(2008/06) June 2008

Hihi mommies,

I am a June2008 mum too. Happy New Year!!

May I know when it's a good time to toilet train? My littlg girl only go playgroup for 2 hrs in morning & home but I go to work whilst she's home with aged grandma.

Char also need to take school bus both ways? how far is the Kindy from your home?
my boy also taking both ways...
and he is the youngest on the bus....

haiz, too bad nearby within walking distance of my mum's house, not much good kindergarten....
there is no specific age for toilet training. For most of my SAHM friend, they start it when bb hit 18 months. before 30 mths, they have kick the night diapers off too. I started it quite late cos I rely on the CC to help. Your case might be tougher since your age grandma might have issue going round to clean. You might want to start letting your gal wear pull up n bring her to pee every 15-20 mins to let her accept potty first.
Even for full day CC, the 'real activities' only took around 2-3 hours. The rest are free play, bathing, sleep, eat. I be worried if the real activities are longer than 2-3 hrs bec this age is not supposed to have so much learning.

My boy to-date still not toilet train. I oso wanna rely on CC but colleague told me not to wait for CC liao. haiz.
I think e school will do more for nursery bah. I will let her attend one year 1st before deciding our next step. New life is the nearest church lor. Haiz. Today, my girl take sch bus on her own wor. So proud of her.
She is currently attending my little gym. Where do u stay? I tot phonics n maths only start when they r 4 yo?

I started toilet training my girl when she was 29 mths old. It only took a week for her to register the idea. Jia you. She is 32 mths now but still on diaper in e night.

My girl also e youngest on e bus.

Ya, dun wait for cc Liao.
Zu En

My colleague boy only stop wearing night diapers at age 4 so i tink yrs shd be fine even if she wearing night diapers.

Read somewhere tat boys are harder to toilet train.

I tink if they r rdy, when remove diapers they can be trained fast. But my boy reluctant, recently we try to encourage him to use back the potty but he purposely pee on the toilet floor.
Patience.. My girl peed everywhere too when we 1st started. She can tell us that she doesn't want to pee, then peed on e floor/ sofa the next moment. -.o"
They take awhile to get e idea.
Mine also the same. Got once, lie on the sofa n get his hair wet due to the pee. I'm thinking of training the nite after CNY, bought the mattress protector to start off. My maid is trying to train him for nap in the afternoon. We use the mattress from CC that is water resist n he is doing well but 1 hr pee once.

Wow, a big progress and she is v brave to start taking bus on her own. Ya, I also thought that is the nearest church that offer Kindy but I recall they give K1/K2 kid learn spelling of similiar words at 1 time. eg, cat, sat, bat etc.
If you thinking of testing for this year, are u gg to register her in another kindy in MAr? Else (touch wood) if want to change, many have no vacant by the end of the year.

I'm staying Blk 674 Jurong West st 65 . The montessorri occupied the RC at the void deck. they take in from 3 yrs onwards so I thinking of starting Jun. They will progress based on their pace. The P1 are expected to do problem sum now. Is the education system now so advanced? Thought I started that when I'm P3.

New life teachers in pre-nursery liaise more in chinese so starting the phonics might be an added advantage so they can strengthen both languages. Hopefully the montissori is good as what they explain.
If u don't rely on cc, how are u gg to train? Weekend toilet train n weekdays diapers? It will take you a few times to persuade the teacher.
i tot problem sums was from P4 onwards.

connie - yah but cc keep telling me he is not ready. cos he doesn't tell them when he want to pee. CC will only train him when he start to tell them he wants to pee or use the cc potty.
If he is willing to let go the diapers then i can tok to CC. But now at home he is not willing to let go the diapers yet.
Maybe cny we try again and see how.

My colleague says even if dun use potty but pee on toilet floor is still ok.
My boy wet 2 set of pants yesterday. The teacher said forget to bring him to toilet. Wonder are they metally prepared that they are teaching tobble and not all will tell them they want to pee. So far he can tell us when we are outside but he still don't dare to tell the teacher.
I wun change sch so quickly bah. My girl seems to enjoy sch. If new life cannot mk it, then register new sch next year n attend new sch kindergarten bah. I also think tt new life lacks teacher parent session, duno wat e sch teaches, duno how our kids perform on sch. -.o"
St 65 is not exactly near to new life n ur maid walks ur boi to sch everyday?
Is there any website to read up on e enrichment program? N it is an independent class? Any trial? Wat if e kid cannot let go of mummy?
I reminded e teachers a few times when I was with my girl on e 1st 2 days. My girl oso shy n dun dare to tell teachers. At home, I kept reminding her to tell teachers if she need to pee. Recently, she's ok but we always make her use e potty b4 leaving e hse 4 sch n standby potty when she comes home.
Wow, ur gal big improvement. Mine still saying don't want to go school but when reach school, hold his friend hand and bye bye.

My place was 1.5 bus stop away from the school. SO usually we walk unless lazy.

I have also remind them a few rounds on the 1st day. My maid remind them daily. But they don't seem to be aware or understand tobble of this age. I have repeatly telling him to tell teacher daily if he need to pee. Not sure when can register into his mind. No wonder mummy are always nagging.

Website : http://summermontessori.blogspot.com/

Website state 4 yrs above but the owner told me 3. I took the form but lost it so have to retake another copy. REgister this month will have registration fee waive. Thinking of start the program in Jun since is school holiday.

The playgroup they descibe sound the same as my boy childcare. Is it the same as talent plus?
I saw many negative comment on Blk 661D. They take in tobble from 20mths onwards.
My girl went to ePlay kids during dec for 1 mth. No good leh, the teachers no good and they are supposed to "teach" using computers, end up like watching tv. On top of that, e kids also watch tv lor.
Ur boy in e pm session, right? Go to bed at 11pm will still b in time for school mah. My girl slps around 10.30pm and we have to wake her up at 7.10am. She's used to waking up early n may even wake up before we wake her lor.
By the way, did u inform e school or the school call when ur son go "missing" for 3 days?
He sleep at 11am n he sch start at 1145am. Morning wake up at 8+.
Don u think he is on purpose?

So far noone called to ask after he miss sch for 4 days.
I gg M'sia tmr morning, so he will only attend sch after we back.

wah the cc dun even call when yr son didn't attend?

If the teachers still ignore yr reminders, just write them an email or a note. i find tat usually if written instructions they tend to follow better than verbal.
I thinking to send but not sure will he cooperate.

There is a hole in his front teeth cos too much chocolate n he refuse to let me brush his teeth.

Mine is the 3hrs pre-nursery now. I have drop the CC since his health not stablise and I suspect the new indian teacher did slap him else he won't point to his face and say "lou shi da" and rejected school.

I went to visit the playgroup opp new life. The PM section only got 3 students. Funny. Thinking of putting my gal there to test. Not sure is the school good or not. 3 teachers to 4 students. Mine will be the youngest and she ask me to put her next month. the other 3 are 2008 children. Near to my son sch so very convenient. But socialise will be lesser since only 4 students. I don't think they can teach v well too cos only CLT cert n 4 yrs exp.
I oso tot abt it but no action. Lol.

Got hole? Pain or not?
I think school is really trial n error n we cross finger in hopeof a good one that e kiddos like lor, just like maid. No harm trying bah. If not good, then take ur girl out.
My girl kena mosquito bite at school 3 days ago leh. I saw1 some time ago, 1 new more a few days ago. Then 3 days ago, she came back with 7 bites! I almost faint. Called e school to complain. I don't quite really like e fact that e school got no proper feedback channel ESP whenmy girl takes school bus to school n we dun get to MIT e teachers. I spoke with e principal. She also never come back with follow up action. Just said that she will take note. I kiasi, helped my girl apply insect repellent to school the next day.
It is a small dented hole cause by the peanut from chocolate. I have to ensure I blush that hole cause it turn yellow v fast.

My boy just restarted school on Mon after 2 weeks, still crying daily. Haiz. Ya, I notice the feedback from principle also not prompt. The new teacher look very young and not v experience.

My HB not agree to send my gal to the sch opp the church cos he find it v weird to have just 3 students to a class.

Edufarm called and say there is a vacant in the pm section and push me to go in Feb n pay full fee. I told her I keen from mar onwards as she only turn 18 mths in mar so she just say will call me back. A weird sch.
Zu En

I gave a bottle of insect repellant to the CC. My boy still get mosquito bites from CC. As the CC is landed housing so have more mosquitoes.
I was thinking of getting e school's email n email the school next time.
By the way, do u help ur boy brush teeth everyday? I try to rem to do so everytday but only b4 bed n not in e am.

E cc will really apply e insect repellent on ur behalf?
Zu En

Yup, the teacher ask me to bring bec' those insect repellant they put in CC belongs to other kids.

If u dun bring to the CC, they won't apply for yr kid cos CC usu dun provide such things i think.
I brush his teeth every nite. Am done by maid but he always refuse. Now I on Thomas for him n brush his teeth on bed.

He is v happy today. Went to his ah ma telling her he is going to school. Then off he go. HOpe this will maintain.
I m worried that she will get tooth decay soon at e rate that she's taking sweets n chocolates.
Great that ur boy is enjoying school! March holiday is coming. I hope that one week break wun turn my girl into a crying baby when sch restarts.

I guessed that is e good thing about cc. U pay more, e teacher student lower n e teachers can pay more attention to e kids. In e pre-nursery, 3 teachers to 18 students, everyday is like fighting war in school. Just trying to get e kids to do things isenuff to drive e teachers crazy.
Thought cc teacher ratio is e same.
Ya me too v scare abt decay furthermore he already got a yellowish hole at e front teeth.
He only happy on Friday, hopes everyday e same.
After he recover from cough, he kana again after gg bk sch. Think my boy immune system v bad. Today gettin better, hope this week don kanna again.
Expensive cc then lower ratio lor.
Nope, not accompanying my girl. Haven dec if I shld let my maid tag along. This will depend on whether my mum is ok to take care of my boy when my maid is with my girl.
Zu En

Yup. But some CC also have high teacher to kids ratio like wat u describe. I tink i heard tat some has a big class of 30 kids.

The classroom of my son CC is small (those semi-D house) so no matter how much they want to increase, there is a limit with the class size by MCYS in accordance to the room size. I am paying $580 per month for full day.
Hi Mommies,
Recently just talked with some SMH mommies and realise that teacher
from my boy previous CC smack children. She witness her smack 1 gal
(About 20 mth old) and the principle explain that is due to that gal
drop the cup on the floor. So what my son say is true, he really kanna
slap on his face after all these story.

1 of the playgroup teacher told me that during her attachment to 1 of
the CC, she witness children q up be slap daily. She did report to her
mentor eventhough the teacher there ask her not to interfere.

Our kid at this age can't express themselves so better check around for feedback before enrol for CC.
My boy is going but I'm not. Co just upgrade system, a lot of things to do.

My boy started to like there now. Since last Friday, he can tell Ah ma he is gg school daily and Yesterday at 10am, remove all cloths and want to put on uniform for school. (touch wood) Hope this will cont.

Roxy MIA liao
My girl too. Hehe. No more crying for ah mah when she board e bus. She even happily bid my maid goodbye before leaving e house. But she still hates her school uniform. Refused to wear her top every morning, only put on skirt. I also hope the good vibes will stay.
If she really enjoys this school so much, I will probably let her continue thru unless e teachers pissed me when I do get to meet them.
I think they are still not doing much academically leh. Never see her bring much craft work home. Also never hear her sing new songs at home. -.o"
Ya, will continue unless something piss me off. If the urine issue don't improve, then I have to change cause if kids kept pee on pants will have reverse result on them. Heard Eccokid is good. They are located at Yunnan but x.

I only saw 2 pcs of paper last week when he went back. Colouring ba. They usually keep n show u during meet parents section.

Agree, totally no new songs. I ask him wat song the school teach, he only sang ABC, ba ba black sheep which he already knew. I tried to sing the deep n wide song that the sch sang on the first day, he look at me..... weird.

I'm a bit kiasu. I enrol him downstair at the montesorri. There is 1 mommy enrol her boy too, not sure who but also born in Jun'08.(maybe saw my thread here) Both will start together, now waiting for that mommy to confirm when to start. I'm ok since only walk downstair. Do u want to join?

My boy can recognise alphabeta from A - Z but big cap. Accordng to the phonic teacher, should teach small cap cause in life, all use small cap so I'm teaching the wrong things. The school are also teaching the wrong things. Now he have to start all over to recognise a - z. How's urs? Which one did u teach? A-Z or a - z?
HI mummies,
Hows everyone? Been ages since I log in here...

Hows all the kiddos? =D. Time flies, our kids turning 3 yrs old leh...
