(2008/06) June 2008


My EDD date is a bit not so accurate because during Oscar scan, the sonographer said the correct date should be 30 May. But according to last menses, the date should be 8 June. So gynae tried to strike a balance and set the date as 3 June.

Thus, i am considering to take in advance as a precaution.

Hi Ellysia,

I have a friend who took ML 1 week before EDD. It's a good thing to do esp if you want to rest before delivery. But do note that you may deliver up to 3 weeks after the day you first go on leave (up to week 42). If so, you may have 12 weeks minus 3 weeks of ML. It's not that bad if you take 3 straight months, cos you still get 9 weeks to bond and rest. But if you take 2 months straight out and keep the rest like me, you only get 5 weeks of ML after birth. It may not be enough esp if you plan for a big full month celebration which may tire you out.
Hi Kylene, I got the books from Borders. I think they are still selling them. There is a section on parenting. The books are sold there. I can't recall off hand the title of the books but they are gymboree publications, and there are 2 different books. One for babies and toddlers, another for toddlers and older children. They separated the activites based on age. I think I bought them for about $25/book last year.
hi ZuEn,

I think it's more advisable to tell your boss you plan to work till the last minute (like that your boss will know not to expect you to handover properly as compared in the event you do carry through with your plan). If you feel tired towards end of pregnancy, you can explain to your boss that you are tired and offer to do a proper handover. I think your boss will be more happy that you leave on a certain date than to tell her/him you leave when you are about to pop.
Ellysia, my hb told me a normal term pregnancy is anytime between 37 weeks and 42 weeks. But he's not an O&G expert. What this means is our bb may arrive anytime between 37 weeks and 42 weeks and be normal, unlikely to need more care after birth. However, there are cases where bbs arrive from 28 weeks onwards too.

I've heard that generally #1 babies arrive later than usual. Closer to EDD and after EDD, but I'm not sure if this is true. Cos for my friends, half arrive before EDD, half arrive after EDD.

I was contemplating taking 1 week before EDD too, like you. But eventually decided to take 2 months ML at a go, save up the 3rd month. Like that, hopefully, can encourage longer period of breastfeeding cos dun need to pump so often at office and also, I prefer to remain occupied at work. If not, very stressful to await birth cos I'm the anxious sort. If I feel I need to take leave before birth cos feel tired, I will probably use my annual leave.. to take full days, half days.. just to take it as and when I need a break from work.
For my case, both my sons i delivered early 2 weeks....so i will take leaves on the day i admitted for my 3rd one.

My bb kicking now is much more powerful hehehhee...can really feel it when she kick n change position..
You're most welcome, Kylene! I found the books very interesting cos they talk about activities we can do with simple props like blanket, straw, pompom balls, with the baby. I left them with my parents to read too so that they can help stimulate the bb when I'm away at work. It's something you may want to consider doing if you are a full time working mom/part time working mom.

Becos I have a colleague who waited last min until birth, and as the rest of colleagues seen it they recommend me to take earlier. Cos they said that colleague really have to rush to hospital, v gan cheong etc.

Then my mum keep nagging at me to take leave in advance, she is so worried that waterbag may burst outside e.g. at MRT or public areas. In fact, she even wanted to start her stay as soon as I stayed at home so she can help to take care if waterbag break.

I also heard that 1st one can be late or closer to EDD.
Therefore, I tink most likely will take only a few days before EDD. If birth stretch too late after EDD, may ask gynae to help induce then.
Hi Ellysia,

I think for most ladies, it really takes time for labour to progress. Most of the time, mild contractions start and can last for as long as 10 hours!! It is only towards the end of this stage that the waterbag normally bursts. Of course, there are some 1st time moms who deliver very quickly then very gan cheong to go to hospital. I plan to wear a pad and always have a change of underwear and pants in office from 36 weeks onwards just in case. From my office to hospital only 10 minutes max by taxi. It makes more sense for me to stay to work till the last minute.

most doctors will not induce unless amniotic fluid is too low at any point in time or if bb is approaching 42 weeks or if the placenta cannot support the bb's development anymore. Although there are some doctors who will be most happy to induce cos it's easier for them to plan their schedule for an induced birth as opposed to a natural birth. From the time induction starts to during labour esp if water bag breaks, there is a timeline to follow and some doctors prefer to follow it cos it means more certainity for them in respect of time management, even though it may not be in our interest.

2 weeks before EDD is early but there are some ladies who deliver at 37 weeks leh! That's 3 weeks before EDD. Actually, anything also possible, that's why we have weekly check ups towards the end of the pregnancy to monitor bb's progress. Although even VE cannot properly estimate date of birth. my SIL was dialted 2 cm for 10 whole days before she delievered on day 12!

My company considers first 2 months as 8 complete weeks and includes all public holidays and non-working days. BEcause my company works half days on Sat (although I only work 5 day week), they consider the 3rd month as 22 working days.
just another thing on EDD.. if the EDD date may be inaccurate cos not sure when we ovulate, or when the dating scan at 8 weeks show up a different EDD date, it's best that we don't take the EDD so seriously. Just listen to our bodies and take it easy. Get advice from our doctor towards the end of the pregnancy. try not to induce the birth (don't let our doctors persuade us just for their convenience).

I'm a little skeptical about medical interventions actually. Last time, my hb told me to just go for epidural.. but recently he told me: Pregnancy is really not easy to cope with physically and mentally (which I agreed with!). And he added: Of course, best is to go for a natural birth but if have to, I rather you take epidural than to bear with the pain.
hey Ellysia, I just re-read the previous posts and noted the sonographer said during Oscar scan, your EDD should be 30 May. Actually, the best time to date a pregnancy is about 8 weeks. I can't recall the actual interval, but the measurement taken during that period is apparently the most accurate. don't be too bothered by what the sonographer said okay? Just compare your earlier scanned measurement with your EDD based on LMP then I think you'd get a more accurate figure. If I can find an article on dating scan, I'll post the link here.

Actually my hb is worried abt epidural and will rather i go without than with. But knowing that i have a low threshold for pain, most likely have to go for epi despite all the side effects.

So water bag only burst at last stage?
I tot the 10 hours is actually after waterbag burst. I am told by pre-natal class that must rush to hospital immediately once waterbag burst.

In that case I may have to start prepare my hospital bag around April so that it can be ready by May.
Here's an extract from http://www.ob-ultrasound.net/ under the subject of
"Determination of gestational age and assessment of fetal size."

"In patients with uncertain last menstrual periods, such measurements must be made as early as possible in pregnancy to arrive at a correct dating for the patient.

The Crown-rump length (CRL)can be made between 7 to 13 weeks and gives very accurate estimation of the gestational age. Dating with the CRL can be within 3-4 days of the last menstrual period. (Table) An important point to note is that when the due date has been set by an accurately measured CRL, it should not be changed by a subsequent scan. For example, if another scan done 6 or 8 weeks later says that one should have a new due date which is further away, one should not normally change the date but should rather interpret the finding as that the baby is not growing at the expected rate."

KKH called a scan that I did at 8 weeks "dating scan". I think they do a "dating scan" after 7 weeks but as early as possible for greater accuracy.

Most likely i will stick with the date gynae gave me which is 3 June, but since it is likely EDD can be earlier, I may have to take maternity leave in advance & can't work until due.

I am considering to take maybe on 29 May or 30 May.
Hi Ellysia,

actually, there are 3 things we are told to look out for before we rush to hospital -
1) bloody show
2) waterbag burst
3) contractions x minutes apart lasting for y seconds each time (I forget the timing liao)

But hospital staff ALAWYS prefer us to "rush" to hospital ASAP cos they want to be able to have time to do admin work (book the beds for us, do admissison stuff, etc). They also want time to leisurely do stuff like shave us, set plugs,etc.

There is some disadvantage to going to hospital early. Sometimes, in anxious mothers, if labour is not well established and we go to hospital too soon, the anxiety and fear of being in a foreign environemtn can cause labour to slow down or stall. Also, we may be hooked to monitoring equipment or forced to have an IV saline down our arm, so it's harder to remain upright or mobile (stroll from place to place) and actually walking around helps labour to progress as contractions are more effective at bringing baby down. This can result in a shorter labour.

waterbag usually bursts only after contractions are better established. There are some women who don't experience bursting until contractions are unbearable!

actually, I feel, only we can think for ourselves here. The medical people can advise us on stuff.. but we must always ask why must we do this? why do that? what are the pros? what are the cons? then we make an informed decision. we can't just follow what they say cos I know some doctors just want things done their way for their own convenience.
Btw, i tink i have to buy a book on infant care soon. Cos tink need to read up before bb is born, dun tink got time to read after he is born.
Ellysia, I think for my case, my EDD is quite confirmed 22 June. Cos based on LMP, it's 22 June. During dating scan, it was 21 June. But so far, all the scans that I've done, bb's EDD is reflected as 21 June to 26 June. So I think highly likely I'll be induced by 2nd week of July if still never pop!

OH i tink the pre-natal class says to go to hospital immediately after bloody show. I always tot bloody show = waterbag burst.

Then i read forum got people recommend dun rush too early to hospital also.

My mum said must go to hospital immediately if got contractions (not even bloody show), tink she v gan cheong. We debated on this topic hotly before.
Hey Ellysia, I think the antenatal classes also have basics on infant care? Like feeding, burping, changing diapers and bathing? I remember you signing up a package right?

If not, maybe you can ask your mom to help teach you when bb arrives? I'm getting my MIL to teach me. Also have an experienced maid around to help out. I think learning hands on is more useful than from reading. (but got to admit I bought a book already and found it interesting - but that's cos I'm not going for classes)
Ellysia, there are 3 signs when to "rush" to hospital lah. water bag burst, contractions of a certain frequency and timing, and bloody show. Most doctors will advice to "rush" when any of the 3 happen.

Perhaps your mom is concerned about your well being and gan cheong about the birth of her grandchild! Your child must be the first in your family right?!!
Maybe your mom has also been hearing horror stories about moms who deliver in taxi too! Actually, I feel we can't be too scared by these stories. people tend to "exagerrate" their labour stories. we just need to know that everyone is different and we just need to listen to our bodies.

Actually, I'm quite against going to hospital soon after contractions start. I don't want to be stuck with lots of monitoring so soon. That's why I plan to work in office till almost going to deliver.

Yes the bb care topics will be discussed in the coming 3 lessons, which include a doctor's talk.

I prefer to read up more cos classes will teach the basics + demonstration, whereas book can know more details.

My mum said she forget a lot of things ored. And some things she used to do is a bit outdated.
Plus breastfeeding she dunno anything cos she give FM, and that time never hear of pumps etc.

I also dun want to be stuck with monitoring.

I rather prefer to rest at home and endure the contractions then go hospital later. This is also in case its a false alarm.
But its so hard to predict when to go i guess.
true true! my MIL also knows nothing about pumps!! luckily my SIL said she will come by to help me out!! phew!! my SIL delivered about 3 years ago and back then, my MIL did her confinement for her and helped her out with the bb. At that time, no maid. This time round, luckily, have maid to help out. My MIL less stressed!
actually, Ellysia, have you considered maybe you can take a walk around the hospital like a shopping centre nearby? Before you pop? Just get hb to drive you down or take a cab down if it's the real thing? It's really better for us. in fact, if we ask for epidural too early, it will increase our chance of assisted birth or c-section leh.it's better to move about than be stuck in hospital bed.

Ya have tot of that before. But if i stay at home with my mum around, guess it be my mum, hb and myself lingering outside at mall. My mum may most probably nag until i go into frustration i guess.

Actually i have tot to take advance leave and stay at home alone but my mum so worried, want to stay around in case of anything. Haiz.
Hi Girls!

Kong Hei Fatt Choy & Happy V-Day!!!

It has been sooooooooo long since I last posted. Have been so busy with DS and all the celebrations (Xmas, NY & CNY). Trying to log-in is a major problem especially when DS is super clingy. These days, I can only log-in when DS is asleep and today is my lucky day...he!he!

PJs - I brought my own PJs and s/pads to the hospitals. PJs with the front buttons are the best as we will be BFeeding. I also brought my own slippers and toile

Videocam - During my delivery of #1, DH brought his videocam. He was able to take videos after I pushed my DS out. As per my obgyn, he mentioned that one should respect the mother and the child and their privacy....nicely put lah. Imagine when we show the vidz to our DS and the first thing he sees is the head coming out from "there" and with so much blood and stuff. Not to good lah.

EDD - This is just a guide. During my #1 PG, the mummies in my group delivered from 36 - 40 weeks. I myself delivered #1 at 40 weeks 1 day. Don't worry too much! Our BB will know when its time to come out and see the world and our body will kick into motion. Enjoy your pregnancy!

Labour - When we are in labour, we definately will know as there will be either a "show" (bleeding) or our waterbag burst (liquid come pouring out) or contractions (its really very painful). For my #1, it was the contractions that made us rush to the hospital...he!he!

Epidural - It really depends on the individual. When I had my #1, I wanted to "try" going natural. OMG, I was in labour for 12 hours and after 5 hours of crucial pain, I begged for the epidural...ha!ha! As for #2, I will definately take the epidural...

Got to run now...DS is awake!
Hmm... it's natural for mother to be concerned for her daughter mah. But you must make sure you don't let your mom make you frustrated or anxious k. Birth is a wonderful intimate process. Some birthing mothers don't want outside interference but only want encouragement. most of the time, esp during very difficult stages of labour, the mother just wants peace and quiet and try to feel calm esp if without epidural. I don't have any personal experience but read from books from from my hb. my hb didn't do O&G but he spent 6 months doing neonatology which is the care of newborns so he is often at labour ward watching the births.
yeah...2 week early...waterbag not burst yet but i felt the contraction on n off and my back feel pain already and doc told me to go to hospital...the pain i tahan for 8 hrs b4 going to hospital....by then midwife check already opened but waterbag still not burst yet....after 1 hr later the in the labour ward doc burst it....and ready to deliver
jsut a note - once waterbag burst, we die die also must deliver bb within 24 hours. If not, risk of infection. So if doctor artificially burst prematurely (wrong judgment call), chances are we will have to go for c-section. Another reason why have c-section, is bb too drowsy due to epidural and cannot rotate to be born normally, or else, somehow our pelvic region cannot accomodate bb (but doctor would have warned us about this during late stage of pregnancy).
Hi Danryan, can I just check with you, was your #1 positioned back against your back during birth? Just wondering cos you mentioned back pain. I'm wondering if there's a co-relation.
hi tinyfeet,

Not sure, i been asking, i tot the suggested date is either this fri or next fri( cannot remember which friday).
My boss is a young, single workaholic female. Havent found the chance to speak to her on the maternity leave yet. Luckily, I have a colleague who is also preggy and already in her 29th week. She shall set the path for ne.
I would oso like to work to the last day, I dun think I can take the anticipation while sitting around at home.

Ya, I thnk it will really look very bad if the waterbag burst in the office. -.o"
hi all,

Came back from my detailed scan today. Finally my little one has decided to let us know she's a MINNIE.... very happy
Hi gers,
Good morning, we are one day closer to the weekend.
Happy Valentine's Day.
Gg for a movie (Jumper) with hb tonight... better than nothing. We were at Jurong Point for dinner last night and there are shops selling flowers and little bears everywhere. I commented on that and he replied, " you want meh?" Spoilt mood. Haha.

Congrats on your minnie.

I have pm you my name and NRIC no. Hope it helps. Do revert if the pm fail.
MOrning ladies...

Congrats on ur Minnie =D...

Interesting topics u hv yest...hehe...As for ML, I will be taking 1wk b4 my EDD also...Just to standby in case =D...I will be alone at home as hb will be going to work as usual...Will hv to monitor myself whether its a "show" or contractions pain lor...Then once I decide to go hopsital, will quickly give a call to my inlaw who is staying nearby to send me to hospital lor..

So u all were suggesting that we shuoldn't go to e hospital too early hor?

Ask u hor, how do gynaes do e induce ? Is it they will let us on drip on insert some tablets into us? hmm....3 more mths to due liao, so need to find out more lor... =D.
Happy Valentines Day too...Today not celebrating cos hv to attend anentnal class tonite...hehe...Got wat u meant lor...men always like that lah, no surprises one =D...

Ask u hor, do u know if the anentnal class will teach us how to bath the bb , burp etc?
Happy Valentine's Day to all


Received your Pm with Many thanks. My ETD is 29/06. I usually do my checkup at Jurong Point Clinic. Will only go Thomson for test and detailed scan. Hope to see you soon.
morning ladies! Happy Valentine's Day1!

Feifei - I'm not attending classes but I believe they will teach. so far the course syllabus outline by various hospitals I've seen all teach how to deal with bb.

As for induction, they will give a drug through the IV line into our hand/arm, or insert a tablet or a supposerity (cannot spell!) into us, or else, can induce by "sweeping the membranes" (using a finger to sweep the separate something inside us - think it's the sac and the mucus plug).
Happy Valentine's Day!!!

aiyo, have not bought anything for my hubby..... going for dinner tonite. he sure pay one.... hm.... gals, any suggestions what to get???
morning ladies...
happy valentine's day!!!
hinted to my hb tat i would love to receive flowers even if it's just 1 stalk...although i wun be getting any present for him...he gave me all sorts of excuses...haizz

shycloud, actually it's nice to receive flowers. but then somehow i'm a bit self contridicting. flowers will die within a few days. so wasteful.... haha....

last time when pak tor or just married, he will give me one bouquet of flowers. until i told him flowers die easily. until now, no more flowers.... haha.... but he give me something more practical.... pay for my shopping.... haha....
