(2008/06) June 2008


Yes there is an emergency number on my appt card. But it is a fixed line, and as my clinic got 3 gynaes, i tot better to get direct hp from my gynae.


U have constipation is it?

I find that sometimes with v hard stool, the muscles at bottom feel painful/strained.

Guess u have to sit to wait for it to disappear.

I ate many mandarin oranges recently to cope with the constipation. Now still a bit hard but at least not so bad.

hehe... i didnt buy anything... i only bgt a few daily care products which my son use.... a little laid back this round mayb cos i still hv those baby stuff ard... and some of the baby stuff my son still using now e.g. wet wipes etc.
wat u hv mentioned cld be piles leh... do monitor your situation. i developed piles when i had my boy as well. i bled a fair bit when i poo oso... in the end, had to see doc and insert suppository. i hvg constipation now oso. my gynae asked me to take duphalac on a daily basis to help the situation. she says dun jus take it when constipated. duphalac can be bgt over the shelf at pharmacy, u may wan to try.

BTW, does anyone know by when in 3rd tri will flying be totally restricted already?
Happy V day to all MTBs here :
Saw there is a discussion about whether to use epi or not. I had use epi for my last baby and will definitely opt for epi for this one as well. Because my pain threshold is super low and I have experienced the contraction pain after my water bag bursted. The pain is really no joke and i swear that I will not want to go through it again. When the doc give me the epi injection and after around 20 mins, it was a numb and relieve kindof feeling. No more pain and suffering. So good! I just want my delivery experience to be memorable in a nice way. I strongly encourage all my galfrens to opt for it in the delivery. Now my only concern is that second baby will dilates faster and I am not in time for epi.

I tink is 34-36 weeks. Some airline restrict at 36 weeks whereas some as early as 34 weeks.

Ya i know mandarin oranges are heaty but understand that if eat with the "peels" (as in eat the whole fruit) won't be so heaty.

Later gonna eat banana also.. for fibre.

If dilated up to certain point, cannot use epidural liao.

Whether u request for epi from the start or halfway is the same cost i tink.
You went for your detail scan already right. How was it? I wonder if it is brief like mine. I will be seeing Dr Yang on next tue for my next appointment. She also mention that my minnie will not be small. Will be a big minnie. haha.
Do you know if she has any emergency number and does she give out any hp number?
my bb gal growing very fast this period. my tummy getting bigger and two days ago went for mthly chkup (6 mths) in between one mth i gain 3kg! my gal gal growing very well.. nowadays movements and kicking more obvious...
ya. i heard these from my gf also.. i'm still wondering whether can endure or not...
how abt you all? decide to take epi during give birth?
same cost but if you decide to use epi, its better to indicate to your gynae earlier during one of the appointments. Because the doc who perform the injection is not the gynae and they have to specially book for them. I remember I had the epi injection somewhere around 2am and the nurse are trying to get him to come to hospital and it takes sometime for him to arrive. His hair seems like in a mess probably because he just wake up from his sleep. While waiting, I keep on "scolding" the nurse because really cannot bear with the pain. This time round, I will want edi upon arrival . Really worried that it will dilate to a certain point and cannot use epi anymore.
thanks for the info. my hb and i might plan to go hk end mar... by then already beginning of 3rd tri... so i wanna check out if can travel or not.

its best not to take epi too late! cos i hv a few frens who opted for it too late... by the time the drug worked, they pop already... so waste $... for me, i know i will definitely take epi... unless this time round my labour is very short.

yeah... the scan was pretty fast. but i took it at her discretion cos my philo is that if something is wrong, she wld definitely tell me. if she doesnt say anything, i take it everything is alright. i'm not sure abt her emer number oso. i will check wif a fren of mine who is oso seeing her now if she has... if not, i will ask Joycelyn (the curly hair nurse) next time i go.
btw, does dr yang attempt to do 3D scan for u every visit? i dunno if its cos i sign up the unimited ultrasound package with her, but she tries to everytime i go. yest, baby was facing inwards most of the time so cant get a good view of her. and oh... dr yang says she is breech... and ask me to talk to her often and get her to turn... haha... i told her... even if baby turn now, later she might turn back breech again...
Cost is the same whether doctor is pre-booked or not but doctors encourage pre-booking so that doctor can be on stand by when you are at hospital. at govt hosps though, there are always doctors working round the clock so no need to pre-book (at private hospitals, these docs straddle between 2 or more hospitals).

some doctors won't allow epi too early in labour.cos it may stall labour, or end up emergency c-section, or require top up doses of epi. My SIL requested epi too early. in the end 3 doses of epidural and ended up emerg c-section. Best time to request for epi is between 4 to 5cm. Anything later, doctor may not allow cos may be too numb to be able to push later.My friend requested for epi at 6cm and was told too late.

By the way, it takes about 45min for a doctor to respond to our requset for epi, and about 15 minutes or so to administer epi so we need to factor in 1 hr. If dilate too fast within that 1 hr, cannot take epi also. best is to be clear in the birth plan if you plan to have epi. In this way, the nurses can keep a watch out for you. they are experienced and will offer their advice on when to ask for epi.

Gynae said have to gain 1KG per 2 weeks. So 3KG gain for 1 mth is not a lot.

Most likely i will opt for epi straight from beginning. Scare i will faint due to pain. Cos i used to faint due to menses pain. And i have a phobia of blood, so hopefully won't faint when i see the bloody show. I guess i have to get my medicated oil ready.

I am just worried that i may accidentally move when the person is injecting epi lor, we are not suppose to move during the injection.
hey soyabean, check with the airline directly. different airlines have different regulations. also,most permit travel but must have letter certiifying fitness to fly. This letter must be from your doctor 3 to 7 days (depends on airline) before your departyure date. after a certain stage in pregancy, cannot fly at all even with letter.
anyway gals... i jus wanna share with u the 3D scan of my girl taken at 17 weeks.
i cant wait for her to grow more cos then maybe her features will be clearer and prominent.


hope the link works...
Hey soyabean! I think I can just make out her head and her body!! I think 3D scans later in pregnancy (from 32 weeks onwards) will be much clearer. I'm planning to have a 3D scan done at the same time as the growth scan! can't wait to see!!
Yup shd be at e at basement atrium.

m good, txs! hmmm...tat was wat e staff told me when i called taka yd....maybe good to call again to check nearer to date?

txs for your welcome!
So Sweet of u...
I am also going HK but in 2nd wk of March and gynae has given the all-clear so i think should be no prob for u to go end march since your EDD is later than mine. And if I recall correctly, morraine (one of the june MTB) has said that she flew to HK when she was in her 37 weeks so should be no problem for you to go in end Mar.
Yeah my hubby also said if she detect anything wrong, she will definitely highlight to us. Never say anything is good. Yeah think I will check with Joycelyn in my next appointment for emergency number. Better get it first in case last min panic.
I never opt for the 3D scan package. Just opt for unlimited ultrasound package and she never do 3D scan for me during the detail scan. Its just a normal scan. Perhaps will ask her as well in my next visit.
Dr yang also mention that mine is still a breech position. But I am not too worried about this because now is still considered early and its still not engaged yet. Maybe around 7 months onwards then the position of baby will be important.
talking about epi and pain, I read something which seemed quite interesting, sowant to share here.

The article suggests that our human body is capable of producing a certain type of hormones which helpto block out pain esp when we have not been taking painkillers from the time the pain started. And this hormone is actuallystronger than more commercial painkillers.

I'm not sure if I can tahan labour pain. I used to faint from menstrual cramps. feel dizzy and weak and everything. used to have to take strong painkillers (stronger than panadol). Then someone suggested relaxation techniques to deal with the pain and slowly, i took less and less painkillers (instead of every month, I only needed to take once every 6 months for 1 year), then totally off painkillers already.

In the similar vein, I read that labour pain can be reduced with relaxation techniques and being anxious or even fearful may cause a heightened sense of pain. Of course, every pregnancy is different, every bb and every mother is different. I really odn't know how I'll cope during labour but I hope to remain as relaxed as possible. I was joking with my hb the other day, to just keep on telling me that my dilation is stuck at 3cm.. cannot take epidural..and then when at 6cm, then tell me at 6cm, too late for epidural so no chioce but to bear with the pain! Having a child in itself is a magical process and every mother deserves encouragement whether or not she opts for pain relief. Just want to add that I don't feel comfortable when some of my friends brag that they didn't use epi, and claim that mothers who use epi are losers. Cos I feel it's a personal choice whether or not to use - and most people have different reasons for opting to and not to.
dats good... well, the only worry i hv now is even if i can fly, dunno whether can walk for long by that time or not.

yes... i can even see her nose in this pic...
it shd be much clearer when 32 weeks...

i oso didnt opt for the 3D scan package leh... only the $300 unlimited u/s package... but so far she has attempted to do 3D for me everytime i see her. mayb u can ask her the next round. actuali, no worries abt breech now... cos my boy oso turned when he was 30 weeks or so... its still too early... so when dr yang mentioned it to me yest i didnt take it as much of a concern seriously.
hi soyabean, yes. pkdust is right. it's way too early now to worry about stuff like positioning and low placenta. My placenta is still low but since it's not covering any part of the cervix, my doctor is optimistic that it will move up as pregnancy progresses. It's been moving up steadily so that's a good sign. As for positioning, our bbs actually move around very often. they will turn round and round. During a scan, my mickey was transverse at a 50 degree angle. Then 2 days after, my mickey was almost headdown at a 70 degree angle (almost 90 degree).there is so much space and fluid in us for them to comfortbaly swim around. Usually doctors won't worry about positioning till the last few weeks. week 35 onwards or so. Some only worry when bb engages "wrongly". so please don't worry too much.
oh, so this is 3D scan. But I feel that normal scan seems clearer. I know in our package, there is one free 3D scan. I will ask for that.

yeah better dun move during the injection.
tks ger...will ask gynae tmr..now i duno how to sit tonite at my anental class cos we are sitting on e flr with mat..hiaz..

u mean doc hv to inject something in? cos this piles only comes out aft i poo and if my poo too hard lor..hiaz...already ate alot of fruits, drank alot of water..
Hey pkdust, try to ask for your 3D scan to be done later if you are just planning to do one.depending on the positioningof the baby, there's a very good chance you can have a picture perfect photo of bb from 32 weeks onwards. I learnt this from the sonographer.
Feifei, try to chew your food more when you eat. and incorporate more veg and fiberous fruit into your every meal. I find that helps alot. Regular eating of veg, fruit, and drinking water helps more than missing out on one/some of these for a meal, then try to play catch up.
Re: Taka fair

If nearer the date can check their website. They usu put their exhibition/sales fair closer to the date on the website.
no... it's like a little tablet which YOU have to insert in yourself... :p its not an injection.

yup... baby have lots of space to move ard now cos still small... so i dun worry abt her position either. for me, my placenta is moving up according to gynae... and its oso at the back... which is why she says i can feel baby's movements more obviously...
Hello, Happy Valentine's Day !!!

Re : Cough medicine

The cough medicine was too strong, hence baby was drowsy and didn't move at all. A check at my gynae shows that baby is alright.

Today had a very happening lunch, went to OG Orchard to shop after my lunch (most items 20% off). Then suddenly fainted and vomitted all my lunch. Now am going home to rest, what a V day for me.
Oh boy! Were you out shopping alone, Mogudog? Better be accompanied as much as possible now and drink lots of water esp if you have low blood pressure. Rest well and if tomorrow still feel dizzy, better rest at home. luckily you didn't hurt yourself too badly when you fell. poor thing!
me just dropped my silly hb an sms asking: why you never send me flowers?...his reply: no, i already gave you my heart...tat's my most precious thing!!!
Thanks Tera, Ellysia. I am feeling better now, think of it now very scary, luckily one of my colleague was with me else jialet.

Cactus79, not shopping alone, with my colleague. After this incident, I dare not shop alone liao. I only few days stop taking the iron tablet coz was too heaty for me and then I start to faint liao

U have low blood pressure right?

Not to say abt low blood.. me also feel light headed easily nowadays.

Last week i have some fainting spells too, then realise too hungry liao, maybe blood sugar too low. So i dare not go hungry too long, once hungry will quickly grab some food liao.

When i climb stairs, i will climb 5 steps then rest awhile then continue. Else leg will feel cramp immediately then lightheaded.
Better take care of yourself. Whilst fainting is harmless, you may hurt yourself when you fall. not joking about it. If you don't like taking iron tablets, you can try taking more different types of meat together with vit C like orange juice.actually, food is a good source of nutrition. less heaty too. Do'nt need to just eat beef. Best is to take a variety of food like chicken, beef, don't take too much internal organs (high in vit A) together with dark green leafy vegs + orange juice. That's the best way to go if you dun want supplements. so far, I've not needed supplements and my hb level is always above 13. every visit kena finger prick to check for hb level cos I resist iron tablets.. hehe.
In fact even if take supplements, still better to have a balanced nutritional diet.

Milk/Yogurt/Soybean drink, fruits, plain water, protein (meat), vegs.

I cannot take much orange juice bec' my gastric juice will over-react. So i take apple juice.
Ellysia, Cactus79, yah me low blood count so gotta take iron tablets (which I hate). Furthermore, my parents or in laws doesn't really cook, so I eat out most of the time. Besides the supplement that the gynae give, on and off try to drink soya milk, that's about all.


I also eat out most of the time.

Usually i will take nutrisoy with low sugar as it has a lot of calcium.

I also took meat for either lunch or dinner. Fruits will try to take after lunch. If not will be dinner time.

For veg is a bit hard to take bec' food sold outside have few veg unless eat Yong Tau Hu or Cai fan.
