(2008/06) June 2008

hi ellysia
oh dear...i hope ur boy recover soon

connie... haiz isaiah back to his usual cry n cry, fall sick, got fever, cough etc and refuse to go school... got to coax him everyday

feifei...crying and sick
how's little char? has she recovered?

Ariel got diagnosed with grade 3 reflux and specialist recommended putting her on 2 yrs antibiotics to prevent kidney scarring... anyone has any experience with this?
I brew barley water and ask hb to give yest, then today we put at MIL house so MIL will give him also.

He has dairy and soy allergy and hasn't been taking FM or any milk since i wean off recently. Totally on solids. during these 2 days where his appetite is bad due to the ulcers, we tried to gave him juice and barley water.

Also tried not to bring him out in case he spread to others. we adults also have to be v careful cannot kiss him n wash hand more frequently esp after changing diapers.
HOpe he recover soon. So for the past 2 weeks, there is no HFMD in CC? REal headche when urs don take milk if appetite down, then what he want just give loh. PD always say that to me.

Frien told me no matter which cc u bring your child, 6 months is the min to get immune. Start new Cc, new cycle continue. Hope yours recover soon. Mine 7 mths in cc still back with cough n running nose. haiz.
tis weekend, he refuse to eat any food. Only took barley water, water chestnut water. Yest nite only want to take agar agar.

yah, he can't take milk.. or else can give and also have more choices like ice-cream or cakes which are cold and soft. Not much choices for him lor.
Morning ladies..

Grade 3 reflus? hmm, wats that actually?

Ur boy sick cos just changed a new cc hor?haiz, i hate this phase but no choice..hiaz... Like I can't ren for char to reach 6mths in cc and ended up I pulled her out and my mum is helping me to take care of her now...hiaz...
Today my boy refused to take any food. Last 2 days he only took few pieces of jelly and no other food throughout the whole day. Ored slim until bones and all. haiz.

we try to keep him hydrated by giving him water.
He finally took some food yesterday after 3 days of hardly eating.

He wanted to eat his fav food during the 3 days but the ulcers are too painful for him to swallow so he will cry whenever he try to eat, until he become so scared of eating tat he refuse to try any more food after 1-2 tries.
Today bring ah boy back to school after 12 days break. It is like his 1st day to school, cry and scream until the roof wanna collapse. No choice but to leave while he is crying.
glad that your boy is recovered

now avril's doing well in school, as long as its not me bringing her to school she's fine and happy
He recovered from HM but caught the flu bug last week. Bring him to see PD on Fri. He is not comfortable with the drowsy running nose medicine, keep cranky before he nap, and want to be carried and walk around like an infant.

dunno why whenever he is sick, his behavior is like back to infant stage.
Did you try to clear his nose?
normally I will rotate my finger on the side of his nose to clear it. apply some oil on his chest. Will make him feel better.
<font color="aa00aa">Morning ladies, long time din come in here.
But seems like here now so quiet.

Last week, both of ger was sick, fever and flu. And yesterday i started to get sore throat, cant even talk, today oso. The haze really make my consider worsen. Quite worry for my YuJie as she had bronchitis and ezcema prob. Sigh...

Btw, can i know if kid is sick, can we still feed them with vitamins and scotts emulsion?

kid are like that. When YuJie was sick, i'll called her 'koala bear' coz she'll want us to keep carrying her oso. Maybe they feel uncomfortable and dont know how to express, feel more secure with us carrying them kua.</font>
Aiyo. Me also get infected by the flu bug. Voice become husky for 2 days, then cough really bad. Same, the haze make it worse.

Yest my boy took a meat ball cooked by my MIL. Then my MIL panic bec she uses egg to make the meat balls. But surprisingly my boy didn't have any allergic reaction. I really hope tat it means he is no longer allergic to egg, or maybe the Skin prick test result on egg is a false positive.

I oso call my boy "koala bear" when he become so sticky. anyway we stop tat med as we suspect is the med make him cranky more than the flu &amp; cough. after stop med he is better le. i tink next time have to tell pd not to give tat med.
<font color="aa00aa">ZuEn,

Ellysia, me now still coughing. Really sianz! The haze make me feel breathless too. Pray hard the haze quick quick go away.</font>
Congrats Zuen!
I jumped Q...was suppose to be a Nov mummy. End up my girl wanna chiong out...so I popped on 19 Oct... she is a 35+5 days old when she came out. She is now still in hospital while I discharged on friday. Hope she can come out tmrw.

same my coughing haven't cure yet, still coughing n haze make it worse. Lucky during weekend got rain so its get better. Nighttime my cough is the worst. Wake my boy up few times in the night due to my coughing cos we sleep together.
Hi all...

Congrats!! How u coping?

Dun worry ya...she will put on more weight soon..Is she still in hospital? You must take care of yourself ya....

hi ya...I am also havign this dry cough lor, once start to cough, can cough quite sometime de..hiaz..
My boy is starting to cough again. Last nite vomited. Sian.
This sat flying to Penang, hope he get well soon but just starting. Wonder should I bring him to see PD before it get worst? Today already Tue and Fri he got performance. errrrrrrrrr.

Is your BB still in hospital? Is it due to the weight thus cannot discharge?

wah yr boy participate in the cc concert.
I didn't let my boy participate. end up he is the only one in the cc tat didnt participate.. zzz.


Tat is 2KG? need to reach 2.5KG then can discharge? 35 weeks is fine.. 37 weeks considered ok so only 2 weeks earlier.
Thought it will be a good exposure for him.
Teacher say he refuse to wear the costume.
Hope his health condition don worsen else everything gone case. haiz.

So how heavy is your bb?
She came home on Sunday.=)

Ellysia, Connie,
She was 2.47kg when she is born, but loss weight. She came home at 2.3Kg. She stayed at NICU for 3 days for obersavation. 2nd day she had an episode whereby she stop breathing when the nurse put a pacifier in her mouth, (i dunno why they wanna put a pacifer in her mouth?)thats why stayed another day at NICU. Then was trasfered to nursery to go under the light for her jaundice.

2.4KG is a good weight ored i tink..
so she was in NICU bec due to born early? Cos i tot the wt is quite ok.

so when u can fetch her back home? u visit her every day at hosp?
Tis week i have been trying to 'train' my boy to walk in CC in the morn without me carrying him and passing him to teacher while carrying. I also try to tok to him and tell him that big boy dun cry so i be happy tat he didn't cry when i drop him off at CC. Initially it works for a few days but yesterday he refuse to walk in but didn't cry. Today he walk in but he cry. Sigh, next year will be N1 and he still want to be carried in to CC. I see his classmate can walk in guai guai, no cries and sweet goodbye to her mum. how come he can't do it.. still so insecure. anyway to suggest to improve the situation?
hope u can make it. Mine cos maid bring so he ok to walk. If I bring, must carry.

Today the show very funny. The PG1 kids are stun when the curtain are drawn. Some just stand there, only 1 boy kept dancing in the 1st play.

My son in the 2nd play, he laugh n dance. very cute. He was laughing away searching for daddy in the clowd while dancing. His make up dam thick and red.
My boy attended CC since Feb but he still will cry and dun want to walk in in the morning drop off though sometimes he is ok. I am trying another tactic now.. hope it works.
Morn mummies.
maybe your boy want assurance more love n sayang from u before Hes left in school? So want u to hug n carry him lor. Hee

btw today is my boy 2nd day of cc.. Ah the morn is terrible.. Heartache parting part was the worse today pulled my hair so hard that I can't leave. Have to force to open his fingers. My goodness. Hope this phase is pass soon! Pray hard.
Ok yest he didn't cry.. but tis morn he cry until i leave the cc i can still hear his crying. sigh.

He ored attended CC for 9 months ored leh.. still behave like tat.
morn all mummies... gymboree having 30% off storewide... anyone want to share to save shipping? i have abt us$100 of orders myself... will order by tonite in case oos...

congrats janiviy and zuen!!
morning ladies...
its been a long time....

finally enrolled my gal in CC . Today is her 3rd day. wonder how she's adapting...
Tis morn ah boy monday blues, cry when i leave him at CC. Sigh.

We tried to toilet train him on Fri but failed. He get v stress using the potty. Guess he is not ready.
Any mommy tried Oragnic manuka honey from new zealand? There is offer from my son CC. 500g 15+ &amp; 250g 20+ as 1 set at S$62. Is it worth to buy?

First time tried on potty? Alternatively, you can try putting the child toilet seat on the toilet bowl. My son started with that.
When we tried to train him, he is only coperative for a day, good luck to your training. You must be persistant.
Although I still not successful after so long but at least now he will let me know if he want to poo. Think Roxy is success on the training.
Hi mummies,

How are all of your, being quite sometimes never log in this thread. It bring going very slow hor..
Me also did try to start my girl on toilet, but me too lazy to keep persistant.haha..
But will try for half a day first, else she dare not poo poo when she wanted too.
my boy fall down today while throwing a tantrum and he cut his ear lobe, went to KKH and did 8 stitches. Have to be on aesthetic bec he keep struggling. We waited for 4-5hrs in KKH bec he has to go w/o food for 3 hrs before can go for the op. now have to monitor n have to follow up with plastics dept. V traumatise for him.
We r keeping him from CC for this week just to be careful, cos sch say they worried abt his wound in sch as he may be playing with his classmates etc. Have to take leave again lor. I almost using up my leave for this year esp now is end of the year.

Long time never come in liao.
I m coping well with 2 but lil zuen is super sticky at times.

Re: toilet training
I started when I started my leave, which is abt 6 weeks ago. Lil zuen can now go w/o diaper entire day except night time. We tried to let her go diaper free when we go outside for short trips too. We still get accidents but see some results from our persistence.
jia you.
