(2008/06) June 2008

<font color="aa00aa">feifei
my kids sleep wif mi since birth n now still sharin bed wif mi n my hubby got to sleep on e floor mattress...lol
my ger glue to my maid cos she is e 1 dat carry her when we go out so she knw my maid will bring her out especially when she take out her sarong cloth dat use to carry her...

i'm at work too... but totally no mood... and office is so quiet...

hope Charlotte gets well soon. i know the pain of having kids sick during cny... went thru it last yr wif my boy... we ended up at kk a&amp;e on cny 1st day last yr.

haha... no need to salute leh... thankfully i hv a maid to help out wif the kids... if not i wld be like u... peng san...

hi ariesann,
hvnt chat wif u for a long time already...

here are my 2 baobeis on CNY 1st day...

<font color="aa00aa">morn soyabean..

knw y i m early today...haiz i very stress up wif my #1 :'( at her age not easy to handle trust mi teenage really got their ways to get u nerves n angry...i so sad dat i hardly can get to zzz...haiz..</font>
wow... how old is ur #1?

i asked ariesann the same qn... haha... and oh... my boy is 5 tis yr...
4 is a good age gap...
haha...older bf can take care of younger gf..hehe..For a moment, i tot u ask me whether charlotte need breastfeed anot leh..hehe..
gd morning ladies! haven been here for few days cos too busy!! very tired.. i tink even more tired for Kyan! whahahaa.. but he is more than delighted having ppl carrying him almost for the whole day! passing person to person.. kekeke.. so.. hb, myself and helper are quite free.. lol..
<font color="aa00aa">feifei/soaybean
my ger is 15 thisyr her problem is her attitude..
i dun knw if this is normal for their age or this is e problem durin their age cos i ask my cousin n she say her kids also like dat durin age</font>
<font color="aa00aa">she thk very great abt herself, e story is she ask mi to turn louder e vol when we in e car then i say u dun knw how to say :mum turn on e vol or in proper way meh cos she just say turn on e vol but to mi is dat i find is very rude ro maybe is her tone then she reply NEVERMIND
i ask her u y u dun knw how to greet mum is it then she just keep quiet , i say her so u 1 2 call mum or not if u dun 1 then is fine </font>
<font color="aa00aa">she is so stubborn dat she really refuse to call or greet n i was so angry dat i stop my car by e side n slap her...she say is pain u knw when u slap mi but i told her u onli feel e pain on ur face but my pain is in my heart...i dun knw if i m doin e right thg but at e point of time i mad....</font>
Morning. I am working today too! BTW, Happy CNY!

Ice, dun worry too much about #1. I used to be like tat too. Will slam the car door loudly, talk in attitude manner to my parents (esp my mum, since she all along has been giving me nonsense as well, till now too!). Its actually due to changing of age and peer influence. You will just have to be more patience with her, talk and explain to her nicely. No use scolding and scolding, snap at her for small little 'out of extraordinary patterns'. Otherwise, she may become more rebellious. I am sure she loves you and knows you are a good mummy. The way you have explained to her is good enough for me to see it.

Soyabean, wanna ask you, have you been thinking of P1 and Pri Schs for your #1? I am pondering on this matter, whether to become a PV of a Pri sch, coz if need to, have to start sending letter to the principle. BTW, does your boy attend any english enrichment classes? My son's PCF enrichment classes are being cancelled, now I have to look for alternatives.

Feifei, at the beginning, I was also thinking why Soyabean asking if Charlotte needed Breast Feeding, haahaa, so its actually BF= Boy Friend! Yes, monkey yr pple can get along well with rat yr pple!

Gals, sorry for a bit of side tracking.
aiyo.. i tink she mus be angry lor.. tat u slapped her..

i not sure hw u shld deal wif ur dotter but i can tell u hw my mum deal with me.. but generally i am quite a sensible kid.. my mother dun beat me at all.. she using lecturing method.. and i like tat! i nvr been cane or slap or hit in my whole life.. cos my mother used to kanna cane slap everything.. so she said its not gd.. so she wont do it to her kids..
so i hope i wont be her opp next time.. since i nvr been beaten b4..
aiyoh... hug hug... i know it is tough, but u may need to hv more patience when "handling" your teengaer.. like wat veniz said, the tighter and strict u wan to be wif her, it may hv the reverse effects. teenagers hv alot of ego, ur slap may hv done alot of harm. why not try to take some time out today and talk to her nicely... and start by apologising for the slap...

nope... i will be registering him for the pri sch jus beside my block... keke... it's not the best school in my neighbourhood... but its close by... will be easier to fetch him. i cant imagine doing volunteer work leh... cos already wif work and family already not enuf time. :p

oh... now i send him to a phonics class once every week. he's attending one at the Kent Ridge Tutors Ctr at CCK. then once a week, he oso attends Mandarin enrichment at Tien Hsia.
BabyCupid, lucky you!

I was being caned and slapped all over my face, limbs, body, even got the 'hotdog splits' before. The only thing my mum didn't dare to use on me is belt. Honestly, if there was such thing as 'Child Abuse Act', my teachers might report her up to authority. I was a good student and became a rather 'not so keen' academic student. Thus, towards the end, I became a lazy student. :p Two yrs ago, my mum was saying, if she hadn't use cane on me, I may turn out to be higher achiever judging from my earlier yrs of studies and character. Just too bad, this is part and puzzle of a life and fate. Anyway, have to move on.

Ice, I do believe that try not to slap or cane her. Explain to her, also if any of your other kids are around, just do a round of explaining, then ask her go back to her room to reflect her thinking. Hope you dun mind me being kpo, but I used to hope that my mum gave me chance for reflection and to try again, rather than banish me as a 'bad gal' and went around telling pple how bad I was when I was only trying learn teenage ways and copying peers. I find that it is a small matter, does not reckon any slappings.
<font color="aa00aa">veniz,

i dun hit my kid unless out off mind cos i thk dat by talkin to them nicely or lecturin them is gd enuf provide them listen, i ve give her warnin dat i very angry liao so she better knw wat to do but she still insist her way even my #2(13yr old) also piss off wif her..guess very much to do wif fred also..i even told her if u thk ur backup is so strong dat make u behave this way call ur backup out come n talk to mi...cos she behave like da jie da like dat </font>
wanna ask u all how u all cook porridge?

my maid say my baby dun like porridge. refuse to co-operate to cook porridge. so angry!

i use slow cooker. took me from morning to cook until nite. still not really nua nua. still can see bits.

i use pot to cook. faster. but she refuse to watch fire. got burnt! so angry.....

just wanna check how u all cook. any ideas which i can use.... hee....
Soyabean, I am in fact very unreluctant to do PV, as its very time consuming and as you have said, no time. But I am being pressurized by my MIL. I will be trying to get Davis into a Pri Sch in clementi area (where MIL stays) and she wanted me to try NanHua Pri for him, asking if I want to be PV, as her neighbours both son-in-laws did at grassroot services. I told her, I rather send him to Clementi Pri (his dad's old sch), or worst come to worst, my old sch at Jurong West. Haiz, if really want NanHua, I will have to write in to be PV. My hb best, even told me, if his mum is so persistent, tell her to do PV herself. I told him, mum's his, he tells her himself.

I find CCK has lots of enrichment schools. Too bad I seldom go back to my mum's house to nuah, otherwise, I will try to get him enrolled in the classes there. Anyway, I am sourcing around. Having kids these days are not like very chin chye ways of last time ways.
<font color="aa00aa">mummies,
we been thru teenage i do understand how is feel also so i try not to restrict or cane orlay a finger on them but at e point of time, my mind was like wat ve i done dat dun even deserve u to call mi? is it very hard to greet mi?y must she behave this way?
my fred wif kid at my #1 age they are not allow to go out wif fred as for her i give her e freedom to go out but must let mi knw who she go wif n wat time n where...at 1st was fine but now is dat if i dun let her go out it become my fault
she will compare this n dat n blame mi for this n dat n show mi her black face..
i was tellin her i shld ve restrict her from e start to avoid so many problem..i told her i find dat i'm givin myself problem by givin her freedom, i told her i love n trust u so i give in to u but now she told mi y i ask so many question when she 1 2 go out n y she cannot go out etc...
iamsnow, if you want really nua nua one, after cook in slow cooker, get a mixer to blend your porridge to get the 'nua' texture. Definitely have bits one even cook in slow cooker. Unless you want very watery, then add more water, you may see the results you are looking for, but very watery lor. Dun need to cook from morn till nite leh, cook at high temp for 3 hours can see the result.
<font color="aa00aa">soaybean,
i'll apologise to her for dat, thanks

my mum ever use bamboo on mi n i almost every day get cane from her as i'm e eldest among e 4 kids so my mum believe is dat teach e 1st one so e follow kids will learn their lesson so can u imagine my days when i'm a kid.. but thg is dat i turn out to be a bad apple but my sis all U grade
dat y i always talk to them like fred but haiz..not easy...</font>
<font color="aa00aa">iamsnow/veniz,
i never use blender but u can try cookin ur porrigde 1st them transfer to slow cooker to cook abt 3 hr for sure very "nua" liao.
i was told using blender will blend in e wind also so not gd for baby...</font>
3 hrs can liao meh? wah lau.... u use those small cooker or big one? i use those middle one. the top side there got a bit burnt leh

is it normal??

if u use blender, cook liao then blend or blend first then cook?
ice, aiyo, bamboo leh, worst than me. okok, dun feel bad ok, we have to explode ways to teach our kids as nowadays, they are so different from our time. Sayang k.

Blender no good huh? I took out my pigeon container which has the rough surface for me to make the grains more nua for my mil to use, she said blend easier and faster, the porridge will have smooth texture and baby eats faster (dunno why she always want kids to eat faster and easier to finish the food, thus they are not so good in learning how to chew, etc). So far Vivi ate her blended porridge daily, seems ok. Even if she eats those small grains, she is also ok. She always get excited when she sees the thermo flask, spoon and feeding bowl/container.
iamsnow, I use the middium one. Top side sure burnt if you cook for too long. Make sure you put more water, incase it decreases due to the long cooking hours. You try to look for the new crop rice in supermarkets which I have told you about. They tend to be more nua. But in fact, my Umbrella and phoenix brands of rice also very fast nua.

After cook liao (with all vege, ingredients, etc)then blend. You try and see how, coz as Ice said, may be more wind get in, but I am not sure about this though.
<font color="aa00aa">veinz/iamsnow,
the top is like dat,mine is small slow cooker,
the other thg i do is dat i wake up at 5am n put e rice n food inside e slow cooker by then 11 plus e porrigde very "nua" liao

my ger scold mi painz tai late n my #3 play her out by tellin mi...haha she din expect dat..
i ever kanna hanger and 3 cane tie into 1 als feather duster also... she din knw her grand ma more pianz tai...haha..</font>

thanks for the advise. ok.... i shall try with my slow cooker again.

my maid complain no taste, my ger dun like. so now i let her mix with some cereal.... sigh...
<font color="aa00aa">iamsnow,
i fry ikan billis then i blend into powder n mix into e porridge, u can also blend e scallop n put into e porridge then got taste liao</font>
Nothing fantastic happen lah. Just that I am not cut to be a SAHM, so 4 straight days of taking care of Lil ZuEn almost killed me liao. ;p If there's a no. 2, I will die, die get a maid.

Your bb get a lot of ap? I give out alot. -.o"

I bet that slap probably hurt your girl's ego alot wor, especially if you have never slap her or her sibling's before. My parents never slap me before. If they did, I guess I wouldnt be very please and would probably be even more defiant. I am those who threaten to run away from home de. Lol! Hope all things go well for you ya. S**t, I can see karma coming. All those stuff that I used to do on my mum. -.o"
ice, dun get too upset, she is just trying to act hard like her peers. Try to tell her to invite her peers to your house, so you can see how they are like and behave. I used to have one junior who invited us to her house, and her dad told me tat he prefers her to bring friends back thus can know what type of friends she has. But just too bad, she never invite her ex bf back home, hee. Wow, your mum superpower leh. You are so poorthing, but how's your mum treating you now? Better right?

iamsnow, Vivi opposite leh. Nanny added milk into her plain cereal for taste, she didnt like, but go for plain cereal with plain water instead. The porridge I smell not nice coz no taste, she likes leh, hee, funny hor.
Zuen, heehee, can see that you can be those rebellious type leh. :p

iamsnow, good good. can blend dry ikan bilis into powder, when you cook porridge, add a bit for taste. For dry scallop, I will add in during later stage for taste, but wont blend it lar. Wanted to add scallops into porridge yesterday, but on Mon, gal developed a bit heat rashes, thus dare not to intro so fast now. Pork, you add a pc in to boil with porridge for taste, but dun blend together for makan now. later stage then give her the actual minced meat. You can put pumkin, diced carrot, sweetpotato, spinach into porridge for more great taste. Rem, leafy vege you add in the last, about 5 - 10mins before feeding, otherwise all its nutritious value will be gone.
<font color="aa00aa">iamsnow,
can just blend into powder n add in lor, scallop is to sweeten n ikan billis is to build up e bone.

mi n my mum dun get along till now..
i also ask her to invite her fred mum but now she request to go her fred hse also...faint...

she skip her tuition n run away also..but i told her i'm goin to make police report then she come back cos i told her all her fred will be involve also

ladies thanks for ur "eyes" wif mi, see how thg go let drop e topic ...</font>
<font color="aa00aa">mummies just to share i find it very meanin full it make mi tear...
catch up later going out for makan</font>

ikan billis how to prepare? fry and blend? then cook finish liao then add into porridge?

i put the spinach into the porridge for 3 hrs! alamak!!! ok ok... heng u tell me. haha.... blur me!!
i cook over the stove wor.. for mayb 1 to 2 hrs.. but really nua nua wor.. mus kept stirring and add water.. i using xin mi oso.. hw abt u?
iamsnow, ikan billis you get those sliver fish type (you know, the ones they call yin yu), wash, dry under sunlight or oven toast, then blend into powder. Keep in container and add a bit to everyday porridge.

Talking about the ikan billis, I haven't blend mine yet, :p lazy mum mah...
Your girl really run away ah. I only threaten niah. Haha. Teenagers are really a handful. Nowadays, all our kids are so pampered, I think we will have loads to suffer when they grow up. Jia you.

My girl is very very stubborn lo. I was telling my hb that I really dunno how to guide and teach her in future.

What we can do now is just to enjoy this cute and innocent growing stages. :)
Sean Lau photoshoot

hi mummies im from the aug thread. im trying to gather mummies for this photoshoot to get a better price...anyone interested?

the package can be used from newborn to 1 year old ( no time restriction to the month of Feb)


Classic Baby

2 hours of studio session
5 pictures printed on 5”x7”
1 reprint on 8’x12” with framing
DVD with selected images in high resolution

If can gather:
10 mummies - $208
20 mummies - $188

Extra cost:
- Above price is for weekday only, for weekend photoshoot please add $35
- To include parent please add $25 per person (u can still get to have a photo shot of your baby on her/his own and a photo shot of the whole family as well)

please email me at [email protected]
Hi Mummies,

Very stressed! Instead of a "happy" new year, my whole family fell ill...fever, cough, flu, etc. Aiyoh!!! Also, my #2 kena blue black on her face coz she wants to walk without holding...aiyoh!!! Smack to the baby barrier...

soyabean - Wow..so handsome and so pretty! Thanks for sharing!

ice - So sorry to hear about the incident with your #1. IMHO, as your #1 is already a teenager, its time to hold her accountable to reasonable parental expatations. If they are not, then a punishment will be applied (eg: cutting back their pocket money, not allowing them to go out with their friends, etc).
Hanhan looks so cute and demure wor and you said she is stubborn liao? Hehe. Whenever I look back at my girl's old pix, I am always caught by surprise. They are growing so rapidly.

My hb just fell victim to the flu big after me &amp; baby recovered. This flu bug is really persistent. Aiyo!

Thanks...but I got the pics liao. They quoted me $40 for the Pooh#1 agar agar and $5 for delivery. Hope your girl get well soon.

The silver fish I did it but hor...after washing many times, drying it and after blending to powder...still salty leh!!...suppose to be like that???

Erm...can ask why got cake liao...still wanna order cupcakes???....

Teenagers are like "sand" the more you wanna hold on tight...they will just try to slip away. Be their friend...slapping, purnishment are not going to work...I was SUPER rebellious when I was younger, coz parents were super strict. If they had took another approach on me...I would not be a handful to them in the first place. Coming from chinese family background..parents "demand" respect,...but I think its vice versa..you gotta earn your #1's respect first also...hard...but its the better way..i tink..
