(2008/06) June 2008


Mog and Zuen, do take care yourself. Just eat well, rest well day by day and monitor your babies with Gynae, I am sure things will be fine with you both. TF as well.

Kelcqi, dun think too much of your IL problems. Just ren till you give birth and you shift into new flat. If can, try to avoid them or talk to them about decision matters only when your hb is around. My ILs are not so bad as yours, but sometimes, they (MIL & SIL) tend to tell me do this and that which I know not good for me, I will tell them I dunno, they better talk to my hb, that shut them both up, coz they never get what they want with him. But interms of my relationship with hb, he tends to side them more than me. Sometimes I also feel like going for couselling coz he is really MCP and always scolding me although he is a very good family man. Maybe I may contact you for your cousellor's contacts one of these days.

Felicia, sorry, yesterday was quite biz, nowadays biz with training and partial hand over job to new gal. Still yet to touch on my impt accounts to be passed to her, headache. Anyway, you mentioned about getting clarins firming cream/gel for your last pre natal massage rite? can the firming product be use now we are still preggie? I thought if you want to get the oil just for the massage and dun mind, I can share with you (of coz also share cost lar). But if can use the firming product, that will be best, coz can also keep for future usage.

Hmm.. must continue to stay positive and happy. Caress your tummy wif your heart, baby will feel your love, that's the power of mommy.

Since yr hubby nt emotionally drain by MIL, then nt so bad. So u just stay out n if your MIL make a scene, u act bo chap. Looks like she just wnt attention or testing for attention. So in long run, if no one response to it, she can gv up liao. I also feel u shd take care of your baby n nt leave to MIL since she once didnt like the ideal of u having a baby. Dun let your child grow up in your MIL environment cos might affect smtx lead to child behaviour disorder. Think of the future for your own family. No point do sthg to prove your MIL cant cope at the expense of your daughter's future.

Glad to see good news on yr bb


Dun worry too much on the news, have a good rest and calm yrself.

Yr gynae is also Dr Wong?

Felicia and Veniz,

Yesterday i went to Sasa to buy the extra firming lotion. It cost $83, original price is $97. Salesgal told me not to use the firming lotion during pregnancy, can only use after pregnancy. But she said the body treatment oil which we use for stretchmarks can be used during pregnancy and even after pregnancy to maintain the elasticity of our skin.
Hi Mogudog and Zuen
I'm sorry to hear about your cases. Dun worry so much k.. our little ones, if taken out now, have a very very high chance of survival, just that need NICU. If they are not growing well inside, it might make more sense to let them grow big and strong outside. All will be fine and do not worry... we will all be praying for them

hi TF
Glad to hear about your good news. Our father is good

hi Kelcqi
Yes, you should just ignore your MIL. So unreasonable. And now she is fighting to take care of baby? Prob so she can claim more household allowance from your hubby? Maybe claim buy tonics etc for bb but sekali all end up in her pocket. From the way you put it, she cannot even take care of herself, dun even say take care of your baby. Guess it's best if let your parents take care of your baby.

Hope yr couple rs can be improved after u 2 move out of the house. Staying together will cause more conflicts. When is yr new house ready?

The counsellor say is correct lor. It is not worth sacrificing yr couple rs over yr MIL. Some old folks just feel jealous when their son get married and tat kind of thinking.

I think i may have told u abt my mum last time how she get bullied by her MIL, i.e. my paternal grandparents. My mum also moved out with my dad after the bad rs and several conflicts. After moving out is better ored. Got a time, I was taken care by my paternal grandparents. I can still remember my grandma and my aunt bullied me and keep asking me whether my mum got any secrets and whether she got tok bad on them or not. I was so phobia of them that i tell my mum i dun want to go over to their house liao.

So i tink if the grandparents dun like the DIL, sometimes it could be possible they won't really dote on the grandkids too. They can pretend to be good in front but behind, u dunno wat they do.

But of course there are exceptions lah.. but if u dun feel safe, see wat alternative arrangements u can do.

My parents also quarrelled many times over the years over MIL issues, at some time also near to divorce. My dad also scared to speak up at times. But he get better over the years. Now he think back and really regret tat he didn't take the matter in control that time. We are so bad in rs with our paternal side tat my wedding we never invite any of our paternal relatives.

No, i'm goin to get the clarin firming for post natal massage not pre-natal. I'm not too sure if we can use firming oil during preggie but i think better not.
Anyhow, i'll use Aunty Su oil for this pre natal massage as my appointment is this Sat and i had no time to buy the clarin oil for stretchmark (Mor is using it for pre natal massage)to be use for this last pre natal massage.
Btw, i think is Tera saying that she brought the clarins oil at Ocean , chinatown at $50+, quite cheap leh.
Ya, have you ctc Aunty Su?
For clarins oil, I heard tat there are fakes around. So better to buy from reputable stores.

Firming lotion dun use during pregnancy. sales gal ored told me cannot use during pregnancy.
Hi gers,
Thanks for your encouragement. I feel like a walking zombie. My boss is out for seminar in the morning. So I can only break the news to her when she is back. I wonder how she will take it.. -.o"
Now, my mind is largely on the bb. Wat else I need to buy, when to schedule for delivery of drawer, what to prepare, etc. The realisation that bb ZuEn will be here soon oso dawned on hb yday. All of a sudden, like many things to prepare. The bb room is still in a mess and the bb cot that I bought is still out of stock. Faint..

I dun think so wor. If rest is crucial, I think my doc woukd have given me MC, but he didnt leh. Maybe my doc has seen many other complications liao. When he talked to us yday on the next course of action, he was still smiling away, as if this is every other day occurence.

Hb and I had been talking to bb everyday, telling her to jia you and eat more. We oso prayed for her frequently. Ya, hopefully she will feel our love for her.

I am not so worried about her survival. Like you say, she has good chances if she comes out now and the doc is trying to keep her until week 34 ~ 35. Just that it will really pain us to see her so small and have to place inside NICU with all the tubes and stuff and she cannot go home with us. Sob. I noe God will protect her and deliver His promises. We have come so far. Bb ZuEn also has many prayer warriors behind her.
Re: Clarins oil
Is it call firimg lotion or toning lotion? I went SaSa at JP yday and the lotion was out of stock. The sales was telling me that it is toning lotion and will order it in for me. Is it the same thing?
Morning Ladies

Zuen & Felicia
Be brave to face all these....hope both of u and the lil ones are fine.

While walking from mrt stn to office....felt a few throbbing which on and off....have to stop walking for a while before continue walking to office....so worried now coz now my tummy looks so down already....my aunt said yesterday
Mogudog & ZuEn,

my bb was underweight when i saw my gynae at week 29. he told me to eat more n rest more. then I fell ill and went to see my GP.

I told my GP abt my bb's weight. My GP told me that the bb could be not absorbing enough nutrients from me coz blood flow may not be very good. something like that. he say by eating food which has high sugar content such as durian may help to improve the blood flow. not sure how true. nevertheless, i went to eat durian last weekend... this fri going to see gynae again. see what the gynae says....
thanks for all the encouragement and concern. Now, all i can do is just praying hard my bb will gained more weight on my next week gynae's visit.
Felicia, I contacted her, she said sorry, can't make it next Thurs, morever, she heard my location, she confirmed cannot. So now I am thinking, should I look for another massage lady to come by, use one of my massage package from Rustic Nirvana or just let it be.

Haiz, I also have to think this Sat how to go see my gynae with my son. My hubby last min got to go sch, so I have to take son out there alone.

Kelcqi, forget tell you, when I sit down in office for too long, hips will feel sore and pain.

Danryan, do be careful, rest a while before moving on to office. Last week while at IMM doing errands for co, I felt dizzy, almost fainted, luckily held on to a side wall.
Saw this in clarins website. Pls share your opinion which one shld we get for firming after delivery?

1) Xtra firming body care
Skin-firming benefits in an irresistible velvety cream
Extra-Firming Body Care is the first age-control cream for the body which reconciles the irreconcilable: firmness, extreme comfort and effectiveness in a rich, replenishing non-oily cream, bathing the skin in softness.

Beauty Benefits :
-Intensively firms and replenishes the skin thanks to exceptional active ingredients. The body is firmer and the skin more toned and elastic. Wrinkles and slackening are visibly reduced.
-Nourishes, moisturizes and brings an instant sensation of the cream. The skin is soft and satin-smooth.
-Draining action, to optimize the effectiveness of the cream. The body relaxes and feelings of tiredness disappear. The skin is supple and rested.

2) Anti Eau Body Treatment oil
Intensive care to relieve "heavy" feeling legs.
Made from 100 % natural plant extracts and aromatic essential oils, "Anti-Eau" Oil is effective in helping reduce the appearance of "sponginess" and promoting more refined, lighter-feeling legs.

Beauty Benefits :
- Firms tissues and helps avoid a "spongy" appearance. - Stimulates and accelerates cellular exchanges, relieves "heavy" feeling legs. - Tones and leaves skin satin-soft.

Then maybe you can ctc another massage lady in this case. If you really wanna do pre-natal massage better be fast as we are not advise to do any massage when we reached 8mths.

Any family member can help you to take care of your son when you go for gynae's visit? Coz it'll be quite 'ma fan' to bring a kid to gynae's visit leh. If i were to bring my ger alone to visit gynae, i think i'll 'peng'.
Felicia, think have to really go counter and ask liao, i think will be better. In fact, if any of you have friends working in changi airport, the staff discount there is good. I mean, as long as anyone is working in airport's any retail shops or air stewardesses/stewards, they may be able to get at their staff discount rate.

I used to work there when young, and got my perm colleague to loan me their staff discount and got for my cousin. She claimed worth getting and cheaper than inland counters/shops.
sorry i didn't mention where i felt the throbbing...at my V part...down there lor....

me too will feel the same pain if sit too long
Hi Felicia, I think you came across the same website as I - that website about obsolete and new faceplates with the designs right? I think the newest design face plate has been in use since some time in 2006 to now.. so far no replacement, so I think it should be okay, but then again, maybe it's a only time can tell issue.

Kelcqi, if I were in your shoes, I'd quit from my job and look after bb myself in my mom's home. After all, it appears that most of your hb's $ goes towards your PILs' expenses and their home. No point in you working hard to earn $ right? If your MIL is so traditional in thinking, I would say she just wants to look after your bb not to lose face, but it doesn't mean she will be willing to look after your bb the way you want her to. To save yourself heartache and anger and possibly your bb turning against you (caused by your MIL), you may want to consider looking after your bb yourself.

TF, good to know your bb is doing fine. I'm sure you feel safe in expert hands.

ZuEn, try to stay positive. Know it's not easy and you're probably very worried about your bb, but do try to relax as much as possible. I hope good news comes your way during the next scan.
wat u gals are experiencing, i had tat same pain few weeks back...but mine's on the left ribcage...my gynae says its normal as the tummy is expanding due to the bb growth...
plus he says there's more to come...aiyo i cannot imagine man..

i can only sleep on my back to ease the pain...sleeping on both sides will bring more pain...sigh!
Ha ha, Danryan, I thought where throbbing. If I walk for about 1hr, down there will throb too. Also, if I am going for major biz in toilet, I don't dare to push too hard nowadays, coz scare later affect the different place to push.

Felicia, maybe I dun do prenatal lar. I can arrange to run other errands and then rest at home. About my son, actually, its quite easy to take him out, but then I am afraid when in consultation room, nobody is there to guide him to see the scan. Maybe I check if nurse is able to help or not. In fact, when he is out with me, he knows I am the boss, if he make noises or disobeys me, he will get scolding from me (coz I dun give him face in public, haha). See how, most probably get a friend to join me there, coz relatives, they are all not free to assist.
Morning ladies..

Take care gers...Be strong ya, ur little ones need u now....sayang them and tell them that mummy n daddy loves them, ask them to be strong too..

Dun panick ya, just start to prepare now..do those priority things 1st lor...but tell urself, its going ot be fine...Jaiyou ladies! We will be here for u de..
morning gers,
hasnt logged in for a while since hb is back from taiwan....been busy looking after him cos he was down wif viral fever n thereafter busy wif little gwen's growth. went for my 31st wk bi-wkly scan last sat n gynae noted tat bb gwen is slightly underwtg @ 1.6kg. she had ordered for us to go thru a growth scan in the upcoming wk cos of the sudden slow down in growth spurt. bb gwen was 1.25kg @ wk 27 (considered overwtg then). been kinda of down actually after hearing tis news cos bb gwen will be out in 4.5wks time n there isnt much time to beef her up. apparently the scan is to ensure tat blood flow n placenta etc are all in rite place for her to rcv the needed nutrients. the last thing hb n me need is for bb gwen to be warded in NICU due to low birth wtg..... suddenly realise tat there is so little time left...haiz...
For your case if baby has nt gain enuf weight, would you nt wnt to delay your c-sect, afterall its was an intention n human intervention initially?
Betw the 2 firming oil, i will suggest the Anti-Eau cos for massage, better to use oil than cream. Cream is usu use for selected spots, whereas oil for who body more economical. And ya, if u can get from Airport, its ard $64 w/o staff disc yet. My hubby usu travel if u really nd him to get unless u nt urgent.
to top all these off, one of my darling hammy passed away due to old age...was so sad tat i cried for days & also having dreams of my dear hammy still alive. hb had since helped me to bury it below our void deck n i still visit his burial site daily but i still missed him so badly...so much bad things happened lately....
initially the c-sec was wif intention but gynae has noted tat my pelvic would be too narrow for natural birth as bb gwen's head is kinda big. she would not mind me trying natural (in fact she is pro-natural delivery) but has asked me to be mentally prepared tat it may also result in last min emergency c-sec...hence to avoid the double pain & double cost incurred, we opt to go ahead wif intention c-sec.
ZuEn, yes, we must have faith that our little one will be fine. We have come so far already, now is the final stage of the marathon, we must jia you. Like you, I have to monitor the fetal movements, if no movement also have to rush to A&E. My gynae haven't tell me whether to take her out via C-sec or not, it all depends on the scan I am going later in the afternoon. We'll pray together that our little one will be alright.

TF, your little one is one miracle through God's hard work. Don't give up, continue to have faith and leave everything to Him. Your little one will be fine
Cos when i went to see our Database, at week 31 wif baby weight 1.6kg, consider normal. Just that your brought forward the C-sect cos your gynae nt available later. So u may think baby got 4.5wks left to put on weight. Whereas baby gain weight very fast at later stage. So if u think in 4.5 weeks time, bb still have nt reach 2kg n beyond, u might wnt to delay c-sect, so he can absorb most of yr nutrients while still inside.
Veniz, roxy, thanks for the encouragement too !

Ellysia, yes Dr Wong from ACJ. I need to go to Level 4 to do the detail scan later at then see her at the clinic.
I'm in the library nw at the children's session. Wow, i didnt knw there are so many grandparents spending time reading to children in the library nowadays.
I'm in the library nw at the children's session. Wow, i didnt knw there are so many grandparents spending time reading to children in the library nowadays.
Ya, suppose we had read the same web page. Therefore i'm quite confident the batch sold currently at KKH shld be those above Yr2006.

Thanks for your offer. Well, my hubby's bro is coming back from germany during May, so i can ask him help me to buy fr airport, so dont had to trouble you. So, i think i'll be getting the Anti Eau then.
TF, these days kids are very lucky.. during our time, very limited books at the library. I used to tell my mom to bring me to a different library cos I had read all the books there.... I find Bishan lib very good. which lib are you at now?
I'm in the library nw at the children's session. Wow, i didnt knw there are so many grandparents spending time reading to children in the library nowadays.
aiyo, kp doing repeated posting.
I'm at Bedok cos today our district area has no Starhub network. So came here to use the wireless.sg. Then can talk to u gals..keke. Bedok parenting books are so limited. Children one aplenty n nw i'm sitting on one of the children small mini child n table..haha..cos they renovated until very children friendly.
Re Clarins

Zu En,

The one out of stock is Clarins treatment oil - for pregnancy and prevention of stretch marks.

The one i purchase is extra firming lotion - for firming of skin after delivery.

Salesgal say if use above 2 items together after delivery, results will improve better.


I did not see the other item at sasa yesterday. The salesgal say the extra firming lotion is more applicable to firm skin after delivery.
Hi to all June mummies!

Saw ur post on buffet. The restaurant at Coronation Plaza that cater buffet is called Miaoyi and they have buffet at $9 & $12.
Mog, you are welcome.

Ellysia, ya, the sales gal also told me use two together will show better results during the birth of my first child.

TF, I went to Jurong East library, the children section quite big, but sometimes some parents and the children missuse the library area for them. They treat the place like nursery room.
Crystal, please dun feel sad. Sometimes, things do happened together one.

I have a friend, her dad was diagnosed with last stage cancer that time, any days can pass away, then her doggie, sick until cannot move, that same day vet broke news to her, she cried and let her dog slept. At that time, she was preg, she didn't know, and went into those X-Ray room with her dad for his sort of last X-Ray, and this affected her preg, thus baby no heartbeat, got to abort. Thus it was like triple blow to her, and due to this matter, a year later, hb divorced with her.

when is yr appt today? i am going to see dr wong later.

The scan tat u need to go through shd be the one i gone through before, just 3 weeks ago. It at the same place where we go for detailed scan, procedure also roughly the same.

The report will be out immediately after scan and they will give dr wong a call, then dr wong will also explain the report. dun worry.
I am always very hestitate about the durian thingy cos I half suspect that my bb's poor growth is link to my high BP. I am worried that after all the durian, my bb still never grow much, yet I get diabetes. Now, I feel abit desperate, duno if I should go and try.

Thanks. I just keep encouraging myself that bb will have high survival rates even if she comes out now. Even if we have to incur hefty medical bills, at least $$ can be earned back. Bb nursed back to health is the most important.

crystal, mog,
Is the test that you are scheduled for called the doppler ultrasound scan? I am scheduled for that on 22 Apr. All slots before that had been fully taken up. Btw, are you all thinking of switching to govt hospitals as subsidized patients if bb really low birth weight and needs NICU? The cost will be very high. My doc mentioned that it might be $60k for 1-month stay. Thus, I am hoping that bb ZuEn will gain as much weight as possible and stay as short in NICU as possible. I was targeting 2kg de. Now, if she reach 1.5kg, I already happy liao.
Wat you described sound like some taiwanese drama. Aiyo.. I hope she is okie. Hb oso keep telling me that this is part & parcel of life. We are at this stage liao. Nothing we can do but to face the challenges as they come. I was talking to my mum just now. The more I talk, the more upset I get. But at least I noe I have many people who really care for me & bb. Hehe.
Zu En,

I dun tink gestational diabetes is caused by food taken during pregnancy. it is bec own body cannot provide enuff insulin. But people with gestational diabetes have to control sugar intake bec' their insulin is nt enuff to dissolve the sugar, and thus they cannot add extra load to body. This is wat i understand from reading up lah.

But durian do have high cholestral level.
ZuEn, the ultrasound scan is a follow-up growth with full doppler (done after 28 weeks), according to the paper from my gynae's clinic. If the costs is really high, I might considering switching coz no choice. If our little one can reach 2kg at birth, then at least not too bad.
ZuEn, if you have gestational diabetes, eating food high in sugar can make it worse/out of control. Some mothers may have borderline diabetes and eating food high in sugar could make it more apparent. that's why some people commonly say eat sweet things = get diabetes although that is wrong. Ellysia is right. But during preg, we should try to keep away from food high in sugar. For bb's sake, we should eat food high in protein, and lower in fat and sugar.
Eventually, eat everything in moderation.

You're doing great by encouraging yourself and thinking positive. But yes... NICU fees are not cheap, even for a private class patient in govt hosp. I believe if bb hits 2kg, and if no othe rmedical probs, no need to stay in NICU...

hi gers,
just had some time to catch up on a number of pages of posts since tis am after i posted. after reading thru, then i realise tat mine bb's wtg is not so tarok after all cos i tot mine was the oni case of sudden underwtg n ve to go for another rd of scan on the placanta. dun get me wrong, i m not happy abt it but jus tat i dun feel so alone after all...

let's all "jia-you" for our bbs & i m sure all of them would come out safe & sound & of course...healthy!!! hb n me ve been toking to ours since the scan last wk too to ask her to "jia-you" & eat more...

if it makes yur hb feels any better abt him staying over at yur parents' plc for confinement rather than his parents' plc. can tell him to quote to yur PILs tat my own SIL & her hb + 2 kids & maid all stay at my ILs place (wife's parents) for 8 yrs already. my SIL's hb face also very thick wat cos they ve their own hse but dun wan to stay there n even now (after hb & i wed), they wan to take over hb's bedrm at my ILs' place. it is oni hb who dun let them....isnt tat worst? + my ILs ve to finance the maid n the daily living expenses for their family hor...my SIL & her hb all wking somehow, total income amts to $7-8K mthly...

hugs hugs abt the ILs issues u had been facing. yes, i still recalled the incident abt yur BIL & his gf dirtying yur bed, etc...yur ILs are reai the ultimate & i saluate u for being able to bear wif it till now. i sure gone haywired if i were in yur shoes...my prayers r wif u dear gal...
