(2008/06) June 2008

Regarding the medela pic in this link
The 1st picture, i didnt see it at KKH. for the 2nd picture (backpack) tat's at $669 and the 4th pic (Metro bag), tat's at $699.

I added u in yahoo liao

Nt tat the barley will baby smooth skin, I think its more the Fu Zhou (bean curd skin) tat make baby smooth skin. So remember to put the Fu Zhou.

I was looking bak First Few Years website now and realised the $549 got let down button (was stated in their website). So, the sales lady really make me confuse caused she said the diff b/t $549 and $669 is the letdown button. I think i better call up the Toh Guan office for a check.
Btw, any idea wat time First few years close during weekday?

think romper easier to carry bb, if not, shirt will move abt when carry bb

dont think will bring pump as i intend to let bb latch on immediately after delivery hopefully, then if i dont have the pump, have to force myself to try my best to feed bb directly, no excuse
The website for older model with feature description is here http://www.breast-pumps.org/Medela-Advanced-Pump-In-Style-Breast-Pumps-s/54.htm

The new model, u read the Hackley website.
Yes, both of let down button. But the qn is if u stop halfway, u have to restart again for old model. Whereas new one no need. Sthg let that. Which u describe well this morning. I dun knw their closing hours. Salesgirl nt helpful cos only 1 staff, tat y she alittle impatient if have to explain on phone, n yet handle the register counter n enquiry. Poor thing. but she tried her best tis morning. Toh Guan may be able to gv better explain.

Thks for the link.
I shall called up the shop to enquiry their closing time if i were to go down on weekday, coz i asked them on weekend closing time only. Sat they will close at 6.30pm.
But really thks for ur 'live' help, coz at least can get better pic for the 2 diff package deal. I think their website does not had the backpack which sold at $669.
Oic. Tera is going down Paragon branch. Not yet rec' her sms. So, she's goin to get her pump?
Anyhow, i think most probly i will go to KKH this week oso.

I consider to bring 1 bumper and 1 t-shirt/pants for bb discharge from hospital wear. Since in case romper cannot wear, t-shirt and pants shd fit in.
Hi TinyFeet, Felicia, yes, I think mine is the 2008 model. Just asked my hb. He recalls seeing a sticker... I don't mind if mine is not 2008 model actually lah, but must not have face plate problem loh... mine confirmed dun have cos I did compare the design with the links previously provided. Think I had a protracted discussion with Ellysia about this too last time. What ISetan said also is this is the new model with more comfortable shields which was previuosly only seen in Swing/Harmony (can't remember which one).

Me oso dont mind the model year, but if is 2008 quite confirm wont faced the faceplate issue, but if is 2007 might need to consider. My main worry oso on the face plate problem. Will try to study the previous link tonite to understand more.

I tink the picture u posted shows tat the latest model, the motor is able to take out in a small bag. Is tat correct?
Ellysia, if I'm not wrong, all the motors of the pIS models can be removed from the small bag... The major difference which we can perceive is really the faceplate design.
Hello mummies, been MIA for a while since my office start renovating, was busy with packing and unpacking, people shifting up and down. So now office work finally more or less settled down.
Have a bit distressing news, my last checkup on Friday shows that baby not growing very well, worst her heartbeat was a bit not ideal, hence my gynae gotta strap me on CTG and monitor 30 mins. Tomorrow gotta go back and do detail scan one more time coz gynae afraid the blood vessels is blocked or something, hence my poor ger is not absorbing enough, so worrying.
Re : Clarins Oil

I bought mine at Ocean (Chinatown level 3) for $50+ if I remembered correctly. Those interested can go there and buy, think will be cheaper than dept store.
gah, this medela pump thing is really confusing !
i'm very sure the lady told me over the phone that kk's $549 back pack pump is the 2007 model ...
Mogudog : oh dear, is there anything Gynae can do to improve baby's growth ? Cld it be the stress due to office relocating ??
PLs do take care !!
Hi Ladies,

Recently i keep encounter pain below my breast? anybody encounter such pain? But if i really sit straight, i feel better.
K Ong, I also not sure, that's why gynae want me to do another detail scan, scheduled tomorrow. So I will only know tomorrow. Not sure whether busy or stress but gynae gave me 3 days hosp. leave to rest and not to walk about. Haizzz ...

Is sad to heard such news.
Btw, you still involved in the office shifting? Is better to get ur collegues' help, dont do it urself, since you're oredy in 3rd trimester.
Hopefully tomolo check up, will hear good news from you. Rest well.

K Ong,
ABout the pump, when i called yest, the lady told me she din know the year of manufactured. Then today when TF was there, she pass her phone to the lady there to talked with me. Again, this lady said she's not able to tell the year oso coz box does not stated it. But as wat cactus said, the faceplate issue most probly happened on yr 2006 and before.
So, u plan to get the pump?

Yes, i had the pain below breast but normally is one side, on my right breast. At nite i cannot sleep on my rite oso, as the pain will come back and sometime can feel numbness below the right breast.

Leaking of little milk is normal especially when u r in 3rd trimester. Dont worry about it.
my 1st pregnancy i was detected the blood flow resistance problem. scare baby dun absorb nutrients from me, so i was prescribed with baby asprin by gynae. after taking that for a few weeks, got improvement. dunno your case same as mine?
TF and Felicia,
Hihi, was on training today and will be again tomorrow. Wanted to go down to paragon after my course ended at 5.30pm but it was raining cats and dogs! Haiz.
Then now I see roxy's email on shipping from US also quite good cos almost half-price, of course only thing is no warranty. If I do go down to paragaon tmr, Felicia, I'll sms u.

Keep us posted on how the scan goes ok? till the results are clearer, try to stay positive ok. Keep talking to bb to stay strong as well!
Shinely/ Felicia
Ya, mine also the right rib under the breast. Esp when slp on right. I guess our baby growing bigger n fighting for space wif our big liver tat squeeze our ribs

Nt so much as leak, just whitish paste at nipple tip or tiny white drop around it areolas. How do we tell which shop sell the real Clarins oil, or are there those diluted fake ones like parfume?
Keep us posted on your baby. Dun tink so much, stay positive.
Felicia, I did involve a bit coz was packing and unpacking my stuff, moving of phone, laptops etc but it was over now. Now resting at home coz gynae gave me 3 days hosp. leave. Will keep you all posted after my checkup tomorrow.

Luz, I also not sure whether is it blood flow resistance problem, I will know after my detail scan.
Tera, TF, thanks a lot. I am staying positive, baby already coming 31 weeks, I'm sure she'll be fine. I will you all posted after my checkup tomorrow.
Medela PIS Advance 2007 vs 2008:
I think i catch wat the difference could be from the website features. For the same Backpack example:
1) 2 phase - All Advanced model has 2 phase compare to Original which do nt.
"Medela markets them as an even better version of their Original Pump In Style breastpump because of the 2 Phase Expression Technology. The development of the Advanced Shoulderbag and Backpack models incorporated this new technology and some other suggestions from pumping mothers."

2) Toggle betwn 1st phase n 2nd phase
2007 model: With an Advanced breastpump, there are 2 phase of pumping. The first phase is known as the let-down phase. During the let-down phase, the breastpump pumps at a very rapid speed but at a low vacuum level. During this phase, a mother has no control over vacuum or speed. Once th 1st phase is over (after 2 minutes or when the pumping mother overrides it using the let-down button) the pump goes to the 2nd phase of pumping known as the expression phase. It is during the 2nd phase of pumping that a mother can adjust speed and vacuum levels for her own comfort. What concerns us is the inability for a pumping mother to adjust the pump during the first phase of pumping.

So the Advance was a disadvantage over Original in all their 2007 model cos "We actually prefer the Original Pump In Style model over the Advanced models as it is less expensive AND it offers more pumping control for the mother using the pump at all times. A mother can simply start pumping at a fast pace and low vacuum and when her milk lets down slow down the pace and increase the vacuum."

2008 model:
• Improved! 2 Phase Expression
- Allows mom to toggle back & forth from stimulation to expression
- Gentler transition between phases

So for 2008, they improve on 2 phase n at same time overcome the ability nw to toggle betwn 2 phases (which Original can do), so like an improvement of wif combination of Advance 2007 + Original feature.

3) Other misc features like its lighter for 08 than 07.

The above is to differentiate 07 n 08. However, it also states the below which I'm not sure if 07 or 08 model has overcome:

Last but not least, the Advanced Pump in Style Shoulderbag and Backpack models have had and continue to have numerous faceplate issues. Medela has redesigned the faceplate 4 times since the Advanced was introduced. Early on the faceplate would not stay secure. The compromised vacuum seal resulted in mothers experiencing a partial or total loss of suction. In addition to not staying securely in place, the faceplate may crack around the holes where tubing is inserted - again, causing a loss of vacuum either partially or completely. The faceplate may also crack in other areas as well. Any cracks can contribute to lack of functionality.

WARNING ABOUT ALL PUMP IN STYLE MODELS: An issue with all the Medela Pump In Style models - regardless of which one...is the power cord. It has a heavy square "block" style plug that fits into the elctrical outlet. The cord that extends from there is very thin (fine). Many mothers find that they need to replace the power cord once, twice or even more over the life of the pump. DO NOT PULL ON THE CORD to unplug the pump or you'll go through power cords OFTEN. Tripping over it while it is plugged in is also another very common reason the cord may need to be replaced.

Hope this helps.
Felicia, nw left to verify wif the Toh Guan distributor and maybe the full picture is out.

So if faceplate is nt resolved, whether 07 or 08 model, no diff. Only diff on the toggle, lighter n maybe powercord for 08.

Do keep us updated k? Really hope everything goes well for you.

Anyone of you had Hips pain, Knees pain? All these pain seem to take place on the rite side. Wondering if it's the baby's weight or wat. Really feeling so "xin ku"

Roxy, I used to quarrel alot wif hubby cos of my PILs, to the stage of almost divorce le. He told me he can't change his parents, so the only way to make me happy is to let me go. We went counselling after I got depression from all the ordeals with my in laws, what the counselor said makes sense. She said it's not worth losing our marriage over his parents. She told hubby off of cos, said he's not supportive enough, that's why his parents can climb over my head. And told him he must speak up for me. Which he did nowadays, but MIL angry loh. She ended up giving me black face and slamming the doors to show her anger to me when hubby speaks up. But I act blur also. She slam let her slam loh. Just lock myself inside the room n don't see her. She don't tok to me she lose out only, cos I'm e one who always tell my hubby to tabao dinner, or her fav food for her, or drive her out to eat. She don't talk to me, so she gets nothing loh. Cry over no dinner also no use. Today my FIL even had to tabao dinner home for her to eat, but she lucky cos FIL happens to be ard, if he is not, den she just wait till 1 am for her dinner loh. Keke... I'm lazy to try to please her anymore. Last time she angry I still try to pacify her, nowadays, I let her boil in her own anger liao.

Catcus, Ellysia,

My mum refused to give up her job to look after my baby for me. In fact, hubby's first choice also let my mum take care cos of her health condition and her track record of nursing poor health back to normal. So no choice have to let MIL take care, which she wanted also.

I find it so weird, at first want me to abort, n don't even wanna give baby good health by depriving me from tonics. Now fighting to take care, that's why I wonder if she got motives behind her actions or not.
Ya, regardless of what the outcome. Still stay positive n regain better energy now.

Was busy wif Medela comparison so have nt update u gals on my baby condition after my KK visit today.

My today's visit was to the Children Cardiac Center to scan the baby heart. This same Prof who did the scan was the Prof i 1st visited at Mt E when refer privately. Paid $300 for just the scan.

After I transferred myself to KK, the same Prof is charged to me at $90++ for the scan on my 1st KK visit and today's visit is FOC. Tat's the diff being subsidize
Its like a coke in different place has different value.

Miracles does work in some way.
Initial detailed scans showed the Fallot problem in heart (a 4-in-1 problem). The 4 problem usually are:
1) Hole at center Ventricle
2) Overriding Aorta (Aorta overlapping) 50%
3) Narrower Pulmonary Artery (PA) leading to lungs due to over riding
4) Thickening of heart wall

At my week 19 and week 20 scan, baby had problem 1,2 n 3. 4 usu is later stage if the heart work too hard. Today at going week 30. The cardiologist found that #3 is no longer a problem cos the PA is growing normal n good size. Which means baby lungs will not collapse aft birth, which is wat we fear. Also #2 has reduced 30%-50% overriding instead of initial 50% overriding.

So doc may not even think its a Fallot case, if its just the hole at the ventricle. Half of our worries are nw gone n really praise the Lord. Really almost every nite talking to my baby to show his best in his heart performance n pray for him. We still continue to give hope tat he will fully recover on the hole though Prof say is nt possible.

Nevertheless, we are very happy over wat it initially was tho' surgery will still be needed aft his birth just for the hole problem, rather PA to lungs problem.

Thank you all your wishes n prayers over the last 11 weeks for our little boy.
Love ya
hmm.. seems like your MIL cycle will be going on n off every now n then cos she'll always use her "psychological blackmail". If really, your hubby is just tahan her cos waiting for hse and there wun be any such problem, then maybe ren.

However, if really even your hse come, n your MIL still use the blackmail on your hubby causing him stress, maybe time to get your hubby to address it wif her mum on her attitude. There must be lots of insecurity in your MIL (base on her action n words) tat she assume your hubby next time Ban Bu Dao for her. But actually all these are her own created fears, leading to these behaviours today. Maybe get your hubby to ask her wif all her behaviours, wat really is going inside her thinking. If they are redundant n your hubby has been providing already, then can she stop all her nonsense n give everyone peace, including herself. Else if she continue to go thru this vicious cycle, yet actually there's no problem over your hubby treating her, then if one day your hubby give up on her, she can't blame him. Think tolerance has a limit. And your hubby may burst one day too, though wif u try to stay out of picture from now on. Just that maybe he dun address it out yet. Least yr hubby state to her clearly every Cause has an Effect (Yin and Guo). Just dun wnt to see both of u keep suffering emotionally ya. Take care n have a listening ear as much for your hubby too n see hw u both can resolve this for benefit of your coming new family. Dun let him stress on his own.
Any mamas here using the LeapFrog educational set for your child? Is it good? Some negative feedback is some pronounciation may nt be accurate due to the sound. Yet seems LeapFrog spree is going well.

Hmm, really pray your baby will be ok. I have friends who are born with hole in their heart also. But with careful care and no extensive exercise, they should be able to lead a normal life. Admire your courage to go through all these. I must also pray my baby is fine, else, my in laws will have it over my head and started saying to hubby "See, that time you two should really abort the baby."

TF, actually my MIL's blackmail not only to hubby and me wor. My FIL also. But don't work on my BIL cos BIL can't be bothered talking to her. So she can cry and do whatever, my BIL will just go out of the house. Haha...

Actually hubby only stress over financially only. Her blackmail blackfire on hubby before, she threaten suicide, hubby pulled her to the window and tell her to jump loh. Now is because there's me ard, she finds fault with me, then make me angry so I complain to hubby, then we quarrel loh. Yet she knows her statues surely more stable than me in hubby's eye cos she's the mother. She last time always tell hubby, mother only have 1, wife can be replaced. So hubby also believe in that loh.

So after so many rounds of quarrel, I learn the smart way. Act blur and let her say. I angry, I bitch abt her somewhere. Don't let hubby feel trapped in between can liao. Hubby shouldn't be that stupid to believe his mum's nonsense all the way lah. If he really that stupid, I tell the counselor and let him get scolded loh. Haha... I open mouth no use one, cos my MIL's nonsense always being supported by my FIL. So no matter what I said, no strength in this house one.
Morning ladies!

gain, i'm the 1st early bird. haha....

TF, thanks for your info. In fact yesterday nite i study thru the 2 weblink you provided during March. And one of the web link, i found the info quite useful and realised after Yr2006, they had been improving on the faceplate. And the accessories part in fact got show old and new improve faceplate. So, it'll be quite safe to buy those manufactured after Yr2006, so basically i believe the set sold in KKH shld be ok.

Now, the only prob like wat you said whether Medela really had the faceplate improved or not. If not even the bathc of 2007 and 2008 oso will be affected. So, now can only count on luck.
Shinely/ TF,

Is quite funny why all of us encounter the pain on right side only. Sometimes when i sit too long on my desk during office hour, i'll feel the pain at below right breast oso. But so far had not check with my gynae. So, Shinely, maybe aft you check with ur gynae, do inform us the reason, okie?

I havent got my Leapfrog set, so cant comment. But i saw the spree is moving real fast, tats why when i saw a mummy staying near my place organise the spree, i oso brought a set plus some books. Juz hopefully is useful.
Hi gers,
Good morning. Some bad news to share too..
I went for my apptm last night. Little ZuEn is still not growing well. She's only about 1kg at week 30 when the min should be about 1.4kg. We are gg for an ultrascan in 2 weeks time to monitor blood flow (I think what Mog is gg thru). My doc will closely monitor us and make a judgement call on when to take her out via C-sect. He said that he hoped to keep her inside until week 34 ~ 35. By then, she will still be pre-matured and low birth weight but better off than keeping her inside with no growth. She will need the NICU but doc predicted about 7 to 10 days if she's out at week 34 ~ 35. My heart is now rock heavy. Was super upset yday and somehow blamed myself for causing this to happen to her. Hb had been supportive & encouraging though. Had been praying hard and will try to stay strong.
Havent tell my boss that I have preggy complications. Gg to break the news to her today. Hope that she will be understanding. All of a sudden, I realised that I dun have much time. Need to start getting ready for bb's arrival, pack bags, handover jobs, pack office for shifting (office shifting when I am on ML). Aiyo, no time to procastinate liao.
Have to be more sensitive to bb's movement. If no movement (touch wood), then have to rush for A&E liao.

I hope you are in a better position than I am. Take heart, we will jia you together. Our bbs have good chances of survival even if they choose to come out now. Just hope that they stay insisde as long as possible to help us save our pockets. Must rem to stop and take stock of bb's movement now & then ya.

So encouraged to hear your boy's story. God will see us through.

Your case seems quite serious leh. Is true tat not worth to sacrifice ur marriage relationship jus coz of the ILs. But i think now the best solutions is avoid been too much ctc with ur ILs. So, if i were you, i think i'll choose to not let my MIL take care of my kid, coz sure got problem. Before ur MIL surrender, it might risk ur relationship with ur hubby again, so better consider carefully.

Really sad to hear ur news. Coz as you know, my bb is under weight as well, i'm not sure wat will happen on my next week check up as well. But all this while, i had been praying hard for my bb to eat well and more so on my next week @wk30 check up, bb weight oredy on average. I can understand ur feeling coz myself was bit worry on this as well.
I think now, most importantly, be calm and try to settle all outstanding issue 1st and in the meantime keep monitoring and talking ur baby.
Jia you! I'm sure your little ZuEn will be fine!
Ya, littel ZuEn & little Felicia will be fine. There is nothing much that we can do now. I have been trying to eat healthy and had been putting on weight but she's just not absorbing. Doc hasnt tell for sure what is the reason for the low weight. I half suspect my high BP and low iron. It could also be like wat Mog describe or placenta quality deteriorating. All of which are not within our control.
Like you say, we can only speed up getting ready for her arrival and pray hard that she will stay inside until week 34 ~ 35 and grow during this period. Hopefully, she will chase up the rest after she comes out. If I really go C-Sect in week 34 ~ 35, I think I will be the earliest mummy. Will keep you in my prayers too.
