(2008/06) June 2008

Eh, today vert quiet wor. I think many mummies still on holiday.

No leh, try a few times liao. She everytime oso ignored Mr Purple de. The Tv at my mum's place oso screen Mr Purple, Micky Mouse, Dibo, Pokoyo and duno wat else, but she just not interested leh. My 2 other nieces will be glued. But I think it is a matter of time niah.

I find it very irritating. Then she will accidently hit buttons and change my screen. Haha. Otherwise, she will attack the mouse. ;p

I tot I read somewhere that vicks is not suitable for babies below 2. But maybe sole is ok? Vicks is definely not to be applied to the nose. I read that it will cause the blocked nose to be even worse.

I'm here but bz with work.

MLP, ZuEn,
Haha, my boy also likes all things with button eg remote control and laptop. He will bang on the laptop! His favourite is our fan remote control cos when he press, got the "beep" sound and he's very amused by it. Just for fun, we actually saved his very 1st word doc that he "typed", keke.

JWT Trial @ East Gate
Calling all mummies in the east and anyone who's interested, i just called up JWT gym at East Gate and enquired for a trial class. Initially, they told me weekends are usu full. However, they just called to confirm that they have a free slot this sat. Details as follow:

Date : Sat, 31 Jan
Time : 1pm to 1.45pm
Fee : $39 (50% off for OCBC Credit Card)
Min # of babies: 6

Anybody keen? Me testing the response.
tks ger..hows ur boy now?

i applied some vicks on my ger's chest and back 2nites ago lor..it seems like she can sleep better after that wor..

wat is JTW?
hehe, similar to gymboree. am keen to let my boy go again cos now he can crawl and sit liao think can enjoy more.

but quite short notice cos they have a class this sat and we need at least 6 babies so may not happen. but the OCBC promo quite good, only $20 bucks.

u take care of urself! drink more water!!
<font color="ff0000">Hello Mummies

Think it norm...my gal lst mth also like date...
though it not hard stool she also cry...
some formula contains vege so wat my PD told me depends on wat bb eat &amp; drink lor

me also will rub some vicks on bb sole and wear socks at nite when my kids have running nose or cough

now my gal have 3 meals so formula consumption not much abt 2 to 3 bottles of 150ml from morning till 7pm
Hi mummies!

<font color="aa00aa">Happy NIU year!!!</font>
The flu bug is here again.. hope those affected will get well soon!

I am back at work today cos auspisious to "kai1 gong1" today for me.. now thinking wanna take tomolo off hehehe.. still in holiday mood

re: tv
I am trying very hard not to expose Nicole to Tv yet but her big sis is not helping :p Dun think she has any love for the gay purple dino or the red talking puppet etc yet..

Hi Veniz,
Thanks for providing the link to the webby.. Been wanting to go chk out that ks website but keeps slipping my mind! I am 1 KS mum hahaha...

Read that you are looking at enrichment classes... which areas are you looking at? maybe I can help?

Hi tera,
I can't make it this sat cos got another round of hse visiting.. can update how you dinf the class after you go?? I always have no fate with JWT hehe..
true lor..keshi my ger haven fully recover yet, if not I dun mind bringing her there wor..tks gr, yup, drinking lots of water now..

tks ya..i will try it out tonite..

hi ya...
hi shinely
So far, we have tried adding carrot, potatoe, minced pork, lean pork, silver fish (this is important as its for the taste and calcium) broccoli, threadfin fillet... my mum has exposed him to different varieties..most of the time, if its just gan bei, she will just cook gan bei porridge. If its carrot, she might just cook carrot and minced pork... just mix and match..

feifei... my boy is down with cough and phglem.. always having this problem, change to soy formula got better initially, now same problem arises... thinking of bringing him to see tcm.. he's still very skinny, 8.5mths only 7.8kg but otherwise everything is ok, he has 6 teeth le, greedy guy :p
How is charlotte besides her flu? I also read that vicks cannot be used for babies.. must buy baby vicks.. normal ones are too strong for them

hi tera, very tempting but its in the east and i stay at rural west....

hi piyo
which enrichment classes are good?im also thinking of exposing my boy to more... havent started yet
Hi mummies,

Like to share with your my most sad and pai say occasion during one of my house visting.

We went to one of my relative house and i was wearing a dress and was carring my baby. When one of my relative saw me, you know what she say, :
Ooh you are having a second baby !...
I was so shock of what she say when the 1st moment she say is "this" unstead of happy new year ..blar blar or ur baby very cute staff...
And my reply ofcourse was, no lah. and a big full stop of my sentence.
(This mean i have a big tummy loh) hai..so sad.
And my hubby saw liao he told me why don't i just say "yes yes yes" and fire her back...
Hi rosy,

Ic, as me is totally new to cooking, as last time before married or pregnant, i never cook one loh..so now start to cook baby food like so blur blur. keke
(that why keep giving her eat cereal) haha...
roxy and piyo,
dun think this sat class will happen cos its holiday season and most ppl have made plans liao.

their regular class for babies our babies age is every mon, 9.15 to 10am. er, i dunno how many ppl can attend lor. :p

see how, i may attend the one on 9 Feb cos i'll be on leave then. will keep u gals posted.
anyone here giving both lunch and dinner porridge? cos rite now i am giving porridge for lunch and cereal for dinner..
am tink how long we can keep the porridge? advisable to reheat it for another feed?

me interested leh...
we can put our names here and see how is the response like:

JWT Trial Class
Date : Sat, 31 Jan
Time : 1pm to 1.45pm
Fee : $39 (50% off for OCBC Credit Card)
Min # of babies: 6

1. Tera
2. Buttercup
really?where to buy bb vicks huh?cos i bot adults one leh..no wonder aft i apply for them, she abit startled but aft dat she ok...Besides flu she ok wor, one mon the GP weighted her, and shes 10kg leh..but hor, i doubt that she put on so fast lor..tink the GP made a mistake lor..Tonite the PD closed so hv to bring her see doc tmr liao..

tcm?Which one? hmm..but hows ur boy feeds now?

dun bother abt wat they say lor..cos hor, we carry our bb for 9whole mths and our tummy was stretched til so big lor...sure takes sometime to shrink bk de..*hugz*
finally gone to the doctor to check Andrea's poot poot...doc say she don hv sign of constipation..but check her poot poot and say abit red..abit like abrasion or infection..oni gaf cream to apply..hope she wil be ok...poor ting..

Zuen, i ask te doctor abt the green poo..he said its normal not too wory...i ask issit due to the milk ..he said not necessary...shld be norm..
finally gone to the doctor to check Andrea's poot poot...doc say she don hv sign of constipation..but check her poot poot and say abit red..abit like abrasion or infection..oni gaf cream to apply..hope she wil be ok...poor ting..

Zuen, i ask te doctor abt the green poo..he said its normal not too wory...i ask issit due to the milk ..he said not necessary...shld be norm..
Haha, I no mood to work. Intend to go off on time today.One of the rare days. ;p

My girl is starting to babble, so I video down all her "ah papapapa", "meh, meh, meh". I think it will be really nice to see these videos in the future.

Is 7.8kg very light for 8.5months? Lil ZuEn is 8.4kg during her 8th month, but according to the chart in the health booklet, it is the 75%tile leh. So maybe 7.8kg is ok?

Hugz.. I oso got people who commented that I haven regain my figure. Sob! I even gain weight after I stopped BF-ing. I can feel my new skirt getting tighter. Arrrggghhhh.

Normal.. Ok, ok.. I realised sometimes oni, but oso duno wat triggers it.
<font color="808080"><font face="tahoma">this afternoon so quiet?
finally my jared has upgraded from the bogeh club, just saw one tiny tooth came out from the bottom middle towards the left, no wonder he's super cranky last few days</font></font>
Whats your feeding schedule now and what you feed your bb? ...I am at a stage where I am lost now...I wanna increase to 3 meals but dunno what to feed liao..coz she rejecting porridge..rejecting cereals..dunno what she wants.
bb Vicks is not suitable for baby below 2 yo. I apply the ruyi you on her soles before wearing socks.

If she has stuffy nose, I will rub my palms with the ruyi you and put close to her nose. make sure the palms do not touch the nose. Then will put my palms onto her chest to keep the chest warm.
Poor ger...mayb give her more water helps?

i read in one of the web that its common for our bbs to reject food when they are teething wor...

Tks for the infor..

i see..tks ya..
Update on JWT Trial Class
Date : Sat, 31 Jan
Time : 1pm to 1.45pm
Fee : $39 (50% off for OCBC Credit Card)
Min # of babies: 6

1. Tera
2. Buttercup
3. K Ong
4. MLP
5. Esther

Calling for shycloud! Are u keen??
Hi ladies,

Wanted to come in and kaypo chat this morn and afternoon, but... my server was down for the whole day! UK was changing some system, thus affected me, hopefully they are working on it now otherwise, I won't be able to do sales work, account entries, most impt, coming here to chat, and also, it will be so boring in the office, alone (my two colleagues on leave, I am the only staff around).

Piyo, you intending to let Megan go to your old sch huh? Good for you, coz at least yours is one elite sch.

Today, besides getting anxious of not able to do work on my system and emails, I had a 'full' day. Morning, cleaning auntie gave me two 'Mi jian guai' to eat (I had two slice of bread earlier) then I cook korean noodles for lunch, ate two slices bahkwa, two cups of 3 in 1 coffee. I was targeting not to eat dinner, but FIL called and said want to eat at Sakae Sushi at my work area. Called hb, he scared to foot bill, so said he wont join. When I was waiting for them, saw the whole family coming (IL, my two kids, SIL &amp; HB, an aunt) then was told my hb joining in coz SIL won lottery and ask him to come since she is treating, thus i was thinking, why not, as she seldom treat pple. So today is a real 'full' day which broke my dieting plan.
happy moo year mummies..
busy over the past few days...feast and feast lolz...collected many AP for my gal too!

my gal kena mozzies bites all over her legs and hands (@ MIL place-a breeding ground for mozzies)...now the face also kena aiyo not "mei mei" for the new year...lucky me let her wear tights so not so bad...but still !@#*!($*!

sat can't leh i got plans already...paiseh

so cute lor...
Hey feifei, charlotte is soooo cute! Is it taken by studio or u took it?

Veniz, AIYO! no wonder never see u ard la! So is the server back to normal liao?

Shycloud, quick quick apply aloe vera gel so that her skin will still be meimei after tt.

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">Mag, u wanna join in the JWT tis Sat?? </font></font>
Morning girls,
I didnt bring my girl home last night. Duno wat's wrong with me recently, kept entertaining weird tots in my head such that I felt depressed and keep thinking that maybe I am sick, like contacted cancer or something. Maybe I am too stress trying to be a good employee + mummy + wife, thus all the unseen stress. Then my boss gg on ML and a capable colleague quitted. The months ahead will be difficult and busy.
Finally broke down yday. Was incapable of taking care of Lil ZuEn and had to leave her at mum's plcae.
Luckily, hb was very understanding and stood by me. After pouring out the negative tots that I had been suppressing, I felt much better. Now, trying to keep bad tots out and replace them with happie, +ve tots. Hehehe.
Sorrie for all the rumbling earlier in the morning. ;p
Which studio did you take? I just signed up with MKJ, the same one as piyo.

Must start thinking about wat my girl should wear. The one with the angel wings is so uber cute!

wah, all these talks about primary school is making me gan cheong. My primary school already demolish liao. Then hb in duno wat gu gu primary school. I hope to send my girl to a Christian school, but like none in JW area leh.
Morning ladies...

tks ger...Ur ger also bery cute wor..

oh dear...got apply cream for her?

ya lor, brought her to take PS by a free lance photographer lor =).

Its taken by a freelance PG at his hse at Tamp wor..His hse abit small but the effect not bad lor =)..

Wats MKJ?headache hor, duno wat to let them wear..

MLP, ya, the freaky comp and system is back working now. Haiz, will be biz with backlot enquires now.

Zuen, aiyo, you dun have to worry now. I am touching on this subject with soyabean and piyo is because we have elder kids who will be needing enrolment into pri sch soon. I think the nearest christian schs are Pei Hwa Pri and Farfield (not sure if its Christian sch). Anyway, you dun think so much k. Things will get sorted out soon for you.
<font color="ff6000">agar agar cake

i have the contacts to the above
ordered a few times before, pretty good option for ppl who dun fancy cake coz they do pretty nice 3D ones oso
thanks for sharing the pics!
i also like the angel wings pic!

so server ok liao?

np. another time then.

*hugs* its prob one of those days when everything just piles up and u exploded. hope u are feeling better. positive thinking k?
<font color="0000ff">Calling for Buttercup! </font>
<font color="0000ff">Please PM me your HP# asap as I need to get some details from u. Tmr's gym class is on!
Today just start work since CNY.
Last week i do blueberry puree and freeze it. but when i thaw the texture looks cakey and lumpy and doesn't taste nice. So looks like blueberry not suitable for freezing.

Then me so blur, last friday milk i forget to freeze after i take it back from office. cooler ice pack also forget to put in freezer. yest nite then discover the sour milk which has started to accumulate 'cheese' and looks powdery. i throw away the bottles too cos scare contamination.

anyone freeze potato puree before?


My FIL has some xin mi.. i will take from him.
<font color="119911">Good Morn!

Feifei, the shots taken are very natural!

Zuen, Jia YOu! Think +vely OK! Banish bad tots far far away!

Veniz, hehe... cannot access internet veri CHAM hor!</font>
tks...DO keep us updated on the gym hor =)..

i din freeze potato puree b4 wor..no prob...
Just abit will do hor, and also the xinmi when cooked, will be abit starchy..

tks ger =)...any intention to bring ur bb for one?
Its at 46 East Coast Road. It's about 2 buildings away from Katong Mall and next to Roxy Square.
Yes, cost only $19.50 with OCBC credit card. Have u PMed you HP#?
U are ok to go ya?
