(2008/06) June 2008

Hi Ellysia! I just got back to IL's place so managed to log on for a while before dinner!

The issue with my cousin is he die die also want to go overseas to study econs, even no scholarship also want to go. It's not that my uncle wants him to die die study medicine but rather why he wants to do econs overseas. Is it that good? I don't know. He asked me. But I know LSE is a good uni.So just asking about whether local mkt is good for LSE students, etc.

Piyoz, there are loads of resources on flashcards, but I'm not sure if they are absolutely beneficial. I'm planning to use the montessori method with our bb. there are baby games we can do - like gymboree publications. can check out at your nearest library!
LSE is a good uni! I'm sure he can try for the big firms like Accenture, Mackenzie etc. I was previously with Accenture and I know they focus a lot on academic results and hire a lot of the good overseas uni graduates eg Brown Uni, Imperial College, u get the pic. So I believe he has no prob with the consulting firms or banks but also depends on what he wants to do lah.

Ok, am out of here. Cheers!
hi all, long time never log in here again sorry :p

hearing about all your romantic husbands makes me jealous, my engineer hubby is as unromantic a man as you can get hahaha!

btw please update for me on the chart, my #2 is a mickey, 427grams at 20 weeks 5 days.

anyone of you 2nd time mummies have problem with disciplining your first born? my boy is so naughty now i don't know what to do. friends asked me to get a cane, they said it's very useful but i feel hurt when i whack my boy lei, he's so cute when he smiles i just melt

here are a couple photos of him i took last CNY, wishing all of you a very happy lunar new year!


tera, my #1 is 7 months old now. Attention span still quite short.

cactus, haven't tried the library yet =) k, will probably pop by one of these days.

your boy very cute. must be happy that he'll have a di di to play with soon. How old is he now? Yes understand what you mean about the smile melting your heart part. They give just the most innocent and sweet smile, don't they?
Hi gers,
Good morning..

Ellysia, cactus,
Oh gosh, you gers are really thinking far ahead. Education costs are rising and competition is indeed stiff. I have not even got past the stage of which breast pump, baby cot and car seat to buy.. and I hear you gers debating about education. I was just discussing about that with hb yday. I was asking him about wat to do if our bb doesnt perform up to our expectations academically. Must be the influence of "I not stupid 2" movie that I caught on TV during CNY. ;p

Your boy is so sweet.. really nice smile..
Hi ZuEn

What he offered me is Antenatal package –S$800 (Fr 20th week onwards) & Normal Delivery – S$800.00. I will have my detailed scan on on 18th February and intend to signup Dr Kee package then. Can you email me your name for my reference? My emails add is [email protected]

Thanks a lot for your help... this will really help me save a lots...

Morning ZuEn and FeiFei!

When is your next check-up? Didn't seem to hear anyone's updates after detailed scan. Quite curious about the weight gain.

Your boy's smile is so cute! Very photogenic.

Oh I see. Yah, 7 mths would prolly have a short attention span. I wanted to suggest like simple puzzles but then realised he's too young. Guess can try the library as what cactus suggested. Sorry, couldn't help much.
morning ladies!

want to ask u all a qn. yesterday, my minnie has been giving me funny movements. she seems to be bouncing up and down, so much and so hard until it seems like she's droppping out..... it's not kicking....

anyone has such experience? Any idea what is it?
Hi Maryann, your boy is very cute!!

Tera, sorry to sound stupid. If my cousin were to pursue econs at LSE, will he get a better career package from working overseas than in Singapore? Any ideas?

Piyoz - the library has valuable resources for baby games. mostly they are classified according to age - like from birth to 6 monoths, 6 monoths to 12 months but use the age as mere guidelines. I bought gymboree publications for baby and toddler games some time back. Feel they are good.

Hi iamsnow, I experience the bouncing once in a while. Also, 2 mornings ago, I placed my hand on my tummy and felt a hard lump getting bigger and bigger. My hb told me it's the bb moving upwards. Once in a while, I also feel strong ripples and swishes into the back of my body as well as downwards. the downward ripples feel the most uncomfortable.
hi cactus,
thanks for the assurance. i was thinking what was happening. how come the bb seems to be bouncing and wanting to drop out! aiyo....
My next apptis this fri =D...looking forward to seein gmy bb lor..cos can feel her movements and kicks now..even in e middle of e nite..can even play withher at times...so cute...when she kick, i press slighlty on my tummy, then she kick again, then i press, she quiet down...;p.

i din experience this wor...hmm..

Sometimes bb movement can be quite vigorous.


Yest i stand too long in the morning during company CNY celebration. Keep feeling weight pressing on my uterus. Wonder do u all feel the same when u stand too long?


Yr bb responds to u?

Mine if i tap, won't move one. When i move my hand away then he will move. So if i want to calm him down, i will touch tummy.

Yest hb put his hand on tummy and can felt bb movements liao.
Aiyoh, you don't sound stupid lah, it's a valid qn.
But I'm afraid I don't have a ready answer on that one. I can try asking my colls later cos I know she has some frens working in UK/US.
Ah ok, keep us posted!
Mine is next wed.

Hehe, ur bb so cute, you can play with your her. My bb will usu not move if I place my hand on my tummy, like purposely one. After I move my hand away, it will start to action. Hubby has managed to feel the movement a few times and the 1st time he felt it, he had this very amazed look on his face. Haha.
Hey Tera, thanks so much!! My uncle is quite concerned about this son and wnats the best for his son. If his son stands a chance of being employed overseas after LSE, my uncle is prepared to let him go but he needs to mentally prepare his 2 younger siblings and his wife.

Hi Ellysia, when I stand for more than 15 minutes, I will usually feel lower tummy pain. but I believe that's due to ligament strain from standing up too long. our bbs are very safe during 2nd trimester. only problem now is premature labour.
i think bb sometimes are very naughty. when they know u want to feel their kicks, they will purposely stop. when u take your hands away, they will start kicking again. this always happen to my hubby.... haha....
Just a way to explain the kicks and no kicks when we press down.. sometimes when we press the tummy hard, it brings the bb closer to our skin so it is easier to feel the kicks. However, if there is space for the bb to move away when we press the tummy hard, there will no longer be any movement cos bb may have moved a little away from that part of our tummy.
Have u all monitor whether your bb respond to who voice?

I find that my bb will respond when familar voices like hb, ILs and my mum voices. But bb most response to hb voice.

Sometimes when i met hb and hb speak to me, bb will move actively.
morning piyoz, my boy just turned 2.5years. terrible 2 i guess! if he don't get his way nowadays he will scream and hit at us :s very embarassing in public
then if beat him he will cry and do his famous coughing trick, that day cough until vomit out his dinner. wah lau boui ta han you know? another incident he was playing with his lego blocks and started throwing them in the air. i scolded him and he purposely threw a few more just to test me. i shouted at him to stop and he started throwing tantrum again. then that night while i patted him to sleep, he said softly without looking at me,"Sorry mummy." i was surprised, i asked him,"Sorry for what?" then he said,"Kayden throw throw." haha wah lau hearing that cute voice say sorry is so priceless! how to stay angry right :p

anyway think most of you ladies won't experience toddler terrors like these till your baby is about 2! enjoy them while they are young and obedient ;)

thanks cactus, feifei and ZuEn! that smile can get him away with murder :p

regarding baby bouncing up and down in the womb, so far i have not experienced this but please do not worry about baby "dropping out" as this is not possible. cervix needs to be dilated and it takes contractions in order for baby to be pushed out, not so easy to drop out la haha. don't worry too much girls! learn to enjoy your pregnancy
Maryann, I'm living with a 27 month old boy! I totally understand what you mean by the terrible 2s! Unfortunately, it's a stage all parents will need to go through.. seeing my nephew misbehave has made my hb and I more resolute in our conviction at disciplining our child. Just hope our child not as cute as your boy.. if not may not bear to spank!! :p
Hi tubbykat,
maybe he's trying to catch your attention,
tell him to come to you when he's done with throwing tandrum.

At this age, it won't help to hit or scold him...

Sometimes when i feel bb is quiet, but hb said he felt some slight movements when he place his hand.

So maybe bb is moving but slight movement, so we also won't know whether he is sleeping or moving slightly.

Re: Terrible 2

I have just went to hb's fren house and her son really is guai. Or maybe she displined v strictly. Her son will quietly play by himself then call his mum occasionally (for attention) but will not come to disturb.

In fact his mum is a stepmother to another elder son and the elder son used to be v naughty too, now also v guai liao.

Dunno how she teach her sons lor. Must learn from her i guess.
Hi Ellysia, I also find it easier to feel bb's movements when I place a hand on tummy cos it brings bb nearer to the skin, I think. I also think bbs do move when they sleep. read it somewhere. could be a reflex action but maybe lesser movement.
Are there any mothers planning to let their babies sleep on a mattress on the floor? I'm wondering if there are any practical considerations for this. I'm keen to have my mickey on the floor till about 2 years old then move over to a junior bed - montessori styled nursery with low furniture.

My colleague has her bb sleeping on mattress. But her bb sleep in playpen for few mths before moving to mattress.

One thing u need to consider is if yr bb sleep on mattress and u need to carry him up to change diaper/bf/bathe etc and quite often, u need to bend down so may be hard on your back, and also after giving birth during 1st mth i heard not so good to always bend down/squatt down.
Hi Ellysia, thanks lots, gal! Yeah, I heard about that physical difficulty. Also if there's another child in the room, it may be difficult cos need to ensure safety. Wondering if there's more I should consider though.
Hi all,

I have some questions about Detail Scan.

How many black/white photos of baby was given to u? Did they provide the same amount of photos as usual scan or even more?

Understand from hb that his colleague detail scan have alot of photos with different position of baby. He say like the size of a x-ray, pasted alot of the photos... Is it true?
Hi Sharon, I only asked for 1 picture.. so only got one.
I usually ask for 1 picture for every scan. If you want more, just ask. I'm sure more will be given to you. I understand some sonographers/doctors will give 5 or 6 photos for detailed scan. others won't even offer to give unless you ask.
I had around 6 to 7 photos from my detailed scan which was more than the usual but honestly, only 4 to 5 of them were clear to me what they were. :p I had no idea what 1 of the photo was actually.

I just asked hubby abt LSE cos he studied in UK before and is more familiar with the unis over there. His view was that there should be no problem for your cousin to land a job in UK if he's from LSE cos it's one of the top 5 uni in Britain. Also, career package-wise, it will be more attractive working there but bearing mind that standards of living in UK is also higher. He also recommended checking out British Council website for more info (pertaining to studying there). I also found this website which lists the top 10 employers for LSE overseas grads in London. Hope that helps.

Hi Tera, thanks so much for the info. I will let my uncle know. my uncle spent 8 years in UK getting his degree and PHD so he understands what studying overseas is like. But he's quite out of touch with the climate today and he is in the R&D field now.. nothing to do with economics so is quite concerned about the choice his eldest child is making. I'm sure the info you've provided me will give me reassurance that his son knows what he is getting himself into. I told my uncle if he goes LSE, he must be prepared that his son stays there to work and may even settle down there. Just keep an open mind about things.

My colleague use her bed to block the mattress so her bb will not roll out of the boundary of mattress.

Either u can use that or u can buy those "gate" to block off the boundary so bb will not roll off the mattress.

My detailed scan report from TMC has about 5-6 pictures pasted on the report.

Normal scan at gynae, gynae will gave me 3 pixs.
Hey, pls don't mention it cos dun think I help much.
Can understand your uncle's concern for his son, as with all parents.
My FIL also did quite abit of research on British Uni at that time when my hubby went UK to study, hehe. Even now, my FIL is still very concerned about my husband's choice of school for his PHD (but still considering, not confirmed yet).

OK, going for lunch soon, talk to u later. You have a good lunch ya?
Hi Ellysia, yeah... there's a chance bb would roll off the mattress too. :p

Sharon, you can request for a scan report if it wasn't given to you. it will have the measurements, comments whether any abnormalities were found, weight of bb, gender, etc.

Tera, I think these days, parents tend to be more concerned about their children cos families are small. on an average, only 2 kids per family during our time.

It is a detailed scan report with the results of the scan, measurements taken and pictures taken. About 2 pages.
Hi Ellysia,

last month, i discussed with my boss regarding maternity leave. according to my boss, there is no need to formally apply for maternity leave. When we go into labour, just call back to office to inform them. They will let me know when the 8 weeks expires and the next day I need to be at work. If I want to use up the next 22 days (3rd maternity month) immediately after the 8 weeks expires, I need to go back to office to fill in a form for maternity leave (we have a standard form to tick whether it is annual leave, urgent leave, maternity leave, childcare leave, no pay leave).

my boss and I already discussed in general how I will be spending the 3 months of my maternity leave and are in agreement. I also told her how I wish to spend my childcare leave and annual leave. Of course, it is just a general understanding. I told her it may change and she was understanding cos I also need to sort out childcare arrangements and it is not a striaght forward 3 months leave mah.

you may want to check with your HR dept and speak to your boss. I'm not sure if all companies work the same way.
Oh... also just to add - if I think I'm in labour, but actually it is false labour, I will need to deduct from my annual leave (if no MC) or from medical leave (if issued MC). Depends on situation.

For my case, I plan to work for as long as possible. don't want to strapped down to machines at hospital. rather just walk around office. I told my boss I may just tell her I want to go to maternity leave in the morning but still stay in office (as long as I can tahan the pain) until afternoon or end of the day cos stage 1 labour can last tens of hours.

I have colleague who work to the dot and have to rush to hospital etc.

I notice most of my colleagues if no emergency, they will take 1 week in advance of EDD to rest at home.

My colleagues all take 3 mths straight. So since no one opt for separate treatment, looks like i have to take 3 mths straight too.
I read that you bought gymboree baby/toddler play books, can I know where you bought the books and how much? I bought the baby play from Amazon at abt USD 11.50, found it quite interesting and am intending to get the toddler play too. thanks!
Thanks for all the information. Sad... they never give me any documents. Got to scold them during next visit. Hb going to kill me if he knows all this. He already not happy with my gynae.
My bb like yours. I can feel her when I placed my hand on my tummy. But she will purposedly stop moving when my hb does that. So, at times when I dun want her to mmove (e.g. trying to sleep), I will ask my hb to put his hand on my tummy. That quieten my bb. Haha.

I think I was given 8 small pictures (pasted onto 1 A4 size page). Liek wat the gers say, some of them dun make sense to me.

Catcus, Ellysia,
I intend to work to the last day too. However, I have a friend whose bb refused to come out even after 40th weeks. Her tummy became too heavy for her to move around then. So she ended up starting her maternity leave earlier, sitting at home, waiting for her bb to come out.
Zu En,

I may start maternity leave few days before my EDD, just on the caution side.

If doesn't give birth after EDD, usu gynae will suggest to induce.

Ellysia and ZuEn,
During my initial visit, the gynae actually told me to start my maternity leave from 1st June even tho my due date is 15 June. Given a choice, I also hope to work up till the day I deliver. I have told my boss tentatively that I will start my ML in June.
Will be utilising the 3 mths ML at 1 shot.

Seems like we more or less know our bb movement patterns liao.
