(2008/06) June 2008

<font color="ff0000">JP

Not dropping...still going strong and intact...the shape getting smaller only
<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">Krispy,
i read somewhere can start giving wholemeal bread liao!

i not worried he get bully, physically lor, if you have seen his size,he actually tricked the boys, kept asking them to throw the erasers &amp; they really throw, so get caught lor.

he asked me to let him join scouts, so i went to briefing &amp; i think he will lose weight because they will train them physically </font></font>
<font color="ff0000">KK

When yr hb will be back from overseas??

My hb just left to Dubai yesterday for 6 months ....
stress liao..
Fennie, Yah. Once he starts on some sport he loves, will definitely lose weight liau. At that age, I don't think he will monitor his weight on his own. My friends daughter is 13 this year, and seriously overweight lor. Walk a little also start panting. Not healthy lar.
<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">Krispy,
he is about 135-140cm if not wrong,he was at IKEA Tamp small land but too tall, exceeded the standard height(130cm) quite alot, they dont allow him in &amp; 46-47 kg</font></font>
<font color="ff6000">KK &amp; fennie &amp; JP - eh for me, my philosphy for feeding the kids is introduce all kinds slowly at diff stages

danryan - wow half a yr!! but dubai is a nice country

fennie - i stil can rem ur boy! very well behaved!
Danryan, Aiyoh. 6 months. That's so long. You got plans to go over and join him there for a month or 2? Dubai is very nice... but darn expensive as well. Can bring your kids skiing there. They have the largest indoor ski area.

My hubby coming back next Sunday. Come back just in time for reunion dinner.
<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">Danryan,
the baby so cute!

i more worried abt diabetes as he ate alot of carbo, and my dad has diabetes, so i m very careful with my diet &amp; sugar intake</font></font>
me back! I read somewhere previously not to give breads cos some breads have gluten or something which bbs under 1 are supposed to avoid.
morr - I agree, every Mummy is different. When I was a mother of 1, I was very kan cheong over every thing. Now, I am a mother of 2, I am more relax. Even when feeding my #2, I am more relax and free &amp; easy. When I think back on how kan cheong I was, *shy* *knock on the head*.....eg: Die die must cook porridge, pack it and then only can go out. Now, with #2, just take Frisco RC and steam some veg and pack
<font color="ff0000">KK...so good leh reunion

This yr going to be alone celebratinng my birthday n anniversary

one more thing my gal will be 1 yr old leh...not sure he can comeback by then

1st time hb leaving for long time...still feel the sadness wor...

SMRT confirmed last minute...just got to know on Wed morning..yesterday fly already..
rush like hell to buy all the winter wear n accessories...cannot follow leh, yup over there very ex

if can fly
lagi best, ticket so ex also
<font color="ff0000">JP

i got helper n FTWM, not so worried but hb not by my side like...sob sob sob...chet...
..so emo today
Haiyoh. So last minute. Nvm. If lonely, we can always arrange for a gathering. We all celebrate your b'day together with you lor. You'll have lots of mummies and babies singing your birthday song then. That alone should set some Guinness World Record or something.

Don't sad. I understand how you feel. In my 1st tri, my husband was overseas for 3 months. Had to tell him I was preggies over the phone and somemore had spotting. Haiz.. Never felt lonelier in my whole life. But time passes, and this will pass as well. Then he'll be back again.
Oh no..... oh no... when my bb cry, i give her some bread to eat and she stop crying, so bread become my "weapon" to stop her cry...
DanRyan - I know what you mean, when my DH goes for a business trip, me cannot sleep...haiz! Can still use skype/msn/yahoo chat etc to feel closer lah. Ya, we are all here for ya!
<font color="ff0000">If i was eating my gal will open her mouth like i want to feed her like dat...
just let her lick lil bit to taste...
if i am munching she like wants to kiss my mouth to taste the food
<font color="ff6000">KK - sounds FUN!!

JP - good suggestion leh!! den we wun have the issue of having who wil cut the massive cake!!
<font color="ff0000">Cactus

he went to Dubai for 6 mths...

1st day without hb blur liao
This morning received sms from hb at CThall...eyes tears already
blur me i alighted at Bugis instead lavender stn....toink me
<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">although my hb only travel to KL Malaysia , i also don't like it, and worst is, he is someone who doesnt use msn/skype/yahoo(dont even know it exist) to chat</font></font>
<font color="ff0000">JP

A few times 2 to 3 days only...but now longer leh...

right now no internet yet

same leh, hb also don't like msn
JP, that's actually a better idea. Haha... I was thinking 1 huge huge cake. Just for the funness of seeing how big it is. :p

Danryan, my girl tried kissing me before. But not really kiss. More like slurping all over my face. Maybe she was trying to see what I taste like. Hahaha...
DanRyan - SMS/MMS/etc for now lah. When my DH first went outstation (only hor), I could not sleep till he came back (3 days nia). After that, he will call me and talk to me till I fall asleep...ha!ha!
sorry to hear about that, Danryan. Never mind, you have us for compnay yah?!

last time, in my prevoius job, I had to travel, almost every week, Mon to Thurs, or Tues to Fri. So hb ask me to change job after customary wedding.. once or twice a month, hb works night shift, I feel quite strange during these nights..
Fennie, my hubby also. Now overseas, no internet. Saddening. Can only call. But I can tell he's missing us more than we missing him lor. Hehehehe...

I going overseas for 3 weeks in March also. Sigh.. not looking fw to it. Predict I'll start missing my girl and hubby terribly by the end of the first week.
I like it when hubby is overseas for a few days. Hehehe... Strange hor. But I like the whole bed to myself and getting to read in quiet before I sleep. But I'll start missing him when got no one to eat dinner with and no one to go out with.

Danryan, When will his internet be up? Nowadays, can even use skype to have video calls. The quality is exceptionally good.
<font color="ff0000">Furthermore, he makes last decision also....notice was out last week and he told me n confirmed last day of submission of passport lor...he said no heart to leave the 3 kiddos especially his lil princess..

after i said yes then he called his superior
<font color="ff6000">ha ha i doubt they can blow out their own candles though this yr.. i recalled my #1 with her bdae cake &amp; trying hard to blow her candle but all i see is saliva splattering all over!</font>
