(2008/06) June 2008

<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">esther,
like you, i also just accept request, bcos i think that person should be someone who knows me, so never reject</font></font>

Krispy - Very senang, sit on the floor/bed/etc, lay boi bei on the c/mat, let her arms stretch out and the you lay your legs over soft-soft. Can liao!

K Ong - But,but....my #1 can bo?...

Krispy, sorry for misunderstanding! Your post came after I said K Ong's gal is cute! But then hor, my friend married a guy 8 years older than her. another one hor, 12 years older.
oh fennie! I like jin pin xiang also! very soft! I find mei zhen xiang too hard and chewy. I quite like Fragrance though. their chili variety. but I don't really buy bbq meat cos heaty and not too healthy. I just eat wahtever is given to me. haha.
bak kuah - i think UOB credit cards has a promo, must spend $300 to get some bak kuah free ...
but i dont buy ... i just eat whatever is given :p
<font color="ff6000">ha ha coz i lazy to screen thru the posts mah hence i jus ask den i wil noe what u all gossiping abt lor!! ha ha</font>
<font color="ff6000">K Ong - eh i saw some matchmaking thingy in the above posts yeah? ha ha ha u all dun forget my #1 hor!!</font>
<font color="ff0000">Cactus

Ya lor...so free in the office...

my gal still bogey...no teeth...but can see 2 white thingy on her gums
ok. just wondering. I met a friend over lunch yesterday. she told me her uncle asked her to buy a policy but now she regret... luckily have 60 day free look.. but she pai seh to terminate.
<font color="ff6000">DanRyan - my kai oso bogey!

oh yeah coz office ban SMH but lately this 2 weeks im stalking here!!

cactus - oh.. heng lor.. can get refund back!
<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">cactus,
*Hi*5!*, thought nobody will know 金品香,heng ar, at least you know the brand, so far, if i want to buy bak gua, will buy only that brand, and now i switched to chicken meat, as i don't really eat pork for the past 2 years liao, their 肉干王 is the BEST, pork slice if not wrong 99% lean meat, thats why it is slightly harder than minced meat ones</font></font>
<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">morr/danryan,
my boi still bogeh, worst, cannot even see any white thing yet!think will be as slow as his big bro, had his 1st tooth at about 9 months, but only drop his 1st tooth at the beginning of year 2009 at 8.5yrs old</font></font>
<font color="ff0000">Fennie

My 1st boy now 6 also not yet drop his 1st tooth yet...
which one is gd the earlier or later to drop 1st tooth??
Mine bogey also. Can't see anything as well since she always stick her tongue out when I try to see.

Btw, when can we start porridge without having to blend?
<font color="ff0000">Krispy

My gal also just started to eat porridge but still has to use laddle to blend it..
or else she like cannot swollow...
<font color="ff6000">fennie - ^5 my #1 oso started to have her tooth coming out when she was close to 11mos!! &amp; kai oso has not even a slight sight of whitish thingy on his gums

*waves to JP*

KK - i dun really blend tat well nowadays, i jus let him practise chewing like how i give him lil teeny weeny bits of white bread
Krispy - Depending on the child. For me, started my #1 on porridge without blending by 7 months plus. Am doing the same thing for my #2. From 8 months onwards, I don't cook separately for my kid. I will just take some food out for baby before i add in seasonings, sauce or chilli. I just avoid oily and deep fried food for baby.
Re: Porridge
My #2 gave me "THE LOOK" when I intro porridge to her yesterday. I cooked her porridge with the chicken stock which I made and mashed some carrots too. She ate 1 mouth and "THE LOOK" appeared. She kept looking for her Frisco RC...aiyoh. Will try again tonite! Wish me luck!
<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">Danryan,
i also dunno leh, but now at almost 9yrs old, very funny without the 1 front teeth, but he's accepting it very well, even when we laugh at him bogeh, he also not upset or anything, but he's been complaining to me that 2 boys in his chinese class kept calling him names, because he was too fat, they called him drumstick &amp; chicken wing, and even threw erasers at him, but they got their punishment becuase teacher saw them doing it, i asked him to just listen but don't retaliate, as you cannot control what other ppl want to say, but at the same time telling him it is the time to go on a diet, he never listen even when we asked him not to eat too much</font></font>
Morr, wah. Can give bread already? Just any plain bread will do?

My girl scared me quite badly last weekend. I steamed carrots for her and instead of blending it finely into a puree, I thought I could just blend it a little, then mash it up. Fed it to her and she choked on it. Coughed and bits flew out from her mouth and nose. Threw the whole thing away after that and fed her bottle puree. Think my heart stopped. Good thing she still loves her food now. Hahaha..

Danryan and JP, Thanks for the suggestions. I haven't started her on porridge yet. Just wondering when to do so. Think I'll try it once her daddy is back from overseas so at least got backup helper.
Fennie - Aiyoh, thank goodness the teacher saw. I know how you feel coz my #1 went to N1 and kena buly 2x for the 1st week...haiz! Don't worry lah, when he finds a sports he loves, he will loose weight.
<font color="ff0000">Fennie

He's in P3 now...aiyoh y like dat his classmate..

My boy #1 now K2 n his front tooth getting smaller n smaller liao...soon will drop off
My #2 now nursery...today don't want to go school...haiz

<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">feifei,
do you mean bak gua?they have only 3 outlets, 1 at Pearl Centre, at the corner , opposite the Police Station, 2nd at the Food Centre next to OG Chinatown, 3rd at Upper Changi Road if not wrong

Hi*5!i also gave tiny bit of bread, those soft ones, &amp; waffles, he likes, of course, it is sweet &amp; "pang", lol</font></font>
