(2008/06) June 2008

Morr, all the better for their own individual cupcakes. Hahaa.... They splat their own cake with their saliva. Hahaha..

<font color="ff0000">JP

Still can tahan not to cry after saying yes wor...
only yesterday b4 check in at airport, me WAHHHHHH...uncontrollable
luckily airport no flooding
JP, it was very xian.. cos I had to travel to jakarta...
not very safe country too. there was once, I went to this shopping mall to buy dvds for hb. that time, only ROM, not yet customary. I got into a cab on the way back from the mall to hotel.. the cab driver asked me for "safety fee". I told him NO! Don't know what crossed my mind to refuse him. then I realsied he anyhow drive me around.. so I told him to turn left, turn right, go straight.. finally he drove me back to hotel. I was so worried, I called my hb on hp to tell him what was happening. my hb asked me for the cab number. I told him I didn't know cos unlike in Singapore, the cab number on JKT taxis not printedinside the cab...
<font color="ff6000">KK - haha ya den if they cannot finish the cake, the parents wil have the honour to eat it up!! AWHAHAHAHA

JP - oh well it mite be true! *lol*

anyway i noe being KS but i have tot of the theme for kai's first bdae party!! its gonna be mickey mouse since he is born in the yr of mouse &amp; my #1 has never had a mickey mouse theme so best!!!
<font color="ff0000">JP

At home don't want to show him ma...
Paiseh leh to cry at the airport....abt 20+ staff going n almost all malay family wor...
Cactus, omg. Safety fee. Somemore dare ask so openly. Lucky nothing happened lor. At least you know the directions back to your hotel else.... don't even wanna think about it lar.

Morr, hahahaha... 'honour' indeed. :p
<font color="ff6000">JP - call me KS ba! ha ha but coz we could not celebrate his full month tat time coz hb's grandma passed away 6 days after i delivered kai hence we decided there and then to do a big ONE birthday bash for him!</font>
JP, Krispy, I'm not brave. I was just shocked that someone can ask for safety fee. so I just said no. I'm very straight forward loh.
Morr, I'm still contemplating on whether to celebrate her birthday big big this year. Cos only 1 year old, don't think she'll know what's going on lor. So, mostly for us adults and relatives. See how it goes lar. My in laws are pushing me to have some buffet thingy, but... dunno leh. Still undecided.
<font color="ff6000">KK - to tel u the truth, yes the lil bdae kid will not noe what is going on... therefore its more of like for adults..

for my #1's bdae so far.. its all been boring buffets for the past 2 yrs den her 3rd bdae in 08, i changed it to a FUN kids party at Go Go Bambini for her to play it out with her frens!!
<font color="ff0000">If my hb comes back on June, will suggest hb to make a WELCOME HOME celebration n my gal 1st birthday together...

see how it goes..

Want to LO...go back liao
yah... Krispy, 1st birthday is really for the adults... I'll be having one for Matthew though cos I feel that it's just once that he turns 1 year old. If I could celebrate 1st month for him, i shld do it for 1st year.. that thought keeps me going.
Bye danryan.

Morr, I like your idea of the fun birthday with lots of activities for the kids. Will plan something like that when she's older.
<font color="ff6000">KK - oh yesh the kids all love it!! from the food to the cake to the games with the co-ordinator to the face painting and indoor playground at the venue.. its FUN FUN n FUN!!

Im gonna let her hav a Mac birthday oso.. maybe this yr? ha ha ha coz its my childhood dream!!
ladies, am leaving office liao. need to get the home keys to my hb ... cos meeting agent at 6pm to go through inventory... have a great weekend! chat more on Monday!
<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">me me , still here, just finished making my 1st taggies, will try to take photo &amp; post soon!

now BF my baby &amp; writing down cookies recipe i gotten from the baking forum, going to buy ingredients on sunday to bake</font></font>
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">fennie.. u took action making taggies liao? me still at the stage of think think.. most prob after CNY.. loads of things not done.. havent decorate, buy cloth, buy goodies..etc etc gg to be a busy weekend..</font></font>
<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">ioio,
YES!i bought $78 worth of craft things from Daiso the last trip, so die die must produce somthing, i used a printed hanky &amp; cut into 4 pieces as the base cloth, then have mixture of different size ribbons

i just remember havent buy new clothes for #1

i plan to bake some cookies this sunday</font></font>
helloooo !!! just had a farewell party for coll so was out of office for a while

everyone's not here anymroe !!! keekeee
have a good weekend ALL !!!
me out of office the whole pm for an event... now back at home pumping...
#1 went wedding dinner wif my parents and hb took #2 out to buy dinner..... keke....

so how??????? ordering har?????? keke.....
<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">My 1st Padded Personalized Taggies
1 side Blue &amp; 1 side Orange with Jared's Name Label &amp; a Loop to hang in car or his playpan</font></font>
well done...you make me remember abt the personalized name tags that i have bought also...totally forgot i have them! hahaha

for bb to chew/bite lor..
Yipee!! Kyan finally graduated!

Six Teeth
1. Kyler (Bon jovi)

Four Teeth
1. Eunicia (Priscilla)upgraded frm two hehe
2. Yuzhe (Ellysia)

Three Teeth
1. Travis (Bleh)
2. Floyce (War_angel - Jessica) - As of 9 Jan 09

Two Teeth
1. Lucas (Tera)
2. Gwendolyn (Crystal)
3. Vivienne (Veniz)
4. Gianna (JP)
5. Matthew (Cactus)
6. Nicholas upgrade from bogeh club
7. (candys/fen)
8. Lil ZuEn (ZuEn) - cutie lil teeth, but d88n hard to come out!
9. Qianying (iamsnow) - upgrade from bogeh club!
10. Qyan (ioio)- fresh upgrade from bogeh club!
11. YuJie (Felicia) as of 07 Jan 09
12. cheri (ice) still dun knw how to flip.
13. Jade (shycloud) with her sharp bottom teeth...ouch!

One Cutie Tooth
1. Reanne (Janiviy)
2. Andrea (Rizty)
3. Ivory (Sharon)
4. Masean (Tinyfeet)
5. Evelyn (soyabean)
6. Sheryl (angel_z)
7. Chloe (Christina)
8. Kyan (BabyCupid)Finally graduate from Bogeh Club on 16/1/09!

Waiting for Tooth Fairy to Visit (Bogeh Club)
1. Jared (Fennie77)SUPER die hard member of Bogeh club as at 9/1/09,but drools alot.
2. Cedrik (Feiling)
3. Elyssa (Mogudog)
4. Zhi Yu (bizznow)
5. Jayden (MLP) Still die hard member of Bogeh club as at 2/1/09
6. Charlotte (feifei)
7. Rex (jn80jn)
8.Gwenneth (tinyfeet/esther)
9. Nadia Marshya (danryan)
10. Yue Han (star)
11. Nicole (Piyo)
12. Cornelius (tanlengleng)
13. Siying (sandra/spritzer08)
14. Athanasius (Mag/liteonmag) Still die hard member of Bogeh club as at 2/1/09
15. Nicole (cynthia) love been toothless
16. Lucius (shern) lurve his gummy smile
17. Isabel (krispy) bogeh as at 3/1/09
18. Chloe (belsi)
Anybody else here?

Cant rem, but not exp. I think < $10 for pack of 2.

I long for the day when my girl has got nice long and thick hair, then people can stop asking me "boy huh"? Duh!

I went so many CD shops to ask. None of them carry Vege Tale. -.o" My hb oso siao sesame st, so bought a vcd for her. My girl totally not interested. Waste our $$.

The taggies that you made super cool and nice wor. Got name somemore.
<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">Danryan/Janiviy,
after spending all my time to make, i think my jared doesnt seem to appreciate leh, sigh...

Thanks, waiting to see yours huh!Yalor, i suddenly remeber i got the name labels</font></font>
<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">zuen,
i am here, with my cranky jared,thanks for the compliment</font></font>
Don't want lah...mine not padded coz cannot find the minky fabric..arghh...but make do lor...my gal love it though..think coz of the bright colours.hehehehe

my term starts on 6th Feb &amp; it's every Fri, moreover the module is "Art Appreciation", I'm really not an Arty Farty person so I think this module may be a goner. I know how u feel abt having lessons on Fri cos really damn sianz...

no probs. Hope to c u.


Krispy, u've got a really beautiful gal. Must bring her to our gatherings ya?
