(2008/06) June 2008


feifei may be right. cc and enrichments is different. I find tat my boy react differently when i am present in the class and when he is on his own. Also, daily engagement in the same setting will help to adapt faster than per week basis.

Congrates. Miss the kicking in the tummy. hee hee

Instant noodles
ACtually we are eating maggie mee and he wanted too. So his dad feed him lor. He seem to enjoy it. Hand also come and grap, bo bian, feed him lor. I add more water in his portion. but give him only a little bit la. maybe 2-3 table spoon type. This is not first attempt . The last round was Christmas eve. His dad still happily say he is another maggie mee ka.
ya lor i always get irritated by the existence of such people. grr! though one hand dun wanna spoil my boy by not scolding or insisting he should listen, but i damn pissed off by these passersby.hahaha. well i guess only parents do understand.

Feifei, ellysia, Tera
CC :
Im still searching for one .. most likely will go for the montessori at bedok reservoir if cant find a better one..though rather far loh..
my area no gd cc leh..sigh..
Tera, u know of any good ones near eunos?
or maybe i should go over to the Cherie hearts that Lucas is attending?!
since the distance is the same as the bedok reservoir one...

u mean if u are around your boy will cry and sticky to u? if not around hes more independant? i didnt know about this...
Not sure does most children react the same way as Ellysia's one. Mine also behave better when parents not around. MIL say he will play by his own. Only v sticky when we are at home. Kept wanting to carry.
Hi Ladies,
Few days nv come in cos involved with some project. Hehe... Kinda excited cos it's one of the children's show n my work will be sent to the US for them to go through, pray hard hard for me ok? cos if successful, i might be able to help some mummies here to get discounted package for the show.

Yaloh, if the sch is really popular n near our working place, no harm putting near. For my case my house area no gd CC. Sian loh...

COngrates! Must take care n take more tonic ok? Enjoy your pregnancy journey...

Re Instant noodles: Ask u all ah, when u gals give instant noodles to your kids, did u all add in their seasonings or u all use home cooked stock for the noodles?
Morning ladies..

ya lor, really lor, onli become parents then will know lor..hiaz..Their time will come de..hee *evil me*..haha

I find Tera's boy 's CH not bad wor fromt he way Tera descruibe..Actually I favour Cherie Hearts alot but cos its further from the cc which char will be attending, I have to drop e idea unfortunately...hiaz..Now i getting abit bu she de for char to go cc liao..hehe..But on e other hand EXCITED..hehe..I know she can do it de cos she is okie when she attends Kindermusik and Positive tots..hee..

Ask u hor, so 1st day hor, i should stay with char for the whole day? Or i should bring her back half aday?These few days my mil is training char to wakeup at 7am+ lor..hee..

Rem yest u were askign whose kids sccream right? Then when I went back at nite, charlotte was screaming away..Ahyo, I ask her wat happen, she kept screaming..i tink she wants to tell me something but she duno so she scream lor...Besides, I tink char call my mama afew times yest...It sounded like mum mum *eating* but i take it as mama lor cos have been waiting for her to call me til neck so long le...hee

Wow, sounds good to me..What type of show leh? Dun forget to share the lobangs with us ya...Good luck!

Err, i dun give instant noodles to my ger lor, i try to cook for her as much as possible...but hor, recently she became bery bery picky..
I gave normal instant noodle but actually not good. I only gave him when I'm eating and he kept persisting to take mine. Eat halfway cannot cook another bowl for him.

Saw my SIL cook the instant noodle, pour away the water and add some hot water. Put some light soya source for taste for kids. Think this method is better.
<font color="aa00aa">Morning ladies!

So quite sometimes din login here liao as was busy the whole week during CNY, this Monday just back to work and mountain of work to be done. Then i lost my voice during the CNY period, spoilt all the chatting session with my old frenzs. Sigh.....

Saw your good news! So happy for you! Congratulations!!!! Do take care, ya!

Same same as you. My #2 oso sleep with my MIL and will only sleep with her and not me or hubby. This started about 2mths back, where in the midnite she suddenly woke up and saw is not Ah Ma, she start crying and pointed to the door and keep crying for 'ah ma'.
Me oso telling hubby must let #2 sleep with us, but due to her midnite crying disturbing the whole families, i hv to let her sleep with my MIL. No Choice lor. But i think when they get bigger they'll change lor. </font>
My fren just told me her ger got HFMD 2wks ago.. Then today her ger go bk to the cc, she asked the admin is her ger e onli kid who got it..The answer was no..and worst thing is, the center nv close for washing leh...hmm....Duno if I shd let char go in later...how huh?
I dun give maggie mee.. cos my hair got a lot of white hairs due to maggie mee.. i personally feel its not healthy and since toddlers below age of 3 immune system is not developed.. Attended a nutrition talk and nutritionist said addictives, msg etc will affect the memory/DHA lor.

Recently CNY my boy ate some junk food lor, end up his cough come back. Visited a relative and her grandson was sick. She said bec her daughter-in-law give too much goodies to the kid. One thing she said to me i find quite meaningful. She said "kids always want to give everything one, but it is up to the adults to control. Cannot everything they want to eat then adults everything give. "
Yest my boy started to take transport alone from cc to my MIL house. MIL said he didn't cry. Hopefully he will cont this way. We r so worried tat my hb and FIL both called to check with my MIL whether he got reach safety or not.

Teacher reported tat my boy is v clingy to teacher for past few weeks since he started. They say maybe is bec he is v used to 1:1 attention cos during weekdays most of the time is my MIL take care him alone. 1 teacher told me tat 1:1 attention type will cling to teacher and harder to mix around in class setting.


Is it the same center? Are the kids there still sick?


When i was in the classroom with my boy, he did play with the toys and books but after awhile he is bored and start to pace around the room then ask me to carry him out of the room.

I tried to hide when he is engrossed in the outdoor activity. Later when he go back to classroom he can't find me, so he cry a bit then cling on to one of the teachers hee. But he participated in the activities better than when i am around.

I tink luckily i follow the teacher advice to hide and peek at him. Cos at least i feel assured he doesn't cry too much when he didn't see me.
Oh, I think it is a good idea to pay a visit to the CH my boy is in! No harm checking it out and who knows, if it works out, they can be classmates, hee. Of course I also have hidden agenda lah, if u do go visit, want to ask u how my boy is doing in class. Let me know if u want their details.

I have visited these few (other than the CH my boy is enrolled in) but I am not sure if their location is ok for you: Below is my personal views:

1. Global Kids => liked this place as well, principal was very personable but one of the teachers looked a bit fierce, I thought. :p Non air-con and they have Gymboree enrichment class. Fees was around $500+ for full day after subsidy (if I rem correctly). Location not so ideal for me.

2. Nurture Cottage = > Could tell principal was experienced, offered me lots of advice. But they had a lot of kids and very few teachers. When we were there, they were having outdoor play and the teachers had difficulty looking after all of them. The P even had to tell the teacher to look out for one of the kids. Maybe it was an isolated incident. Once again, location not too ideal.

3. Oydessey => very nice and huge compound. P was quite aloof, more business-like. Teacher-student ratio was good, like 1:3. Fees was crazy, $1.2K after subsidy.

4. Shaws @ Mountbatten => Bad impression. Only an administrator spoke to us and we were not even allowed to view the compound. When we were there, there was an excursion going on, and the teachers were bz. One of the teachers just brushed us off, saying she’s busy, when we wanted to see the administrator. Noticed some of the teachers were also rather impatient with the kids.

5. Cherie Hearts @ Bournemouth => P was good, very friendly. But place was warm with no aircon and rather messy.

CH also got not so good ones just like there are many non-CH which are good so dun worry.
for my case, the 1st day the school recommended half-day. So I brought lucas in at 10am and picked him up at around 12 noon (if I rem correctly). Then the next day I picked him up around 1 plus..this happened for about a week and the following week, I extend to 3 plus and then to 5 plus which is the current time.

Oh, so qiao, Char started screaming yest? Coincidentally, the teacher told my hubby yest while he went to pick up lucas that she observed that lucas is trying to mimic sounds and speak. I really hope she’s right.

Haha, yah, if it sounds close, then just tell yourself she’s calling you, hehe.

Hope your throat’s better now? I can so relate to the crying at night and pointing to the door cos my boy did that too!! There were a few times he woke up at night and suddenly cry very loudly and keep pointing to the door. Then once I brought him out he immediately wants me to go to our maid’s room and when she opened the door and carried him, he immediately stopped crying. *heart broken* hehe. I’m only glad those times are not often and we have discovered it happens when the maid spent long period of time alone with him in the day. So for those days, we will just ask the maid to take care of him at night.

Wah, ur boy is so guai, taking school bus by himself liao.

Re giving food
Personally, I think sometimes it’s when the grandparents or other relatives give that may make it difficult cos we may not be around when it happens. Like the other day my boy approached my ILs while they were eating dinner and my FIL was going to give my boy some fried vegetables when I saw and stopped him. Not unhealthy in this case but he sure will choke cos the veg is quite hard and long. Maybe I’m paranoid but I told my maid to keep a lookout when I’m not around…
<font color="aa00aa">feifei,
Does the school do 'screening' on the kids before allowing them to go into the school? This is a must do thing when HFMD happen in that particular school. And they shld publish total nbr of HFMD cases on the school board so that parents can see.
For my #1 CC, normal day, they'll do temperature checking and mouth, hand checking near the door of the class.
But if there's HFMD case in that school, (even only one case and the kid is not from the same class) they'll set up table and chair outside the class. So when the kids come, the teacher will do the screening before allowing the kids to go in.
Btw, the school cannot just closed for cleaning. As what i know from my gers CC the teacher will do the cleaning after school hours. Closed school will only happen if there're certain nbr of cases happen in the same CC . (Cant remember how many cases, the CC will need to closed)</font>
Giving Food
Think my boy beyond my control lor. Everyone giving him food n tibits. The best part is he has his first ice-cream at 4th mth. Not sure good or not. They kept giving him ice-cream and by 1yr old, he totally rejected ice-cream. Not sure good or bad.
<font color="aa00aa">Tera,
well, i think my ger will be more clingy to my MIL when she come back here, coz now she's in Msia with my MIL. We'll only bring them back on next weekend.
I'm still coughing but throat not so pain compare to last week. Thanks.

Ya, btw i wanna share a story of my #1 which just happen yesterday. Sometimes as a parent we really need to take seriously on our kids' feeling.
Well, yesterday my #1's CC had some event and their class is choosen to perform CNY dancing.
So i rush there aft work and managed to see her dancing performance. There's quite nbr of parents there too. So after the dance, my ger looked bit unusual and no more smiling, then she suddenly walked toward me and eyes started to become watery. I asked her what happen, but she just keep quiet. Then the teacher asked them to go bak to class, but she was still looking rather sad. Later on, my ger came to me and asked me to bring her back home. On the way home, i asked her what happen, why she cry? She just refused to say anything. Then i asked her , izzit teacher scold her? she shake her head. Then i asked izzit her frenzs bully her, snatch toy? She shake head again. I keep asking till i asked, izzit coz daddy din come? And she nod her head and cry again.
Then i hv to explain to her daddy's is working, cant come and i'm taking photos and video of her dance which later can show to daddy. After some coaxing, finally she show me some smile.

Thats also when i realised my ger is growing up. me and hubby actually neglect her feeling. To her, maybe her dancing is very important and shld be seen by her parent, but me and hubby actually take it so lightly. Really feel so guilty.

I not sure where u live.. i only visited 2 CC at Braddell heights area. Both we went on sat morn when there is no class so we can ask more questions. On 2nd visit to our shortlist one, then we went on weekday to see the activities.

Tots united - 2 storey bungalow and outdoor garden. Space is big but we feel that principal quite strict and like dun understand wat we want cos she keep rattling abt the school and montessori education but it seems tat she hard selling us lor. Also the teacher to student ratio is 1:15 and we feel it is too big. The toys look old and quite plain colours and looked boring. They have transport too.

Preschool-by-the-park @ Carmichael road - this is the sch we enrol our boy in. When first visit happen to tok to his form teacher actually. It is a semi-D house with a small garden and waterplay area. The classrooms are small and ratio is 1:5. Find the toys more colourful/interesting and a lot of interesting 'art' pieces drawn by students pasted all around.. my hb have the idea tat its seems fun and vibrant. Have transport too.

Basically i tink the brand name is not impt but it is whether u can communicate with the principal/teacher well, teacher to student ratio, how they handle sick kids etc.


Original intent is for him to take transport after his half day program to my MIL house but principal suggest to start transport later after he get used to the school program. my hb has been using his lunch time to take cab and fetch him to my MIL house. wanted to wait a few more weeks to start but Then tis week my hb is on course so no one to fetch, so we may as well start the transport.

The sch is quite inconvenient location cos located along those bungalow/semi-d area but accessible by bus from TPY. But my MIL is not able to take public transport and my FIL working so he can't fetch using his car.


My boy's school do the temp checking by a forehead thermometer in the morn when we come in. The teacher even check the parents temp. Occasionally will check the palms of my boy cos my boy v unco-operative so can't always check his palms everyday. When he had fever 1 week ago, the principal call us and tell us to fetch him immediately then my FIL has to rush to school. They can't even accept my hb to wait until lunch time to fetch though its just 1hr later.
my boy also the same. very sticky the moment im home. will hug my legs tight and insist to wash my hands and legs together with him. hahaha.

i agree that Char will be able to adapt to cc fast! i can see shes those independant and will go forward to play toys with her sch friends. =)

As for her CC maybe you can check with the sch if its advisable to attd CC next week? but most prob they will say yes hoh? umm...or to play safe u wait for another week in case the # of cases is high? and check the situation b4 Char attends?

Tera, Ellysia
Thanks for the info! =) appreciate that!

I shortlisted CH and Montessori. Basically i like CH but those that are within my vicinity all with TVs. Went to star learners - Terrace 2 story but its rather messy like what Ellysia mentioned tots united. also with bad teacher student ratio.

I also agree with Ellysia the brand not too important..its the communcation with the principal and teachers.

Think the first step for me I will go check out the CCs Tera mentioned. esp the CH Lucas attending! heheh if i happen to visit the CC will ask u to post Lucas photo k! hahha then will look out for him during my visit! =)
My friend just told me tt her son got badly bitten by a girl while hes sleeping! then admitted hospital.. sigh... =((( somemore its from a ATAS CC with low teacher student ratio ( not conv to mention which cc but i think none of the kiddos here are attending )
yes, same center, same PG class..

Tks for the infor =)...ya lor, tink mayb i shd do that lor..But i tink i will delay sending char to cc cos of e HFMD cases...worried lor..

Ya lor, she scream n scream...so sharp..

Tks for e infor... Yal or, problem is they hv 5cases liao and nothing was posted in e notice board lor..hiaz..so disappoitned le..Hv lor, before going in, all need to take temp and check for spots first..

Can understand lor..sometimes we tend to forget our kids feelings hor...hiaz...
awww, sob sob. Can imagine your #1’s disappointment. But at least u know the issue now, like wat ellysia mentioned.

my coll’s daughter who is also in a ATAS CC was accused of biting her classmates..hmm. wondered if she bit your fren’s son, heh.

some time back, my niece who is in MFS, was kicked on the leg by her boy classmate, ended up with bruises on her shin
. the thing is that the teachers did not seem to do anything, ended up, my SIL has to talk to the boy.

hehe, if u do visit Lucas’ CH (reminder: it is the wareham branch), no need photo, just ask for him.
Seems like the teachers there know all the kids (which is a good feeling, like a small family). Will u be bringing spenser on your visit? I brought Lucas previously (after confirming with P that it was ok) and they allowed him to join in the pre-nursery class for around 15 min.

rem yest u asked abt birthday celeb. Just rem that with our kiddos in cc, they will be celebrating their birthday there too. ;)

same, my boy's cc will also check temp everyday, first thing when they reach.

actually, taking the school bus also good. train him to be independent.

haha if so it would so qiao loh! the sch starts with letter P. hahha same onot? =P

oh i thought u wanted me to secretly monitor what is Lucas doing ah! hehe. i think i go without Spenser for the 1st visit loh. =) then can ask more question.
Btw my friend told me wareham branch is the only CH branch (in the east) with qualified nurses in the CC. is it true?
oh, i know what is your fren's cc. nah, not the same, my fren's one starts with C. keke.

oh yes, the first visit i did not bring L, only brought him on 2nd visit. yes yes, secretly monitor my son pls, hahaha.

oh qualified nurses? really?? i din know that. but if it's true, then it's quite reassuring. let me ask the P one of these days when i meet her.
ahyo, so serious leh...cos hor, kids duno how to vent their anger or express themselves so bittin gin cc is common lor..I am worried that char might get bitten too..hiaz..

ya lor..me already start to plan liao..hehe... u?

ya i also think its rather common to have some knocks here and there...n now then i realised bitting is common also?! worried..haiz...think its better not to think so much... already got tonnes of things to worry hoh as a mummy. =P


sure man, will look out for lucas. if spenser really enrols in the cc then i ask lucas to takecare of spenser. haha.

yeah... if i never hear wrongly wor. the qualified nurses take care of the infant there.
haiz, yal or..me also hv alot of worries but really lor, hv to let go...so that our kids can grow up =)..

Me going off le, chat with u tmr..bye
Thanks. It's actually a performance schedule in Sept. Let u gals know later when the event is nearer.

Tell me abt it, my gal max is 5 mouthful of food everytime. Sian... She only like snacks. So i try to give healthy snacks like cheerios, cornflakes etc. At least its nutritious.

Connie, Ellysia,
My gal oso asked to eat my instant noodles. I think I very mean, I put the noodles into a bowl of hot water to drain off e seasoned soup n gave her e noodle. Think its novety, she kept asking for it. Thats why I was asking if u all give with home coook stock cos I tot of buying those noodles but cook in home cook stock.

Thanks for e complilation. Actually I tot Shaws at Moutbatten was good. Now see ur comment, I think I'll drop e idea.

Re Screaming: My gal also scream also. Esp when she cannot get what she wants, or she'll throw her temper n lie down on e floor. Very irritating.

Re Food: Anyone of u have the problem of grandparents giving ur tots sweets. I think my PILs had been giving her those sugared gummies. Cos my gal will always bring the sweets to me n tell me sweet sweet when she goes their house. Sigh
I think its ok to give the noodle with home cook stock. Occassionally, I will cook macaroni, Spaggetti etc for my boy.

I give gummies to my boy v frequent. REalise he just swallow without biting. Must give him one pack during tuina else he will cry all the way. For sweet, he don really know how to eat but he love the normal lollipod.

Lying down on floor
How do we stop our kids from lying down on the floor to throw temper or play? V paiseh when he do that outside. Mine seem to enjoy lying down on the floor, regardless shoppping mall, friend house, kitchen, garden etc. Got once, they say the floor at the open space is very hot, he can just lie down.
<font color="aa00aa">Morning ladies!

kelcqi, same as Connie, i also give my gers gummies. For my #1 only started to let her eat the whole piece of those sweets by the age of 3.(before that i actually gave her the goat milk sweets) Till now , almost 4 yrs old, she only hv few mouthful of gas drinks. Some of my frenzs said i'm a mean mummy. hehe...
But for #2 is a bit difficult to control as she'll cry for the sweets when she saw her elder sister is eating. So sometimes we hv to ask our #1 to hide in a room to eat her sweet. haha..
LOL! no problem, i will also tell lucas to take good care of spenser! but u never know, sekali the other way round cos lucas like blur blur one.

just googled on the nurse part and yup u are right, they have a qualified nurse in their infant care. if i am not wrong, their infant care is quite popular.

wah, so fast start preparing eh? me not really but am starting to think abt the cake, keke.

so when is char starting cc?

yes, i also heard good reviews on shaws but turned out to be a disappointment. maybe it's me. :p i think they have another branch at braddell.

connie, tinkerbelle,
my boy also likes to lie down on the floor when he's angry or does not get his way. sigh. i hope it's a phase. i guess maybe when u see he's abt to lie down, quickly carry him up and distract him?
Morning ladies..

She is supposed to start on 1st march but due to the HFMD cases in her cc, i tink i better delay 1 more wk lor...Worried leh...
My boy will also scream and throw tantrum by rolling on the floor. outside and at home. My hb will forcefully carry him away if its outside. At home, we will just leave him alone then he will give up after he see we didn't give in. If he throw tantrum then we will not give wat he want liao. But my MIL quite spoil him, so we also ask her to enforce but i tink she will still spoil him. At least now half day at CC so not so long at MIL house.


Dunno if 1 week delay is enuff or not. But better play safe.


The shaws at braddell i tink is quite big, i pass by but we didn't go and see bec' its beyond our budget.


I will walk away or just forcefully carry him up lor. There is once he sit on the floor at bishan mall, the passage between MRT and mall where many people are walking and rushing. I so pei chey.


Dunno i still tink best dun give maggie mee cos of my own experience. I oso cannot eat too much maggie mee or else will fall sick.

I tink even if throw away the seasoning the taste is still there so they still want it.

Another way is u dun eat?
Anyone has a financial calculator to lend me? Cos i need it for my module starting end march wor..Not worth to get 1 new one cos quite ex and my hb also needs it lor, so I need 2 financial calculators...Please let me know if you can lend me ya..tks =).
oh I see. can understand your worry. better to delay the starting date and let the cc’s air clear a bit..

for the financial calculator, try accessing your iphone calculator and then tilt your iphone to horizontal. Will that calculator work?
I think i may have e cal, i go check tonight let u know k.

hee. lucas blurblur ah? so cute.is he a shy boy? or rather a active boy?

didnt know that when i tilt the iphone will show the detailed version.hahahh. i just tried it. thanks for telling us. =)
but maybe cant bring hp to the exam hall?
tks ger..

ya lor...thats y...err..exam cannot use iphone leh..hee..But tiled liao is the scientific calculator wor...

Great! Tks ger =)...
oops, its scientific. haha, i also know exam cannot bring but i read your post i thought it was for assignment. :p

ya, he some times like daydreaming like that, keke.

tell u something funny, last night, he was getting cranky near his nighttime. could see he was tired but refused to sleep, keep asking me to carry him to reach for things on top of our cabinet. this happened for 2 times. on the 3rd time, my hubby carried him over from me and told him, if u dun sleep now, i will not let mummy carry u. for info, he does not want my hubby to carry him esp at night. he started to wail a bit so i carried him and he immediately put his head on my shoulder and fell asleep. lol!

hoho thats funny. what a fast reaction Lucas has. good strategy for future use. =) my boy also doesnt want my hubby during bedtime.
sometimes he would even prefer the maid...sigh.. makes me super jealous and worried. so now e moment i reach home i will ask e maid to do e housework. unless im working OT till super tired loh...
talking about OT, im starting my busy period soon..sigh. 6 to 7 days a week. less time for my boy liao.

can i ask what course u taking? business ah? =)
high-5 lor! i was just sharing yest tat there are nights when my boy will point to our door and cry, indicating he wants the maid. i was super upset and jealous the first time it happened. now a bit immune liao, just tell myself it means i can sleep better, but somehow still affected lah. :|

haha, and same as u, i will minimise the contact between him and my maid once i am home, muahahaha. yest my hubby told me that he started waving at the car happily when he picked him up cos the past few days, hubby brought maid along. but when lucas saw it was my MIL in the car, he immediately stopped smiling. jiat lat.

what line are u in, if u dun mind me asking. auditor/accounting?
I have no maid..
my boy sometimes prefer my hb than me, more so recently. I secretly happy haa.. can relax.
On weekends I am like maid lor.. do housework, wash clothes, cook food for ah boy,latch him + play with him etc. My hb will do the moping floor, cleaning dishes, toilet bowl cleaning, buying food (for me and hb), driving out (to jalan). Occasionally i will take leave to clean out some accumulated dust.
so ur ah boy also prefers maid to MIL?!
Cham.. mine also like that leh! aiyoo...now hes home with maid n mil in the day. then mil told me he doesnt want my mil loh..want maid to carry, eat, bathe, sleep..basically everything lah! sian lor.
the only consolation is he will b sticky to be the moment im home. sometimes will push maid away indicating her not to interfere our "personal time" wahhahahh. then i smiling happily inside

yeah bingo! accounting.. one of the most boring job ever zzzzz =P what about urself? if u dont mind
We MUST let my our boys meet. they are so similar, haha! when i am around, esp in the day, he hardly looks for the maid. he will hold my hand and ask me to sit down or go around the house with him. and in fact when my maid tries to interfere (for example, i need to go and shower), he will get angry, haha. and like u, i am most happy then.

yes, he prefers maid to MIL and my MIL is well aware of that. she always told me that she is ranked the last in terms of lucas' fav persons. :p

just to check with u, is spenser ok with his daddy carrying him in the day? my boy is perfectly ok in the day but in the night, he will only want me or the maid. but u know i also look at him ok with the maid a good thing cos sometimes in the night, when he keeps on waking up and by morning, i am abt to peng san liao, i can pass him to the maid, knowing that he will be ok.

and oh, must tell u this also. after the 1st incident of lucas preferring the maid at night, i was really upset and i shared it the next day with a coll. this coll has 2 kids and the younger one (born oct 2008) will sleep with the maid. so she told me "oh, that's a mother's worst nightmare, but luckily for me my kids always know who's their parents and will prefer us." so much for consoling me...hurhur.

ah, so u are an accountant, guess so cos of the busy time period. i am in the IT line, doing systems support, also not very exciting, hee.

yah, when he snuggles up to me, it is very sweet. recently, he does not want to lay his head on my shoulders. he prefers to lay his head on my chest, making it very difficult to carry cos he's already so big, not like newborn. dunno where he picked that up from.

oh btw, i found a ben10 giftpack in his school bag yest, at first i thot the school gave. turned out it was a gift from his classmate who was celebarating her birthday. wah, the standard a bit high. i thot give those sweets goodybag will do, keke.
My gal very fussy. I cook spagetti, she dun like cos of the sour taste of tomato. N i got those alphabet macaroni, she also dun like but ended up playing with it cos of the alphabets. I think I dread mealtimes the most.

I never give my gal any gummies at all cos I scare she develop phelgm. I think I'm mean but it really upsets me when I see my gal actually asked for those sugared gummies cos I feel tt much as I tried to keep her out from those, ended up someone else is feeding her with it.

Connie, Tera, Ellysia
I walked away whenever she does tt, but she never learns. I read in those books tt as long as we ignore those behaviors, they'll realized tt it's nt going to work and they'll stop doing it. I ignore liao but she still continue. Headache leh.

Hmm, i think I'll try nt to eat in front of her anymore. At least that is the only solution now

The bday celebration at CC need to prepare cake &amp; gift? The celebration is for teachers and his CC friends hor, do parents need to be present?

The cosiest time i found is when my boy watch TV with me on the sofa, my arms around his shoulder
Sometimes he will lie his head on my lap while watching tv. But he only does tat during advertisement or his fav cartoons hee. other times he will move around.

Although my MIL take care of my boy during weekday, he actually prefer my FIL to my MIL. And occasionally he actually prefer my FIL to me lor. So my FIL rank the highest. But he doesn't spend a lot of time with my boy as compared to MIL and myself &amp; my hb leh.
