(2008/06) June 2008

sorry to hear about the fall. I hope he is getting better now. U must be stressed too. U take care, okie.

Toilet training:
i am really a lazy mummy. My mo and maid had trained my boy. He will tell us when he needs to pee. On weekends, outings and nights, kyler is still on diapers. I will have to train him to go diaperless on weekends too

hope to hear you are coping well. Jiayou

hi mummies.. sorry to disturb

i have 2 tin of 1.8kg Gain IQ to let go at $52 (NTUC selling $62) and 1 tin of 900g Gain IQ to let go at $28 (NTUC selling at $32.95). All expiry is Oct 2011

letting go as my boy has changed to pediasure

collection will be at buangkok mrt.. pls pm me if u r interested.
ellysia, oh dear, hope he get well soon

connie.. not ah, i haven train isaiah to sit on potty yet... he still poo inside his diaper but he'll tell us go away when he want to poo cause he paiseh to let us see... when he wants to pee though, he'll tell us "ssh sssh"

im going to withdraw isaiah from ichiban, duno right thing to do or not... cause he already blend in already, very happy to go school and dun cry already.. can even walk into school himself... but since attending this school, keep falling sick and worse of all, learnt alot of bad manners like spitting and playing with saliva, beating and pushing us and even got the cheek to tell us he pushed a poor little 18mth old boy who was new in school. We are pretty upset with his behaviour and wonder whether he picked up all these bad habits from school and according to reliable source, the school chef cannot make it, always give milo and biscuits to kids.
Somehow we feel the school dun care abt kids, my sister in law tried to pick him up from home and the teacher dun even bother to ask her ic no, and whenever we dun send isaiah to school for a few days, NO one, not even teacher or principal will bother to call me and ask y isaiah never go school... when i call and tell them he's sick, they say ok. And no one bother to sms or call me few days after that to ask whether is he better and coming back? which was what cherie hearts did and i felt they were more caring
school fees was 380 and they are going to increase to 480 after subsidy faint so exp!
im going to sign him up for st andrew cc, went there for visit, the teachers are quite stern, we saw a notti boy misbehaving and the teacher was very stern with him ask him sit one corner and be the last to go and the boy guai guai sit one corner. Saw the kids all very well behaved, say grace etc . The teachers are all singaporeans taught at the same place for 20 over yrs n pretty stern. It a spacious place but dun really have toys inside also...tink isaiah will surely cry and wun enjoy himself so much but i tink its time he learn some discipline also. Duno whether teachers too fierce will stifle his learning or not? wat do u all tink?

The CC which my boy attended is quite strict too. When i visited during trial, I noticed the kids are quite well behaved. My boy is quite rebellious. sometimes i go to CC to fetch him i saw him throwing tantrums also. Usually the teachers will ignore when the kids throw tantrums i tink. But i tink if most kids are well behaved, they tend to copy each other and so overall will have good discipline and is true my boy is more disciplined since attend CC. Whether it stifle learning or not, i am not sure but its v strange got no toys at the CC.. most impt is u feel comfortable with the place.
When my boy didn't attend CC, the teacher will call even before we call them. When he had HM that time, the teacher also call twice to ask how he is and give advice on treatment & how to take care of him. Usually when someone else is fetching, we need to call school in advance.

My CC is going to increase fees to $580 by $100 cos they just change hands to Kinderland. I hope the discipline and everything still remain.

I tink most CC give milo and i feel is ok. Biscuits shd be fine i tink, the usual teabreak stuff.
Tis weekend we let ah boy tried soy milk. We tot since he ored clear the recent SPT for soy, shd be fine. although KKH ask us to go back in Jan to do the food challenge test for soy. He seems fine but seems to have a few spots of eczema. Have requested for free sample of soy formula, hope he can tolerate and will like it. he is not taking any formula for 5 mths ored since i wean off BM.
Is it located at 511 Jurong West St 52? So it will b near to ur parent place.

The first time my HB went to fetch him, noone ask for his NRIC too. Normally they will look at the child reaction ba. If the child don seem to recognise him, they will not let him take him away.

Is Teacher Maria the one who SMS you? I always received it from her only. She left and another malay took over. Z miss sch for 2 days n no sms , I will see when they start asking.

Falling sick for first few months are quite unvoidable. My frien told me that no matter which one I send, definitely need at least 6 months to stabalise. So even if u opt to change now, be prepared for the 1st 6 months.

I relying a lot on CC to guide my boy, cherrie heart are quite good although my boy are mischief there. He is following well with the studies and understand a lot of things now. Can see the teachers are caring but the air ventilation are not very good there. Maybe because the place are small. My HB comment that their flr are sticky and don't look very clean. There is once when a twins drop out due to cleaniness according to my maid.

My son do beat n push peers. They definitely learn both good n bad things in CC. I some how suspect cc that can keep tobble v descipline. How do they do that? Is there something that they do to make them scare n obey rules? If they have a naughty area, make sure it is not dark. Some CC put the notti kid into a dark room.

I finally decided to withdraw him starting from end Dec and putting him to New Life pre-nursery next yr. The teacher will be sad n so will Z but his health condition did not improve after 9 months. I do not want to take the risk and regret in future. I taking the Pd advise to withdraw.

I told the principle if he cannot adapt to the new sch, will consider to bring him back.
Rozy, Zuen,
Any plan to let ur tobble learn swimming?

Hi Mommies,
Have u start ur kid any enrichment class?
What is best for their age now? any recommendation?
Last time my brother got kept in dark room at Kindergarten and he got phobia to attend school & bad memory. So if dark room for naughty corner or get lock in a room is not good.

I am not sure how the CC train my boy. But during trial lesson i notice teacher usu ignore the kid if naughty. Then after while the kid will stop and behave normal.
Ichiban no good? There r 2, which 1 did u send him to? Lil ZuEn has just completed her playgroup n will start pre-nursery next year.

Lil ZuEn will b doing pre-nursery in New Life too! Ur boi is the am or pm session? My girl doing e am session. Maybe I saw u at e orientation? Hehe.

Re: swimming
My girl goes 'swimming' at least once a week with her cousins. But I dun think she can take proper instructions yet, so prob will sign her up when she turns 3+, 4 yo.

Re: enrichment class
I m gg to signy girl up for my little gym. She tried 1 term n she loves it. Stop bcos I was heavily preggy then. We r gg bk in Jan 11.
Othr kinds will wait for her to b 3 or 4 yo.
Mine in pm. Nvr go orientation cos reg end nov only. Last min decide cos he kept falling sick in cc even after 8 mths. Last vacant.
hi connie, ellysia and zuen
isaiah attended ichiban montessori... when the centre had HFM on sat, they didnt even bother to call and tell the parents so at least can segregate the children if have other siblings, end up isaiah really gena hfmd.

Is new life pre nursery good, seems like alot of u all bringing the child there

im tinking signing him up for zoophonics
btw the milk powder is NOT cheap.... medical shop at jurong west already sell enfa at $56 per tin and no need minimum order dat was 1 mth ago, duno price increase or not
Oh but I buying gain n pediasure. Slightly cheaper but usually buy more to store since consumption is high.

E new life, not sure good or not but have to enroll him to learn something. Talk to 1 granny n she said her grandson love sch.
Hi Ladies,
hows everyone doing? =).

hihi...hows Isaiah now?

Charlotte has been with zoophonics for afew mths, she is in the zoo kids whereby parents are not allowed to attend the lesson with them. In the beginning, charlotte will cry but aft afew lessons, she is ok le. Teacher says she is learning well though she is e youngest in class...hehe..

Our friends'daughter, Jacinta is with zoophonics at Jurong too..maybe you can find out more frm her leh =D.
Recently for my bday, i ordered a vegan cake so that my boy can also eat the cake. Always see him looking at the bengwana solo cake shop so i tot i get a vegan cake so that he can eat too. The cake is so delicious and taste not any different from normal cakes. I order from delcie desserts website.
she used to be in full day cc frm March til aug..Then hb amd I can't take it when she had brochitis twice, and she fell sick every wk..hiaz...Imagine the PD bills added up to $3k...scary lor... The final straw was when she had high fever for 4-5days and rejecting milk and food..End up we brot her to KK ..realised her throat has ulcers etc..We decided to withdraw her after that...

oic. when my boy had bronchitis 3 times when he just entered CC, we went to KKH emergency and spent around few hundreds. after tat, the KKH emergency referred us to KKH specialist (which is equivalent to PD). as it is a referral from the emergency dept, the specialist fees are under subsidy and thus every visit is only $30 or so. It save us a lot of cost. so i will suggest for bronchitis it is better to go to KKH. The emergency dept will charge a flat fee of $80++ which include the medicine and doctor fees. It is equivalent or even cheaper than seeing PD. Morever, PD need to book appt in advance. Hospital also has more resources. The waiting time at PD or hospital is around the same.
Oh ya i will also suggest tat u all get hospitalisation and accident insurance plan for your kid. The recent incident tat happened to my boy when he cut his ear badly due to a fall, i am able to claim from the accident insurance plan which i bot for him. My boy had 8 stitches at KKH emergency and has to undergo the minor op under sleep as he keep struggling. After the stitches was done, we still have to go back to hospital for check-up and review whether need any re-constructive surgery, from the specialist dept. All of these are around few hundred dollars.

My boy was also hospitalised due to LS and dehydration when he was 1 year old.. tat time the hospitalisation fees account to few thousand just from a 3 night stay. I also claim it from the insurance plan.
You are right. Everyone should buy medical insurance that cover everything so that you won't have to pay a cent. BB n adult. The medical bill is v high now. My BIL just pass away from cancer and his medical is very high n he manage to drag 1 year with 3 operations on his head. The medicine itself can go up to thousands per time.
I bot my own plan too late and it come with limit on pre-existing conditions, so i guess its better to buy plan from young so that no pre-existing condition will be stated.
Oh. I recall there is 1 insurance that cover kids if both parent bought but they have a fine print that when the child hit 21, will depend on their health condition. It is not auto renewable. Auto renewable if they are 100% healthy. Many parents buy that cos the fine print is not well known. I ask my agent to check as she kept pushing it to me, then she came back telling me the truth. As a agent, she also don't know that the fine print exist.

OIC.. my boy insurance are bot by me alone. My hb doesn't believe in buying insurance for kid.

My insurance agent keep asking me to get Education plan.
Education return not much and is just a saving plan. According to my friend, saving plan the agent will earn more so till now I never buy saving plan.
<font color="ff0000">Hi mommies,

i m letting go my brand new with tag , polliwalk elmo design in size 8 at cost price $39.

pls pm if keen. </font>

I have 2 x 900g Karrihome goat milk 3-7 yrs old.
Letting go at $35 each, own collection or meet at Somerset.
Expiry 2012 Oct.
Interested PM me
Hi mummies,
Merry Christmas!

New life is actually quite new. E more well-known in jurong r jurong Calvary kindergarten n jurong Christian church. But new life nearest to me. Lil zu-en has to take sch bus on her own come Jan wor. I think she's gg to cry buckets n reject school. She's still not independent yet, still cry everyday when she goes playgroup. Haiz.
Zu En

My boy also take sch bus to MIL house after sch. He has started taking in Feb tis yr when he joined CC. Yr gal shd be fine. My boy also cried in the morn when i drop him off.
My girl has to take school bus 2 way. I m worried that we will hv prob making her get up e sch bus in e am. At least if we drop her off in school, there r teachers there n I can feel more at ease. Haiz. I m hoping for miracles.
Hi Sorry to disturb your thread.
Would like to check if there are any mummies staying at Tampines st 44 or nearby? I'm a march 2009 sahm mummy and I'm looking for playdates for my boy. Pls email me at [email protected]

Zu En

If u can drop her in the morn it will be better bec u can also gain feedback from teachers. Like in my case the teachers will write on the notebook, if not we will have some exchange in the morn when i drop him off.

waking up in the morn shdn't be an issue after it become a routine. But first few trips u may want to accompany her on the bus to get her familarise so that she won't panic and cry too much.
also.. u can try to tok to her on the day before and in the morn before she start the sch bus.

Btw, the CC actually ask us to start the sch bus after he attended CC for 2 weeks. The supervisor said dun want him to have too sudden change. For the first trip my hb accompanied him on the bus. Then the next few weeks the auntie will accompany my boy. only after he adapted to the bus then he sit with other kids.

at least last time the CC will send us fotos weekly so we can see progress or activities they do. Now they change owner so the new system dun have the weekly fotos liao.. will have quarterly parents meet session instead. actually i usu dun have time for the parent session i will rather regular short feedback when i drop him off sch and the weekly fotos but too bad no more weekly fotos.. haiz. Really hate this change of ownership bec there are some old merits which they have removed it. Plus they increase the fees &amp; remove the Kindermusik enrichment. I am still waiting for their own inhouse music lesson to start bec i tink my son like the kindermusik.
Bcos not cc, class starts at 8.30am, so no way I can send her to school when I go back to work.
My girl still cries everyday despite attending her playgroup for almost a year lor. My maid will sit in the class for a while until she warms up. Cannot do so with the new school.
We have been telling her everyday that she will b starting new school soon n she has to take school bus on her n go to school on her own. But I also expected her to cry like mad when it really happen.

Too far to walk wor. I stay at pioneer mrt. If worse come to worse, somebody will take to take public bus to send her to school n she take school bus back.
Are u attending class wif her for the first 3 days?

My boy will cry occassionally when he go school especially on Mon when he saw daddy at home. Other days can go happily. He like the school but eversince the malay teacher left, he reject a bit and occassionally said lousi da. Then he point to his face. Not sure is it true or not.
My boy 1 way is already $80. $95 for 2 way is consider cheap. Plus my boy journey is only 5-10mins.

My boy oso cry in the morn when i drop him at CC even though he attended CC nearly 1 year. sometimes if he cry too hard i will call the CC later in the day to check if he stop crying after i left.

Connie, ellysia,
My girl gets ultra sticky n dependent when I m ard. Intending to accompany her on e 1st day n maybe e 2nd to see how is e school routine like n also to talk to e teacher to see bow to tackle my girl's dependency issue. Then, maid will take over b4 she goes on her own.
Yup, will b taking sch bus with her. Haiz, super worried now as e day draws nearer.

Wat to bring on their 1st day?
