(2008/06) June 2008

Ya lor, taking a Degree in Biz lor..
Wat u working as huh?Wow, saw ur reply to tera...u in accounting? wow, hehe, next time if I hv problems with my tutorials on accounts, can I ask you for help?hehe... ;p

hehe, char also lor..Wat i do is I will sit on her mattress and then i sit against the wall, then char will put her face on my chest and then sometimes sleep like that before i trf her to her mattress..But most of e time, i off e light, tell her bedtime, give her a kiss, then soemitmes she will fuss abit but i kept quiet, then slowly she goes dreamland le...hee

Hehe, i intend to get those hello kitty gift bags, put some biscuits and sweets inside lor =)...mayb get some balloons for the kids too =)..

Yes man. They must meet up! Spenser also hold my hands and ask me to sit down and play with him on the playmat. and also go around the house whereva he prefers lah. hahah same leh!

and my mil says shes rank the last in the fam! wahhaha...similar AGAIN

spen is ok with his daddy when hes in play mood loh. when zzz time he will auto ask him to go sleep by pushing daddy to the bed. kekekke then he will hold my hand to the other room loh. for my boy he sleeps with my maid during weekdays. only during weekends he sleeps with us. coz he still wakey 2x for milk feed. i cant cope lo..i need beauty sleep. =P
so maybe hes rather close to my maid at times. well not a bad thing coz at least i know i can have some rest. just like what ur coll mentioned, ultimately they will know who their parents are.

IT..so can i say we are similar again in terms of a "not so interesting" job either?! kekekke

ah! ben10 wah umm...i also thought sweets or stationery giftbag =P

u are one of those capable mummy. can handle ur boy all by urself. i still rem the routine u posted a few weeks back. will keep it for reference when my maid returns home. =)
I find kids a bit funny nowsday. My hubby seldom at home only over weekend but my son also prefer him lor. But at nite sleeping time, will look for me.

At my SIL place, he look for everyone except me. So I v jealous too. Cannot don let him go there cos there is more room for him to run abt over there.

He don really stick to maid lor but SIL and BIL. The moment the car come in, he will be at the gate waiting for him to carry.

Think u got the pt there. Ignore them and they will learn. But will take times.

Sometimes, mine lie on the floor not because of temper but happy happy type. When he felt like it, he will lie down. When he see the dog on the flr, will also lie ther and see. Ask him to remove shoe when we reach home, he immediately lie down. I have being trying to teach him to sit when remove shoe. a few weeks alreayd but still same pattern. headache.
hoho. no prob , if im of help sure can lah. the problem is i also "pan dong shui" =P

im new bird in this forum. same question as connie, can i join also? hohoho. and if bring spenser along later monkey around also like what he did in the positive class i veri paisey again.

One person handle means must lower expectations on the quality of cleaniness and tidyness in the house, plus extra tolerance for babysitting lor. I took care 1 person usually when on leave, or when he is sick, or my MIL is not well. On weekends is usu with my hb.

My colleague will cut all the vegs for 1 whole week. So everytime she want to cook for her boy, she just need to throw in the veg & meat then ok liao.

I usually give fruits to my boy and put him on his highchair to eat, while i cook his meal. I use slow cooker, and steam cooker etc.. easier. Can't use the stove cos need to man the fire.

U oso need to plan some activities, and timing for him to sleep. Morn bring him out after his bkfast, let him jalan 1-2hrs then suan bian i buy /eat my lunch.. then go back bathe together n let him nap. Then nap together with him (to regain energy so u have more energy for the day).. after he woke up, let him watch a bit cartoons while eating apple/fruits then i go cook his dinner. after he eat apple/fruits then switch off tv and read story books/play toys/play games. Then come dinner. Then bedtime. After he sleep, need to prepare tomorrow stuff + cleaning up the dining area/living area before i sleep. Yes, and in btw the activities i will do some laundry - just need to set the washer then transfer to dryer etc.

If u taking care alone without yr hb, u can settle yr meal by either u cook 1 pot of soup with slow cooker for both yr kid and yrself; or u order macdonalds on days u lazy to cook, or u cook maggie mee to eat yrself but not v healthy lah.
Of cos can lah.Welcome!..I tink hor, dun bring our kids better hor , then can concentrate to chat leh...But if really bo bian, then bring lor cos i tink we need to take care of kids on wkends hor...but i will be busy with my assignment til 9th march leh .....Hmm...Any idea where shall we go? Hmm....if bring kids, we can meet at polliwons when our hb can entertain e kids while we mummies sit and chat...If not, we can go someone's hse or maybe a condo function room then kids can swim or wat lor...just my suggestions lor...hee
don think my hb is joining.
If go condo, can swim but everyone will be on own kids already.

yours so gd, will sit on high chair and eat fruits. mine will give it to the dogs. else will bite every pc and put back to plate.
Mine now reject apple n banana, maybe bb time eat too much.
Stress of being a parent - Quick Survey - help a grad student

Thank you to those who have completed my survey! I have until March 1 to get a few more responses so I can begin my research project. Can you share this with other parents you know? I really appreciate the help and am so excited about studying in your country! The study is to learn more about couple's relationship as they take on the role of parenthood.

The following people are invited to take the 5-minute survey:
* Have you had your first (and only) child in the past six months to 24 months?
* Do you live with the co-parent?
* Is it the first child for both partners?

To start the survey, please click the link below or copy and paste it into your Internet browser.


Robyn Maley
morning ladies!
just dropped my boy off at cc and now getting ready to go to work. first time saw him smile when we reach the cc cos he saw his fav teacher (she's usu inside the school). he even stretch out to ask her to carry.

i'm ok to meet up too but i think with kids it's going to be difficult to talk. even at a playgym or someone's house, u will still have to move around with them.

my boy now, other then lying on floor, got many other patterns. love to pull out tissue paper/wet wipes, open dvd covers - take out dvd, loves to grab my letters and will proceed to shred them, switch on and off my tv repeatedly, the list goes on.. *sigh*

i think got to check with the cc regarding the bday celeb. for my nieces' case, my bro and SIL do go down to the cc to cut the cake together with my nieces. then give out goody bags.

haha, liked the way u identified our similarities! let's hope we have a chance to meet up soon!
saw u using the watsup app for iphone hor...is it useful?hehe..me mountain tortise, now they download..still haven download songs for char yet lor..Do u know where to download?
Tis morn i went outside for meeting so not online.


iphone can download from youtube lor..
my hb always play chugginton,mickey, dibo the dragon those cartoons from youtube to entertain my boy outside.


Yest first time saw my boy smile at teacher and stretch out for carry too. He even sing song.. me see liao happy. hope he will cont tis way.

Today teacher call and say my boy knock a big bump on his head while climbing staircase.

During CNY season, one of my hb frens suggest to meet at Turf club cafe, where there is a playground outside the restaurant and some toys etc a play area inside the restaurant. The restaurant is not ex, food cost around $10-$20.. i rem they got organise bday parties too. U can check it out.

at my MIL house my boy will roam around eating fruits.. he dun like to sit on highchair. At home i force him to sit on highchair if not nothing to eat lor.

For fruits u have to rotate the variety.. cannot give the same. Can rotate btw grapes, pear, apple, banana, blueberries, honeydew etc.
Haha, I'm not alone. I purposely buy a cabinet to block the power supply, he also can push the cabinet away to on/off the switch.

Sometimes wat the pd said make me worried. "Kid should stop by now, not sure y urs still doing this"

SIL house no high chair so he will walk around while eating. my house got high chair so he can climb up n down.
He eat grapes but the rest only a bit and start to play wif it liao.

Anyone giving to their baby? What brand and wat type?

The tuina person ask me to give calcium since my boy fall sick easily. But theirs look the same as what adult eat. CApsule form and the counter gal want to force me to buy as she already open it for me. Heng I ask the tuina physician to come down to see as it is not the same as what she told me. Then the counter gal bobian but to cancel the order and refund me the $$.

I went pharmacy to see, most meant for 3 yrs above and a few 2yrs above. CAn ours take that?
tera e ch I'm attending seems not bad also though e teachers r all from china n english cannot make it I tink they genuinely like e kids I saw e teacher kissing isaiah cheek just now when I was doing my usual peeking through window .. Yes its also mainly maid jealousy causing me to put him at cc n oso arrival of no2

Zuen Congrats !!! Very happy for u

Fei u sound very positive thanks for encouragement hee zuen preggy le should be ur turn next? Hee

Connie heard ur son is going in next week?e teachers all telling me Wat is ur hp we can contact each other
morning ladies..

Haha...me huh? Still hv 1.5yrs more before trying leh..hehe....

See you in class later =).
u don accept PM lei. PM me so I can email u my no. Very relive to know the CH is good. hee hee.
NOt sure whether they can tahan my boy or not.

My boy v jia lat one lor. 2nd time I arrange the start date, he down with cough n phegm again. Hope he can recover by tue.

Miss the LNT class 2nd time. heart pain.

Now throwing toys in the living room again while I cowing in the room. HOw is ur gals? Now should have more supply than the 1st one.
i was going to log in to msg u telling u i couldnt find e cal at home. maybe at my mum's place. will be going over tomorrow to check it out.

btw wont b going for the class today. got guests at my place. will inform Has later. =)
connie isaiah was ok de now down with fever n throat infection going miss school few days n I dread to tink of his reaction when I bring him back after dis long break.. They sure can tahan ur boy isaiah so notti oso can stand .,stupid kk ydae his fever only 38 we rush down middle of nite doc says its nothing dis morn shot up to 39 rush down to nam Seng then doc told us throat infection n must monitor make me never pump 9hrs n so painful n got to leave ariel at mother place n miss her so much now, stupid kk doc no experience
Oh dear. Hope ur boy recover soon. Is any of the kids in CH sick?

Y go kk? TMC no 24 hrs? The doc in KK not all experience one. Some learning ba. Is he at home now?

Wow, 9 hrs must be v hard n pain lor. Might take a long time to clear. Jia you.

My boy this round recover quite fast. Maybe is due to tuina n medicine. My maid say both together will recover faster. After taking him to tuina then I realise his health not v good desplete giving him BM. So sad.
My boy start to sing some songs and learn dancing since he attended CC. He also learning to put toys n listen to instructions better i tink. Also, i feel tat previously he doesn't bother whether we got follow him when he running outside, but since he attend CC maybe he is more aware so he tend to check on us more often lor.

Last friday he fall down at CC staircase and a big bump on his forehead. Teacher so worried call me.. MIL feedback tat the bump is v big in the afternoon when he came back from CC, but by the time evening when we go and fetch him the bump has subside further.


I tink previously someone posted here tat she went TMC at night and only 1 doctor there and waiting time longer than KKH.


my experience with KKH is tat they treat high fever as 39 degrees n above with more importance, maybe bec they see too many fever cases.

Tat time my boy rest at home 2 days sick and no go CC. When he go back he cried until the roof like want to collapse, still crying when i reach the car downstairs. It took around 3 weeks for my boy to adapt lor, though he still cry sometimes a little according to teacher. I have seen his classmate ored attended many mths and still crying after long break lor.

Just persevere and it shd be ok.

U can get Childlife calcium from GNC. I given my boy before. Can take from 6 mths onwards i tink.

But doc ever told us tat calcium cannot anyhow take bec over dose can cause stones.
Leng Leng

Not me.. i stop giving calcium ored, bec doc ask me to stop. Connie is interested.

Recently i just bot the omega childlife, but i tink my boy dun like the taste.
Hihi Ladies,
Haven log in for few days cos very bz. My gal LS juz stopped nia and I met up with some of my mummy friends last wk n 2 of them are pregnant with #2. Feeling envious and excited for them but yet I know I can only envy cannot action cos I feel tt I really cannot cope. Lately my gal had been with my PILs quite abit cos I had been bz, n I realized tt she picked up screaming. Scream when she dun wanna sleep, scream when she cannot snack what she wants. Sigh...

Tell me abt it, my gal new irritant to me. Screaming. Apart from lying on e floor, she screams. Urgh. I am starting to feel guilty for leaving her at my PILs place.

Enjoy ur break ya! If heading to polliwogs, let me know ok? I can go over n join u gals cos its pretty near my house.

Hows your boy already? Better?

There is a Jurong Mummies thread. Heard my friend said its pretty active. U may wanna post there n ask for reviews on the clinic.

I wanna apologise leh, I accidently delete e link to ur spree and lazy in order nt to fall into temptation to spree, I haven been logging into e spree section. In e event my loots arrive and I never respond, can u email me or hunt me down here. Very very paiseh abt this leh...
That day I wanted to buy calcium n my friend told me not to give cos it will result stone if intake insufficient water. End up I didn't buy.
What vit is advisable for our bb? any idea?

Thks for the offer.
connie... i duno the clinic but ive been to anne baby n child at jurong east n i find her ok...
i also tink my boy health not very despite giving him childlife colostrum... the tuina good? where is it? maybe i bring isaiah there.... tmr ur first day at cc... hope its ok for u, i'll see u 2-3 days later
luckily i manage to clear the 9hrs of storage phew.. was so painful then..are u still bfing?

kelcqi, thanks! his fever subside last nite then went up dis morn then subside again... will see how it is tmr, pray its ok... if not got to bring him for blood test for dengue... he super cranky now.. u r also staying at jurong?

ellysia, yeah hor.. we forgot abt tmc.. next time just bring him there instead...kk really cannot make it.. even a gp is better than them and can detect throat infection
thanks for ur consolation, i will jia you n perserve.. at times really want to give up n stop bringing him to cc...
<font color="aa00aa">Morning mummies!

Can advise where to buy milk powder in sachet? I need quite a lot of packets for travelling purposes.</font>
Morning ladies..

Was on leave yest..

Char will start her cc in april instead cos due to the HFMD cases, we intend to let her go next wk. But was informed by the cc that either start begninng of the mth or mid of the mth. If start mid of the mth, we can onli get our subsidy bk in May, all sounds so ruan lor..So hb decided to let char start in April =)...

Brought char for a haircut at vivo yest, she was screamign from start til end, so paisei cos she was screaming away...The cashiers gave her sweets, toys etc to "hong" her but still screaming..faintz...

No worries ger =)...Oh yes, last sat, Has was sayign if we conti for next term, will hv 10% wor...

Ya lor, but hope by then still can conceive..haha
anything from USA, don't buy local... hahaha...

Tinkerbelle (kelcqi),
no prob,
can you rem what spree? iherb, drugstore, luckyvitamin, vitacost?


get those smaller ziplock bags,
use &amp; throw, will be cheaper than buying in sachet.

The childlife series at GNC is quite good. But i suggest to buy only 1 bottle to test, bec like my boy he dun like the taste of the omega i recently bot, i dare not bring to CC to let them give in case he give trouble (cos it need to mix with food then he dun like the taste end up dun want to eat food also..).
i downloaded whatsapp but never really use wor. dun find it very useful.

for kids, i find some of the apps quite useful. lucas' fav apps are:
- singkids (they have the gracie lou nursery rhymes)
- iwrite (train them to trace and write the different numbers and alphabets)
- wheels on the bus (they can tap on the screen and see things move, produce sound)
- itsy bitsy spider

haha, in fact for some mornings when he cannot wake up, we will play the gracie lou's 'wheels on the bus' and he will start doing the hand actions and sit right up, very funny!

wah, ur pd said at this age they shld be quite obedient already?? hmm, then i wonder how does he explain the terrible twos? our kids are not even 2 yet..

the CH that lucas is attending also has some mainland chinese teachers. in fact, the first day lucas was assigned to one of them and i think that freaked him out cos we hardly speak mandarin to him. so apparently, the 2nd day, an indian teacher took over and he was much better. having said that, i guess its good to expose them to our mother tongue, afterall, we can teach them english ourselves.

jia you on isaiah. i know it is the toughest after a break, but it WILL get better. ;) i din let lucas go school yest cos his cough seemed to have come back. i also find that the colostrum is not enough. somehow, its quite difficult to let him recover esp when he's always in the cc. me thinking of TCM next if he still does not recover by this week. he's been coughing for about a month already.

leng leng,
hehe, i totally agree with that (anything frm usa, dun buy local). the other day i walked past GNC and they were having some promo so i checked on the childlife colostrum, soooo expensive, even after discount.

btw, do u have anything to recommend for adults to boost immunity?? i have been falling sick so often. had flu end of jan and now down with flu again. thanks in advance.
Hi girls,
I am back. But very sick. Fever + sore eye + sore throat since day 2 of Hkg until today. Fever cannot go down unless with medication leh. Haiz, I am worried that all the medicine will harm the baby. But of course, all the GPs that I have seen noes that I am preggy. They gave me Panadol leh. Panadol safe meh? But I was too sick to care when fever hits 38 and 39 degrees.. haiz..
On 2 days MC, supposed to go back tomorrow. Still got low grade fever now and am refusing to take medicine. My throat is killing me. Haiz..
Panadol is safe leh. i remember when im preggy gynae told me not more than 6 per day is ok wor.

and if take antibiotics, only few is safe during pregnancy. i rem augmentin is safe =)
Hope u get well soon. Do takecare.
6 is what I am taking per day. I think I am gg to give in to panadol liao. Fever come back again after low grade fever the entire morning. Sianz.

Aiyo, I have been drowning cold water cos it soothes the throat wor. -.o"
Erm sorry leh, I dun have the link leh cos I stay in e East. But I did a search for u at the Search button n found quite a few pages of titles with Jurong in it. U wanna try searching it?

No wor, I'm staying at Bedok. Very far from Jurong. Haha...

How many degree is his fever? My ex colleague told me usually the doc will test for Dengue if your area have cases of Dengue, or the fever went u to 40 degrees n no sign of subsiding. So if ur boy fever did subside n come back again, could be a viral fever. My pd told me if fever never exceed 38.5, should subside in 3 days time, if more than 39, will take ard 5-7 days. If more than 40.5, best go to the hospital.

Leng leng,
THink it's Vitacost n LV spree I have with u. My whole bookmarked list gone liao.

Thanks leh. N very sorry for the trouble.

I wanna vomit blood liao. My gal juz now lie on e kitchen floor when I refused to let her play with my plates. So angry n I told her later the ants will make nest on her body if she still lie down there. When she heard ants, she so happily go n search for ants on the floor. Dunno why she likes ants so much...

Take care wor! Yah, the general medication is safe. I was taking Nurofen last time for fever during my pregency. But must take note for anti-biotics though. I developed allergy when I was given anti-biotics for my UTI last time.
