and expose lor...I had a hard time getting used to wearing them wks ago...
yo ladies,
i got qns to ask exp mummies. wil the hospital be givin us anythin to sit or 'smoke' our 'V' area after birth? cos i heard frm my colleague she was given a tub wif hot water n antiseptic or watever for her to 'smoke' e area.

wil gynae or hospital provide medication for bb cord?
true lor..tink th etestis taken at wk35 wor..cos next wk i 35wks liao =D... Duno how is the test going ot be like....
fei fei.. any idea where to get the belt? i nv used loop b4 so hv no ideas ;p think last time i rem my sis using string or something.. cant rem clearly oso... i bought 1 pack of kotex so dont want to waste it..
<font color="119911">mrswrx

not that i noe of from GlenE on the smoking thingy and yesh hospital will give u those antiseptic wipes to clean the bb cord</font>
oh feifei, if the TMC gown is difficult to wear, then i think better bring your own one, if not breastfeeding oso becoming trouble. the one ME provides is dull red color one got opening flap in the front, so very convenient to breastfeed.

mrswrx, upon discharge, the hospital did give me the spirit for cleaning the bb cord.
tink NTUC sells those belt wor..if can't find, can use those elastic that seamtress used to make elastic pants type lor.;..i hv been using them since puperty =)

I understand frm ananental class that the spirit will be given by TMC..

ya lor..true lor, not convenient...we can bring our own front button pjs..
You are gg for your photoshot. I refused to take photo after preggy cos I think I looked damned fat. I will always hide somewhere when somebody is holding a camera. Haha.

I oso bought the NB size diapers. Originally, tot S can liao, but then realised bb small size. haiz.. I only bought 1 pack NB, 1 pack S niah. But I already told hb that he will have to replenish for me if not enuff liao. I scared teh brand that I buy not suitable.

Re: Pre-matured
Haha, looks like we are all becoming gan cheong spiders huh. I oso packed my bag liao. I did that after my 28th week check-up when my doc was telling me about pre-matured birth. Scared the hell out of me.

the shop tat sells maternity clothings at AMK is called Carrano ,its opposite the banquet(food court).. beside a shop tat sells herbal tea i tink..

Fennie, Yeap i got my nursing bra at punggol plaza $5.90 each

I bought some big big panty at woodlands..$0.50cts each..not disposable material its cotton..its near wdlands checkpoint...everitime i look at it ,it reminds me of my m in laws panty..wahahhahah
hi Fennie Tay
U mentioned "i know UOB card also can get 10% discount for MAH package" does it still apply for june delivery? cuz my EDD is on mid June and i intend to deliver at MAH too..
okok, so onli spirit wil be provided for bb cord la. cos when my colleague ask me to prepare e basin in case hospital charge to e bill. then i aso blur blur dunno wat she tokin abt. wil ask her again, mayb apply to her onli bah. thks girls.
is it a must to do the VE? my gynae did not tell me anything about that.. kekeke.. what actually they will do? insert the hand in to check the cervix opening?
ladies, just back form my lunch. I'm having buffet at Sakura. And this is the 1st time i ate sashimi since i noe i'm preggie. Yummy.....!!!!

Now very very full, and keep burping. While i'm eating, my bb keep moving inside oso. I think today when i went for check up, sure gained lot of wight liao. haha.....
Fwah, u had sashimi?? *drool* I haven't had any since pregnant and have been craving for them! In fact, I was at Sakae last night and my hubby was happily devouring the sashimi. Evil!! :p
ZuEn, yeah loh, I also intend to buy more NB size to standby since my ger also small size. But no need stock up a lot in case baby not suited to the brand, can always ask hubby to get it for us during our confinement.

U dont dare to eat sashimi coz of preggie? Me had been craving for long time. And just now i was hesitating to eat or not. But then i remember my gynae only mentioned avoid sashimi/ uncooked food during 1st trimster, so i 'physco' myself is ok to take now and i just take few pieces only. hehe....
Tera, me not going for the talk, my cleaning lady will be at my place from 1 to 4pm. Hehehe, seeya on the 26th then. We can have some munchies after our class. By the way, doctor's talk is on 22nd Apr hor ?
Hi Cupid, it's normal to do VE esp if pregnancy is almost overdue or if we want to know when we are likely to deliver. doctor will put in 2 fingers. not whole hand. our cervix is about 3 to 4 cm long. the fingers will reach to the cervix and see how open the cervix is.it's an estimation. 2 cm = 1 fingerspace.
Hehe yes, me just being kiasi, so dun dare to eat when preggie.

Oic. Yes, dr's talk on 22 Apr, 7 to 9pm.
i hvnt decide leh..still thinking wanna go 2 or 430pm...

mog n tera,
$10/hr sounds reasonable lah..so housework does the part-time maid help to do?? can ask her to come any no of hrs is it??
how do i apply for the citibank debit card, or family card, didnt see any application form for that card in their website
bizz, I confirm going for the 7pm one, don't think can make it for the 4:30pm class. She clean and mop the floor, toilet, kitchen, iron clothes. Minimum is 3 hrs.
In my case, the part-time maid will do the following:
1. Vaccum and mop whole house
2. Wipe the cabinets
3. Wash my floor mats
4. Iron my clothes (very impt cos I hate ironing :p)
5. Wash the toilets

She will also help to arrange/sort some of my stuff into boxes if she finds them too messy.

I think avg is usu 3 to 4 hours.

How many hours does your PT maid spend at ur house?
bizz, this china lady I find her okay la, although do things a bit slow, sometimes she can stretch till 4hrs++ just to clean/mop the floor, wash the toilet and kitchen + iron clothes (abt 10 pcs), so end up we pay like $45.
Tera, ranging from 3 to 4 hours also, depends whether I got a lot of clothings to iron a not, I also hate ironing. She doesn't wipe my cabinets, only do it once or twice a month coz I don't cook so not as dirty.
hello... u girls toking abt disposable panties? I bgt mine last week at watsons. they are now selling at $1.95 per pack of 5 or 7 panties.
does anyone know how her bb is lying now? My bb is headdown, but his back is against my back..I'm a bit worried cos I'm told this will lead to a more difficult labour. Do the most of you have bb's lying facing back or facing front (for those whose bbs are already headdown)?
i cant tell whether bb is facing back or front... or maybe even by her side... but i can always feel her elbow/hand on my belly button area... then the feet on my right side a few inches below my breast.

soyabean, not bad leh.. you can differentiate elbow/hand from feet... I'm hopeless. I rely on the scans to tell. my hb and I always disagree with the way bb is lying until the moment of truth during the scans... haha.
