(2008/06) June 2008

hi leng2,

For Kiri Cream cheese, do we give our little one just as it is? Cold? or can we melt the cheese and mix with his cereal to feed? Please advise, thanks.


Hello! finally come here report liao.

"chuan chuan panting" packing up stuffs at home. yap spring cleaning even before CNY! Trying to sort out stuffs that can be thrown so I can reduce bringing over new house...
Very fast... another 3weeks more..

Demo @ Kindermusik
Sound interesting and near my house too. But seems like the dates are so difficult to match also.. all are busy esp in May.

U be celebrating Floyce Bday on either 30/31? I still don't know should celebrate or not.. have not even plan any. Prelim round only. Thought of having it 30May (sat) at our new place..

ZuEn, Felicia,
The feeling is sucks when hardwork is not been appreciated. Been through it before and I have impulsive of quiting in the past before and sometime think back will regret. But that time I only have #1. Think twice. Maybe its tiring and somehow having a little break see if it helps or not find & go yeah
relaxxxx okie
<font color="blue">hey igoh,
no prob..can join in the bash.. how old is the child??? u juz add his/her name into the list lor..then indicate dat's ur fren lor..

June Babies 1st Bday Bash
Suggested date: 16 May (Sat)
Time: 4.30 - 6.30pm
Venue : JWT @ Eastgate

1. Lil ZuEn (ZuEn &amp; HB) - Confirm
2. Reanne (Janiviy) - Confirm
3. YuJie (Felicia, hubby, #1) - Confirm
4. Chloe (Christina) - Confirm
5. Jayden (Carol) - Confirm
6. Gwendolyn (Crystal &amp; HB) - Confirm
7. Nicole (Piyo, hubby, #1 and maid)
8. Jade (shycloud) - Confirm
9. Athanasius (Mag, hubby &amp; mum) - Confirm
10. Travis (bleh &amp; hb) - Confirm
11. Eunicia (Prisc &amp; maid) - Confirm
12. Lucius (Shern, Hb &amp; maid)- Confirm
13. Isabel (Krispy + HB)
14. Zhiyu (Bizz &amp; hb) - Confirm
15. Lucas (Tera + HB) - Confirm
16. Kai (Morr, #1 n maybe hb) - Unable to make it
17. Floyce (Jessica + HB) - Confirm
18. Vivi (Veniz + #1) - Confirm
19. Sheryl (Angel_z + HB) - Confirm
20. Tasha(mrswrx) - Confirm
21. Rui Yue(adeline + hb) - Confirm
22. YueHan (starmambo) - Confirm
23. Kyler (Bonjovi + HB) - Confirm
24. Ethan (igoh + W) – Confirm
25. Esther (esther + gwen + hb)
26. June (huggy + hb) – Confirm
27. Nicole ( Cynthia +Hb + #1) - Confirm

Lengleng, Feifei,
My MIL dun allow me to let my gal wear shoes before 1 cos she believe tt later my gal dunno how to walk. -_-. So I am planning to buy her a nice pair of shoes when she is 1 yr old. Any recommendations?
<font color="blue">igoh,
for the kiri cheese i juz give like dat most of the time..but i've tried mixing it wif a bit of cheerios..i break the cheerios into smaller pieces then mix wif the cheese lor..normally i will take out from the fridge then leave it for abt 5 to 10 min then feed my boy..</font>
Cynthia, hihi... i'm reserving 30/31 as I might want to celebrate with my in-laws and my own parents separately.. dunno yet.. just reserve the dates..

then on the actual day itself, 3 Jun, will celebrate w hb &amp; Floyce.. keke..
hi bizznow,

I've send her the link to our forum and ask her to intro herself... let her add in if she can make it for the date...

her lovely gal's name is Chevonn... June 08 baby too... she's my boy's classmate in Gymboree... =D
janiviy: wa.. reanne's play corner super big! she looks so small inside.. =P heehee... so cute!

wow.. 2 sets are aledi $300.. so 2 sets got 6 panels?
wow... ho ye worr... sell and buy.. sell and buy.. keke

but reanne's hair looks messy ley.. must comb comb b4 photo-taking.. haha

sorry.. abit short short cos lack of sleep.. keke
Usually wat kinda size should I be looking at? U know hor, I tink my gal's feet very big leh. Or issit normal. How to measure their feet ah?

Re, can I join the 1st Bday bash? AM I too late to join?

June Babies 1st Bday Bash
Suggested date: 16 May (Sat)
Time: 4.30 - 6.30pm
Venue : JWT @ Eastgate

1. Lil ZuEn (ZuEn &amp; HB) - Confirm
2. Reanne (Janiviy) - Confirm
3. YuJie (Felicia, hubby, #1) - Confirm
4. Chloe (Christina) - Confirm
5. Jayden (Carol) - Confirm
6. Gwendolyn (Crystal &amp; HB) - Confirm
7. Nicole (Piyo, hubby, #1 and maid)
8. Jade (shycloud) - Confirm
9. Athanasius (Mag, hubby &amp; mum) - Confirm
10. Travis (bleh &amp; hb) - Confirm
11. Eunicia (Prisc &amp; maid) - Confirm
12. Lucius (Shern, Hb &amp; maid)- Confirm
13. Isabel (Krispy + HB)
14. Zhiyu (Bizz &amp; hb) - Confirm
15. Lucas (Tera + HB) - Confirm
16. Kai (Morr, #1 n maybe hb) - Unable to make it
17. Floyce (Jessica + HB) - Confirm
18. Vivi (Veniz + #1) - Confirm
19. Sheryl (Angel_z + HB) - Confirm
20. Tasha(mrswrx) - Confirm
21. Rui Yue(adeline + hb) - Confirm
22. YueHan (starmambo) - Confirm
23. Kyler (Bonjovi + HB) - Confirm
24. Ethan (igoh + W) – Confirm
25. Esther (esther + gwen + hb)
26. June (huggy + hb) – Confirm
27. Nicole ( Cynthia +Hb + #1) - Confirm
28. Erica (Tinkerbelle + HB) - Confirm if nt too late to join

If I am too late to join, den juz remove my name. Juz asking only.
told you all liao mah...she everyday is BAD HAIR day..comb also no use whahahahahaha

Have been reading those link you provided. Think i must control myself in the future. Generally, asian are into hitting..while angmo will reason it out nicely..
Just wanna ask u all hor, I managed to locate the supplier for the blank flashcards, anyone of u wanna share cos the min amount to order is quite alot n I dun need tt much. The orders tt I have at e moment is ard 500 pieces, den I need to have ard 1800 pieces for min order. Anyone of u wanna share? Cos I'll also be calling some childcare centers to see if they wanna buy n share as well.
old panel is at my mum place..attach to the extra 2 panel i have lor..srub until hand almost bleed..so must use!

you want how many? my SIL have some to spare leh. So you may not need to order at all
hihi...i will take out frm the fridge, leave it outside for awhile before feeding my ger with it directly...she likes it..But my mil says her poopoo becomes hard after she eat this...I was like "huh?cheese constipate meh?"...

hi ya..i am looking at shooshoo lor..but its those soft soles kind...Long time din see u liao..hows ur ger?

u can celebrate with me also cos happen 31st my birthday =)..hehe...joking lah ;p..

u bot 2 sets of the playyard?
sorry to intrude, I have 2 cans of Nan Pro 2 for sale,

1) 900gm: expiry 7 Dec 2009
2) 400gm: expiry 20 May 2010

Package for both at $30. Self collection in Pasir Ris or Sat in Serangoon North area. PM me if interested
I need 150 n I know another mummy who needs 300. Ur SIL have the amount to spare. Or at least 350 pieces cos I managed to buy 50 pieces frm another mummy. U help me check with ur SIL can? Thanks.

Hiya, I'm gd, but kinda more busy nowadays cos I juz shifted out n now finally have my own house but more housework to do n I also need to be more alert cos my ger very mobile n I need to watch her. How are u n ur gal?

I saw the shoo shoo shoes at mothercare before but diff design. I think before they can actually walk, its gd to wear soft sole one. U buying?
ok lo! then I will prepare myself to be shower with ur love...
ur Reanne's bad hair day is nothing compared to Hanhan when she just woke up. hehe. This one u can ask christina.
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">janiviy..wow tt's big.. i oso got lots of white elephant to let go leh.. hahaha..

igoh.. go invest one lah..

angel.. we oni keep him inside for a short while.. yes.. ard 30mins he will cry for us to carry liao.. hehe...</font></font>
i see..finally hv ur own hse le...so now u samh?
Me huh? most likely getting lor, but still wan to find out more on the freight charges lor..
so ur playyard in pic consists of total 2 sets isit? sorrie ah very confused..my ger dun like playpen also..dunno playyard will be better or not..but my hubby scare will topple becos my ger likes to hold on to playpen and jump jump..
zry's mummy,
The pic features 1 &amp; 1/2 set. I set 4 panel.

ya,sold her bumbo, bouncer, infant carseat, my breast pump, playgym...etc. Star help me post under WTS, so get rid of unwanted stuff &amp; get what I need..whahaha..else ah..my hubby will strangle me for spending so much.

I will ask her to PM you hor.
bizz msn me abt the kindermusik tis morning and asked me to email u... but i didnt hv time until now... i came in and saw ur post...

i am keen... but sat afternoon no good for me... cos my elder boy has mandarin class on sat afternoon as well. morning will be ok... if not, sunday oso can.

yr play yard look v nice.
below is a play mat from where?

My boy also have a play corner..
but he can now climb down the platform and crawl around.. really tired to chase after him. But i scared if i lock him up in the play yard he may complain.

i oso running out of ideas.. cos currently keeping away those allergen food, so nothing much to intro also. So he keep eating same food bah, but i rotate lor.
yes i can count u all in. i can now make it on May 2. hmm let me check if sunday is good. the rest? any other preference?
U mean change to May 2 liao? I am ok with it lor..either 2nd or 3rd May also can but hv to let me know early cos need to make arrangement with my mum to celebrate mother's day =).

Let me help u start the list..

Mummies interested in e kindermusik class ;-
1) Bleh
2) Warriorangel
3) Feifei
4) Huggy
5) Iamsnow
ya lor, just hv to rotate =)..hows ur boy?

Anyone bot the playhse for their bbs? Cos my fren was telling me that she is giving my ger a playhse for her birthday so I wondering wats that..
Bizz Now...
Have added my frd in...

June Babies 1st Bday Bash
Suggested date: 16 May (Sat)
Time: 4.30 - 6.30pm
Venue : JWT @ Eastgate

1. Lil ZuEn (ZuEn &amp; HB) - Confirm
2. Reanne (Janiviy) - Confirm
3. YuJie (Felicia, hubby, #1) - Confirm
4. Chloe (Christina) - Confirm
5. Jayden (Carol) - Confirm
6. Gwendolyn (Crystal &amp; HB) - Confirm
7. Nicole (Piyo, hubby, #1 and maid)
8. Jade (shycloud) - Confirm
9. Athanasius (Mag, hubby &amp; mum) - Confirm
10. Travis (bleh &amp; hb) - Confirm
11. Eunicia (Prisc &amp; maid) - Confirm
12. Lucius (Shern, Hb &amp; maid)- Confirm
13. Isabel (Krispy + HB)
14. Zhiyu (Bizz &amp; hb) - Confirm
15. Lucas (Tera + HB) - Confirm
16. Kai (Morr, #1 n maybe hb) - Unable to make it
17. Floyce (Jessica + HB) - Confirm
18. Vivi (Veniz + #1) - Confirm
19. Sheryl (Angel_z + HB) - Confirm
20. Tasha(mrswrx) - Confirm
21. Rui Yue(adeline + hb) - Confirm
22. YueHan (starmambo) - Confirm
23. Kyler (Bonjovi + HB) - Confirm
24. Ethan (igoh + W) – Confirm
25. Esther (esther + gwen + hb)
26. June (huggy + hb) – Confirm
27. Nicole ( Cynthia +Hb + #1) - Confirm
28. Erica (Tinkerbelle + HB) - Confirm if nt too late to join
29. Chevonn (Candy + HB) - Confirm
hello mummies.
How come I can't find 11 to 12 April postings in the archives ahr?

Looking to see if more mummies allow me to add in FB and PS. :p
