(2008/06) June 2008

ya lor...u also dun sian lor...wkends tmr =D..any plans?

hi ya, long time din see u here wor..how u doing?

the Pampers baby dry is pink packaging?


no see pasar malam at AMK yet.

this morning i suffered from leg cramps at both legs at same time! so pain until i totally wake up.
oh dear, cramps at both legs sure bery pain de...got massage them?

tks for the infor...hv to keep a lookout for pasar malam liao..

Nope. i try to wriggle my toes then my ankle to make the cramps go away as usual. then i cont to sleep for 30min or 1 hr then usual time to wake up, when wake up hb help me to massage a bit.

dun want to wake hb up to massage for me while sleeping lor. everytime i bear with it then wake up either i massage myself or ask hb.
i have been very busy with work. no time to come in to chat with u gals....

yes, pampers baby dry is the one with red colour packing and some green colour by the side.

if i calculate the cost, MP cost around $0.31 per pc while pampers cost less than $0.20 with the promo.... quite a big difference.....
true lor...poor ger..

tks ya..but dun purposely go there ya, paisei lor..hee

oic =D...true lor... but now is a gd time to stock up =D

actually kiddy palace oso got sold the float but is more ex unless you're goin to use it for swimming later on else is bit waste.
feifei, tml is a spring cleaning day. I called the aircon man come my house service aircon in the morning, then got a part-time cleaner to clean the hse in the afternoon, after that got antenatal class, tiring day.
tks for the infor..

ya hor...but actually hv part-time cleaner is good..just that my hb dun wan, he rather do himself to save $$...hiaz..so i hv to close both eyes when he do hsework, no choice..hv to wait til my ML before i spring clean myself..

Got to know frm my frenz that actually if we used diapers only and not cloth nappy, 1 or 2packs of NB size diapers is not enough de...cos 1st few wks bb poo poo alot alot, everyday used abt 7-8pc of diapers...scary...

So they advise me to get at least 2 packs of NB, and 1 pack of s size diapers to stand by for 1st mth... Tink i will go grab 1 more pack of Pampers NB.
morning ladies

Having BH almost every morning before i wake up at 7am....been like these since my 3rd trimester....once get it always think in labourward....

so heavy to lift up my legs to walk....today me now wk 32....next check up on 30apr....hopefully i can see my bb gender....still have not go shopping yet....

I dun swim so i dun tink i can re-use the swimming float.


Ya i had these cramps v often, almost daily but it improved when i wear socks. then recently this week occur again. dunno is it bec' of more strain on the legs or recently i didn't drink nutrisoy so not enuff calcium.

U have braxton hicks so often? My gynae said if too often better take medicine or else can cause early labour.

so we need a big pack of NB diapers?

Cos i only bot a small packet of NB diapers, i tot shd be enuff cos i expect my bb to be big size.
hi mummies,
regards abt diapers, my advise is not to buy too much cos different baby suits different brand of diapers. I remember using pampers newborn(provided by TMC) 1st then when my boy is a bit older(can wear size S) i bought a BIG pktof mamy poko thinking tat expensive means good... but after using 1-2 pcs my boy develop very bad nappy rash tat i have to stop n bring him to see PD.... there goes my mamy poko which i need to give away. During e full month celebration some friends also give diapers from different brand n to my surprised my boy can use Fitti which is so cheap n e material wasnt so good as compared to e other brand so i used it for him for a few months until i changed back to pampers brand. Recently i find tat diapers always got promotion so i dont thk is neccessary for us to stock up too many cos if ur baby cant adapt to e brand tat u buy then it will be very wasted.
agreed with Ellysia, i was given some medication for these BH lor..

tink hor, u bot the NB and s size rite? tink NB 1 pack to test out 1st lor, scare if bb too big, at least can wear s size...U bot MP s size hor?

true lor..
Ellysia, I think our doctors' advice regarding BH and medication varies. Cos throughout normal pregnancy, there is BH - just that only when our uterus is bigger, that we can feel them better and become aware of them. BH are practice contractions, and are not painful, and they go away with rest, change of position or walking around (if they occur during rest). BH don't alter the condition of our cervix and do not cause our cervix to dilate, so they don't cause premature labour in that sense. Some doctors worry that 1st time moms (esp) cannot tell the difference between BH and real contractions, so give moms medication to stop these BH/contractions in cause they are real contractions which alters the condition of the cervix and cause dilation. Hope this helps to clarify things, and hope Danryan isn't too anxious with the BH that she is experiencing. it's a good thing to experience BH often cos it means her body is preparing well for labour. BH is more often felt in subsequent pregnancies too (esp if previous pregnancies were normal delivery and not c-section), cos the body knows what to do already.
ya, newborn if bf will poo more often, and watery, so estimate 8-10 per day, so that means 240-300pcs for the 1st month, that means if 1 pack about 48 pcs, we need at least 6 packs, what i do is i get different brand since i am not sure which brand suits my new bb, and i heard they outgrow NB size very fast, i got a new mom in church, she has to switch to M size even b4 bb reach 3 months
actually in AMK, on top of the This Fashion, i think 3rd floor, there is a Sports Shop, not sure if still there or not

is ok, coz i love walking around pasar mlm oso. And i promise my ger will bring her there again for the small fun fair.

For disposable diaper w/o using cloth diaper, yes, you'll be using a lot especially if u BF. And if you BF, you bb poo poo tends to be more watery oso, so u might use lot of diaper plus wet tissue.
feifei, me can't pick myself to do any hsework now, simply too tired and lazy. My hb wash clothes, towels and dishes for me, the rest he will leave to the part-time cleaner who comes once a week.
thats fast hor, really depends on how fast our bbs grow lor..hmm...tink i won't stock up liao..if really not enough, then ask hb go buy lor...diff is afew dollars...

Me packing my hospital bag liao...seems like so many things to bring..hee
Is it ok to continue swimming at wk 33? I remember my gynae asking me to stop at a certain wk but I forget which wk liao..

TF, sorry wor.. I chk inbox n spam dun have leh...
Can invite again.. [email protected]
morning gals
Just an update.. the FP mobile have 2 in stock this morning.. so interested mummies go grab them quick!

Yes i bot MP S size and huggies NB size. but the NB pack is v small, i tink only 20 diapers inside.

So do u tink i need another NB pack?

I be using disposable diapers w/o cloth unless necessary.

I trying to squeeze things into my travel backpack which will be my hospital bag, dun want to carry too many things to hospital.
ya, can ask someone to buy if really not enough at that time

i get whenever i see sale, like the last time Jl having 15% off for diapers, got few packs, then wait n see if anymore sale

i will be 32 weeks this sunday, and havent pack my bag yet, dont noe what bag to bring, still thinking what clothes to bring for going home
morning all!

tho' it's friday, am feeling kind of blue cos my boss (whom has been a very nice and caring boss to work with the past 2 years) was suddenly asked to leave the company yesterday with immediate effect. in fact, i couldn't really sleep last night. feels really strange coming into office today and knowing he will no longer be around..

My doc recommended me to stop at 34th week, if I rem correctly. I am also still swimming as only in 31 weeks, find it very relaxing when in water cos so light.

thanks for the info on NB diapers. actually i bought 2 packs as advised by coll but was a bit worried it may be too much since i am using cloth diapers but based on Fennie's calculation, seems like 2 packs may be just nice.

Hmm.. tats not true according to wat i understand from my gynae. She said BH is harmless and not true labour. But if it is many times, it may cause early labour.
Feifei, Fennie, thanks for the info! I think it's a good idea to buy a couple of packs soon! Been putting it off for too long lah.. haha. lazy me!
Fennie, I also have not packed my bag!!
Am actually in the midst of writing out a list of things to pack in my bag cos so bored at work today!! :p
Hb suggested I should have the bag ready by 32 weeks, next week actually cos his colleague's wife delivered at 32 weeks.. so now he's scared!
although now i live in woodlands, i have live in AMK since P1, until 23yrs old when i got married, so have some memory of AMK still, still like the TIP TOP curry puffs, they increase price from $0.50 until now $1.10, recently i also went to the newly renovated hawker centre near the library for lunch, more table spaces now

think u have to have more babies, so that you can wear your maternity clothes to make it worthwhile, i bought suite alot nursing clothes now, that i think i should at least have 1 more baby to make use of the clothes, "bu she de"to give them away, i did give away my things after 1st pregnancy, and abit regret, cos lost most things in the process, even those things that i requested have them back after they have no more usage, sign...
yes, been having these BH oftenly....abt 5 to 6 times contraction....just take deep breath and rub my tummy to ease the pain....

from my last 2 normal deliveries felt these also. Get prepared and practice the breathing....i have read a book saying dat when we can have premature labour if u are in 7mths pregnancy while on 8mths u can't....

from my few previous check ups, doc said is a bb gerl, but on 30mar doc said not sure or can't be seen clearly(ambiguous). So have to wait for my next visit or wait till delivery....alamak

For clothes to wear when going home, just wear normal clothes right?

i maybe just grab one of my maternity pants and top to wear lor.. since figure won't go back so fast.
i also have not done the packing yet...just took out the bag and stuff in my maternity pad only hahahahha.....and bb booties & mittens...receiving blanket

Ya, normally on day of discharge u'll still look like about 3-4mths preggie, so normally will wore back our maternity cloth.
For me i'll prepare a long skirt coz i think in case bottom still got pain, wear skirt more easy.

Ya lor i spent so much liao.
Anyway i am stopping at 2 only, max lah. This is 1st one so count as investment.

I regretted bec' some of maternity clothes which i bot, either end up cannot wear or go back home dun like the design liao, they are new ones and i haven't wear them. i intend to sell them away in the forum soon since they are new. as for those which i wear before, i won't sell them.. cos i dun like to sell used stuff.

OIC, i dun have so many materity dresses to wear, maybe wear one of the 2 pieces which i bot yest. all my maternity wear are pants and tops.
me had not packed oso! hehe... coz mine EDD is end June, so i had been quite relaxing. But will start packing soon, coz i'm not just packing for myself, newborn bb but oso for my #1.
Btw, remember to bring ur hubby's jacket oso coz some hospital air con is extreme cool.

Morning, hope you feel better, so you have no idea why the company wants him to leave immediately?

U r welcome

i was worried also what if bb wants to come out anytime, so i think maybe i should get ready everything.my hb suggested making a photocopy of those documents and put 1 set at home, 1 set in office or in my handbag, as i dont noe where i will be by that time i need to deliver, but leave hospital bag at home, he can always drive home to pick it up if i need to be admitted, thank God, SG is not too big, to n fro less than an hour
