(2008/06) June 2008

I will accompany him on the 1st day. 2nd & 3rd thinking of letting maid accompanied cos he will stick to me if I'm around. If maid n him alone, he is more independent.

How is ur maid? She from indonesia?

Zu En

For the first day u can stay for half day then disappear few hrs to see her reaction (hide around to see whether she got cry or not).

I usually pack 2 set of clothes, 1 water bottle each day. For diapers, bath lotion, diaper cream, mosquito repellant (if yr cc has outdoor area) i bring and put in CC. Label yr gal name on each item.
Pre-nursery lah, only 3 hrs.

That is also y I wanted my maid to take over.
E orientation abit chaotic n I 4got to ask anything. Hoho. I also think e 1st day will b chaotic, thus tot of gg with her for 2 days instead n maid go on e last day.
Had ur gal toilet train? Mine partial only so I will bring along 1 set of cloths n 1 diaper. Think the rest no need to bring.

2nd day stil wondering. Thinking of let maid follow on 2nd day and try to sneak out if possible, 3rd day have to see how. Since he had being in CC for 9 months, hope can independent faster.
Fully toilet trained except for night time but will have accidents at times. I expected her to soil herself bcos she's painfully shy. I think she wun dare to tell the teachers that she needs to pee. Haiz. *worried*
I m accompanying her tomorrow. Will see how on day 2. May e ah mah will take over. Day 3 will b ah mah. I also hope we can slowly escape but I think very difficult for my girl.
At least u all can toilet train yr kid at home... for my boy most of his time is in CC, i am unable to train him if the cc doesn't train him. CC will only train him if he show willingness n indicate to teacher tat he want to use the potty. then again my boy also not willing to toilet train too. he insist to wear diapers.

Just wanna ask any mummies fed their bbs with Isomil when they were younger??? My 2nd bb became a difficult feeder shortly after her jabs at 2 mths,....struggling and crying while feeding. I changed her milk to Isomil and she became a better feeder...tried to change her back to Friso but she cry and struggle again. Any advise whether Isomil is ok in the long run???

Friso is also soy formula right? Dun see any difference but some people told me Friso seems more diluted.
How is e first day? Mine a bit chaotic n e teacher nvr ask whether e childen want to go toilet. A lot of wash hand sEction but no pee. I ask mdm lim, she said will slot it tmr. Funny.

I Paster e teacher so finally they willing to help when he is in cc last yr. Now reject diapers when go out so we bring more cloths for him to change. A lot of accident now. Not sure when can stop
today my boy also first time take school bus. He needs to take two ways too...am quite worried cause he seem the youngest on the bus.
Was it chaotic over at your CC after class when the children got to gather to wait to get up the bus?
Strangely, toilet training takes only a short period of time. I trained her before I started my maternity leave. Shortly, she started rejecting diapers. There's still accidents now but at least she's trained.

1st day was chaotic lor. I wonder how e 3 teachers can handle so many kids when e parents r gone. There was a toilet break for e am session but e teachers dun ask everyone. I think my girl will have her accidents soon cos she's prob b too scare to tell e teachers. I m surprised that there doesn't seem much academic focus leh. Her ex-playgroup do more craft work. Maybe bcos it is e 1st day?

Yes, uber chaotic lor n lots of waiting. -.o"
But there r only 6 kids taking school bus, so teachers can easily recognize them and mk sure they board the bus. My girl is very quiet. I m so worried tat they will forget to bring her home one day.

Possible tat her stomach feel more comfortable with soy milk. Doesn't necessary lactose intolerant or other causes. Anyway my colleague let her daughter took soy formula all along and many others too, seems ok.


the sch bus which my boy took back home (1 way trip), the teacher will bring them down and carry them up to the bus. He is one of the youngest when he first started in feb last year.

Connie and Zu En

I asked the teachers twice already. But they all said my boy is not ready yet.

Maybe he is really not rdy. we tried to let him do diaperless on one weekend. He cried and refuse to let go the diaper.
Zu En

I oso worried the sch bus will forget my boy when he first started too. Keep reminding the bus driver and teachers.
I hv 4 tins of 900g Pediasure for sale as my boy change brand.

Letting go at $32 per tin but if u take all 4 tins then can sell at $30 per tin. Collection at buangkok mrt.

Vanilla favor expire Jan 2012 x3
Strawberry favor expire Sep 2011 x1

Serious buyer and no neg pls!!

Contact me via pm.. Thanks
I oso duno if my girl was ready then. I just made her go diaperless one day. She didn't get the idea then n peed everywhere. It took her a few days to get the idea. They r already 2.5 yo liao, shld b ready bah.

How was your day 2? My girl cried cos I wanted her to b more independent. She cried so much until she wet herself. -.o"
My boy cry when gg out. In sch my maid saw tt he is ok n left after an hr. The teacher said he cried till doze off. They nvr bring him to pee n told me he did not pee cos he drink little water.They will try to bring him to pee tmr.

So I bring him back to level 4 to pee b4 come back.
Cried until doze off ah. Aiyo. I think my girl will also cry buckets on fri. My mum will accompany my girl tomorrow and she is intending to escape after outdoor activities tomorrow. I spoke to the teachers, they seem quite strict to stop patents from accompanying after day 3. They also say that they will increase the number of teachers on fri.
Great. Hope they will like school soon.

My boy class got 2 mischief boy. 1 snatch toys , e other push others on e floor. Their parent totally no reaction when they saw it. Faintz. My maid easily recognize cos 1 of them snatch my boy toys again today.
Toy snatchers are everywhere. Haha. My girl keep telling me that who snatch her toy. Have to ask her to share or play other toys lor. Cannot possibly ask her to snatch back mah.
I m so worried abt fri that I lost slp last night. Toss n turn ion e bed for a long time. Lol.
Ya, a bit worry. I ask maid not to stay today. Think they cater more helper cos fri no more parents/helper, so many tobble will cry. After that back to 2 teacher.

Since ur gal take bus, how to u get feedback from the teacher? Do u have the teacher hp no?
They barred the parents from entering e school today. My mum sent my girl to school n said that she cried a little but stopped after awhile.
They almost forgot to put my girl onto e school bus during dismissal lor. Faint.

I called the principle to complain.
Hi ladies..

ahyo, almost forgot to put ur ger on the schbus? how come huh? Ur mum was there?

Char started her PG class too, yest cry big time lor, but after awhile she ok le..Haiz, alot of crying kids these few days...Anyway, I am withdrawing char frm this current sch and she will start her lesson in Kinderland in March ...She will be takign sch bus to and fro so I am abit worried too..

which Kinderland outlet your gal is attending?
My boy current cc has changed ownership to kinderland.
How u know they forget to put her on e bus?

My boy cried n stop during music time.
Today make a big hoo ha. Refuse to wear cloths n said he don wan to study wan to work. My hp almost burst w all e calls from home.

Yup increase by $100 p.m.

They have a few enrichment classes too.
I dun like the uniform leh.. the short look ugly.
Connie, feifei,
Bcos dismissal time very messy with kids waiting for parents and also incoming kids for afternoon class lor. Then 1st day that they bar parents, so many parents crowd at door. My niece in e afternoon class, so my dd prob wander to find my niece when she saw her coming. My mum didn't go to fetch her. Heng, my sil send my niece to school and saw mydd pn inform the teacher.
green colour shorts?

ahyo, really terrible if misplace our girls leh..

yes, charlotte started PG at tots hse this mth, then end of this mth i givign 1 mth notice til feb, so march start her lor
Y change? Keep changing isnot good for kid.

Is talent plus good? I thinking of enroll my gal there for exposure. Think if let her just start e pre nursery next yr, she sure v v jia lat. Heard e pg opp church is good but open for 24 mths onwards.
Connie, feifei,
Ya lor. Haiz. But she came home safely on day 3. Hehe.

Does ur boy noes how to tell e teacher thar he needs the toilet? My girl turned up with wet socks n shoes today after school. Not sure if she peed in her pants and teachers didn't noe or wat. Then both days, she super urgent upon reaching home. Will monitor for another few days, if situation didn't improve, will call the school again to pester. Hoho.
Personally, I found talent plus great but it all voice down to the teachers. E one that my girl attended was really great and she learnt alot from pg. She can recognize numbers and some alphabets liao. Then again, maybe most preschoolers can? Hehe.

I super worried whenever I change school for shauna bcos need to adapt all over. And after this experience, it is actually good if kids no need to take school bus. Less stressful for kids n we also less white hair. Haha.
No my boy will not tell teacher. When my maid pick him on fri he said want to poo . End up she bring him to gek poh toilet. Maid remind e teacher everyday abt e toilet issue. Don think they pay much attention to it. Will have to monitor for nxt few days. There will b a change of teacher. Mdm lim quit. Thought e sch just started last yr, so fast got ple resign. Hmmm

Talent plus is 18 mths or 24?
I tot so too. I reminded e teacher on wed but I think they too bz to pay attention to every students.
Talent plus should take in 18 mths. My girl started at 20 mths.
Morning ladies..

Hiaz, I hv no choice lor, cos if I dun change now, I am afraid by the tiem they open to public for registration for nursery, I might not be give a plc lor...So the admin suggested that I enrol my ger for pre-nursery now so that she can slowly get used to the sch...

ya lor, if onli no need to take sch bus lor...my case is because my mum doesn't want to bring char to the nearest PCF sch which is 2 LRT station away lor, so I hv no choice but to fins a sch which has schbus lor..
How's ur boi?
My girl is still crying every morning but fortunately she hushed shortly after entering school.
My boy is better now. Yesterday a good start so hopefully today ok. He will miss school for fri n Monday, hopefully he don start crying again on Tuesday.

He wet his pant yesterday. Not sure did the teacher bring him to toilet or not. He will not tell teacher that he want to loo. This morning while sleeping, he cried n say he don't want shoe to be wet. Not sure how the teacher tackle him when he pee. A bit worried.
My girl still cry leh. But she was in a really happy mood when she reaches home today.
I think she quite enjoy school, until now no nightmare. But I hope she will stop crying soon. N my mum still has to take school bus with her every morning! Hope she can go on her own soon.
Slowly she will adapt.

My boy cry like mad yesterday morning after the holiday but after maid walk with him to school, he is ok. Enter sch, hold his frien hands n bye bye. I fetch him n he is very happy.

It look like he do enjoy the school here. I was wondering should I continue here or switch him to St francisis next yr. Opening start in Mar'11. Do u think this kindy is good?

I will request to switch him to morning section when I enrol my gal in Feb/Mar. The principle say chances are high but if no drop out, how to be high? Afternoon is dam hot when I fetch him at 245pm.
My girl has to cry abit everyday. -.o"
She will hush after awhile n no nightmare, happy after school n can even tell me that she's gg to school whenever I ask her lor.
Why are u thinking of switching school? Is it nearer to ur plc? As for New Life, it is too early to tell if it is good leh. I heard jurong calvary church is good but too far for me.
SIL say st francisis is good. Near to ave 1. Not near my place n if enrol there mean need to engage school bus. Yes, Jurong Calvary also need to engage sch bus.

I still trying to figure out is New life good or not. He is happy after sch so if cont happy then will stay foot. This kindy are new set up n we are 2nd batch. hheehee. To br frank, I still not sure their cirriculum.

Any idea do they teach phonics?
If u hv a choice, skip e school bus. Until now, dd still cannot take sch bus to school on her own. My mum has to accompany her one way.
I also duno wat new life teaches but they dun seem to focus alot on academic in pre-nursery leh. It appears that my dd's old playgroup do more craftwork. She seems to learn more in her playgroup. When I accompany her on e 1st 2 days, it was too chaotic n the teachers didn't do much too. I only note that they have long outdoor play, about 30 to 45 mins. Then plus all the moving around, wash hand, toilet, snack time, seem like not much time left Liao.
Hi pple, having a hard time finding a school for my boy, even clementi PCF also has a waiting list! Any idea what are some good kindergarten/childcare in clementi MRT? Like quite scary to have a 2.5 yr old to take school bus leh. Will prob have to queue for next yr
YEs, Outdoor & indoor playtime. Plus the wash up, toilet and eating. There is approx 20 min for story telling, 20min for chinese. I don't see how they are going to conduct other activities. Will u be worried abt this? WIll this continuse til nursery?

I planning to enroll my boy in e montissori enrichment pgm. 380/12 session. 1.5hr per wk. Include phonics n math. They guide them thru kids own progress. Do u wan to join? At my blk down stairs. U can check out summermontessori. Blogspot.com

They can only join from jun onwards.
